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JavaScript Coding Conventions

Patrick Cozzi edited this page Dec 5, 2015 · 17 revisions

This is now out-of-date. There will be a new version as part of #1683.


  • Use meters for distances.
  • Use radians, not degrees, for angles.
  • Use seconds for time durations.


  • Constructor functions should take the objects's basic components as parameters, while static helper methods should be provided for constructing an object via other means. Helper methods should be prefixed with "from":
var julianDate = new JulianDate(dayNumber, secondsOfDay, TimeStandard.UTC);
var julianDateFromIso8601 = JulianDate.fromIso8601("2012-04-24T18:08Z");
var julianDateFromDate = JulianDate.fromDate(new Date(1980, 7, 1));
  • Object methods which create a new instance of a different object should be prefixed with "to":
var julianDate = new JulianDate(dayNumber, secondsOfDay, TimeStandard.UTC);
var javaScriptDate = julianDate.toDate();

Making a copy of this

If a closure needs a copy of this, our convention is to name it that.

var that = this;

Some projects use the name self instead of that here. However, self is already defined by the browser as a reference to the current window, and we wish to avoid redefining built-in variables.

null vs. undefined

Where possible, avoid use of null and prefer undefined. To test for this condition, use:

if (typeof myVariable === 'undefined') {
    // take action


if (typeof myVariable !== 'undefined') {
    // take action

The problem with comparing myVariable === undefined directly is that the variable undefined itself is capable of being re-defined in JavaScript, so the JIT compiler can't make assumptions about what the meaning of undefined will actually be at runtime. In the recommended comparison, typeof is a language keyword, and 'undefined' in single quotes is a string literal that can't change at runtime, so the only variable is myVariable itself. Armed with this, the JIT can avoid string comparisons and optimize the entire statement into a single machine-language null pointer check (or similar). Thus, although it looks like asking for a string comparison, this statement executes faster than a direct comparison with the variable undefined.


  • If a sensible default exists for a function argument or object property, don't require the user to provide it. Examples:
    • ellipsoid - Ellipsoid.getWgs84()
    • granularity - CesiumMath.toRadians(1.0)
    • height - 0.0
  • Likewise if a function argument is required, throw a DeveloperError if it is not provided, not in range, etc.
  • Public functions should treat Cartesian and Quaternion type arguments as if they are immutable, and also accept the equivalent object literal. For example these two lines of code have the same effect:
foo(new Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
foo({ x : 1.0, y : 2.0, z : 3.0 });
  • Public functions should always return a Cartesian or Quaternion type, not an equivalent object literal. For example:
var v = bar();     // Returns a Cartesian3
v = v.normalize(); // Works because it is a Cartesian3, not an object with just x, y, and z properties


  • To aid the human reader, append .0 to whole numbers intended to be floating-point values, e.g., var f = 1.0;.


In general, format new code the same as the existing code.

  • Use four (4) spaces for indentation. Do not use tab characters.
  • Use single quotes, ', instead of double quotes, ". "use strict" is an exception and should use double quotes.
  • Where possible, eliminate all jsHint warnings. The Contributor's Guide explains how to set up Eclipse to display these warnings.