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How: Why Doesn't My Document Render

HazardJ edited this page Dec 28, 2014 · 4 revisions


You have text in a page, but nothing shows up on the Document view.


Three things to check:

  1. Is there a "Model.Root=something" in the name space of the file? The "Document" view is started by "Model.Root=". If you don't have a key called Model.Root either in the file itself or in a file that it includes (w/o prefix), then nothing will be rendered. (It might be better if the app returned {Model.Root} when there is none.)
  2. Does one of the =[Included_Files] point to a file that doesn't exist? Typing error or someone moved the file.
    • Check by going to the "Source" view and clicking on each of the included files.
      • Note: this is recursive. So if one of the files you go to should show a Document in its view, but doesn't, then check out its includes.
      • Note: Includes are "lazy" (a huge advantage). So if an include is not used (i.e. prefixed with a party name but party not referenced in the Doc), then a broken link won't impede rendering. So you might have an error but no harm, until you add a reference to the party in your Doc and suddenly it stops rendering.
      • It would be great if the app returned the name of an Include it looked for and didn't find.
  3. Circular reference among key/values. Something like a={b} b={a}. A tricky case is when the circular reference arises because of what I call "stack-climbing". (Will write up stack-climbing.)
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