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Gabriel Wanzek edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the 100daysofcode wiki!

Project ideas

Some of my ideas - There are not much details but it gives you a quick overview what this projects are about...

- News Livestream (reddit, Twitter aus mehreren hashtags, periscope, other sources)

Add new columns/rows and widgets in them.

- nth-child tester (JS/CSS) Done: #20

like combined with nth-child-tester @css-tricks

- MySQL parser for Sequel Pro (Electron?/Bash?) Done: #13

Often I have to copy 4 strings in 4 inputs to connect to a database, but what about just copying one string and my handy tool formats it for me? So my sources are often this quick connect strings, like:

mysql -udbu_13756 -pjjXYJr27Ls71vSzB db_13756

Or like wordpress wp-config.php files - so my I just copy them - execute my script and can paste it than perfectly into Sequel Pro.

- Create Cron UI Element (JS)

Creating a cron line can be hard if it get's complex - this should help

- Learn / Use PHP Generators

For better performance in importing/batch processing scripts

- Ad generator (PHP)

Pass a text, button text, image and a logo url and the size to generate a simple ad.

- Icon Chooser UI Element (JS)

<select>-Elements are just so a pain for choosing an icon - this one will have a search and nice UI.

Just just pass a logo, button text and a primary text - and 1-3 strong words for matching color and stock images. Using the flickr API or

- Simple Captcha Class (PHP)

Captcha - as simple as possible

- Wordpress Installer Script (PHP)

One file & upload it to install Wordpress and predownload plugins and some security tweaks.

- PSD File Viewer (PHP)

Generate a image preview from a PSD file (don't know how hard is this)

- SQL Cache Class (PHP)

Simple Caching class (like Fastcache but simpler)

- 3-day/part (weekend) Project: MyVisits

Similar like Day2 - but more advanced. This project consists of:

  • Part 1: Simple JSON API backend with some endpoints
  • Part 2: Mobile webapp to create a visit & view visits (maybe even a cordova-based app?)
  • Part 3: View the visits on desktop website