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redhatrises edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 14 revisions

Ways to Contribute to OpenSCAP

Filing a bug

For bugs be sure to search existing issues [bug fixes] first. Include steps to consistently reproduce the problem, actual vs. expected results, any output from your terminal, your OS version, and the version of scap-security-guide that the issue appears.

Read more guidelines for filing bugs...

For feature requests please first check our Enhancements to see if it already exists.

Submitting a pull request

Before you start coding, join the OpenScap Security Guide mailing list, introduce yourself, and what you would like to work on.

To initiate a pull request, see Contributing Code below.

Ways to Contribute

There are many ways you can contribute to the OpenScap Security Guide project:

Contributing Code

Before submitting any pull request, please make sure to:

  1. Create a fork of the OpenSCAP Security Guide repository.
  2. Discuss any major changes or questions in the OpenSCAP mailing list.
  3. Test your changes of new XCCDF or OVAL content.
  4. Validate that the OVAL or XCCDF content is valid content.
  5. If needed, rebase your local repository to keep it up-to-date with the master and prevent any merge conflicts.
  6. Follow the Pull Request Guide.

The Code Review Process

OpenSCAP committers are responsible for reviewing all pull requests, providing feedback, and ultimately merging code into the master branch.

Once you've opened a pull request, a committer will respond with an initial set of comments or merge your code. If no one reviews or responds to your pull request, please email the OpenSCAP mailing list.

Once your pull request is merged, it will appear in the next release of the OpenSCAP Security Guide!

Interested in becoming a committer? See the OpenSCAP Committer Guide for details. Committers are expected to review pull requests and providing feedback and suggestions on the direction of the project.

Even if you're not a committer, you're still welcome to give feedback on any pull request!