package; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongIterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongOpenHashSet; import me.jellysquid.mods.lithium.common.util.Pos; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.Blocks; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.damage.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.fluid.FluidState; import net.minecraft.fluid.Fluids; import net.minecraft.util.Pair; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; import; import; import; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Final; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.*; import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo; import java.util.*; import static net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper.floor; /** * Optimizations for Explosions: Reduce allocations and getChunk/getBlockState calls * Original implementation by * @author Jellyquid * Slight performance and mod compatibility improvements by * @author 2No2Name */ @Mixin(Explosion.class) public abstract class ExplosionMixin { @Shadow @Final private float power; @Shadow @Final private double x; @Shadow @Final private double y; @Shadow @Final private double z; @Shadow @Final private World world; @Shadow @Final private ExplosionBehavior behavior; @Shadow @Final private boolean createFire; // The cached mutable block position used during block traversal. private final BlockPos.Mutable cachedPos = new BlockPos.Mutable(); private BlockPos posOrigin; //cached block and blast resistance private Float[][][] blastResNearOrigin = new Float[5][5][5]; private BlockState[][][] blockStateNearOrigin = new BlockState[5][5][5]; // The chunk coordinate of the most recently stepped through block. private int prevChunkX = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private int prevChunkZ = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // The chunk belonging to prevChunkPos. private Chunk prevChunk; /** * Whether the explosion cares about air blocks. If false, air blocks do not have to be added to the set of destroyed blocks. * Skipping air blocks reduces the number of BlockPos allocations, shuffling and getBlockState calls in {@link Explosion#affectWorld(boolean)} */ private boolean explodeAirBlocks; private int minY, maxY; @Inject( method = "(Lnet/minecraft/world/World;Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;Lnet/minecraft/entity/damage/DamageSource;Lnet/minecraft/world/explosion/ExplosionBehavior;DDDFZLnet/minecraft/world/explosion/Explosion$DestructionType;)V", at = @At("TAIL") ) private void init(World world, Entity entity, DamageSource damageSource, ExplosionBehavior explosionBehavior, double d, double e, double f, float g, boolean bl, Explosion.DestructionType destructionType, CallbackInfo ci) { this.posOrigin=new BlockPos(floor(d),floor(e),floor(f)); this.minY =; this.maxY =; boolean explodeAir = this.createFire; // air blocks are only relevant for the explosion when fire should be created inside them if (!explodeAir && { float overestimatedExplosionRange = (8 + (int) (6f * this.power)); int endPortalX = 0; int endPortalZ = 0; if (overestimatedExplosionRange > Math.abs(this.x - endPortalX) && overestimatedExplosionRange > Math.abs(this.z - endPortalZ)) { explodeAir = true; // exploding air works around accidentally fixing vanilla bug: an explosion cancelling the dragon fight start can destroy the newly placed end portal } } this.explodeAirBlocks = explodeAir; } @Redirect( method = "collectBlocksAndDamageEntities()V", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lcom/google/common/collect/Sets;newHashSet()Ljava/util/HashSet;", remap = false) ) public HashSet skipNewHashSet() { return null; } @ModifyConstant( method = "collectBlocksAndDamageEntities()V", constant = @Constant(intValue = 16, ordinal = 1) ) public int skipLoop(int prevValue) { return 0; } /** * @author JellySquid */ @Redirect(method = "collectBlocksAndDamageEntities()V", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Ljava/util/List;addAll(Ljava/util/Collection;)Z")) public boolean collectBlocks(List affectedBlocks, Collection collection) { // Using integer encoding for the block positions provides a massive speedup and prevents us from needing to // allocate a block position for every step we make along each ray, eliminating essentially all the memory // allocations of this function. The overhead of packing block positions into integer format is negligible // compared to a memory allocation and associated overhead of hashing real objects in a set. final LongOpenHashSet touched = new LongOpenHashSet(0); final Random random =; // Explosions work by casting many rays through the world from the origin of the explosion for (int rayX = 0; rayX < 16; ++rayX) { boolean xPlane = rayX == 0 || rayX == 15; double vecX = (((float) rayX / 15.0F) * 2.0F) - 1.0F; for (int rayY = 0; rayY < 16; ++rayY) { boolean yPlane = rayY == 0 || rayY == 15; double vecY = (((float) rayY / 15.0F) * 2.0F) - 1.0F; for (int rayZ = 0; rayZ < 16; ++rayZ) { boolean zPlane = rayZ == 0 || rayZ == 15; // We only fire rays from the surface of our origin volume if (xPlane || yPlane || zPlane) { double vecZ = (((float) rayZ / 15.0F) * 2.0F) - 1.0F; this.performRayCast(random, vecX, vecY, vecZ, touched); } } } } // We can now iterate back over the set of positions we modified and re-build BlockPos objects from them // This will only allocate as many objects as there are in the set, where otherwise we would allocate them // each step of a every ray. LongIterator it = touched.iterator(); boolean added = false; while (it.hasNext()) { added |= affectedBlocks.add(BlockPos.fromLong(it.nextLong())); } return added; } private void performRayCast(Random random, double vecX, double vecY, double vecZ, LongOpenHashSet touched) { double dist = Math.sqrt((vecX * vecX) + (vecY * vecY) + (vecZ * vecZ)); double normX = (vecX / dist) * 0.3D; double normY = (vecY / dist) * 0.3D; double normZ = (vecZ / dist) * 0.3D; float strength = this.power * (0.7F + (random.nextFloat() * 0.6F)); double stepX = this.x; double stepY = this.y; double stepZ = this.z; int prevX = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int prevY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int prevZ = Integer.MIN_VALUE; float prevResistance = 0.0F; int boundMinY = this.minY; int boundMaxY = this.maxY; // Step through the ray until it is finally stopped while (strength > 0.0F) { int blockX = floor(stepX); int blockY = floor(stepY); int blockZ = floor(stepZ); float resistance; // Check whether or not we have actually moved into a new block this step. Due to how rays are stepped through, // over-sampling of the same block positions will occur. Changing this behaviour would introduce differences in // aliasing and sampling, which is unacceptable for our purposes. As a band-aid, we can simply re-use the // previous result and get a decent boost. if (prevX != blockX || prevY != blockY || prevZ != blockZ) { if (blockY < boundMinY || blockY >= boundMaxY || blockX < -30000000 || blockZ < -30000000 || blockX >= 30000000 || blockZ >= 30000000) { return; } resistance = this.traverseBlock(strength, blockX, blockY, blockZ, touched); prevX = blockX; prevY = blockY; prevZ = blockZ; prevResistance = resistance; } else { resistance = prevResistance; } strength -= resistance; // Apply a constant fall-off strength -= 0.22500001F; stepX += normX; stepY += normY; stepZ += normZ; } } /** * Called for every step made by a ray being cast by an explosion. * * @param strength The strength of the ray during this step * @param blockX The x-coordinate of the block the ray is inside of * @param blockY The y-coordinate of the block the ray is inside of * @param blockZ The z-coordinate of the block the ray is inside of * @return The resistance of the current block space to the ray */ private float traverseBlock(float strength, int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ, LongOpenHashSet touched) { BlockPos pos = this.cachedPos.set(blockX, blockY, blockZ); int relX=pos.getX()-this.posOrigin.getX(); int relY=pos.getY()-this.posOrigin.getY(); int relZ=pos.getZ()-this.posOrigin.getZ(); Pair blockAndBlastRes; //test if the block is in the cached origin area if(relX>=-2 && relX<=2 && relY>=-2 && relY<=2 && relZ>=-2 && relZ<=2){ blockAndBlastRes = new Pair(this.blastResNearOrigin[relX+2][relY+2][relZ+2],blockStateNearOrigin[relX+2][relY+2][relZ+2]); //test if the block is cached if(blockAndBlastRes.getLeft()==null) { //compute values and cache blockAndBlastRes = getBlockAndBlastRes(blockX,blockY,blockZ); this.blastResNearOrigin[relX+2][relY+2][relZ+2]=blockAndBlastRes.getLeft(); this.blockStateNearOrigin[relX+2][relY+2][relZ+2]=blockAndBlastRes.getRight(); } } else{ blockAndBlastRes = getBlockAndBlastRes(blockX,blockY,blockZ); } // Check if this ray is still strong enough to break blocks if not out of bound, and if so, add this position to the set // of positions to destroy if(blockAndBlastRes.getRight()!=null) { float reducedStrength = strength - blockAndBlastRes.getLeft(); if (reducedStrength > 0.0F && (this.explodeAirBlocks || !blockAndBlastRes.getRight().isAir())) { if (this.behavior.canDestroyBlock((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, blockAndBlastRes.getRight(), reducedStrength)) { touched.add(pos.asLong()); } } } return blockAndBlastRes.getLeft(); } private Pair getBlockAndBlastRes(int blockX, int blockY, int blockZ) { Pair result= new Pair(0.0,null); BlockPos pos = this.cachedPos.set(blockX, blockY, blockZ); // Early-exit if the y-coordinate is out of bounds. if ( { Optional blastResistance = this.behavior.getBlastResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), Fluids.EMPTY.getDefaultState()); //noinspection OptionalIsPresent if (blastResistance.isPresent()) { result.setLeft((blastResistance.get() + 0.3F) * 0.3F); return result; } return result; } int chunkX = Pos.ChunkCoord.fromBlockCoord(blockX); int chunkZ = Pos.ChunkCoord.fromBlockCoord(blockZ); // Avoid calling into the chunk manager as much as possible through managing chunks locally if (this.prevChunkX != chunkX || this.prevChunkZ != chunkZ) { this.prevChunk =, chunkZ); this.prevChunkX = chunkX; this.prevChunkZ = chunkZ; } final Chunk chunk = this.prevChunk; BlockState blockState = Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(); float totalResistance = 0.0F; Optional blastResistance; labelGetBlastResistance: { // If the chunk is missing or out of bounds, assume that it is air if (chunk != null) { // We operate directly on chunk sections to avoid interacting with BlockPos and to squeeze out as much // performance as possible here ChunkSection section = chunk.getSectionArray()[Pos.SectionYIndex.fromBlockCoord(chunk, blockY)]; // If the section doesn't exist or it's empty, assume that the block is air if (section != null && !section.isEmpty()) { // Retrieve the block state from the chunk section directly to avoid associated overhead blockState = section.getBlockState(blockX & 15, blockY & 15, blockZ & 15); // If the block state is air, it cannot have fluid or any kind of resistance, so just leave if (blockState.getBlock() != Blocks.AIR) { // Rather than query the fluid state from the container as we just did with the block state, we can // simply ask the block state we retrieved what fluid it has. This is exactly what the call would // do anyways, except that it would have to retrieve the block state a second time, adding overhead. FluidState fluidState = blockState.getFluidState(); // Get the explosion resistance like vanilla blastResistance = this.behavior.getBlastResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, blockState, fluidState); break labelGetBlastResistance; } } } blastResistance = this.behavior.getBlastResistance((Explosion) (Object) this,, pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), Fluids.EMPTY.getDefaultState()); } // Calculate how much this block will resist an explosion's ray if (blastResistance.isPresent()) { totalResistance = (blastResistance.get() + 0.3F) * 0.3F; } result.setLeft(totalResistance); result.setRight(blockState); return result; } }