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002. Ubiquitous Language

Alex Hagl edited this page Oct 23, 2023 · 2 revisions
Term Meaning
User The person using this product.
Database The file where all accounts are stored on the computer.
Group A grouping of multiple accounts. A user can have multiple groups.
Account A specific entry (e.g. Gmail, Dropbox, GitHub) binding the account identifier to the password and other information.
Account Identifier The unique identifier an account is identified by in the given group. The identifier can be the external service name, where the password is used (e.g. Gmail, Dropbox, GitHub).
Login Name The email or username that is used for the given external service's authentication.
Password The password of a given account.
Master Password The password to login to the users database.
Password Generator A service that randomly generates secure passwords.
Password Generator Criteria The criteria for the password generator, how the generated passwords should look like.
Password Strength A measure to indicate how strong the password is (or how difficult it is to crack).
Clipboard The systems clipboard that can be accessed via copy and paste.
External Service The external, real world system's authentication an account references to.
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