Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) technology is used to simultaneously identify and track multiple targets within video sequences, involving the association of targets across different frames.
X-AnyLabeling is enhanced with a versatile tracking system capable of handling multiple tasks: - Object Detection
- Oriented Bounding Boxes Object Detection
- Instance Segmentation
- Pose Estimation
It incorporates advanced tracking algorithms such as ByteTrack
and Bot-Sort
to ensure robust and accurate tracking across these diverse tasks.
Here's how to perform multi-object tracking using the tool:
- Load the video file, e.g., Bangkok.mp4. (Note: The file path must not contain Chinese characters!)
- Load the tracking model, such as yolov8n_obb_botsort, yolov8s_det_botsort, yolov8m_seg_bytetrack, yolov8x_pose_p6_botsort or a custom model.
- Click to run, and after verifying that everything is correct, you can use the shortcut
to run all frames at once.
In this process, the group_id
field represents the track_id
of the current target box.
If object confidence score will be low, i.e lower than track_high_thresh, then there will be no tracks successfully returned and updated.
You can open the Group ID Manager with Alt+G to modify the group_id. :)
For instructions on exporting MOT annotations, please consult the user guide available: