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Ehsan M.A edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 2 revisions

There is a benchmark application in solution named BriefFiniteElementNet.BenchmarkApplication which do evaluate the speed of BFE in several cases

  • First case is a 3D uniform grid (like images below) with 3D Frame Element, which will generate a uniform 3D grid like the image below with frame elements, totally fixes the most bottom Nodes and then solves the system for a random load on every node.
  • Seconds case is like first case, but uses tetrahedron instead of frame elements.

Benchmark app is a console application and just needs to be executed, then it shows the result. [file:Here|BFEbenchmark.txt] is the result on my laptop. In next table there is the detailed information of solving time (for more information about hardware of machine see header of the file).

Benchmark with Frame Element:

Grid Size Elm. Count Free DoFs CG First Time CG Addition Chol First time Chol Addition
10x10x10 2700 5400 0.16 sec 0.13 sec 0.83 sec 0.03 sec
11x11x11 3630 7260 0.23 sec 0.19 sec 1.29 sec 0.05 sec
12x12x12 4752 9504 0.32 sec 0.27 sec 2.64 sec 0.06 sec
13x13x13 6084 12168 0.44 sec 0.38 sec 3.65 sec 0.06 sec
14x14x14 7644 15288 0.60 sec 0.52 sec 7.27 sec 0.1 sec
15x15x15 9450 18900 0.78 sec 0.68 sec 11.13 sec 0.13 sec

Benchmark with Tetrahedral Element:

Grid Size Elm. Count Free DoFs CG First Time CG Addition Chol First time Chol Addition
10x10x10 3645 2700 0.23 sec 0.23 sec 0.45 sec 0.17 sec
11x11x11 5000 3630 0.34 sec 0.32 sec 0.74 sec 0.22 sec
12x12x12 6655 4752 0.44 sec 0.42 sec 1.34 sec 0.3 sec
13x13x13 8640 6084 0.57 sec 0.55 sec 2.2 sec 0.38 sec
14x14x14 10985 7644 0.76 sec 0.73 sec 3.34 sec 0.47 sec
15x15x15 13720 9450 0.98 sec 0.95 sec 5.9 sec 0.61 sec
  • Grid Size: Size of grid structure being analyzed
  • Elm. Count: Count of frame elements used in structure
  • Free DoFs: Count of free DoFs in structure
  • CG First time: Time taken by Conjugate Gradient solver for analyzing structure for first time
  • CG Addition: Time taken by Conjugate Gradient solver for analyzing structure for load cases after structure is analyzed once for another load case
  • Chol First Time*: Time taken by Cholesky solver solver for analyzing structure for first time
  • Chol Addition: Time taken by Cholesky solver for analyzing structure for load cases after structure is analyzed once for for another load case For more information on difference between solvers look at [Solvers Available in BriefFiniteElement.NET]

This is the example form of uniform 3D grids which consist of only frame elements:

10x10x10 grid (2700 frame elements, 5'500 free DoFs) 15x15x15 grid (9450 frame elements, 19'000 free DoFs)

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