- This is the source code for a-6e mod
- This is created from ed template
- This part will keeps update until it reaches expectations
- Silent Eagle for some carrier launch sample
- JNelson for he provided me a lot of good ideas and help
- Duke for help in suspension things and some debugging functions
The Query is from 1 very ergent to max later
- Fix drag profile, current is bit too large;[done]
- Fix the pitch control is not stable and will shake;
- Add the SpeedBrake, Flap and Gear Drag and Lift;
- Add the Engine Temperature output;
- Check the performance for turning;
- Add carrier operations;[done]
- Overide fuel control system currently use
- Complete Autopilot Control in EFM
- Adding Bombing/Calculation System to EFM
- transfer engine operation fully into EFM
- Test for a more percious Flight Model
- Move some other cockpit class into EFM
- Interface Class
- Engine Class
- Mass Class
- Gear Class
- Motion Class
- Atmosphere Class
- Aerodynamic Class
- CarrierOp Class
- Structure Class
- Mission System Class
- mainly some constant data