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Byron committed Sep 2, 2023
1 parent 875c287 commit 48a2088
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Showing 4 changed files with 297 additions and 294 deletions.
293 changes: 3 additions & 290 deletions gix-macros/src/
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@@ -1,299 +1,12 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;

//! A crate of
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, *};

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
// All conversions we support. Check references to this type for an idea how to add more.
enum Conversion<'a> {
Into(&'a Type),
AsRef(&'a Type),
AsMut(&'a Type),

impl<'a> Conversion<'a> {
fn conversion_expr(&self, i: &Ident) -> Expr {
match *self {
Conversion::Into(_) => parse_quote!(#i.into()),
Conversion::AsRef(_) => parse_quote!(#i.as_ref()),
Conversion::AsMut(_) => parse_quote!(#i.as_mut()),

fn parse_bounded_type(ty: &Type) -> Option<Ident> {
match &ty {
Type::Path(TypePath { qself: None, path }) if path.segments.len() == 1 => Some(path.segments[0].ident.clone()),
_ => None,

fn parse_bounds(bounds: &Punctuated<TypeParamBound, Token![+]>) -> Option<Conversion> {
if bounds.len() != 1 {
return None;
if let TypeParamBound::Trait(ref tb) = bounds.first().unwrap() {
if let Some(seg) = tb.path.segments.iter().last() {
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref gen_args) = seg.arguments {
if let GenericArgument::Type(ref arg_ty) = gen_args.args.first().unwrap() {
if seg.ident == "Into" {
return Some(Conversion::Into(arg_ty));
} else if seg.ident == "AsRef" {
return Some(Conversion::AsRef(arg_ty));
} else if seg.ident == "AsMut" {
return Some(Conversion::AsMut(arg_ty));

// create a map from generic type to Conversion
fn parse_generics(decl: &Signature) -> HashMap<Ident, Conversion<'_>> {
let mut ty_conversions = HashMap::new();
for gp in decl.generics.params.iter() {
if let GenericParam::Type(ref tp) = gp {
if let Some(conversion) = parse_bounds(&tp.bounds) {
ty_conversions.insert(tp.ident.clone(), conversion);
if let Some(ref wc) = decl.generics.where_clause {
for wp in wc.predicates.iter() {
if let WherePredicate::Type(ref pt) = wp {
if let Some(ident) = parse_bounded_type(&pt.bounded_ty) {
if let Some(conversion) = parse_bounds(&pt.bounds) {
ty_conversions.insert(ident, conversion);

fn convert<'a>(
inputs: &'a Punctuated<FnArg, Token![,]>,
ty_conversions: &HashMap<Ident, Conversion<'a>>,
) -> (Punctuated<FnArg, Token![,]>, Punctuated<Expr, Token![,]>, bool) {
let mut argtypes = Punctuated::new();
let mut argexprs = Punctuated::new();
let mut has_self = false;
inputs.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(i, input)| match input.clone() {
FnArg::Receiver(receiver) => {
has_self = true;
FnArg::Typed(mut pat_type) => {
let pat_ident = match &mut *pat_type.pat {
Pat::Ident(pat_ident) if pat_ident.by_ref.is_none() && pat_ident.subpat.is_none() => pat_ident,
_ => {
pat_type.pat = Box::new(Pat::Ident(PatIdent {
ident: Ident::new(&format!("arg_{i}_gen_by_momo_"), proc_macro2::Span::call_site()),
attrs: Default::default(),
by_ref: None,
mutability: None,
subpat: None,

if let Pat::Ident(pat_ident) = &mut *pat_type.pat {
} else {
// Outer function type argument pat does not need mut unless its
// type is `impl AsMut`.
pat_ident.mutability = None;

let ident = &pat_ident.ident;

let to_expr = || parse_quote!(#ident);

match *pat_type.ty {
Type::ImplTrait(TypeImplTrait { ref bounds, .. }) => {
if let Some(conv) = parse_bounds(bounds) {
if let Conversion::AsMut(_) = conv {
pat_ident.mutability = Some(Default::default());
} else {
Type::Path(..) => {
if let Some(conv) = parse_bounded_type(&pat_type.ty).and_then(|ident| ty_conversions.get(&ident)) {
if let Conversion::AsMut(_) = conv {
pat_ident.mutability = Some(Default::default());
} else {
_ => {

// Now that mutability is decided, push the type into argtypes
(argtypes, argexprs, has_self)

fn contains_self_type_path(path: &Path) -> bool {
path.segments.iter().any(|segment| {
segment.ident == "Self"
|| match &segment.arguments {
PathArguments::AngleBracketed(AngleBracketedGenericArguments { args, .. }) => {
args.iter().any(|generic_arg| match generic_arg {
GenericArgument::Type(ty) => contains_self_type(ty),
GenericArgument::Const(expr) => contains_self_type_expr(expr),
_ => false,
PathArguments::Parenthesized(ParenthesizedGenericArguments { inputs, output, .. }) => {
|| matches!(output, ReturnType::Type(_, ty) if contains_self_type(ty))
_ => false,

fn contains_self_type_expr(expr: &Expr) -> bool {
match expr {
Expr::Path(ExprPath { qself: Some(_), .. }) => true,
Expr::Path(ExprPath { path, .. }) => contains_self_type_path(path),
_ => false,

fn contains_self_type(input: &Type) -> bool {
match input {
Type::Array(TypeArray { elem, len, .. }) => {
// Call `matches!` first so that we can do tail call here
// as an optimization.
contains_self_type_expr(len) || contains_self_type(elem)
Type::Group(TypeGroup { elem, .. }) => contains_self_type(elem),
Type::Paren(TypeParen { elem, .. }) => contains_self_type(elem),
Type::Ptr(TypePtr { elem, .. }) => contains_self_type(elem),
Type::Reference(TypeReference { elem, .. }) => contains_self_type(elem),
Type::Slice(TypeSlice { elem, .. }) => contains_self_type(elem),

Type::Tuple(TypeTuple { elems, .. }) => elems.iter().any(contains_self_type),

Type::Path(TypePath { qself: Some(_), .. }) => true,
Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }) => contains_self_type_path(path),

_ => false,

fn has_self_type(input: &FnArg) -> bool {
match input {
FnArg::Receiver(_) => true,
FnArg::Typed(PatType { ty, .. }) => contains_self_type(ty),

/// Generate lightweight monomorphized wrapper around main implementation.
/// May be applied to functions and methods.
pub fn momo(_attrs: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
//TODO: alternatively parse ImplItem::Method

fn momo_inner(code: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let fn_item: Item = match syn::parse2(code.clone()) {
Ok(input) => input,
Err(err) => return err.to_compile_error(),

if let Item::Fn(item_fn) = fn_item {
let ty_conversions = parse_generics(&item_fn.sig);
let (argtypes, argexprs, has_self) = convert(&item_fn.sig.inputs, &ty_conversions);

let uses_self = has_self
|| item_fn.sig.inputs.iter().any(has_self_type)
|| matches!(&item_fn.sig.output, ReturnType::Type(_, ty) if contains_self_type(ty));

let inner_ident = Ident::new(
// Use long qualifier to avoid name colision.
&format!("_{}_inner_generated_by_gix_macro_momo", item_fn.sig.ident),

let outer_sig = Signature {
inputs: argtypes,

let new_inner_item = Item::Fn(ItemFn {
// Remove doc comment since they will increase compile-time and
// also generates duplicate warning/error messages for the doc,
// especially if it contains doc-tests.
attrs: {
let mut attrs = item_fn.attrs.clone();
attrs.retain(|attr| {
let segments = &attr.path().segments;
!(segments.len() == 1 && segments[0].ident == "doc")
vis: Visibility::Inherited,
sig: Signature {
ident: inner_ident.clone(),
block: item_fn.block,

if uses_self {
// We can use `self` or `Self` inside function defined within
// the impl-fn, so instead declare two separate functions.
// Since it's an impl block, it's unlikely to have name conflict,
// though this won't work for impl-trait.
// This approach also make sure we can call the right function
// using `Self` qualifier.
let new_item = Item::Fn(ItemFn {
attrs: item_fn.attrs,
vis: item_fn.vis,
sig: outer_sig,
block: if has_self {
parse_quote!({ self.#inner_ident(#argexprs) })
} else {
parse_quote!({ Self::#inner_ident(#argexprs) })
quote!(#new_item #new_inner_item)
} else {
// Put the new inner function within the function block
// to avoid duplicate function name and support associated
// function that doesn't use `self` or `Self`.
let new_item = Item::Fn(ItemFn {
attrs: item_fn.attrs,
vis: item_fn.vis,
sig: outer_sig,
block: parse_quote!({

} else {
Error::new(fn_item.span(), "expect a function").to_compile_error()
mod momo;

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