Algorithm to create a backup note with all the watching/completed/planning/dropped series on anilist profile.
Anilist_v1 was the first program done.
- Using the Requests library to obtain the data and the BeautifulSoup library to analyze the content
- the section name and the series it contains are read and saved in the correspondents list
- then a file is created with the current date and populated with the section, series name, and total series in each section
But the series stop at the letter D because the web page is dynamic and not all the series are loaded at the same time. To solve the problem the second program was created.
Anilist_v2 is the latest version and it is done with web scraping tools.
Instead of using the Requests library, a web scraping tool is used before the analysis phase with BeautifulSoup; to do so the Selenium library is used to import the webdriver.
The main core of the new version is to directly opend the web page and scroll it to the end with a pause between each scrolling action, to allow the page load all series, also the fully loaded page is given to the BeautifulSoup class to start the parsing phase, from this point on the algorith is the same as the first version.
- change your anilist username in the
variable in row 14; - modify the path in the file cration function in row 113: change the
variable with your own path