Docker image for build android images. AWS integration. For android build and delivery automation. 🐳
This image can build and deliver an Android App to the alpha phase, manage some AWS OPS with the AWSCLI pre-installed, only some environments variables are needed to be defined.
Any sensible information is handled by environment variables, you don't need to define passwords in the run script.
Also it's recommended that you create a special credentials for AWS (Programatic User with only specific permissions) and Google Play user for APK uploading (Only upload permission to alpha phase).
An ubuntu 18.04 image is used. Is easier to manage and clean. 💾
- Android SDK tools build version 4333796 📱
- Python 🔨
- Python PIP 🔧
- Basic Upload Script for APK's 📜
Before running the image check the run script, this script is fundamental to make an Android build and delivery.
Inside this script you can specify the steps to build and deliver the image.
The docker image will use a volume the current directory and run the script when running.
You may start the image with some environment variables.
Also you need to link your code to the docker container as a volume to the path /android-project/source.
docker run \
--rm \
-d \
-v /path/to/project:/android-project/source \
--env KEYSTORE=./ks.keystore \
--env STOREALIAS=somealias \
--env GPLAYKEY=./gkey.p12 \
AWS access key
AWS secret access key
OPTIONAL default region for AWS commands if not specified will be used North Virginia
Path to keystore
Alias of the keystore
Password of the keystore
Path to the P12 Key for the access to upload your APK
Pull Requests are accepted! extracted from other project.