Activity 1: Setting Up the Project
Task 1: Initialize a new project directory and set up the basic HTML structure for the movie search app.
Task 2: Add a basic CS5 file to style the movie search app, including a container for displaying movie search results.
Activity 2: Fetching Movie Data
Task 3: Use the Fetch API to get movie data from a public movie API (e.g.. OMDB API or The Movie Database API). Log the response data to the console.
Task 4: Parse the movie data and display the movie title, poster, and release year on the web page.
Activity 3: Adding Search Functionality
Task 5: Add an input field and a search button to the HTML structure. Style the input and button using CSS.
Task 6: Write a function to fetch and display movie data based on a search query entered in the input field. Log any errors to the console.
Activity 4: Displaying Detailed Movie Information
Task 7: Modify the search results to include a More Info" button for each movie. When clicked, fetch and display additional details about the movie, such as the plot, director, and actors.
Task 8: Create a modal or a new section on the page to display the detailed movie information.
Activity 5: Enhancing the UI
Task 9: Add CSS styles to improve the layout and design of the search results and detailed movie information.
Task 10: Add CSS animations or transitions to make the movie search app more interactive and visually appealing.
** Movie Data Fetching Script:** Write a script that fetches movie data from a public API and displays the title, poster, and release year on the web page.
Search Functionality Script: Create a script that allows users to search for movies by title and displays the search results.
Detailed Information Script: Write a script that fetches and displays additional details about a selected movie, such as the plot, director, and actors.
Ul Enhancement Script: Create a script that improves the layout and design of the movie search app with CSS styles and animations.
By the end of these activities, you will:
Set up a basic project structure with HTML and CSS.
Use the fetch API to retrieve and display movie data from a public API.
Implement search functionality to fetch and display movie data based on user input.
Fetch and display detailed information about selected movies.
Enhance the user interface with CSS styles and animations to make the movie search app more interactive and visually appealing.