This file descibes the intended way to use the template project.
The project template is merged via git. The idea is to have the whole project-template repository merged into the project which uses it, incl. all the history. Like this updates and improvements in the template scripts can easily be propagated to all client projects by simply merging the head of project template.
In your local git repository, issue:
$ git fetch
$ git merge FETCH_HEAD --allow-unrelated-histories
To pull in an update of the project template, you can leave out the --allow-unrelated-histories
Note: you can access the files provided in the cmake directory from your
CMakeLists.txt after appending this location to your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
Never write to the project template from one of the client projects! If you have improvements or additions to the project template, check out the project-template repository separately, make the modifications and commit/push them.
Be careful not to break functionality for other project which are using the template!
After the project template is updated you can merge the changes into your project as described in the section above. (Getting updates of project template)
Note: For testing you might want to add your local repository of project-template as a remote to your project, so you don't have to push untested changes. Be careful that everything is pushed to github when you are done in order not to lose consistency of the repositories.