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LipReadingITA: Keras implementation of the method described in the paper 'LipNet: End-to-End Sentence-level Lipreading'. Research project for University of Salerno.

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Keras implementation of the method described in the paper 'LipNet: End-to-End Sentence-level Lipreading' by Yannis M. Assael, Brendan Shillingford, Shimon Whiteson, and Nando de Freitas ( Reference -

1. Getting started

1.1 Usage

To use the model, first you need to clone the repository:

git clone

Then you can install the package:

cd researchProject/
pip install -e .

Next, install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have some issue, please follow the list of requirements showed in the following images:

2. Dataset

In this project we will use an Italian dataset containing the following sentences.

Sentence ID Sentence ID
Salve quanto costa quell' articolo? 0 Tutto bene, grazie. 10
È in offerta, costa 10 euro. 1 Prendiamo un caffè al bar? 11
Perfetto, vorrei comprarne due. 2 Certo volentieri, io lo prenderò macchiato. 12
Certo ecco a lei, vuole un sacchetto? 3 A che ora arriva il pullman? 13
Sì, grazie e arrivederci. 4 Dovrebbe arrivare tra qualche minuto. 14
Le auguro una buona giornata. 5 Quanto costa il biglietto? 15
Buongiorno, io sono Mario. 6 Purtroppo non lo so, però potresti chiedere all’autista. 16
Buonasera, io sono Mario. 7 Va bene, grazie lo stesso. 17
Piacere Luigi, come stai? 8 Prego. 18
Tutto bene, tu? 9

2.1 Building

For the dataset building, we created a tool to record the videos ( The videos have a dimension of 360x288 x 4s. Use the information provided in the repository and on the main page to replicate our work.

After gathering the videos for each subject, we organized the dataset with the following structure.

│   ├─── 0-bs.mpg
│   ├─── 1-bs.mpg
│   └───...
│   └───...

Since we need 25fps videos, and since the experiment was conducted by recording with different devices, we converted the videos to 25fps. To do that we executed the script change_fps/ After that we replaced, with the newly created videos, the videos in the DATASET folder.

2.2 Forced alignment

Then, we applied for each video the audio and text synchronization (aka forced alignment) using Aeneas.

After installing Aeneas, we created a copy of dataset and we organized the folder in this way:

│   ├──DatasetCopy:
│       ├───s1
│       │   ├─── 0-bs.mpg
│       │   ├─── 1-bs.mpg
│       │   └───...
│       ├───s2
│       │   └───...
│       └───...
│           └───...

Then we followed these steps in the terminal:

  1. With the script alignment/, we created a txt file for each video following the rules established by Aeneas.
  2. With the script alignment/, we dinamically created the config file and we generated the align_json folder in the ForcedAlignment folder.

After running the script the ForcedAlignment folder will have this structure.

│   ├──DatasetCopy:
│   │   ├───s1
│   │   │   ├─── 0-bs.mpg
│   │   │   ├─── 0-bs.txt
│   │   │   └───...
│   │   ├───s2
│   │       └───...
│   ├──align_json:
│       ├───s1
│       │   ├─── 0-bs.json
│       │   ├─── 1-bs.json
│       │   └───...
│       ├───s2
│       │   └───...   
  1. As a final step, with the script alignment/, we transformed each json file into an .align file having the following format:
0 46000 sil
46000 65000 Perfetto
65000 76000 vorrei
76000 88000 comprarne
88000 92000 due.
92000 99000 sil

The first number indicates the start of that word. The second number indicates the stop. Each number represent the frame numbers x 1000. So frames 0-46 are silence, frames 46-65 are the word "Perfetto", etc.

Now we have the align folder in the ForcedAlignment folder.

3. Mouth extract

Before starting to extract frames and crop the mouth area we insert the DATASET folder in the project folder and the align folder in Training/datasets/.

After, we executed the script MouthExtract/ that return 100 frames for each video in a new folder frames.

Finally we split this folder in Training/datasets/train and Training/datasets/val using 80% for training phase and 20% for validation phase.

4. Training

To train the model we used the script Traininig/ using as a start weights Training/results/startWeight/unseen-weights178.h5. We made 600 epoch splitted in 5 steps. You can see the first five results in Training/results.

4.1 Data augmentation

To reduce overfitting we augmented the dataset with a simple transformation. First we copied the Training/datasets/train dataset to frames. Then we executed the dataAugmentation/ script, which returns the augmented folder containing mirror images of the video frames in the frames folder.

Next we inserted the video frames from the augmented folder into Training/datasets/train.

Finally we duplicated the alignments by changing their names (example: s10 to a10).

After that we trained the model for 400 epochs.

Note: you can find all start weights used for each training in Training/results/startWeight.

5. Prediction

To evaluate the model we used the script Predict/ placing the video for the prediction phase in the folder Predict/PredictVideo. Since the training phase with the augmented data did not provide good results, we used the weights from the last step of the 600 epochs.

6. Installation on Raspberry PI

6.1 Install model

Since the model was created to be used on a Raspberry PI device, we created a client server architecture. The client, after recording the video, will send the video to the server, on which the model will be installed, which will do the prediction and send it to the client. This architecture is available in the folder LipnetClientServer. To use it:

  • create the folder DATASET/s99 in LipnetClientServer;
  • create the folder frames in LipnetClientServer;
  • copy the shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat from MouthExtract in LipnetClientServer;

After that, run the LipnetClientServer/ and finally LipnetClientServer/client/

6.2 Install AudioToText

Install the following packages:

pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install PyAudio
sudo apt-get install flac

Developed by

Simone Benedetto
Salerno Daniele


LipReadingITA: Keras implementation of the method described in the paper 'LipNet: End-to-End Sentence-level Lipreading'. Research project for University of Salerno.







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