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+                },
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+                    "name": "nLockTime",
+                    "type": "bytes"
+                },
+                {
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+                    "type": "bytes"
+                },
+                {
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+                    "name": "hashSpentScripts",
+                    "type": "bytes"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "hashSequences",
+                    "type": "bytes"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "hashOutputs",
+                    "type": "bytes"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "spendType",
+                    "type": "bytes"
+                },
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+                    "name": "inputIndex",
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+                {
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+                },
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+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "inputIndexVal",
+                    "type": "int"
+                },
+                {
+                    "name": "outputIndexVal",
+                    "type": "int"
+                },
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+                    "name": "spentTxhash",
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+                },
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+                },
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+                    "name": "preTxInput",
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+                },
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+                    "name": "preTxInputIndex",
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+            "name": "NftParallelClosedMinterState",
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+                    "type": "int"
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+                },
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+                    "type": "bytes[6]"
+                },
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+                    "name": "outputScriptList",
+                    "type": "bytes[6]"
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+                    "name": "nLocktime",
+                    "type": "bytes"
+                }
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+                },
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+                    "type": "int"
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+        {
+            "name": "NftParallelClosedMinterState",
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+                {
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+                },
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+import {
+    method,
+    SmartContract,
+    assert,
+    prop,
+    ByteString,
+    sha256,
+    PubKey,
+    Sig,
+    hash160,
+    toByteString,
+} from 'scrypt-ts'
+import { TxUtil, ChangeInfo, STATE_OUTPUT_INDEX, int32 } from '../utils/txUtil'
+import {
+    PrevoutsCtx,
+    SHPreimage,
+    SigHashUtils,
+    SpentScriptsCtx,
+} from '../utils/sigHashUtils'
+import { Backtrace, BacktraceInfo } from '../utils/backtrace'
+import {
+    NftParallelClosedMinterState,
+    NftParallelClosedMinterProto,
+} from './nftParallelClosedMinterProto'
+import {
+    PreTxStatesInfo,
+    StateUtils,
+    TxoStateHashes,
+} from '../utils/stateUtils'
+import { CAT721Proto, CAT721State } from './cat721Proto'
+export class NftParallelClosedMinter extends SmartContract {
+    @prop()
+    issuerAddress: ByteString
+    @prop()
+    genesisOutpoint: ByteString
+    @prop()
+    max: int32
+    constructor(
+        ownerAddress: ByteString,
+        genesisOutpoint: ByteString,
+        max: int32
+    ) {
+        super(...arguments)
+        this.issuerAddress = ownerAddress
+        this.genesisOutpoint = genesisOutpoint
+        this.max = max
+    }
+    @method()
+    public mint(
+        curTxoStateHashes: TxoStateHashes,
+        // contrat logic args
+        nftMint: CAT721State,
+        issuerPubKeyPrefix: ByteString,
+        issuerPubKey: PubKey,
+        issuerSig: Sig,
+        // contract lock satoshis
+        minterSatoshis: ByteString,
+        nftSatoshis: ByteString,
+        // verify preTx data part
+        preState: NftParallelClosedMinterState,
+        preTxStatesInfo: PreTxStatesInfo,
+        // backtrace
+        backtraceInfo: BacktraceInfo,
+        // common args
+        // current tx info
+        shPreimage: SHPreimage,
+        prevoutsCtx: PrevoutsCtx,
+        spentScripts: SpentScriptsCtx,
+        // change output info
+        changeInfo: ChangeInfo
+    ) {
+        // check preimage
+        assert(
+            this.checkSig(
+                SigHashUtils.checkSHPreimage(shPreimage),
+                SigHashUtils.Gx
+            ),
+            'preimage check error'
+        )
+        // check ctx
+        SigHashUtils.checkPrevoutsCtx(
+            prevoutsCtx,
+            shPreimage.hashPrevouts,
+            shPreimage.inputIndex
+        )
+        SigHashUtils.checkSpentScriptsCtx(
+            spentScripts,
+            shPreimage.hashSpentScripts
+        )
+        // verify state
+        StateUtils.verifyPreStateHash(
+            preTxStatesInfo,
+            NftParallelClosedMinterProto.stateHash(preState),
+            backtraceInfo.preTx.outputScriptList[STATE_OUTPUT_INDEX],
+            prevoutsCtx.outputIndexVal
+        )
+        // minter need at input 0
+        assert(prevoutsCtx.inputIndexVal == 0n)
+        // check preTx script eq this locking script
+        const preScript = spentScripts[Number(prevoutsCtx.inputIndexVal)]
+        // back to genesis
+        Backtrace.verifyUnique(
+            prevoutsCtx.spentTxhash,
+            backtraceInfo,
+            this.genesisOutpoint,
+            preScript
+        )
+        // is genesis
+        const prevOutpoint =
+            backtraceInfo.preTxInput.txhash +
+            backtraceInfo.preTxInput.outputIndex
+        if (prevOutpoint == this.genesisOutpoint) {
+            // genesis only deploy one minter
+            assert(preTxStatesInfo.txoStateHashes[1] == toByteString(''))
+            assert(preTxStatesInfo.txoStateHashes[2] == toByteString(''))
+            assert(preTxStatesInfo.txoStateHashes[3] == toByteString(''))
+            assert(preTxStatesInfo.txoStateHashes[4] == toByteString(''))
+        }
+        let hashString = toByteString('')
+        let minterOutput = toByteString('')
+        let stateNumber = 0n
+        // next 1
+        const nextLocalId1 = preState.nextLocalId + preState.nextLocalId + 1n
+        // next 2
+        const nextLocalId2 = preState.nextLocalId + preState.nextLocalId + 2n
+        if (nextLocalId1 < this.max) {
+            minterOutput += TxUtil.buildOutput(preScript, minterSatoshis)
+            hashString += hash160(
+                NftParallelClosedMinterProto.stateHash({
+                    nftScript: preState.nftScript,
+                    nextLocalId: nextLocalId1,
+                })
+            )
+            stateNumber += 1n
+        }
+        if (nextLocalId2 < this.max) {
+            minterOutput += TxUtil.buildOutput(preScript, minterSatoshis)
+            hashString += hash160(
+                NftParallelClosedMinterProto.stateHash({
+                    nftScript: preState.nftScript,
+                    nextLocalId: nextLocalId2,
+                })
+            )
+            stateNumber += 1n
+        }
+        assert(nftMint.localId == preState.nextLocalId)
+        hashString += hash160(CAT721Proto.stateHash(nftMint))
+        const nftOutput = TxUtil.buildOutput(preState.nftScript, nftSatoshis)
+        stateNumber += 1n
+        const stateOutput = StateUtils.getCurrentStateOutput(
+            hashString,
+            stateNumber,
+            curTxoStateHashes
+        )
+        const changeOutput = TxUtil.getChangeOutput(changeInfo)
+        const hashOutputs = sha256(
+            stateOutput + minterOutput + nftOutput + changeOutput
+        )
+        assert(hashOutputs == shPreimage.hashOutputs, 'hashOutputs mismatch')
+        // check sig
+        assert(this.issuerAddress == hash160(issuerPubKeyPrefix + issuerPubKey))
+        assert(this.checkSig(issuerSig, issuerPubKey))
+    }
diff --git a/packages/smartcontracts/src/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinterProto.ts b/packages/smartcontracts/src/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinterProto.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9363c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/smartcontracts/src/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinterProto.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import {
+    ByteString,
+    hash160,
+    int2ByteString,
+    method,
+    SmartContractLib,
+} from 'scrypt-ts'
+import { int32 } from '../utils/txUtil'
+export type NftParallelClosedMinterState = {
+    nftScript: ByteString
+    nextLocalId: int32
+export class NftParallelClosedMinterProto extends SmartContractLib {
+    @method()
+    static stateHash(_state: NftParallelClosedMinterState): ByteString {
+        return hash160(_state.nftScript + int2ByteString(_state.nextLocalId))
+    }
+    static create(
+        nftScript: ByteString,
+        nextLocalId: int32
+    ): NftParallelClosedMinterState {
+        return {
+            nftScript: nftScript,
+            nextLocalId: nextLocalId,
+        }
+    }
+    static toByteString(closeMinterInfo: NftParallelClosedMinterState) {
+        return (
+            closeMinterInfo.nftScript +
+            int2ByteString(closeMinterInfo.nextLocalId)
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/packages/smartcontracts/src/index.ts b/packages/smartcontracts/src/index.ts
index c17e1e8..79821fe 100644
--- a/packages/smartcontracts/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/smartcontracts/src/index.ts
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ import burnGuard from '../artifacts/contracts/token/burnGuard.json'
 import transferGuard from '../artifacts/contracts/token/transferGuard.json'
 import { NftClosedMinter } from './contracts/nft/nftClosedMinter'
+import { NftParallelClosedMinter } from './contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinter'
 import { NftOpenMinter } from './contracts/nft/nftOpenMinter'
 import { CAT721 } from './contracts/nft/cat721'
 import { NftTransferGuard } from './contracts/nft/nftTransferGuard'
 import { NftBurnGuard } from './contracts/nft/nftBurnGuard'
 import nftClosedMinter from '../artifacts/contracts/nft/nftClosedMinter.json'
+import nftParallelClosedMinter from '../artifacts/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinter.json'
 import nftOpenMinter from '../artifacts/contracts/nft/nftOpenMinter.json'
 import cat721 from '../artifacts/contracts/nft/cat721.json'
 import nftTransferGuard from '../artifacts/contracts/nft/nftTransferGuard.json'
@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ import nftBurnGuard from '../artifacts/contracts/nft/nftBurnGuard.json'
     // nft minter
+    NftParallelClosedMinter.loadArtifact(nftParallelClosedMinter)
     // nft
@@ -52,8 +55,10 @@ export * from './contracts/token/openMinterV2'
 export * from './contracts/token/openMinterProto'
 export * from './contracts/token/openMinterV2Proto'
 export * from './contracts/nft/nftClosedMinter'
+export * from './contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinter'
 export * from './contracts/nft/nftOpenMinter'
 export * from './contracts/nft/nftClosedMinterProto'
+export * from './contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinterProto'
 export * from './contracts/nft/nftOpenMinterProto'
 export * from './contracts/nft/nftOpenMinterMerkleTree'
 export * from './contracts/nft/cat721'
diff --git a/packages/smartcontracts/tests/nft/parallelClosedMinter.ts b/packages/smartcontracts/tests/nft/parallelClosedMinter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ea46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/smartcontracts/tests/nft/parallelClosedMinter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import { NftClosedMinter } from '../../src/contracts/nft/nftClosedMinter'
+import {
+    CatTx,
+    ContractCallResult,
+    ContractIns,
+    TaprootSmartContract,
+} from '../../src/lib/catTx'
+import { CAT721Proto, CAT721State } from '../../src/contracts/nft/cat721Proto'
+import {
+    NftParallelClosedMinterProto,
+    NftParallelClosedMinterState,
+} from '../../src/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinterProto'
+export async function nftParallelClosedMinterDeploy(
+    seckey,
+    genesisUtxo,
+    nftClosedMinter: NftClosedMinter,
+    nftClosedMinterTaproot: TaprootSmartContract,
+    nftClosedMinterState: NftParallelClosedMinterState
+): Promise<ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>> {
+    // tx deploy
+    const catTx = CatTx.create()
+    catTx.tx.from([genesisUtxo])
+    const atIndex = catTx.addStateContractOutput(
+        nftClosedMinterTaproot.lockingScript,
+        NftParallelClosedMinterProto.toByteString(nftClosedMinterState)
+    )
+    catTx.sign(seckey)
+    return {
+        catTx: catTx,
+        contract: nftClosedMinter,
+        state: nftClosedMinterState,
+        contractTaproot: nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+        atOutputIndex: atIndex,
+    }
+export async function nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+    contractIns: ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+    nftTaproot: TaprootSmartContract,
+    nftState: CAT721State,
+    max: bigint,
+    errorNextLocalId: boolean = false
+): Promise<ContractCallResult<NftParallelClosedMinterState | CAT721State>> {
+    const catTx = CatTx.create()
+    const atInputIndex = catTx.fromCatTx(
+        contractIns.catTx,
+        contractIns.atOutputIndex
+    )
+    const nexts: ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState | CAT721State>[] = []
+    //
+    let nextLocalId1 =
+        contractIns.state.nextLocalId + contractIns.state.nextLocalId + 1n
+    const nextLocalId2 =
+        contractIns.state.nextLocalId + contractIns.state.nextLocalId + 2n
+    if (errorNextLocalId) {
+        nextLocalId1 = nextLocalId1 + 1n
+    }
+    if (nextLocalId1 < max) {
+        const nextState = NftParallelClosedMinterProto.create(
+            contractIns.state.nftScript,
+            nextLocalId1
+        )
+        const atOutputIndex = catTx.addStateContractOutput(
+            contractIns.contractTaproot.lockingScript,
+            NftParallelClosedMinterProto.toByteString(nextState)
+        )
+        nexts.push({
+            catTx: catTx,
+            contract: contractIns.contract,
+            state: nextState,
+            contractTaproot: contractIns.contractTaproot,
+            atOutputIndex: atOutputIndex,
+        })
+    }
+    if (nextLocalId2 < max) {
+        const nextState = NftParallelClosedMinterProto.create(
+            contractIns.state.nftScript,
+            nextLocalId2
+        )
+        const atOutputIndex = catTx.addStateContractOutput(
+            contractIns.contractTaproot.lockingScript,
+            NftParallelClosedMinterProto.toByteString(nextState)
+        )
+        nexts.push({
+            catTx: catTx,
+            contract: contractIns.contract,
+            state: nextState,
+            contractTaproot: contractIns.contractTaproot,
+            atOutputIndex: atOutputIndex,
+        })
+    }
+    const atOutputIndex = catTx.addStateContractOutput(
+        contractIns.state.nftScript,
+        CAT721Proto.toByteString(nftState)
+    )
+    nexts.push({
+        catTx: catTx,
+        preCatTx: contractIns.catTx,
+        contract: nftTaproot.contract,
+        state: nftState,
+        contractTaproot: nftTaproot,
+        atOutputIndex: atOutputIndex,
+    })
+    return {
+        catTx: catTx,
+        contract: contractIns.contract,
+        state: contractIns.state,
+        contractTaproot: contractIns.contractTaproot,
+        atInputIndex: atInputIndex,
+        nexts: nexts,
+    }
diff --git a/packages/smartcontracts/tests/nft/parallelclosedMinter.test.ts b/packages/smartcontracts/tests/nft/parallelclosedMinter.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb0418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/smartcontracts/tests/nft/parallelclosedMinter.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'
+import { expect, use } from 'chai'
+import { NftParallelClosedMinter } from '../../src/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinter'
+import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'
+import { MethodCallOptions, hash160, toByteString } from 'scrypt-ts'
+import { getOutpointString } from '../../src/lib/txTools'
+import {
+    getDummyGenesisTx,
+    getDummySigner,
+    getDummyUTXO,
+} from '../utils/txHelper'
+import { getKeyInfoFromWif, getPrivKey } from '../utils/privateKey'
+import {
+    nftParallelClosedMinterCall,
+    nftParallelClosedMinterDeploy,
+} from './parallelClosedMinter'
+import {
+    CatTx,
+    ContractCallResult,
+    ContractIns,
+    TaprootSmartContract,
+} from '../../src/lib/catTx'
+import { getBackTraceInfo } from '../../src/lib/proof'
+import { unlockTaprootContractInput } from '../utils/contractUtils'
+import { btc } from '../../src/lib/btc'
+import {
+    NftParallelClosedMinterProto,
+    NftParallelClosedMinterState,
+} from '../../src/contracts/nft/nftParallelClosedMinterProto'
+import { CAT721Proto, CAT721State } from '../../src/contracts/nft/cat721Proto'
+const DUST = toByteString('4a01000000000000')
+export async function closedMinterUnlock<T>(
+    callInfo: ContractCallResult<T>,
+    preCatTx: CatTx,
+    seckey,
+    nftState,
+    preNftClosedMinterState,
+    pubkeyX,
+    pubKeyPrefix,
+    prePreTx,
+    options: {
+        errorSig?: boolean
+    } = {}
+) {
+    const { shPreimage, prevoutsCtx, spentScripts, sighash } =
+        callInfo.catTx.getInputCtx(
+            callInfo.atInputIndex,
+            callInfo.contractTaproot.tapleafBuffer
+        )
+    const backtraceInfo = getBackTraceInfo(
+        // pre
+        preCatTx.tx,
+        prePreTx,
+        callInfo.atInputIndex
+    )
+    const sig = btc.crypto.Schnorr.sign(seckey, sighash.hash)
+    await callInfo.contract.connect(getDummySigner())
+    const closedMinterFuncCall = await callInfo.contract.methods.mint(
+        callInfo.catTx.state.stateHashList,
+        nftState,
+        pubKeyPrefix,
+        pubkeyX,
+        () => (options.errorSig ? toByteString('') : sig.toString('hex')),
+        DUST,
+        DUST,
+        // pre state
+        preNftClosedMinterState,
+        preCatTx.getPreState(),
+        //
+        backtraceInfo,
+        shPreimage,
+        prevoutsCtx,
+        spentScripts,
+        {
+            script: toByteString(''),
+            satoshis: toByteString('0000000000000000'),
+        },
+        {
+            fromUTXO: getDummyUTXO(),
+            verify: false,
+            exec: false,
+        } as MethodCallOptions<NftParallelClosedMinter>
+    )
+    unlockTaprootContractInput(
+        closedMinterFuncCall,
+        callInfo.contractTaproot,
+        callInfo.catTx.tx,
+        // pre tx
+        preCatTx.tx,
+        callInfo.atInputIndex,
+        true,
+        true
+    )
+// keyInfo
+const keyInfo = getKeyInfoFromWif(getPrivKey())
+const { addr: addrP2WPKH, seckey, xAddress, pubKeyPrefix, pubkeyX } = keyInfo
+const { genesisTx, genesisUtxo } = getDummyGenesisTx(seckey, addrP2WPKH)
+const genesisOutpoint = getOutpointString(genesisTx, 0)
+const nftScript =
+    '5120c4043a44196c410dba2d7c9288869727227e8fcec717f73650c8ceadc90877cd'
+describe('Test SmartContract `NftParallelClosedMinter`', () => {
+    let nftClosedMinter: NftParallelClosedMinter
+    let nftClosedMinterTaproot: TaprootSmartContract
+    let initNftClosedMinterState: NftParallelClosedMinterState
+    let nftClosedMinterState: NftParallelClosedMinterState
+    let contractIns: ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>
+    const collectionMax = 100n
+    before(async () => {
+        await NftParallelClosedMinter.loadArtifact()
+        nftClosedMinter = new NftParallelClosedMinter(
+            xAddress,
+            genesisOutpoint,
+            collectionMax
+        )
+        nftClosedMinterTaproot = TaprootSmartContract.create(nftClosedMinter)
+        initNftClosedMinterState = NftParallelClosedMinterProto.create(
+            nftScript,
+            0n
+        )
+        nftClosedMinterState = initNftClosedMinterState
+        contractIns = await nftParallelClosedMinterDeploy(
+            seckey,
+            genesisUtxo,
+            nftClosedMinter,
+            nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+            initNftClosedMinterState
+        )
+    })
+    it('should admin mint nft pass.', async () => {
+        // tx call
+        // nft state
+        const nftState = CAT721Proto.create(
+            hash160(toByteString('00')),
+            nftClosedMinterState.nextLocalId
+        )
+        const callInfo = await nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+            contractIns,
+            nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+            nftState,
+            collectionMax
+        )
+        await closedMinterUnlock(
+            callInfo,
+            contractIns.catTx,
+            seckey,
+            nftState,
+            contractIns.state,
+            pubkeyX,
+            pubKeyPrefix,
+            genesisTx
+        )
+        expect(callInfo.nexts.length).to.be.equal(3)
+    })
+    it('should admin mint nft until end.', async () => {
+        // tx call
+        const nftList: ContractIns<CAT721State>[] = []
+        const parallelMinter = async function (
+            contractIns: ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+            prePreTx
+        ) {
+            const nftState = CAT721Proto.create(
+                hash160(toByteString('00')),
+                contractIns.state.nextLocalId
+            )
+            const callInfo = await nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+                contractIns,
+                nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+                nftState,
+                collectionMax
+            )
+            await closedMinterUnlock(
+                callInfo,
+                contractIns.catTx,
+                seckey,
+                nftState,
+                contractIns.state,
+                pubkeyX,
+                pubKeyPrefix,
+                prePreTx
+            )
+            nftList.push(
+                callInfo.nexts[
+                    callInfo.nexts.length - 1
+                ] as ContractIns<CAT721State>
+            )
+            if (callInfo.nexts.length > 1) {
+                for (
+                    let index = 0;
+                    index < callInfo.nexts.length - 1;
+                    index++
+                ) {
+                    await parallelMinter(
+                        callInfo.nexts[
+                            index
+                        ] as ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+                        contractIns.catTx.tx
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        await parallelMinter(contractIns, genesisTx)
+        const localIdSet = new Set(nftList.map((nft) => nft.state.localId))
+        expect(localIdSet.size).to.be.equal(Number(collectionMax))
+    })
+    it('should failed mint nft with error localId', async () => {
+        // tx call
+        const nftList: ContractIns<CAT721State>[] = []
+        const parallelMinter = async function (
+            contractIns: ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+            prePreTx
+        ) {
+            const nftState = CAT721Proto.create(
+                hash160(toByteString('00')),
+                contractIns.state.nextLocalId + 1n
+            )
+            const callInfo = await nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+                contractIns,
+                nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+                nftState,
+                collectionMax
+            )
+            await expect(
+                closedMinterUnlock(
+                    callInfo,
+                    contractIns.catTx,
+                    seckey,
+                    nftState,
+                    contractIns.state,
+                    pubkeyX,
+                    pubKeyPrefix,
+                    prePreTx
+                )
+            ).to.be.rejected
+            nftList.push(
+                callInfo.nexts[
+                    callInfo.nexts.length - 1
+                ] as ContractIns<CAT721State>
+            )
+            if (callInfo.nexts.length > 1) {
+                for (
+                    let index = 0;
+                    index < callInfo.nexts.length - 1;
+                    index++
+                ) {
+                    await parallelMinter(
+                        callInfo.nexts[
+                            index
+                        ] as ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+                        contractIns.catTx.tx
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        await parallelMinter(contractIns, genesisTx)
+        expect(nftList).to.be.length(Number(collectionMax))
+    })
+    it('should failed mint nft with error nextLocalId', async () => {
+        it('should admin mint nft until end.', async () => {
+            // tx call
+            const nftList: ContractIns<CAT721State>[] = []
+            const parallelMinter = async function (
+                contractIns: ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+                prePreTx
+            ) {
+                const nftState = CAT721Proto.create(
+                    hash160(toByteString('00')),
+                    contractIns.state.nextLocalId
+                )
+                const callInfo = await nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+                    contractIns,
+                    nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+                    nftState,
+                    collectionMax,
+                    true
+                )
+                await expect(
+                    closedMinterUnlock(
+                        callInfo,
+                        contractIns.catTx,
+                        seckey,
+                        nftState,
+                        contractIns.state,
+                        pubkeyX,
+                        pubKeyPrefix,
+                        prePreTx
+                    )
+                ).to.be.rejected
+                nftList.push(
+                    callInfo.nexts[
+                        callInfo.nexts.length - 1
+                    ] as ContractIns<CAT721State>
+                )
+                if (callInfo.nexts.length > 1) {
+                    for (
+                        let index = 0;
+                        index < callInfo.nexts.length - 1;
+                        index++
+                    ) {
+                        await parallelMinter(
+                            callInfo.nexts[
+                                index
+                            ] as ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>,
+                            contractIns.catTx.tx
+                        )
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            await parallelMinter(contractIns, genesisTx)
+            expect(nftList).to.be.length(Number(collectionMax))
+        })
+    })
+    it('should failed mint nft with error sig', async () => {
+        // tx call
+        let prePreTx = genesisTx
+        while (nftClosedMinterState.nextLocalId <= collectionMax) {
+            // nft state
+            const nftState = CAT721Proto.create(
+                hash160(toByteString('00')),
+                nftClosedMinterState.nextLocalId
+            )
+            const callInfo = await nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+                contractIns,
+                nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+                nftState,
+                collectionMax
+            )
+            await expect(
+                closedMinterUnlock(
+                    callInfo,
+                    contractIns.catTx,
+                    seckey,
+                    nftState,
+                    contractIns.state,
+                    pubkeyX,
+                    pubKeyPrefix,
+                    prePreTx,
+                    {
+                        errorSig: true,
+                    }
+                )
+            ).to.be.rejected
+            prePreTx = contractIns.catTx.tx
+            if (callInfo.nexts.length > 1) {
+                contractIns = callInfo
+                    .nexts[0] as ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>
+            } else {
+                break
+            }
+            nftClosedMinterState.nextLocalId += 1n
+        }
+    })
+    it('should failed genesis tx more than one minter', async () => {
+        async function nftParallelClosedMinterDeploy(
+            seckey,
+            genesisUtxo,
+            nftClosedMinter: NftParallelClosedMinter,
+            nftClosedMinterTaproot: TaprootSmartContract,
+            nftClosedMinterState: NftParallelClosedMinterState
+        ): Promise<ContractIns<NftParallelClosedMinterState>> {
+            // tx deploy
+            const catTx = CatTx.create()
+            catTx.tx.from([genesisUtxo])
+            const atIndex = catTx.addStateContractOutput(
+                nftClosedMinterTaproot.lockingScript,
+                NftParallelClosedMinterProto.toByteString(nftClosedMinterState)
+            )
+            catTx.addStateContractOutput(
+                nftClosedMinterTaproot.lockingScript,
+                NftParallelClosedMinterProto.toByteString(nftClosedMinterState)
+            )
+            catTx.sign(seckey)
+            return {
+                catTx: catTx,
+                contract: nftClosedMinter,
+                state: nftClosedMinterState,
+                contractTaproot: nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+                atOutputIndex: atIndex,
+            }
+        }
+        const contractIns = await nftParallelClosedMinterDeploy(
+            seckey,
+            genesisUtxo,
+            nftClosedMinter,
+            nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+            initNftClosedMinterState
+        )
+        const nftState = CAT721Proto.create(
+            hash160(toByteString('00')),
+            nftClosedMinterState.nextLocalId
+        )
+        const callInfo = await nftParallelClosedMinterCall(
+            contractIns,
+            nftClosedMinterTaproot,
+            nftState,
+            collectionMax
+        )
+        await expect(
+            closedMinterUnlock(
+                callInfo,
+                contractIns.catTx,
+                seckey,
+                nftState,
+                contractIns.state,
+                pubkeyX,
+                pubKeyPrefix,
+                genesisTx
+            )
+        ).to.be.rejected
+        expect(callInfo.nexts.length).to.be.equal(3)
+    })