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C0untFloyd edited this page Sep 23, 2023 · 5 revisions

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Face Swap Tab


In this tab the actual face swapping work will be done. The screen is divided into an input area where you specify source and destination faces and media, a preview area to preview single frames of a fake, the post-processing and masking area where you can finetune a lot of things and specify extra enhancement or masking.

Input Area

Input Area

  1. Here you can drag'n drop images which contain faces you want to use as the deepfake source (you can also click on it to open a filedialog). If there's only 1 face detected in that image it will be automatically be added to the face gallery (2). If there are multiple faces detected, a selection will popup where you can select the faces you want to use (x). 💡 You can add additional faces from other images by clearing the box (by clicking on the x) and dropping another image on it

  2. The gallery of selected faces so far. With the Buttons you can either remove the current selected face from the list or completely remove them all. With the slider (2a) for 'Offset Face Top' you are able to offset the faked face so that e.g. hairlines can be restored from the original. For example faking this face with a nice haircut

  • source

  • onto the woman from the example screenshot leads to this abomination:

  • uah!

  • Using an offset of 168 leads to a much better result, as this restores the original clear forehead:

  • clean

This can be adjusted for each face individually, most of the time the default of 0 will be ok anyway.

  1. Here you can drop your target files (or click on it to open a filedialog). roop-unleashed supports batch-processing, meaning you can drop and select multiple files. These can be image files and video files. When selecting a file the image (or first frame if it's a videofile) will be shown in the preview are
  2. The gallery of selected target faces. Same functionality as input faces, can be chosen in the preview mask.

💡 Target faces will only be used when swapping mode 'Selected' is chosen in the swapping type dropdown.


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