44:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
47:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
292:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
564:4 error "generateNewSecurityToken": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
564:4 error "generateNewSecurityToken": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
589:8 warning Assignment operator must have exactly single space on both sides of it. operator-whitespace
594:65 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
598:65 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
630:8 warning Assignment operator must have exactly single space on both sides of it. operator-whitespace
633:62 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
18:16 error Only use indent of 12 spaces. indentation
22:16 error Only use indent of 12 spaces. indentation
27:0 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
31:110 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
31:110 error Only use indent of 4 spaces. indentation
46:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
47:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
48:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
96:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
131:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
139:12 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
146:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
166:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
188:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
312:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
314:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
319:6 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
320:6 error Code is unreachable. security/no-unreachable-code
320:6 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
372:6 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
373:6 error Code is unreachable. security/no-unreachable-code
373:6 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
373:13 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
373:22 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
376:70 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
380:86 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
384:87 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
392:104 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
400:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
400:120 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
408:103 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
411:11 error Only use indent of 12 spaces. indentation
416:109 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
424:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
424:126 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
432:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
432:142 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
440:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
440:125 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
448:90 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
457:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
466:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
466:123 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
475:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
484:91 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
490:108 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
496:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
496:124 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
502:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
508:91 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
515:108 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
522:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
522:124 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
529:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
536:91 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
544:108 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
552:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
552:124 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
560:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
568:91 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
577:108 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
586:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
586:124 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
595:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
604:91 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
614:108 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
624:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
624:124 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
634:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
644:89 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
653:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
662:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
662:122 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
671:105 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
680:90 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
686:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
692:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
692:123 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
698:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
704:90 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
711:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
718:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
718:123 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
725:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
732:90 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
740:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
748:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
748:123 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
756:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
764:90 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
773:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
782:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
782:123 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
791:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
800:90 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
810:107 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
820:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
820:123 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
830:106 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
840:57 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
845:46 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
849:45 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
850:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
855:68 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
859:66 warning Visibility modifier "internal" should come before other modifiers. visibility-first
946:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
950:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
982:4 error "safeParseInt": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
989:19 error Only use indent of 20 spaces. indentation
995:35 error 'More than one decimal encountered in string!': String literal must be quoted with double quotes. quotes
1011:4 error "parseInt": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
1018:19 error Only use indent of 20 spaces. indentation
1036:4 error "uint2str": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
1079:4 error "oraclize_newRandomDSQuery": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
1080:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
1087:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1099:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1107:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1137:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1167:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
1177:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
1191:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
1192:29 warning Single space should be either on both sides of '<' or not at all. operator-whitespace
1200:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
1222:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
1240:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
1242:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
1246:12 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1270:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1296:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
1328:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
34:73 warning There should be no whitespace or comments before the semicolon. semicolon-whitespace
66:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
11:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
12:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
28:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
49:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
57:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
62:16 warning Operator "+" should be on the line where left side of the Binary expression ends. operator-whitespace
62:24 warning Operator "-" should be on the line where left side of the Binary expression ends. operator-whitespace
62:57 warning Operator "+" should be on the line where left side of the Binary expression ends. operator-whitespace
62:60 warning Operator "-" should be on the line where left side of the Binary expression ends. operator-whitespace
62:62 warning Operator "-" should be on the line where left side of the Binary expression ends. operator-whitespace
67:0 error Only use indent of 8 spaces. indentation
217:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
232:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
236:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
240:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
244:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
248:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
262:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
277:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
281:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
285:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
289:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
293:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
297:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
309:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
321:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
325:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
329:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
333:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
35:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
90:8 error Avoid using Inline Assembly. security/no-inline-assembly
109:20 error Only use indent of 16 spaces. indentation
110:20 error Only use indent of 16 spaces. indentation
111:20 error Only use indent of 16 spaces. indentation
117:35 error Only use indent of 12 spaces. indentation
259:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
321:4 error "adjustInvestorCount": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
321:4 error "adjustInvestorCount": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
376:69 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
416:4 error "verifyTransfer": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
416:4 error "verifyTransfer": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
77:10 error Only use indent of 12 spaces. indentation
10:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
11:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
22:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
23:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
71:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
15:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
78:74 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
80:84 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
48:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
3:27 warning Code contains empty block no-empty-blocks
3:27 warning Code contains empty block no-empty-blocks
40:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
21:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
13:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
284:34 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
395:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
25:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
165:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
47:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
12:0 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
130:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
131:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
47:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
1:0 error Inconsistent line-break style linebreak-style
55:28 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
107:30 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
187:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
221:12 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
240:12 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
242:17 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
242:41 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
244:18 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
244:41 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
246:17 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
49:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
56:26 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
57:59 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
95:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
97:30 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
113:16 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
113:43 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
139:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
172:23 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
48:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
12:0 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
35:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
60:29 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
142:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
156:33 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
162:26 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
165:82 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
168:82 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
171:84 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
175:83 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
40:8 warning Assignment operator must have exactly single space on both sides of it. operator-whitespace
50:55 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
50:74 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
100:123 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
100:142 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
39:5 error Only use indent of 4 spaces. indentation
40:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
78:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
48:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
166:4 error "_processTx": Avoid assigning to function parameters. security/no-assign-params
33:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
49:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
47:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
325:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
360:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
378:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
395:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
396:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
408:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
728:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
50:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
20:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
8:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
119:49 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
169:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
182:4 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
208:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
235:60 warning Single space should be either on both sides of '-' or not at all. operator-whitespace
334:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
338:35 warning Single space should be either on both sides of '-' or not at all. operator-whitespace
348:34 warning Single space should be either on both sides of '-' or not at all. operator-whitespace
405:30 warning Avoid using 'now' (alias to 'block.timestamp'). security/no-block-members
406:8 warning Provide an error message for require(). error-reason
443:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
44:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len
45:8 warning Line exceeds the limit of 145 characters max-len