This folder contains the following Azure Media Services PHP SDK samples:
- vodworkflow_aes.php: End-to-end VOD workflow that applies AES content protection.
- vodworkflow_drm_playready_widevine.php: End-to-end VOD workflow that applies DRM (PlayReady + Widevine) content protection.
- vodworkflow_drm_fairplay.php: End-to-end VOD workflow that applies DRM (FairPlay) content protection.
- scale_encoding_units.php: Scales the encoding reserved units.
- analyticsworkflow_indexer.php: End-to-end analitycs workflow to index a media file.
- liveworkflow_features.php: End-to-end live event workflow with configuration options to cover multiple scenarios.
- azuread_userpass.php: Azure AD authentication with user credentials (username/password).
- azuread_symmetrickey.php: Azure AD authentication with service principal (client symmetric key).
- azuread_asymmetrickey: Azure AD authentication with service principal (client certificate).
- userconfig.php: Common file used to store the Azure Media Services account credentials to execute all the samples.