This code is based on the great project from Nick Koumaris here: . There is also an instructable page:
Code changes:
- the station list is fetched on startup from a remote web server
- multitasking and buffering - the mp3 player code is running in a separate task (freeRTOS), the mp3 chunks are buffered in a queue
- Nextion HMI adapted to my 2.8" version of the display. Text is displayed dynamically with an art deco font. Buttons and a slider are used as controls (vs. physical buttons in the original project)
- Nextion display is connected to "Serial2" (ESP32 pins 16 RXD & 17 TXD) - "Serial" is connected to the USB converter and gives trouble when uploading a sketch.
- Station and volume control with rotary encoders
Used libraries:
- Rotary encoder code from
- ESP32 board (Node32s)
- Nextion Display NX3224T028_011
- Level shifter 5V - 3.3V, 2 channels: Nextion runs on 5V, ESP32 (RX pin!) on 3.3V
- MP3 module "LC Technology VS1003/1053 MP3 CODEC"
- Adafruit Stereo 2.1W Class D Audio Amplifier - TPA2012 (no noise!)
- Adafruit Speaker - 3" Diameter - 4 Ohm 3 Watt, 2x
- KY-040 Rotary Encoder, 2x
- building a wooden artdeco enclosure:
3D Drawings:
- FreeCAD, step and stl files are now available.
- My first version will be 3D printed
- Youtube Video: