The docker-compose.yaml
file in this directory is primarily intended for testing the DTS services of the TESP API.
To ensure proper execution of the tests, run docker-compose.yaml
both in this directory and in the /tesp-api
directory with:
docker compose up -d --build
Example of data transfer server using HTTP, S3 and FTP.
Project uses Docker and deploy 4 containers:
- s3
- ftp
- http
- clients
The clients
container contains clients for the used protocols. So you doesn't need to install the clients on you local computer to test it.
docker compose up -d
curl -i -X POST -F "file=@up-file.txt;filename=file.txt" service-http:5000/upload
curl -X GET -o down-file.txt service-http:5000/download/file.txt
Create bucket
s3cmd mb s3://test
s3cmd put up-file.txt s3://test/file.txt
s3cmd get s3://test/file.txt file.txt
or more complex scenario
# create the target bucket
s3cmd mb s3://${TARGET_BUCKET}
# create samples in target bucket
for i in $(seq 1 $N_SAMPLES); do
TEMPFILE=$(mktemp) && echo "hello world !!! ($i)" > $TEMPFILE
s3cmd put $TEMPFILE s3://${TARGET_BUCKET}/sample_${i}
# list the bucket content of the target bucket
s3cmd ls s3://${TARGET_BUCKET}
LOCAL_DIR=/tmp/downloaded_samples && mkdir $LOCAL_DIR
for i in $(seq 1 $N_SAMPLES); do
s3cmd get s3://${TARGET_BUCKET}/sample_${i} $LOCAL_DIR
s3cmd rm --recursive --force s3://${TARGET_BUCKET}
List all object in all buckets
s3cmd la
Get some data
curl -o /tmp/sample.jpg
Upload and download data
lftp -p 2121 -e "put /tmp/sample.jpg; get $(basename $SAMPLE_DATE) -o /tmp/sample_back.jpg; bye" service-ftp
POST + http://localhost:5000/upload
while payload is sent as 'file' HTTP body parameter.
curl -F "file=@/tmp/qwerty" http://localhost:5000/upload/foo/bar
GET + http://localhost:5000/download
while payload is sent as 'file' HTTP body parameter.
wget http://localhost:5000/download/foo/bar/qwerty
GET + http://localhost:5000/list