Semi-supervised Reference based sketch extraction using a contrastive learning framework [SIGGRAPH 2023]
This is official implementation of the paper "Semi-supervised Reference based sketch extraction using a contrastive learning framework"
Chang Wook Seo, Amirsaman Ashtari, Junyong Noh
Journal: ACM TOG
Conference: SIGGRAPH 2023
Project page:
$ python --name [model_name] \
--model unpaired \
--dataroot ./datasets/[datafoler_name] \
- Download the pretrained model from google drive to train and test the model (pre-trained weights for HED and contrastive learning). After download, unzip to the checkpoints folder.
- You can change the other settings such as gpu_ids, epochs and etc by adding the arguments. Check and in options folder.
- To understand hierarchy of dataset, see Dataset directories structure below.
$ python --name semi_unpair \
--model unpaired \
--epoch 100 \
--dataroot ./datasets/ref_unpair \
Test images are from 4SKST dataset and @GundamInfo official youtube channel
- We released the new sketch dataset which paired to color images. Please check from URL.
| \---[dataroot]
| +---testA
| | +---test_color1.png
| | +---test_color2.png
| +---testB
| | +---test_groundtruth1.png #not necessary for testing
| | +---test_groundtruth2.png #not necessary for testing
| +---testC
| | +---stylesketch1.png
| | +---stylesketch2.png
| +---trainA
| | +---train_color1.png
| | +---train_color2.png
| +---trainB
| | +---train_sketch1.png
| | +---train_sketch2.png
#dataset doesn't have to be paired, model can be trained with unpaired dataset