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Merritt Docker Images and Orchestration

This library is part of the Merritt Preservation System.

The purpose of this repository is to build docker images for local developer testing of the Merritt system.

Quick Start Guide


UC3 Docker Dev Server

  • You must me a member of group docker.
  • You must deploy this repository on a merritt docker host under directory /dpr2/merritt-workspace.

Local Workstation

  • M2 Macbook Pro (16G RAM) or equivalent
  • Docker Desktop installed


UC3 Docker Dev Server

Log into one of our uc3-mrt-docker-dev hosts. Run the following commands as normal user.

  1. Ensure user writable directory from which to do initial cloning:

    cd /dpr2/merritt-workspace
    mkdir $USER
    cd $USER
  2. Clone merritt-docker repo and pull in submodules:

    git clone -b $BRANCH \
     --remote-submodules --recurse-submodules
  3. Set up docker environment vars:

    merritt-docker> source bin/
  4. Build dependencies: (Out of date)

    cd merritt-docker

Local Workstation

  1. Clone merritt-docker repo and pull in submodules:

    git clone -b $BRANCH \
     --remote-submodules --recurse-submodules
  2. Set up local variables

    export ECR_REGISTRY=it-docker-registry
  3. Allow Minio container to resolve local pre-signed URL's

    sudo echo '	my-minio-localhost-alias' >> /etc/hosts
  4. Build dependencies:

    cd merritt-docker


  1. Ensure all submodule code is up-to-date with respective remotes:

    merritt-docker> git submodule update --remote
  2. Build docker images for micro-services

    merritt-docker> cd mrt-services
    mrt-services> docker-compose build --pull
  3. Run core merritt services:

    mrt-services> docker-compose -p merritt up -d
    mrt-services> docker-compose -p merritt down
  4. Connect to service menu on your merritt-docker host: http://my-docker-host:8086/docker.html

For more detailed usage instructions see Running Merritt Docker below.

Component Overview

The Merritt Stack

Custom built docker images are staged in our AWS Elastic Container Registry instance. This is notated below as ${ECR}.

The mrt-services/docker.html is served by the UI and it provides access to individual containers.

Component Image Name Notes
Zookeeper zookeeper
OpenDJ ldap
MySQL ${ECR}/mrt-database
UI ${ECR}/mrt-dashboard
Ingest ${ECR}/mrt-ingest
Storage ${ECR}/mrt-storage
Inventory ${ECR}/mrt-inventory
Audit ${ECR}/mrt-audit
Replic ${ECR}/mrt-audit
Merritt Init ${ECR}/mrt-init Init inventory services.
Minio minio/minio Containerized storage service - for testing presigned functionality
Minio Cmd minio/mc Initialized bucket in Minio container

Lambda Testing Stack

Component Image Name Notes
ALB Simulator ${ECR}/simulate-lambda-alb Simulates an ALB running in front of a Lambda for Collection Admin
Collection Admin ${ECR}/uc3-mrt-colladmin-lambda Merritt collection admin tool

Optional OpenSearch Stack

see Using OpenSearch with Merritt Services

Component Image Name Notes
OpenSearch opensearchproject/opensearch
OpenSearch Dashboard opensearchproject/opensearch-dashboards
Logstash opensearchproject/logstash-oss

Merritt Integration Test Driver


%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral', 'securityLevel': 'loose', 'themeVariables': {'fontFamily': 'arial'}}}%%
graph LR
  click DOCKYML href "" "source code"
  DOCK(Docker Compose)
  click ING href "" "source code"
  click STORE href "" "source code"
  UI([Merritt UI])
  click UI href "" "source code"
  click INV href "" "source code"
  click ZOO href "" "source code"
  click LDAP href "" "source code"
  click MYSQL href "" "source code"
  click MINIO href "" "source code"
  MINIOMC([Mino Client])
  click MINIOMC href "" "source code"
  EZID([Mock EZID])
  click EZID href "" "source code"
  INIT([Merritt Docker Init Tasks])
  click INIT href "" "source code"
  COLLADMIN([Merritt Collection Admin])
  click COLLADMIN href "" "source code"
  ALB([ALB Simulation])
  click ALB href "" "source code"
  AUDIT([Audit placeholder])
  REPLIC([Replication placeholder])
  click SMTP href "" "source code"
  INPROF[[Ingest Profiles for Docker]]
  click INPROF href "" "source code"

  subgraph main
    DOCK -.-> ING
    DOCK -.-> STORE
    DOCK -.-> UI
    DOCK -.-> INV
    DOCK -.-> ZOO
    DOCK -.-> LDAP
    DOCK -.-> MYSQL
    DOCK -.-> MINIO
    DOCK -.-> EZID
    DOCK -.-> INIT
    DOCK -.-> ALB
    DOCK -.-> AUDIT
    DOCK -.-> REPLIC
    DOCK -.-> SMTP
    INPROF --> ING

  AUDIT2([Audit override])
  REPLIC2([Replication override])

  subgraph audit_replic
    ARYML --> AUDIT2


  style DOCK fill:cyan
  style ZOO fill:cyan
  style LDAP fill:cyan
  style MINIO fill:cyan
  style MINIOMC fill:cyan
  style SMTP fill:cyan
  style MINIO fill:#77913C
  style MYSQL fill:#F68D2F

UC3 Merritt Docker Hosts

UC3 maintains a set of EC2 docker hosts for development use. These provide all the necessary Docker Dependencies and compute resources to run the full fleet of docker containers comprising The Merritt Stack.

For a listing of available merritt docker hosts see UC3 Service Inventory

The IAS team has provisioned the merritt docker hosts to allow us to run docker commands without root privileges and to limit access by code running in containers to system resources on the Docker host.

  • UC3 developers are members of group docker.

  • Docker storage lives under /dpr2/merritt-workspace.

  • UIDs/GIDs are remapped to prevent container users gaining access to privileged resources on Docker hosts. See: Docker User Namespace Mapping for more info.

  • IP addresses for containers are drawn from a custom cidr block to prevent overlap with real IPs in the CDL network ("

  • Containers which expose network ports are limited to a set of allowed ports (8080:8099). If we need more ports, we can ask IAS to expand this set.

    Current Port Usage

    Port Category Purpose
    8080 Dev Stack Ingest
    8080 IntTest Stack Integration Test: service-it tomcat port
    8081 Dev Stack Store
    8082 Dev Stack Inventory
    8086 Dev Stack UI
    8088 Dev Stack Minio API
    8089 *** CDL Reserved, do not use
    8090 Lambda Stack Lambda Container, Collection Admin
    8091 Lambda Stack ALB Simulator in front of Lambda Container
    8092 Dev Stack Replic
    8093 Dev Stack Audit
    8094 OpenSearch Stack OpenSearch Dashboards
    8095 Dev Stack Minio Web Console
    8096 IntTest Stack Integration Test: Mock Merritt Service
    8097 OpenSearch Stack OpenSearch API
    8098 IntTest Stack Integration Test: Minio admin port
    8098 Dev Stack Ingest Callback
    8099 IntTest Stack Integration Test: service-it debug

Project Internals

Repository Layout

├── bin			# helper scripts 
├── docs
├── mrt-integ-tests	# submodule path for running Merritt integrity checks
├── mrt-services	# docker-compose scripts and submodule paths for 
|                         dependencies and micro-services

Docker Dependencies

The following dependencies are needed to build and run this repo. The goal is to build a version of the system that can be run entirely from Docker. If you are running on one of the uc3-mrt-docker-dev hosts, these dependencies are already in place. In fact, it's probably a waste of effort to try to set all this up elsewhere.

  • Docker and Docker Compose install
  • Access to the CDL maven repo for a couple of pre-built jars
    • TODO: build these from source in the Dockerfile
  • CDL LDAP access
  • A local maven repo build of mrt-conf jar files
  • Access to storage services
  • Access to config properties
    • SSM ParameterStore

Elastic Container Registry

Most docker-compose scripts in this project rely on AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for publishing and loading custom docker images. To make use of ECR you must set up the following shell enviromnent vars:

export UC3_ACCOUNT_ID=`get_ssm_value_by_name admintool/uc3account`
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity| jq -r .Account`
export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

You also must set up docker login credentials with our ECR instance. This credential occationally must be renewed from time to time:

aws ecr get-login-password --region ${AWS_REGION} | \
  docker login --username AWS \
    --password-stdin ${ECR_REGISTRY}

Git Submodules

This repository uses git submodules to pull in git repositories for all micro-services and dependencies which will be used to run a full stack of Merritt Services.

If you followed the Installation instructions at the start of this README, all submodules will have been pulled into your working tree.

To refresh submodule code from upstream repositories:

git submodule update --remote

See Working with Git Submodules for a detailed tutorial and examples.

Running Merritt Docker

Cloning Merritt Docker

Dev Server Configuration

All docker-compose commands require you export shell environment vars. See Elastic Container Registry for explanation. Do this by sourcing bin/ into your current shell:

source bin/

Local Desktop Configuration

  • Clone merritt-docker
  • The minio container requires a localhost alias in order to serve up presigned urls.

Consider adding this to your .profile

export ECR_REGISTRY=it-docker-registry

Make this change once

sudo echo '	my-minio-localhost-alias' >> /etc/hosts

Build Docker Images

Dev Server

./bin/ (Out of date)

Local Desktop


Docker Stack Configuration Options

Run Core Stack

Dev Server Add --build or --pull as needed

docker-compose -p merritt -f mrt-services/docker-compose.yml up -d

Local Desktop Add --build or --pull as needed

docker-compose -p merritt -f mrt-services/docker-compose.yml -f mrt-services/local.yml up -d

Run Merritt with OpenSearch (see Using OpenSearch with Merritt Services:

docker-compose -p merritt -f mrt-services/docker-compose.yml -f mrt-services/local.yml -f mrt-services/opensearch.yml up -d

Maven Builds from merritt-docker

The merritt-docker repo provides a convenient location to build the entrire Merritt system. This is also a useful way to prepare code for attaching the VSCode debugger to a running Docker stack.

Dev Server


Local Desktop


Useful Maven Recipes

All Merritt Services can be built from a grandparent pom file

cd mrt-services
mvn clean
mvn clean install
mvn dependency:analyze
mvn dependency:tree
mvn dependency:build-classpath

Helper docker-compose Files

Goal File Comment
Debug java applications in Eclipse Use JPDA Debug on Port 8000
in VSCode Launch a remote debugger launch.json
UI Testing ui.yml Selectively mount code directories from mrt-dashboard to the UI container
OpenSearch Dashboards opensearch.yml Configuration of Full OpenSearch stack

Build and Start Services in VSCode

See .vscode/settings.json for build and stack initiation configurations.

Useful Docker Tips and Commands

Docker Basics

To verify running processes and ports

docker ps -a

To view persistent volumes

docker volume ls

To view logs for a specific container

docker logs ingest

Tail view logs for a specific container

docker logs -f inventory

To view the docker network

docker network ls

Other useful tasks

List Zookeeper Queues

docker exec -it zoo bash commands ls / ls /ingest ls /mrt.inventory.full ls /accessSmall.1 ls /accessLarge.1 ls /mrt.lock

Mysql Session

docker exec -it db-container mysql -u user --password=password --database=db-name