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001. Feature Plan

Alex Hagl edited this page Nov 20, 2023 · 6 revisions

In the following the features for PWManager are defined. This list can be altered over the course of the project.

Not logged in

  • Get help text
  • Random passwords can be created
  • User can create a new database
  • A user can log in

User can specify where the file is, else the PWManager just opens the last used file

Logged in

Every feature in Not logged in can be used here as well

  • User can create account-groups
  • User can switch between account-groups
  • User can delete a group
  • User can list all groups
  • User can save an account into a group (Identifier; LoginName; Password)

The password can be entered or randomly generated

  • List all accounts in the group
  • Search account by identifier
  • Copy Email/Username into the clipboard
  • Copy Password into the clipboard
  • User can update an account (change Password)
  • User can delete an account
  • User can delete their entire database

Then the technical user doesn't exist anymore and is forgotten by the PWManager

  • User can changes settings
  • A user can log out


Settings only concern the current user

  • User can change the Password generator criteria
  • User can define which group should be entered on log in
  • User can define how long the copied information stays in the clipboard
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