Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. - Maître Oogway
Info | Data |
Birthday | 29/03 |
Favourite color | green |
Favourite food | chili sin carne |
Pineapple on pizza | [x] Hell yes [ ] No |
- Scouts
- Board Games
- Video Games
- Hiking
- You're feeling down
- You're stuck in a Zelda game
Once, during a scout hike, a dog started to follow us in a village. We thought he would only follow us for a few meters, but he still was by our side in the next village. He entered a yard, so we thought it was it, but he came back a few seconds later. In total, the dog stayed with us for more than 10 kilometers until some local people took him to try and find his owner.
A dog walked with my group for more than 10 kilometers even though he didn't know us.
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