This application is a product of an exercise in handling jQuery API and other JS libraries to create a dynamic and interactive daily scheduler.
- Each hour has a dedicated time slot, where any text may be entered and saved by clicking a button to the right of each time slot.
- Reloading the page does not affect the tasks saved on the schedule for that day - all tasks persist.
- A finished application resets itself on each new date and erases any data stored the previous day.
- Most of the HTML is created dynamically via jQuery API and utilizing Moment.js to manipulate time.
- In addition to the above, the dynamic CSS code is powered by Bootstrap, FontAwesome icon library, and Google fonts.
- The schedule data is stored and retrieved using localStorage functionality.
The background image is a 16th century print that is in the public domain.
Image source: Rijksmuseum
"Narrendans (Stultorum chorea)" (dated 1560/70) by Frans Hogenberg.