My Own Language for Editing? "Paradox Game(Clausewitz Engine) Data"
cf) ClauText-Old
- Parallel Load Data From File (cf JSON Parser)
- Linux is supported?, but some has bug, is limited(especially $edit_mode)
- fixed some bugs. (after? wiz/ClauText)
- speed up. (for replace function, ToBool4(in ClauText API?))
- Load Clausewitz Engine Data File, Edit Data, and Save Data.
- In Sequential Load Data Function, Line Comments are also saved! (but not exactly!)
- Shell Mode?
- Edit Mode
- Fixed - /./test/../test/../test <- is no ok, and .. is ok in just front? nested case. ( /./../../test )
- Load Data API? do not check error(syntax, and etc...) totally.??
- REMOVE - Now Position for Data? Next Position for Data? Move Up? or Move Down? for fast linear search?
- DONE - "riterate and some condition => remove data" function?
- DONE - riterate ( iterate begin -> last, riterate last -> begin? ) ?
- DONE? - in iterate function, for example, $iterate = { dir = { /./eu4Game/provinces/$/history } events = { A B C } }, A -> end or A -> B -> end or A -> B -> C -> end ? if event returns FALSE (default TRUE?) -> stop events?? before_value?, get ut ??
- DONE - Copy function!
- DOING - std::map -> wiz::ArrayMap
- DONE - makefile added!
- TODO - with LGTM, fix warnings.
- NOTYET - UTF-8 Support? (with C++20?)
- $iterate is very slow. - maybe need big change in code.. or use ClauToCpp
- Update Parallel Parser. - see