All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
* Write CHANGELOG for 0.3.1
* specify which pane to update after ChatCommand execution
* -- contains ChatCommand class
* -- contains utlity functions
* -- contains functions related to shell
* Make main loop so that we can continue program
* remove_pane() -- Remove pane from Minecraft
* reload_pane() -- reload pane state
* calc_entries_coordinate() -- calculate coordinate of Entry
* get_abspath() -- Get absolute path [WIP]
* 'Pane' class to store 'Entry's in
* 'Session' class to store 'Pane's and mcUI state; in
* 'Entry.nameEntityId' to store armor_stand entity id which displays filename
* 'ChatCommand' class that have functions for each chat command
* -- Execute 'ls' and returns new pane of given path
* -- catinate 'path' file to Chat
* -- Execute 'cd' for pane 0
* ChatCommand.exit() -- Exit mcUI. Remove all blocks/entites made by mcUI
* -- Make new pane for 'path'
* ChatCommand.pwd() -- Echo pwd to Chat
* ChatCommand.pane() -- manage pane objects. please refer to comments for subcommands
* Docs -- `current progress` section
* Use 'Pane' to store&manage 'Entry'es
* Use 'Session' to store&manage 'Pane's
* Move exist functions into
* write_file() -> write_pane()
* Don't draw pane if is False
* Use 'type hints' to write functions
* Display filename using invisible armor_stand
* Detect file type from extention
* Use different block for each filetype
* Customizable schema in
* 'Entry' class for storing what entry is displayed
* Move all related files(including mcpi dir) into mcui directory
* ls() returns list of 'Entry' objects
* move config values into mcui/
* margin, padding, line_vec, MAX_OBJECT_PER_LINE
* filetype_list
* schema
* Spawn objects in front of user
* Adjust coordinate of objects so that user stands at the center of objects line
* File: --- mcUI wrapper for python2
* Improve code quality
* set blocks in Minecraft based on pwd's files
* blocks are placed in one way, parallel to axis x
* directories are IRON_BLOCK
* files are WOOL
vim: ft=changelog