Here's a list of the top reasons our users choose BugSplat. If you agree, consider signing up here.
- BugSplat provides our users with world-class crash reporting on cross-platform, desktop, web, gaming, and mobile platforms.
- Integrating BugSplat with your application is a well documented process, you can learn more about it here. Our team provides responsive, friendly support along the way, making getting up and running a straightforward process.
- BugSplat has years of experience (15+ years to be more precise) providing crash reporting in a wide variety of applications—from hustling, individual developers to Fortune 500s with millions of users.
- We prioritize and build the features our users care about. With a no-nonsense, fast, easy-to-navigate UI and as well as powerful search features, we go above and beyond to build the features you ask for.
- Note: we take product feedback seriously. Our team reviews any feedback we receive via our Feedback tool. We respond to all submitted feedback directly.
- On average, users stay with BugSplat for 5+ years after first integrating their app with our crash reporting service.
- There is nothing complicated with our fair and straightforward pricing—no big, scary, complex tables that leave you wondering what you're actually getting with a plan. By making our pricing simple, we've found a lot of ways to pass along savings to our users.
- BugSplat is a bootstrapped company that answers only to our users.
- Every new account signing up for BugSplat helps us plant more trees to fight deforestation and the climate crisis through our partner, One Tree Planted.