diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 796af30..19680d9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -347,6 +347,18 @@ In this example, the image starts at `[100, 10, 2]`, then zooms out `[]`, then g
+Position `0,0` is at the image centre. Its real dimension is taken into account so the value remains stable while changing the browser size (different displays). We recommend to use the property panel (Alt+P) to determine the coordinates.
+Every image in the sections slowly zooms out from the center. (Images in header and footer are ignored.)
#### Panoramatic images
When an image is much longer than the screen, we show it slowly first before resizing it to fit the screen. This will delay the ``'s `data-duration`. It starts when the image proportion width / height > `data-panorama-threshold=2`.
diff --git a/slidershow/frame.js b/slidershow/frame.js
index 4b95538..4e35640 100644
--- a/slidershow/frame.js
+++ b/slidershow/frame.js
@@ -146,15 +146,19 @@ class Frame {
.filter((_, el) => this.prop("step-li", $(el))))
// [data-step-points] affects all
.add($("img", this.$frame)
- .filter((_, el) => this.prop("step-points", $(el)))
+ .filter((_, el) => !$(el).closest("header, footer").length) // filter out images in header/footer
.map((_, el) => {
// generate multiple steps (dummy ) for points
const $el = $(el)
- const points = $el.data("step-points")
- if(!points.length) {
+ const points = this.prop("step-points", $(el))
+ if (!points?.length) {
// what is the first zoom position we see
+ // XX When multiple zoomed images at frame (or zooming steps along with classic data-step) are tested,
+ // this will pose a problem. Because this.step_index points to the frame step,
+ // not to the image animation step.
const init_point = Array.from(points[this.step_index])
if (init_point) {
// init point has no transition duration, it's straight there when we come to the frame
@@ -737,11 +741,11 @@ class Frame {
rescale: wzoom => { // the function seems to be called unintuitively with grab moving
const scale = wzoom.content.currentScale
wzoom.content.maxScale = Math.max(maxScale_default, scale + 3)
- $el.trigger("wzoomed", [wzoom, last_scale===scale])
+ $el.trigger("wzoomed", [last_scale === scale])
last_scale = scale
dragScrollableOptions: {
- onDrop: (_, wzoom) => $el.trigger("wzoomed", wzoom)
+ onDrop: () => $el.trigger("wzoomed")
// Why correcting viewport? When having data-step-points and calling `zoom_set` from `prepare`,
@@ -751,13 +755,16 @@ class Frame {
// this simulates the parent.
wzoom.viewport.originalLeft = $el.position().left
wzoom.viewport.originalTop = $el.position().top
- wzoom.viewport.originalWidth = $el.width()
- wzoom.viewport.originalHeight = $el.height()
- console.log("753: wzoom.viewport", wzoom.viewport) // TODO
+ const refresh_viewport = () => {
+ wzoom.viewport.originalWidth = $el.width()
+ wzoom.viewport.originalHeight = $el.height()
+ }
+ refresh_viewport()
+ $(window).on("resize.wzoom", refresh_viewport)
+ .data("wzoom_get_ratio", () => $el.width() / $el.prop("naturalWidth"))
+ .data("wzoom_resize_off", () => $(window).off("resize.wzoom", refresh_viewport)) // DOC
// we have zoomed in, do not playback further
.off("click wheel")
.on("click wheel", () => this.playback.moving = false)
@@ -773,15 +780,20 @@ class Frame {
const $el = $(el)
setTimeout(() => { // we have to timeout - wzoom bug, has to finish before it can be destroyed
- $el.data("wzoom", null)
- $el.attr("data-wzoom", null)
+ $el.data("wzoom_resize_off")()
+ $el
+ .data("wzoom", null)
+ .data("wzoom_get_ratio", null)
+ .data("wzoom_resize_off", null)
+ .attr("data-wzoom", null)
zoom_get($el) {
const { currentLeft, currentTop, currentScale } = this.zoom_init($el).content
- return [currentLeft, currentTop, currentScale]
+ const ratio = $el.data("wzoom_get_ratio")()
+ return [currentLeft / ratio, currentTop / ratio, currentScale]
@@ -796,9 +808,10 @@ class Frame {
zoom_set($el, left = 0, top = 0, scale = 1, transition_duration = null, duration = null) {
const wzoom = this.zoom_init($el)
transition_duration ??= prop("step-transition-duration", $el, null, "transition-duration")
+ const ratio = $el.data("wzoom_get_ratio")()
const orig = wzoom.options.smoothTime
wzoom.options.smoothTime = transition_duration
- wzoom.transform(top, left, scale)
+ wzoom.transform(top * ratio, left * ratio, scale)
wzoom.options.smoothTime = orig
this.add_effect(resolve => $el.on("transitionend", () => resolve()))
return duration ?? prop("step-duration", $el, null, "duration")
diff --git a/slidershow/launch.js b/slidershow/launch.js
index 367523c..2f11770 100644
--- a/slidershow/launch.js
+++ b/slidershow/launch.js
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ Private attributes that are not documented in the README because the user should
* .step-not-yet-visible Auxiliary window highlights not-yet-seen elements.
* Tags that help distinguish image zoom step from the image step.
* trigger("wzoomed") Img with wzoom action.
+* data("wzoom_get_ratio") Img with wzoom screen aware ratio.
+* data("wzoom_resize_off") Img with wzoom event destructor.
// var variables that a hacky user might wish to change. Might become data-attributes in the future.
diff --git a/slidershow/property_panel.js b/slidershow/property_panel.js
index b17d6ba..a17b798 100644
--- a/slidershow/property_panel.js
+++ b/slidershow/property_panel.js
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ class PropertyPanel {
const cc = this.playback.change_controller
const $actor = frame.$actor
const points = JSON.parse($input.val() || '[]') // load set of points from the given
- $wrap.append(points.map(p => new_point(p)))
+ if (points.length) {
+ $wrap.append(points.map(p => new_point(p)))
+ }
$input // refresh from either: user editing , user did undo, not from us having edited
.off("change.step-points undo-performed")
.on("change.step-points undo-performed", () => {
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class PropertyPanel {
const $new_point = new_point(frame.zoom_get($actor), true).trigger("click").appendTo($wrap)
cc.change(() => $new_point.trigger("dblclick"))
- .insertAfter($wrap)
+ .insertBefore($wrap)
function new_point(point, push = false) {
if (push) {
@@ -50,8 +51,8 @@ class PropertyPanel {
- .on("wzoomed", (_, wzoom, minor_move) => {
- const { currentLeft, currentTop, currentScale } = wzoom.content
+ .on("wzoomed", (_, minor_move) => {
+ const [currentLeft, currentTop, currentScale] = frame.zoom_get($actor)
point[0] = Math.round(currentLeft)
point[1] = Math.round(currentTop)
point[2] = Math.round(currentScale)
diff --git a/slidershow/slidershow.js b/slidershow/slidershow.js
index d74cdd1..1022dee 100644
--- a/slidershow/slidershow.js
+++ b/slidershow/slidershow.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ loadjQuery(() => {
crossOrigin: "anonymous"
{ src: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/js-circle-progress@0.2.4/dist/jquery.circle-progress.min.js" },
- { src: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/e3rd/WebHotkeys@0.8.1/WebHotkeys.js" },
+ { src: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/e3rd/WebHotkeys@f198e3f82c841e12c8bbdda6326e676d332c9714/WebHotkeys.js" }, // put proper version TODO
{ src: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/exif-js" },
{ src: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/showdown@2.1.0/dist/showdown.min.js" },
MAP_ENABLE ? { src: "https://api.mapy.cz/loader.js" } : null,
diff --git a/style.css b/style.css
index 17c7d0b..c0c71d4 100644
--- a/style.css
+++ b/style.css
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ frame-preview > article-map [data-step].step-not-yet-visible {
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
background-color: lightyellow;
+ border: 1px solid gray;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 3px;
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ frame-preview > article-map [data-step].step-not-yet-visible {
background-color: yellow;
#hud #hud-properties > .hud-point {
- padding: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
display: inline-block;
#map-hud {
diff --git a/style.less b/style.less
index 3f4341d..25de785 100644
--- a/style.less
+++ b/style.less
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ frame-preview {
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
background-color: lightyellow;
+ border: 1px solid gray;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 3px;
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ frame-preview {
>.hud-point {
- padding: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
display: inline-block;