This is a fork of post-mode, providing updates, minor bug fixes, improved documentation and configuration information. The url of this fork is:
This is a major mode for use with mutt, neomutt (, slrn (, or most email and newsreaders that allow you to use an external editor.
1] Add a few lines to emacs init file (usually ~/.emacs).
1.1] If you manually downloaded this file and want to make this package available to all your users, type "C-h v load-path RET", pick an appropriate system-wide directory for `post.el', and modify your sitewide default.el to include:
(require 'post).
1.2] If you installed this package using your distribution's package manager (eg. for debian, apt-get post-el) or using the emacs package manager, or if you manually copied this file to a directory already on your emacs load path ("C-h v load-path" to see):
(require 'post)
1.3] If you manually copied this file elsewhere and want to add that directory to your emacs load path:
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/directory/")
(require 'post)
1.4] If you manually copied this file elsewhere and don't want to add that directory to your emacs load path:
(load "/your/local/path/to/this/file/post")
Note that you can omit the ".el" from the file name when
calling load.
2] Optionally, here are some additional settings to consider adding after the above, as a good start to making your user experience a bit nicer:
(defun my-post-mode-hook()
fill-column 72 ; rfc 1855 for usenet messages
post-signature-source-is-file t
post-variable-signature-source "~/mutt/.signatures.fortune"
post-fixed-signature-source "~/mutt/.signature"
post-signature-directory "~/mutt/.signatures/"
post-signature-wildcard "sig*"
post-random-signature-command "fortune ~/mutt/.signatures.fortune"
post-kill-quoted-sig t
post-should-prompt-for-attachment "Smart")
(add-hook 'post-mode-hook 'my-post-mode-hook)
I'm only starting this list in December 2019, so this list will be missing changes of the previous few years until I go back and look at the diffs.
- Improved quoting and unquoting of regions: You can now use the prefix argument to perform either operation multiple times, and the operation automatically autfills, so the result is properly formatted.
- Large collection of interoperable dired extensions
- Extensions to the classic web browser (fork)
- Advanced downloader (bulk, regex, queue management, resume aborted)
- Scrub history
- More ...
- Extensions to the classic web browser (fork)
- Download and play crossword puzzles, in Emacs!
- Simple keybinding cheatsheet and launcher
- Turn home and end keys to multi-use navigation keys
- perform different actions when repeating a key