Releases: ComputationalRadiationPhysics/picongpu
Releases · ComputationalRadiationPhysics/picongpu
beta-rc5: new checkpoints, xdmf, wiki
Please read our ChangeLog about the new features and syntax changes to your parameter files.
With this release we started to write a comprehensive documentation in our wiki. Feel free to contribute and update articles!
We are now using Zenodo to add a DOI to our tags/releases.
beta-rc4: 2D support, bug fixes, documentation
beta-rc3: pre-beta version, parallelHdf5, adios, fixes, mappedMemory
beta-rc2: pre-beta version, profiles, cmake, bugfixes and libSplash 1.0
pre-beta version, switched to support sm_20+ only
Open Alpha
That's our our open alpha release.
The alpha release is developer and power user release only!
Users should wait for our beta release!