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How to Run

GPU memory needed

All the experiments is able to run on a single graphic card. However, if you want to get results on ImageNet, the memory on any single graphic card should be larger than 24 GB. Around 12 GB is enough for other datasets.

How to Install

This code is built on top of the toolbox Dassl.pytorch. But we have some modification on it. So please install the provided Dassl.ProGrad.pytorch. Go the the folder Dassl.ProGrad.pytorch provided in the appendix, and prepare the environment as follows:

# Create a conda environment
conda create -n dassl python=3.7

# Activate the environment
conda activate dassl

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install torch (version >= 1.7.1) and torchvision
# Please make sure you have installed the gpu version due to the speed.
# For example:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch

# Install this library (no need to re-build if the source code is modified)
python develop

After that, run pip install -r requirements.txt under ProGrad.public/ to install a few more packages required by CLIP (this should be done when dassl is activated). Then, you are ready to go.

Follow to install the datasets.

Few-shot setting on 11 datasets

Basic format:


For example, to run 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 shots on stanford_cars, CLIP + CoOp (M=16, end):

  • 1 shot: bash stanford_cars rn50_ep50 end 16 1 False
  • 2 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50_ep100 end 16 2 False
  • 4 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50_ep100 end 16 4 False
  • 8 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50 end 16 8 False
  • 16 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50 end 16 8 False

CLIP + CoOp + ProGrad:

Please take note that the 8-shots and 16-shots results on Flowers102, DTD, and EuroSAT are gotten with lambda as 0.8. To get the results in our paper, please change the variable LAMBDA in from 1.0 to 0.8.

  • 1 shot: bash stanford_cars rn50_ep50 end 16 1 False
  • 2 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50_ep100 end 16 2 False
  • 4 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50_ep100 end 16 4 False
  • 8 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50 end 16 8 False
  • 16 shots: bash stanford_cars rn50 end 16 16 False
|–– caltech101/
|   |–– CoOp/
|   |   |–– rn50_16shots/
|   |   |   |–– nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend/
|   |   |   |   |–– seed1/
|   |   |   |   |–– seed2/
|   |   |   |   |–– seed3/
|   |   |–– rn50_8shots/
|   |   |   |–– nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend/
|   |   |   |   |–– seed1/
|   |   |   |   |–– seed2/
|   |   |   |   |–– seed3/

To calculate the average results for the folder rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend/, you can run

python output/caltech101/CoOp/rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend

Then, you will see something like this in your terminal

Parsing files in output/caltech101/CoOp/rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend
file: output/caltech101/CoOp/rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend/seed1/log.txt. accuracy: 91.81%. error: 8.19%.
file: output/caltech101/CoOp/rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend/seed2/log.txt. accuracy: 92.01%. error: 7.99%.
file: output/caltech101/CoOp/rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend/seed3/log.txt. accuracy: 92.17%. error: 7.83%.
Summary of directory: output/caltech101/CoOp/rn50_16shots/nctx16_cscFalse_ctpend
* accuracy: 92.00% +- 0.15%
* error: 8.00% +- 0.15%

How to visualize nearest words for the learned context tokens? All you need is Say the learned tokens are saved in a/b/c/prompt_learner/model.pth.tar and you would like to see the top-3 nearest words for each token. In this case, run python a/b/c/prompt_learner/model.pth.tar 3

Robustness to Distribution Shift

To reproduce the robustness experiments, you can simply load the models learned on ImageNet and evaluate them on the following datasets: imagenetv2, imagenet-sketch, imagenet-a and imagenet-r.

The command is provided in scripts/ The key arguments are --model-dir, --load-epoch and --eval-only. --model-dir indicates the directory where the models are saved (i.e. the entire folder containing log.txt, the tensorboard file and prompt_learner/). --load-epoch tells the code to load the model saved at a specific epoch, like --load-epoch 50 for ImageNet for more details).

For example, to evaluate CLIP + CoOp (M=16, end) on ImageNetV2, you can do

# Don't need to use rn5_ep50 here as no training is performed
bash imagenetv2 rn50

If you want to get the results of our method, simply change the TRAINER to ProGrad.

The default setting is SHOTS=4. Feel free to modify the script.

Again, you can use to automate the calculation of average performance. This time you should append --test-log, e.g., python directory --test-log.

Zero-Shot CLIP

See CoOp/scripts/

Generalization From Base to New Classes

You will need,,, and The scripts with the prefix base2new_train train a model on base classes while the ones with the prefix base2new_test evaluate the trained model on new classes. Both kinds of scripts have only one input argument, i.e., DATASET. DATASET takes as input a dataset name, like imagenet or caltech101. The valid names are the files' names in CoOp/configs/datasets/.

The scripts with postfix are used for our proposed method, while the ones with the postfix are used for CoOp.

Below we provide an example on how to evaluate the model on ImageNet.

bash stanford_cars
bash stanford_cars

If you want to test results on ImageNet, remember to change the CFG from "rn50_ep100" to "rn50_ep50", and change the LOADEP from 100 to 50 in the corresponding script.

When the evaluation is done, you can use to automatically calculate the average results. For instance, after you finish the evaluation using the aforementioned commands, you would get

|–– base2new/
|   |–– test_new/
|   |   |–– stanford_cars/
|   |   |   |–– shots_16/
|   |   |   |   |–– CoCoOp/
|   |   |   |   |   |–– rn50_ep100/
|   |   |   |   |   |   |–– seed1/
|   |   |   |   |   |   |–– seed2/
|   |   |   |   |   |   |–– seed3/
|   |–– train_base/
|   |   |–– stanford_cars/
|   |   |   |–– shots_16/
|   |   |   |   |–– CoCoOp/
|   |   |   |   |   |–– rn50_ep100/
|   |   |   |   |   |   |–– seed1/
|   |   |   |   |   |   |–– seed2/
|   |   |   |   |   |   |–– seed3/

Then, to get the average performance on the base classes, run

python output/base2new/train_base/stanford_cars/shots_16/CoCoOp/rn50_ep100

To get the average performance on the new classes, run

python output/base2new/test_new/stanford_cars/shots_16/CoCoOp/rn50_ep100 --test-log