We have a file named data_source.py
located in the app/model
. This file contains an enum class called DataSource
Your task is to add a new data source to this DataSource
enum class.
class DataSource(StrEnum):
postgres = auto()
Additionally, you need to add the corresponding data source and DTO mapping in the enum class DataSourceExtension
class DataSourceExtension(Enum):
postgres = QueryPostgresDTO
Create a new DTO (Data Transfer Object) class in the model
directory. The model
directory is located at app/model
and its contents are defined in the __init__.py
class QueryPostgresDTO(QueryDTO):
connection_info: ConnectionUrl | PostgresConnectionInfo = connection_info_field
The connection info depends on ibis.
class PostgresConnectionInfo(BaseModel):
host: SecretStr = Field(examples=["localhost"])
port: SecretStr = Field(examples=[5432])
database: SecretStr
user: SecretStr
password: SecretStr
We use the base model of Pydantic to support our class definitions. Pydantic provides a convenient field type called Secret Types that can protect the sensitive information.
Return to the DataSourceExtension
enum class to implement the get_{data_source}_connection
This function should be specific to your new data source. For example, if you've added a PostgreSQL data source, you might implement a get_postgres_connection
def get_postgres_connection(
info: ConnectionUrl | PostgresConnectionInfo,
) -> BaseBackend:
if hasattr(info, "connection_url"):
return ibis.connect(info.connection_url.get_secret_value())
return ibis.postgres.connect(
After implementing the new data source, you should add a test case to ensure it's working correctly.
Create a new test file test_postgres.py
in the tests/routers/v2/connector
Set up the basic test structure:
import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from app.main import app
pytestmark = pytest.mark.postgres
client = TestClient(app)
We use pytest as our test framework. You can learn more about the pytest marker and fixtures.
As we use a strict marker strategy in pytest, you need to declare the new marker in the pyproject.toml
Open the pyproject.toml
file and locate the [tool.pytest.ini_options]
section. Add your new marker to the markers
markers = [
"postgres: mark a test as a postgres test",
If the data source has a Docker image available, you can use testcontainers-python to simplify your testing setup:
import pytest
from testcontainers.postgres import PostgresContainer
def postgres(request) -> PostgresContainer:
pg = PostgresContainer("postgres:16-alpine").start()
return pg
Execute the following command to run the test cases and ensure your new feature is working correctly:
poetry run pytest -m postgres
This command runs tests marked with the postgres
After confirming that all tests pass, you can create a Pull Request (PR) to add the new data source to the project.
When creating the PR:
- If you are solving an existing issue, remember to link the PR to that issue.
- If this is a new feature, provide detailed information about the feature in the PR description.
Congratulations! You have successfully added a new data source to the project and created tests to verify its functionality.