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Daniel Metzner edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 9 revisions

Git Workflow

  • Make sure that every commit has the correct commit message layout so it shows up on JIRA.
  • Squash your commits, there must be only 1 commit! (XX is the number of your commits)
    git reset --soft HEAD~XX &&
    git commit
  • Test everything!
  • Use GitHub and create a Pull-Request. Don't forget to select "develop" branch and not "master" branch.

Git Commit Message Layout

must read: How to Write a Git Commit Message, by Chirs Beams

 Line 1: SHARE-XXX Fitting Title (< 50 chars)
 Line 2: empty line 
 Lines 3 - X: actual commit message; first focusing on WHY then focusing on WHAT you have changed.


  • develop = default branch and represents the current state + changes for the next release. This is the branch you should be working with and merge your PRs into. This branch should also be represented on the web-test
  • master = current state of the share and gets released (deploy on share = release = merge from Develop on Master).

For features

Do not create any local branches. Instead: Forking of develop and PRs back into develop. (How To)