Releases: BoldGrid/w3-total-cache
Releases · BoldGrid/w3-total-cache
Patch Release 2.2.12 (2023-01-18)
- Fix: Comment status change error
- Fix: Varnish flush post arguments
Patch Release 2.2.11
- Fix: Error when flushing page cache after an attachment update
- Fix: Optimized and fixed object cache flushing
- Fix: Scheduled post page cache flushing
- Fix: Admin bar flush cache for current page with disabled purge policy
- Fix: Loop when disabling Minify HTTP/2 push setting
- Fix: Extension admin notice missing links
- Update: Removed custom translation files
Patch Release 2.2.9 (2022-12-12)
- Fix: Reset our textdomain for translations
- Fix: Escape output in compatibility checker, minify, and New Relic pages
- Fix: Admin notice buttons on non-plugin pages
- Fix: Namespace on exception type in a minify class
- Fix: Translation issues due to hooks and typos
- Fix: Broken JavaScript in admin_print_scripts calls when language is not English
- Fix: Deprecated warnings in JS and CSS minify
- Update: Translation files
Patch Release 2.2.7 (2022-10-31)
- Fix: Updated database cache connection class to avoid deprecated warnings in WordPress 6.1
- Fix: Redis: Fixed handling of retry interval and timeout options for usage statistics
- Enhancement: Redis: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option
- Enhancement: Page cache: Added query string exemptions
Patch Release 2.2.6
- Fix: Error clearing all cache when using Cloudfront full CDN in Pro
- Fix: Revert WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
- Fix: DB cache syntax error in PHP 5.6
- Fix: Added missing space to S3 CDN bucket label
- Fix: JS error for CloudFront CDN-related check on non-W3TC pages
- Fix: Page cache unpack warning for empty/malformed files
- Enhancement: Image Service pre_get_posts anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_modify_query_obj)
- Enhancement: Image Service ajax_query_attachments_args anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_filter_ajax_args)
Patch Release 2.2.4
- Fix: Extensions URL in settings
- Fix: Redis undefined array key warnings
- Fix: Redis connect issue based on phpredis version
- Fix: Sanitization of licensing messages
- Fix: DB cache error in Ajax
- Fix: Call to undefined function in DB cache query class
- Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: join
- Fix: WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
- Enhancement: Add setting for AWS S3 public objects in ACL
- Enhancement: Check if post is empty before cache flush
- Enhancement: Add max lifetime setting for non-disk page cache
- Enhancement: Add notice when selecting CDN using CloudFront
- Update: CSS Tidy 1.7.3 => 2.0.1
- Update: Add sns-message-validator
- Security: Ensure cache writes in cache folders
Patch Release 2.2.3
= 2.2.3 =
- Fix: Redis Cache: Removed exception on warnings
- Fix: Compatibility check for WP_CACHE
- Fix: Flush all cache except Cloudflare button
- Fix: License terms update notice escaping
- Fix: Feature Showcase: Image Service activate button
- Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.8
Patch Release 2.2.2
- Security: PHPCS and WPCS updates
- Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.6
- Security: Updated guzzlehttp/psr7 to 1.8.5
- Fix: Cloudflare flush all cache
- Fix: Access log test
- Fix: Better handling for PHP 5.6
- Fix: Convert Redis warnings to exceptions
- Fix: WordPress 5.5 image lazy loading
- Fix: Infinite loop when using database cluster configuration
- Fix: Database cluster logic
- Fix: FTP credentials form
- Fix: Preview deploy button
- Fix: Image Service links in multisite network admin
- Fix: Enable Image Service settings changes in multisite blog/sub sites
- Enhancement: Updated Cloudflare settings to allow a global API key or token
- Enhancement: Added Cloudflare CDN public objects option to settings
- Enhancement: Added timeout settings for Redis
- Enhancement: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option for Redis
- Enhancement: Added Image Service visibility option
- Enhancement: Updated Image Service limit notification
- Enhancement: Better handling of trailing slash URLs
- Update: Adjusted lightbox for accessibility
- Update: Removed deprecated opcache flush
Patch Release 2.2.1
- Fix: Cloudflare: Removed use of the retired ip_lkup V1 endpoint
- Fix: Prevent error in some environments using non-direct filesystems
- Fix: Added better checking for some filesystem actions
- Fix: AWS CloudFront: Reverted async change for cache invalidation to honor promises
- Enhancement: Added option to exclude minified JS files from being processed by Rocket Loader
- Enhancement: Improved handling of Image Service rate-limiting and error messages
Feature Release 2.2.0
- Feature: Image Service API extension: WebP conversion options