diff --git a/.idea/encodings.xml b/.idea/encodings.xml index 97626ba45445..bc437610c7f5 100644 --- a/.idea/encodings.xml +++ b/.idea/encodings.xml @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md index 88823c2122a8..a15cd43b593f 100644 --- a/LICENSE.md +++ b/LICENSE.md @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ https://github.com/kvz/phpjs > php.js is copyright 2013 Kevin van Zonneveld. > -> Portions copyright Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me), Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net), Onno Marsman, Theriault, Michael White (http://getsprink.com), Waldo Malqui Silva, Paulo Freitas, Jack, Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (http://www.jsfromhell.com), Philip Peterson, Legaev Andrey, Ates Goral (http://magnetiq.com), Alex, Ratheous, Martijn Wieringa, Rafa? Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl), lmeyrick (https://sourceforge.net/projects/bcmath-js/), Nate, Philippe Baumann, Enrique Gonzalez, Webtoolkit.info (http://www.webtoolkit.info/), Carlos R. L. Rodrigues (http://www.jsfromhell.com), Ash Searle (http://hexmen.com/blog/), Jani Hartikainen, travc, Ole Vrijenhoek, Erkekjetter, Michael Grier, Rafa? Kukawski (http://kukawski.pl), Johnny Mast (http://www.phpvrouwen.nl), T.Wild, d3x, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57803/how-to-convert-decimal-to-hex-in-javascript, Rafa? Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl/), stag019, pilus, WebDevHobo (http://webdevhobo.blogspot.com/), marrtins, GeekFG (http://geekf blogspot.com), Andrea Giammarchi (http://webreflection.blogspot.com), Arpad Ray (mailto:arpad@php.net), gorthaur, Paul Smith, Tim de Koning (http://www.kingsquare.nl), Joris, Oleg Eremeev, Steve Hilder, majak, gettimeofday, KELAN, Josh Fraser (http://onlineaspect.com/2007/06/08/auto-detect-a-time-zone-with-javascript/), Marc Palau, Martin (http://www.erlenwiese.de/), Breaking Par Consulting Inc (http://www.breakingpar.com/bkp/home.nsf/0/87256B280015193F87256CFB006C45F7), Chris, Mirek Slugen, saulius, Alfonso Jimenez (http://www.alfonsojimenez.com), Diplom@t (http://difane.com/), felix, Mailfaker (http://www.weedem.fr/), Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com), Caio Ariede (http://caioariede.com), Robin, Kankrelune (http://www.webfaktory.info/), Karol Kowalski, Imgen Tata (http://www.myipdf.com/), mdsjack (http://www.mdsjack.bo.it), Dreamer, Felix Geisendoerfer (http://www.debuggable.com/felix), Lars Fischer, AJ, David, Aman Gupta, Michael White, Public Domain (http://www.json.org/json2.js), Steven Levithan (http://b g.stevenlevithan.com), Sakimori, Pellentesque Malesuada, Thunder.m, Dj (http://phpjs.org/functions/htmlentities:425#comment_134018), Steve Clay, David James, Francois, class_exists, nobbler, T. Wild, Itsacon (http://www.itsacon.net/), date, Ole Vrijenhoek (http://www.nervous.nl/), Fox, Raphael (Ao RUDLER), Marco, noname, Mateusz "loonquawl" Zalega, Frank Forte, Arno, ger, mktime, john (http://www.jd-tech.net), Nick Kolosov (http://sammy.ru), marc andreu, Scott Cariss, Douglas Crockford (http://javascript.crockford.com), madipta, Slawomir Kaniecki, ReverseSyntax, Nathan, Alex Wilson, kenneth, Bayron Guevara, Adam Wallner (http://web2.bitbaro.hu/), paulo kuong, jmweb, Lincoln Ramsay, djmix, Pyerre, Jon Hohle, Thiago Mata (http://thiagomata.blog.com), lmeyrick (https://sourceforge.net/projects/bcmath-js/this.), Linuxworld, duncan, Gilbert, Sanjoy Roy, Shingo, sankai, Oskar Larsson H?gfeldt (http://oskar-lh.name/), Denny Wardhana, 0m3r, Everlasto, Subhasis Deb, josh, jd, Pier Paolo Ramon (http://www.mastersoup.c /), P, merabi, Soren Hansen, Eugene Bulkin (http://doubleaw.com/), Der Simon (http://innerdom.sourceforge.net/), echo is bad, Ozh, XoraX (http://www.xorax.info), EdorFaus, JB, J A R, Marc Jansen, Francesco, LH, Stoyan Kyosev (http://www.svest.org/), nord_ua, omid (http://phpjs.org/functions/380:380#comment_137122), Brad Touesnard, MeEtc (http://yass.meetcweb.com), Peter-Paul Koch (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/beat.html), Olivier Louvignes (http://mg-crea.com/), T0bsn, Tim Wiel, Bryan Elliott, Jalal Berrami, Martin, JT, David Randall, Thomas Beaucourt (http://www.webapp.fr), taith, vlado houba, Pierre-Luc Paour, Kristof Coomans (SCK-CEN Belgian Nucleair Research Centre), Martin Pool, Kirk Strobeck, Rick Waldron, Brant Messenger (http://www.brantmessenger.com/), Devan Penner-Woelk, Saulo Vallory, Wagner B. Soares, Artur Tchernychev, Valentina De Rosa, Jason Wong (http://carrot.org/), Christoph, Daniel Esteban, strftime, Mick@el, rezna, Simon Willison (http://simonwillison.net), Anton Ongson, Gabriel Paderni, M rco van Oort, penutbutterjelly, Philipp Lenssen, Bjorn Roesbeke (http://www.bjornroesbeke.be/), Bug?, Eric Nagel, Tomasz Wesolowski, Evertjan Garretsen, Bobby Drake, Blues (http://tech.bluesmoon.info/), Luke Godfrey, Pul, uestla, Alan C, Ulrich, Rafal Kukawski, Yves Sucaet, sowberry, Norman "zEh" Fuchs, hitwork, Zahlii, johnrembo, Nick Callen, Steven Levithan (stevenlevithan.com), ejsanders, Scott Baker, Brian Tafoya (http://www.premasolutions.com/), Philippe Jausions (http://pear.php.net/user/jausions), Aidan Lister (http://aidanlister.com/), Rob, e-mike, HKM, ChaosNo1, metjay, strcasecmp, strcmp, Taras Bogach, jpfle, Alexander Ermolaev (http://snippets.dzone.com/user/AlexanderErmolaev), DxGx, kilops, Orlando, dptr1988, Le Torbi, James (http://www.james-bell.co.uk/), Pedro Tainha (http://www.pedrotainha.com), James, Arnout Kazemier (http://www.3rd-Eden.com), Chris McMacken, gabriel paderni, Yannoo, FGFEmperor, baris ozdil, Tod Gentille, Greg Frazier, jakes, 3D-GRAF, Allan Jensen (http://www.winternet.no), Ho ard Yeend, Benjamin Lupton, davook, daniel airton wermann (http://wermann.com.br), Atli T¨®r, Maximusya, Ryan W Tenney (http://ryan.10e.us), Alexander M Beedie, fearphage (http://http/my.opera.com/fearphage/), Nathan Sepulveda, Victor, Matteo, Billy, stensi, Cord, Manish, T.J. Leahy, Riddler (http://www.frontierwebdev.com/), Rafa? Kukawski, FremyCompany, Matt Bradley, Tim de Koning, Luis Salazar (http://www.freaky-media.com/), Diogo Resende, Rival, Andrej Pavlovic, Garagoth, Le Torbi (http://www.letorbi.de/), Dino, Josep Sanz (http://www.ws3.es/), rem, Russell Walker (http://www.nbill.co.uk/), Jamie Beck (http://www.terabit.ca/), setcookie, Michael, YUI Library: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.util.DateLocale.html, Blues at http://hacks.bluesmoon.info/strftime/strftime.js, Ben (http://benblume.co.uk/), DtTvB (http://dt.in.th/2008-09-16.string-length-in-bytes.html), Andreas, William, meo, incidence, Cagri Ekin, Amirouche, Amir Habibi (http://www.residence-mixte.com/), Luke Smith (http://lucassmith.na ), Kheang Hok Chin (http://www.distantia.ca/), Jay Klehr, Lorenzo Pisani, Tony, Yen-Wei Liu, Greenseed, mk.keck, Leslie Hoare, dude, booeyOH, Ben Bryan +> Portions copyright Brett Zamir (http://brett-zamir.me), Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net), Onno Marsman, Theriault, Michael White (http://getsprink.com), Waldo Malqui Silva, Paulo Freitas, Jack, Jonas Raoni Soares Silva (http://www.jsfromhell.com), Philip Peterson, Legaev Andrey, Ates Goral (http://magnetiq.com), Alex, Ratheous, Martijn Wieringa, Rafa? Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl), lmeyrick (https://sourceforge.net/projects/bcmath-js/), Nate, Philippe Baumann, Enrique Gonzalez, Webtoolkit.info (http://www.webtoolkit.info/), Carlos R. L. Rodrigues (http://www.jsfromhell.com), Ash Searle (http://hexmen.com/blog/), Jani Hartikainen, travc, Ole Vrijenhoek, Erkekjetter, Michael Grier, Rafa? Kukawski (http://kukawski.pl), Johnny Mast (http://www.phpvrouwen.nl), T.Wild, d3x, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57803/how-to-convert-decimal-to-hex-in-javascript, Rafa? Kukawski (http://blog.kukawski.pl/), stag019, pilus, WebDevHobo (http://webdevhobo.blogspot.com/), marrtins, GeekFG (http://geekf blogspot.com), Andrea Giammarchi (http://webreflection.blogspot.com), Arpad Ray (mailto:arpad@php.net), gorthaur, Paul Smith, Tim de Koning (http://www.kingsquare.nl), Joris, Oleg Eremeev, Steve Hilder, majak, gettimeofday, KELAN, Josh Fraser (http://onlineaspect.com/2007/06/08/auto-detect-a-time-zone-with-javascript/), Marc Palau, Martin (http://www.erlenwiese.de/), Breaking Par Consulting Inc (http://www.breakingpar.com/bkp/home.nsf/0/87256B280015193F87256CFB006C45F7), Chris, Mirek Slugen, saulius, Alfonso Jimenez (http://www.alfonsojimenez.com), Diplom@t (http://difane.com/), felix, Mailfaker (http://www.weedem.fr/), Tyler Akins (http://rumkin.com), Caio Ariede (http://caioariede.com), Robin, Kankrelune (http://www.webfaktory.info/), Karol Kowalski, Imgen Tata (http://www.myipdf.com/), mdsjack (http://www.mdsjack.bo.it), Dreamer, Felix Geisendoerfer (http://www.debuggable.com/felix), Lars Fischer, AJ, David, Aman Gupta, Michael White, Public Domain (http://www.json.org/json2.js), Steven Levithan (http://b g.stevenlevithan.com), Sakimori, Pellentesque Malesuada, Thunder.m, Dj (http://phpjs.org/functions/htmlentities:425#comment_134018), Steve Clay, David James, Francois, class_exists, nobbler, T. Wild, Itsacon (http://www.itsacon.net/), date, Ole Vrijenhoek (http://www.nervous.nl/), Fox, Raphael (Ao RUDLER), Marco, noname, Mateusz "loonquawl" Zalega, Frank Forte, Arno, ger, mktime, john (http://www.jd-tech.net), Nick Kolosov (http://sammy.ru), marc andreu, Scott Cariss, Douglas Crockford (http://javascript.crockford.com), madipta, Slawomir Kaniecki, ReverseSyntax, Nathan, Alex Wilson, kenneth, Bayron Guevara, Adam Wallner (http://web2.bitbaro.hu/), paulo kuong, jmweb, Lincoln Ramsay, djmix, Pyerre, Jon Hohle, Thiago Mata (http://thiagomata.blog.com), lmeyrick (https://sourceforge.net/projects/bcmath-js/this.), Linuxworld, duncan, Gilbert, Sanjoy Roy, Shingo, sankai, Oskar Larsson H?gfeldt (http://oskar-lh.name/), Denny Wardhana, 0m3r, Everlasto, Subhasis Deb, josh, jd, Pier Paolo Ramon (http://www.mastersoup.c /), P, merabi, Soren Hansen, Eugene Bulkin (http://doubleaw.com/), Der Simon (http://innerdom.sourceforge.net/), echo is bad, Ozh, XoraX (http://www.xorax.info), EdorFaus, JB, J A R, Marc Jansen, Francesco, LH, Stoyan Kyosev (http://www.svest.org/), nord_ua, omid (http://phpjs.org/functions/380:380#comment_137122), Brad Touesnard, MeEtc (http://yass.meetcweb.com), Peter-Paul Koch (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/beat.html), Olivier Louvignes (http://mg-crea.com/), T0bsn, Tim Wiel, Bryan Elliott, Jalal Berrami, Martin, JT, David Randall, Thomas Beaucourt (http://www.webapp.fr), taith, vlado houba, Pierre-Luc Paour, Kristof Coomans (SCK-CEN Belgian Nucleair Research Centre), Martin Pool, Kirk Strobeck, Rick Waldron, Brant Messenger (http://www.brantmessenger.com/), Devan Penner-Woelk, Saulo Vallory, Wagner B. Soares, Artur Tchernychev, Valentina De Rosa, Jason Wong (http://carrot.org/), Christoph, Daniel Esteban, strftime, Mick@el, rezna, Simon Willison (http://simonwillison.net), Anton Ongson, Gabriel Paderni, M rco van Oort, penutbutterjelly, Philipp Lenssen, Bjorn Roesbeke (http://www.bjornroesbeke.be/), Bug?, Eric Nagel, Tomasz Wesolowski, Evertjan Garretsen, Bobby Drake, Blues (http://tech.bluesmoon.info/), Luke Godfrey, Pul, uestla, Alan C, Ulrich, Rafal Kukawski, Yves Sucaet, sowberry, Norman "zEh" Fuchs, hitwork, Zahlii, johnrembo, Nick Callen, Steven Levithan (stevenlevithan.com), ejsanders, Scott Baker, Brian Tafoya (http://www.premasolutions.com/), Philippe Jausions (http://pear.php.net/user/jausions), Aidan Lister (http://aidanlister.com/), Rob, e-mike, HKM, ChaosNo1, metjay, strcasecmp, strcmp, Taras Bogach, jpfle, Alexander Ermolaev (http://snippets.dzone.com/user/AlexanderErmolaev), DxGx, kilops, Orlando, dptr1988, Le Torbi, James (http://www.james-bell.co.uk/), Pedro Tainha (http://www.pedrotainha.com), James, Arnout Kazemier (http://www.3rd-Eden.com), Chris McMacken, gabriel paderni, Yannoo, FGFEmperor, baris ozdil, Tod Gentille, Greg Frazier, jakes, 3D-GRAF, Allan Jensen (http://www.winternet.no), Ho ard Yeend, Benjamin Lupton, davook, daniel airton wermann (http://wermann.com.br), Atli T??r, Maximusya, Ryan W Tenney (http://ryan.10e.us), Alexander M Beedie, fearphage (http://http/my.opera.com/fearphage/), Nathan Sepulveda, Victor, Matteo, Billy, stensi, Cord, Manish, T.J. Leahy, Riddler (http://www.frontierwebdev.com/), Rafa? Kukawski, FremyCompany, Matt Bradley, Tim de Koning, Luis Salazar (http://www.freaky-media.com/), Diogo Resende, Rival, Andrej Pavlovic, Garagoth, Le Torbi (http://www.letorbi.de/), Dino, Josep Sanz (http://www.ws3.es/), rem, Russell Walker (http://www.nbill.co.uk/), Jamie Beck (http://www.terabit.ca/), setcookie, Michael, YUI Library: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.util.DateLocale.html, Blues at http://hacks.bluesmoon.info/strftime/strftime.js, Ben (http://benblume.co.uk/), DtTvB (http://dt.in.th/2008-09-16.string-length-in-bytes.html), Andreas, William, meo, incidence, Cagri Ekin, Amirouche, Amir Habibi (http://www.residence-mixte.com/), Luke Smith (http://lucassmith.na ), Kheang Hok Chin (http://www.distantia.ca/), Jay Klehr, Lorenzo Pisani, Tony, Yen-Wei Liu, Greenseed, mk.keck, Leslie Hoare, dude, booeyOH, Ben Bryan > > Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) license. > @@ -430,17 +430,17 @@ https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/GraphicsSamples > > Object Code: Developer agrees not to disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Object Code versions of any of the Materials. 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Sans Pro, Adobe's first open source typeface family, was designed by Paul D. Hunt. It is a sans serif typeface intended to work well in user interfaces. [SIL Open Font License, 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL) ([text](http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/render_download.php?format=file&media_id=OFL_plaintext&filename=OFL.txt)) @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a003500/a003572/ Terms of use: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/formedia/features/MP_Photo_Guidelines.html -### Some vector icons from (or inspired by) Raphaël JS +### Some vector icons from (or inspired by) Rapha?l JS http://raphaeljs.com/icons/