diff --git a/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUi.cs b/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUi.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1688c8dab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUi.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface;
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Fragments;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+namespace Content.Client.DeltaV.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+public sealed partial class MailMetricUi : UIFragment
+ private MailMetricUiFragment? _fragment;
+ public override Control GetUIFragmentRoot()
+ {
+ return _fragment!;
+ }
+ public override void Setup(BoundUserInterface userInterface, EntityUid? fragmentOwner)
+ {
+ _fragment = new MailMetricUiFragment();
+ }
+ public override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ {
+ if (state is MailMetricUiState cast)
+ {
+ _fragment?.UpdateState(cast);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml b/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c31a1c6063d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d1560b53668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiFragment.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+namespace Content.Client.DeltaV.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+public sealed partial class MailMetricUiFragment : BoxContainer
+ private OpenedMailPercentGrade? _successGrade;
+ public MailMetricUiFragment()
+ {
+ RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ // This my way of adding multiple classes to a XAML control.
+ // Haha Batman I'm going to blow up Gotham City
+ OpenedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Good");
+ OpenedMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Good");
+ TamperedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ TamperedMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ ExpiredMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ ExpiredMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ DamagedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ DamagedMailSpesos.StyleClasses.Add("Danger");
+ UnopenedMailCount.StyleClasses.Add("Caution");
+ }
+ public void UpdateState(MailMetricUiState state)
+ {
+ UpdateTextLabels(state);
+ UpdateSuccessGrade(state);
+ }
+ public void UpdateTextLabels(MailMetricUiState state)
+ {
+ var stats = state.Metrics;
+ OpenedMailCount.Text = stats.OpenedCount.ToString();
+ OpenedMailSpesos.Text = stats.Earnings.ToString();
+ TamperedMailCount.Text = stats.TamperedCount.ToString();
+ TamperedMailSpesos.Text = stats.TamperedLosses.ToString();
+ ExpiredMailCount.Text = stats.ExpiredCount.ToString();
+ ExpiredMailSpesos.Text = stats.ExpiredLosses.ToString();
+ DamagedMailCount.Text = stats.DamagedCount.ToString();
+ DamagedMailSpesos.Text = stats.DamagedLosses.ToString();
+ UnopenedMailCount.Text = state.UnopenedMailCount.ToString();
+ TotalMailCount.Text = state.TotalMail.ToString();
+ TotalMailSpesos.Text = stats.TotalIncome.ToString();
+ SuccessRateCounts.Text = Loc.GetString("mail-metrics-progress",
+ ("opened", stats.OpenedCount),
+ ("total", state.TotalMail));
+ SuccessRatePercent.Text = Loc.GetString("mail-metrics-progress-percent",
+ ("successRate", state.SuccessRate));
+ }
+ public void UpdateSuccessGrade(MailMetricUiState state)
+ {
+ var previousGrade = _successGrade;
+ _successGrade = GetSuccessRateGrade(state.SuccessRate);
+ // No need to update if they're the same
+ if (previousGrade == _successGrade)
+ return;
+ var previousGradeClass = GetClassForGrade(previousGrade);
+ if (previousGradeClass != string.Empty)
+ {
+ SuccessRatePercent.StyleClasses.Remove(previousGradeClass);
+ }
+ SuccessRatePercent.StyleClasses.Add(GetClassForGrade(_successGrade));
+ }
+ private static OpenedMailPercentGrade GetSuccessRateGrade(double successRate)
+ {
+ return successRate switch
+ {
+ > 75 => OpenedMailPercentGrade.Good,
+ > 50 => OpenedMailPercentGrade.Average,
+ _ => OpenedMailPercentGrade.Bad,
+ };
+ }
+ private string GetClassForGrade(OpenedMailPercentGrade? grade)
+ {
+ return grade switch
+ {
+ OpenedMailPercentGrade.Good => "Good",
+ OpenedMailPercentGrade.Average => "Caution",
+ OpenedMailPercentGrade.Bad => "Danger",
+ _ => string.Empty,
+ };
+ }
+enum OpenedMailPercentGrade
+ Good,
+ Average,
+ Bad
diff --git a/Content.Client/Players/PlayTimeTracking/JobRequirementsManager.cs b/Content.Client/Players/PlayTimeTracking/JobRequirementsManager.cs
index ea250953422..a5b71cfa7bf 100644
--- a/Content.Client/Players/PlayTimeTracking/JobRequirementsManager.cs
+++ b/Content.Client/Players/PlayTimeTracking/JobRequirementsManager.cs
@@ -113,7 +113,31 @@ public bool IsAllowed(JobPrototype job, [NotNullWhen(false)] out FormattedMessag
public bool CheckRoleTime(JobPrototype job, [NotNullWhen(false)] out FormattedMessage? reason)
var reqs = _entManager.System().GetJobRequirement(job);
- return CheckRoleTime(reqs, out reason);
+ //return CheckRoleTime(reqs, out reason); // Frontier: old implementation
+ // Frontier: alternate role time checks
+ if (CheckRoleTime(reqs, out reason))
+ return true;
+ var altReqs = _entManager.System().GetAlternateJobRequirements(job);
+ if (altReqs != null)
+ {
+ foreach (var alternateSet in altReqs.Values)
+ {
+ // Suppress reasons on alternate requirement sets
+ if (CheckRoleTime(alternateSet, out var altReason))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ reason.PushNewline();
+ reason.AddMarkupPermissive(Loc.GetString("role-requirement-alternative"));
+ reason.PushNewline();
+ reason.AddMarkupPermissive(altReason.ToMarkup());
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ // End Frontier: alternate role time checks
public bool CheckRoleTime(HashSet? requirements, [NotNullWhen(false)] out FormattedMessage? reason)
diff --git a/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioBoundUserInterface.cs b/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioBoundUserInterface.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2b671443af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioBoundUserInterface.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+using Content.Shared._NC.Radio;
+using JetBrains.Annotations;
+using Robust.Client.GameObjects;
+namespace Content.Client._NC.Radio.UI;
+public sealed class HandheldRadioBoundUserInterface : BoundUserInterface
+ [ViewVariables]
+ private HandheldRadioMenu? _menu;
+ public HandheldRadioBoundUserInterface(EntityUid owner, Enum uiKey) : base(owner, uiKey)
+ {
+ }
+ protected override void Open()
+ {
+ base.Open();
+ _menu = new();
+ _menu.OnMicPressed += enabled =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new ToggleHandheldRadioMicMessage(enabled));
+ };
+ _menu.OnSpeakerPressed += enabled =>
+ {
+ SendMessage(new ToggleHandheldRadioSpeakerMessage(enabled));
+ };
+ _menu.OnFrequencyChanged += frequency =>
+ {
+ if (int.TryParse(frequency.Trim(), out var intFreq) && intFreq > 0)
+ SendMessage(new SelectHandheldRadioFrequencyMessage(intFreq));
+ else
+ SendMessage(new SelectHandheldRadioFrequencyMessage(-1)); // Query the current frequency
+ };
+ _menu.OnClose += Close;
+ _menu.OpenCentered();
+ }
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ if (!disposing)
+ return;
+ _menu?.Close();
+ }
+ protected override void UpdateState(BoundUserInterfaceState state)
+ {
+ base.UpdateState(state);
+ if (state is not HandheldRadioBoundUIState msg)
+ return;
+ _menu?.Update(msg);
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioMenu.xaml b/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioMenu.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e228d97f1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioMenu.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
diff --git a/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioMenu.xaml.cs b/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioMenu.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e2d741af0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Client/_NC/Radio/UI/HandheldRadioMenu.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+using Content.Client.UserInterface.Controls;
+using Content.Shared._NC.Radio;
+using Robust.Client.AutoGenerated;
+using Robust.Client.UserInterface.XAML;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Client._NC.Radio.UI;
+public sealed partial class HandheldRadioMenu : FancyWindow
+ public event Action? OnMicPressed;
+ public event Action? OnSpeakerPressed;
+ public event Action? OnFrequencyChanged;
+ public HandheldRadioMenu()
+ {
+ RobustXamlLoader.Load(this);
+ IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this);
+ MicButton.OnPressed += args => OnMicPressed?.Invoke(args.Button.Pressed);
+ SpeakerButton.OnPressed += args => OnSpeakerPressed?.Invoke(args.Button.Pressed);
+ FrequencyLineEdit.OnTextEntered += e => OnFrequencyChanged?.Invoke(e.Text);
+ FrequencyLineEdit.OnFocusExit += e => OnFrequencyChanged?.Invoke(e.Text);
+ }
+ public void Update(HandheldRadioBoundUIState state)
+ {
+ MicButton.Pressed = state.MicEnabled;
+ SpeakerButton.Pressed = state.SpeakerEnabled;
+ FrequencyLineEdit.Text = state.Frequency.ToString();
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Cargo/Components/StationLogisticStatsDatabaseComponent.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Cargo/Components/StationLogisticStatsDatabaseComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2890d54025a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Cargo/Components/StationLogisticStatsDatabaseComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using Content.Shared.Cargo;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Components;
+/// Added to the abstract representation of a station to track stats related to mail delivery and income
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(SharedCargoSystem))]
+public sealed partial class StationLogisticStatsComponent : Component
+ [DataField]
+ public MailStats Metrics { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Cargo/Systems/LogisticStatsSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Cargo/Systems/LogisticStatsSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e18bd4c7cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Cargo/Systems/LogisticStatsSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Components;
+using Content.Shared.Cargo;
+using JetBrains.Annotations;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Systems;
+public sealed partial class LogisticStatsSystem : SharedCargoSystem
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddOpenedMailEarnings(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int earnedMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ Earnings = component.Metrics.Earnings + earnedMoney,
+ OpenedCount = component.Metrics.OpenedCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddExpiredMailLosses(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int lostMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ ExpiredLosses = component.Metrics.ExpiredLosses + lostMoney,
+ ExpiredCount = component.Metrics.ExpiredCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddDamagedMailLosses(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int lostMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ DamagedLosses = component.Metrics.DamagedLosses + lostMoney,
+ DamagedCount = component.Metrics.DamagedCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ [PublicAPI]
+ public void AddTamperedMailLosses(EntityUid uid, StationLogisticStatsComponent component, int lostMoney)
+ {
+ component.Metrics = component.Metrics with
+ {
+ TamperedLosses = component.Metrics.TamperedLosses + lostMoney,
+ TamperedCount = component.Metrics.TamperedCount + 1
+ };
+ UpdateLogisticsStats(uid);
+ }
+ private void UpdateLogisticsStats(EntityUid uid) => RaiseLocalEvent(new LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent(uid));
+public sealed class LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent : EntityEventArgs
+ public EntityUid Station;
+ public LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent(EntityUid station)
+ {
+ Station = station;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeComponent.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..11a6c5c5bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+[RegisterComponent, Access(typeof(MailMetricsCartridgeSystem))]
+public sealed partial class MailMetricsCartridgeComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// Station entity keeping track of logistics stats
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public EntityUid? Station;
diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..905e3854ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricsCartridgeSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Components;
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Content.Server.CartridgeLoader;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader;
+using Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+using Content.Server.Mail.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+public sealed class MailMetricsCartridgeSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly CartridgeLoaderSystem _cartridgeLoader = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _station = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnUiReady);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnLogisticsStatsUpdated);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapInit);
+ }
+ private void OnUiReady(Entity ent, ref CartridgeUiReadyEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateUI(ent, args.Loader);
+ }
+ private void OnLogisticsStatsUpdated(LogisticStatsUpdatedEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateAllCartridges(args.Station);
+ }
+ private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, MailComponent mail, MapInitEvent args)
+ {
+ if (_station.GetOwningStation(uid) is { } station)
+ UpdateAllCartridges(station);
+ }
+ private void UpdateAllCartridges(EntityUid station)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp, out var cartridge))
+ {
+ if (cartridge.LoaderUid is not { } loader || comp.Station != station)
+ continue;
+ UpdateUI((uid, comp), loader);
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdateUI(Entity ent, EntityUid loader)
+ {
+ if (_station.GetOwningStation(loader) is { } station)
+ ent.Comp.Station = station;
+ if (!TryComp(ent.Comp.Station, out var logiStats))
+ return;
+ // Get station's logistic stats
+ var unopenedMailCount = GetUnopenedMailCount(ent.Comp.Station);
+ // Send logistic stats to cartridge client
+ var state = new MailMetricUiState(logiStats.Metrics, unopenedMailCount);
+ _cartridgeLoader.UpdateCartridgeUiState(loader, state);
+ }
+ private int GetUnopenedMailCount(EntityUid? station)
+ {
+ var unopenedMail = 0;
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp))
+ {
+ if (comp.IsLocked && _station.GetOwningStation(uid) == station)
+ unopenedMail++;
+ }
+ return unopenedMail;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
index 6b8e1ee0b66..26589a7333b 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/MailComponent.cs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public sealed partial class MailComponent : SharedMailComponent
/// Penalty if the mail is destroyed.
- public int Penalty = -250;
+ public int Penalty = 0; // Frontier - -250<0
/// The sound that's played when the mail's lock is broken.
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce87eb131fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/Components/StationMailRouterComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+namespace Content.Server.Mail;
+/// Designates a station as a place for sending and receiving mail.
+public sealed partial class StationMailRouterComponent : Component
diff --git a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs
index 7e76648a09b..801c8ce85a9 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Nyanotrasen/Mail/MailSystem.cs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
using Content.Server.Chat.Systems;
using Content.Server.Chemistry.Containers.EntitySystems;
using Content.Server.Damage.Components;
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Components;
using Content.Server.Destructible;
using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds;
using Content.Server.Destructible.Thresholds.Behaviors;
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
using Content.Shared.Tag;
using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
using Timer = Robust.Shared.Timing.Timer;
+using Content.Server.DeltaV.Cargo.Systems;
namespace Content.Server.Mail
@@ -76,6 +78,9 @@ public sealed class MailSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly MetaDataSystem _metaDataSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IEntityManager _entManager = default!; // Frontier
+ // DeltaV - system that keeps track of mail and cargo stats
+ [Dependency] private readonly LogisticStatsSystem _logisticsStatsSystem = default!;
private ISawmill _sawmill = default!;
public override void Initialize()
@@ -126,6 +131,9 @@ private void OnSpawnPlayer(PlayerSpawningEvent args)
+ //if (!HasComp(station)) # Frontier - We dont need to test this.
+ // return;
@@ -223,6 +231,13 @@ private void OnAfterInteractUsing(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, AfterI
UnlockMail(uid, component);
+ // DeltaV - Add earnings to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddOpenedMailEarnings(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ component.IsProfitable ? component.Bounty : 0);
+ });
if (!component.IsProfitable)
@@ -239,7 +254,6 @@ private void OnAfterInteractUsing(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, AfterI
while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var account))
_cargoSystem.UpdateBankAccount(station, account, component.Bounty);
- return;
@@ -305,8 +319,20 @@ public void PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component
private void OnDestruction(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, DestructionEventArgs args)
if (component.IsLocked)
+ {
+ bool wasProfitable = component.IsProfitable; // Frontier: cache mail profitability
PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-lock");
+ // DeltaV - Damaged mail recorded to logistic stats
+ component.IsLocked = false; // Frontier: do not count this package as unopened.
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddDamagedMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ wasProfitable ? component.Penalty : 0);
+ });
+ }
// if (component.IsEnabled)
// OpenMail(uid, component); // Frontier - Dont open the mail on destruction.
@@ -334,7 +360,18 @@ private void OnBreak(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, BreakageEventArgs a
_appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsBroken, true);
if (component.IsFragile)
+ {
+ bool wasProfitable = component.IsProfitable; // Frontier: cache mail profitability
PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-fragile");
+ // DeltaV - Broken mail recorded to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddDamagedMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ wasProfitable ? component.Penalty : 0);
+ });
+ }
private void OnMailEmagged(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ref GotEmaggedEvent args)
@@ -344,6 +381,18 @@ private void OnMailEmagged(EntityUid uid, MailComponent component, ref GotEmagge
UnlockMail(uid, component);
+ // Frontier: ding station on emag
+ bool wasProfitable = component.IsProfitable; // Frontier: cache mail profitability
+ PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, component, "mail-penalty-lock");
+ // DeltaV - Tampered mail recorded to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddTamperedMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ wasProfitable ? component.Penalty : 0);
+ });
_popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("mail-unlocked-by-emag"), uid, args.UserUid);
_audioSystem.PlayPvs(component.EmagSound, uid, AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(4));
@@ -475,27 +524,39 @@ public void SetupMail(EntityUid uid, MailTeleporterComponent component, MailReci
if (mailComp.IsLarge)
mailComp.Bounty += component.LargeBonus;
- mailComp.Penalty += component.LargeMalus;
+ //mailComp.Penalty += component.LargeMalus; // Frontier - Setting penalty to stay 0
// End Frontier
if (mailComp.IsFragile)
mailComp.Bounty += component.FragileBonus;
- mailComp.Penalty += component.FragileMalus;
+ //mailComp.Penalty += component.FragileMalus; // Frontier - Setting penalty to stay 0
_appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsFragile, true);
if (mailComp.IsPriority)
mailComp.Bounty += component.PriorityBonus;
- mailComp.Penalty += component.PriorityMalus;
+ //mailComp.Penalty += component.PriorityMalus; // Frontier - Setting penalty to stay 0
_appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsPriority, true);
mailComp.priorityCancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
Timer.Spawn((int) component.priorityDuration.TotalMilliseconds,
- () => PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, mailComp, "mail-penalty-expired"),
+ () =>
+ {
+ bool wasProfitable = mailComp.IsProfitable; // Frontier: cache mail profitability
+ PenalizeStationFailedDelivery(uid, mailComp, "mail-penalty-expired");
+ // DeltaV - Expired mail recorded to logistic stats
+ ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(uid, (station, logisticStats) =>
+ {
+ _logisticsStatsSystem.AddExpiredMailLosses(station,
+ logisticStats,
+ wasProfitable ? mailComp.Penalty : 0);
+ });
+ },
@@ -714,7 +775,6 @@ public void SpawnMail(EntityUid uid, MailTeleporterComponent? component = null)
SetupMail(mail, component, candidate);
_tagSystem.AddTag(mail, "Mail"); // Frontier
- _tagSystem.AddTag(mail, "Recyclable"); // Frontier - Make it so mail can be destroyed by reclaimer
if (_containerSystem.TryGetContainer(uid, "queued", out var queued))
@@ -760,6 +820,21 @@ private void UpdateMailTrashState(EntityUid uid, bool isTrash)
_appearanceSystem.SetData(uid, MailVisuals.IsTrash, isTrash);
+ // DeltaV - Helper function that executes for each StationLogisticsStatsComponent
+ // For updating MailMetrics stats
+ private void ExecuteForEachLogisticsStats(EntityUid uid,
+ Action action)
+ {
+ var query = EntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (query.MoveNext(out var station, out var logisticStats))
+ {
+ //if (_stationSystem.GetOwningStation(uid) != station) # Frontier - No need for this test
+ // continue;
+ action(station, logisticStats);
+ }
+ }
public struct MailRecipient
diff --git a/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenAutoCabling.cs b/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenAutoCabling.cs
index aaea23ddd56..57d9d4a2b87 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenAutoCabling.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenAutoCabling.cs
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ private async Task PostGen(AutoCablingDunGen gen, DungeonData data, Dungeon dung
if (!ValidateResume())
+ if (cableTiles.Count <= 0) // Frontier: empty check
+ return; // Frontier: empty check
var startNodes = new List(cableTiles);
var start = startNodes[0];
diff --git a/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenWallMount.cs b/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenWallMount.cs
index afc7608d64a..530c7344ab3 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenWallMount.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Procedural/DungeonJob/DungeonJob.PostGenWallMount.cs
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ private async Task PostGen(WallMountDunGen gen, DungeonData data, Dungeon dungeo
var tileDef = _prototype.Index(tileProto);
- data.SpawnGroups.TryGetValue(DungeonDataKey.WallMounts, out var spawnProto);
+ bool validProto = data.SpawnGroups.TryGetValue(DungeonDataKey.WallMounts, out var spawnProto); // Frontier: assign to validProto
+ if (!validProto) // Frontier: add error handling
+ _sawmill.Warning($"No wallmount spawn group for dungeon type."); // Frontier: add error handling
var checkedTiles = new HashSet();
var allExterior = new HashSet(dungeon.CorridorExteriorTiles);
@@ -38,6 +40,9 @@ private async Task PostGen(WallMountDunGen gen, DungeonData data, Dungeon dungeo
_maps.SetTile(_gridUid, _grid, neighbor, _tile.GetVariantTile(tileDef, random));
var gridPos = _maps.GridTileToLocal(_gridUid, _grid, neighbor);
+ if (!validProto) // Frontier: error handling
+ continue; // Frontier: error handling
var protoNames = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(_prototype.Index(spawnProto).Entries, random);
_entManager.SpawnEntities(gridPos, protoNames);
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioMicrophoneComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioMicrophoneComponent.cs
index af01f86f23c..b2aa3840b4d 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioMicrophoneComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioMicrophoneComponent.cs
@@ -40,4 +40,11 @@ public sealed partial class RadioMicrophoneComponent : Component
public bool UnobstructedRequired = false;
+ // Nuclear-14
+ ///
+ // The radio frequency on which the message will be transmitted
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int Frequency = 1459; // Common channel frequency
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioSpeakerComponent.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioSpeakerComponent.cs
index 150e903e527..17995810bb8 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioSpeakerComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/Components/RadioSpeakerComponent.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+using Content.Server.Chat.Systems; // Frontier: InGameICChatType
using Content.Server.Radio.EntitySystems;
using Content.Shared.Chat;
using Content.Shared.Radio;
@@ -24,4 +25,11 @@ public sealed partial class RadioSpeakerComponent : Component
public bool Enabled;
+ //Frontier: radio output volume
+ ///
+ /// The output chat type when a message is received.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public InGameICChatType OutputChatType = InGameICChatType.Whisper;
diff --git a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs
index 1258e0b8c7e..1f67ed5b830 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Radio/EntitySystems/RadioDeviceSystem.cs
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
using Content.Shared.Interaction;
using Content.Shared.Radio;
using Content.Shared.Radio.Components;
+using Content.Shared.UserInterface; // Nuclear-14
+using Content.Shared._NC.Radio; // Nuclear-14
+using Robust.Server.GameObjects; // Nuclear-14
using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
namespace Content.Server.Radio.EntitySystems;
@@ -26,10 +29,15 @@ public sealed class RadioDeviceSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly RadioSystem _radio = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly InteractionSystem _interaction = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedAppearanceSystem _appearance = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _ui = default!;
// Used to prevent a shitter from using a bunch of radios to spam chat.
private HashSet<(string, EntityUid)> _recentlySent = new();
+ // Frontier: minimum, maximum radio frequencies
+ private const int MinRadioFrequency = 1000;
+ private const int MaxRadioFrequency = 3000;
public override void Initialize()
@@ -48,6 +56,15 @@ public override void Initialize()
+ // Nuclear-14-Start
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnBeforeHandheldRadioUiOpen);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnToggleHandheldRadioMic);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnToggleHandheldRadioSpeaker);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnChangeHandheldRadioFrequency);
+ // Nuclear-14-End
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnMapInit); // Frontier
public override void Update(float frameTime)
@@ -178,7 +195,7 @@ private void OnExamine(EntityUid uid, RadioMicrophoneComponent component, Examin
using (args.PushGroup(nameof(RadioMicrophoneComponent)))
- args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("handheld-radio-component-on-examine", ("frequency", proto.Frequency)));
+ args.PushMarkup(Loc.GetString("handheld-radio-component-on-examine", ("frequency", /*Nuclear-14-start*/ component.Frequency /*Nuclear-14-end*/)));
("channel", proto.LocalizedName)));
@@ -190,7 +207,7 @@ private void OnListen(EntityUid uid, RadioMicrophoneComponent component, ListenE
return; // no feedback loops please.
if (_recentlySent.Add((args.Message, args.Source)))
- _radio.SendRadioMessage(args.Source, args.Message, _protoMan.Index(component.BroadcastChannel), uid);
+ _radio.SendRadioMessage(args.Source, args.Message, _protoMan.Index(component.BroadcastChannel), uid, /*Nuclear-14-start*/ frequency: component.Frequency /*Nuclear-14-end*/);
private void OnAttemptListen(EntityUid uid, RadioMicrophoneComponent component, ListenAttemptEvent args)
@@ -215,7 +232,7 @@ private void OnReceiveRadio(EntityUid uid, RadioSpeakerComponent component, ref
("originalName", nameEv.Name));
// log to chat so people can identity the speaker/source, but avoid clogging ghost chat if there are many radios
- _chat.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, args.Message, InGameICChatType.Whisper, ChatTransmitRange.GhostRangeLimit, nameOverride: name, checkRadioPrefix: false);
+ _chat.TrySendInGameICMessage(uid, args.Message, component.OutputChatType, ChatTransmitRange.GhostRangeLimitNoAdminCheck, nameOverride: name, checkRadioPrefix: false); // Frontier: GhostRangeLimit ent, ref EncryptionChannelsChangedEvent args)
@@ -254,7 +271,7 @@ private void OnSelectIntercomChannel(Entity ent, ref SelectIn
if (ent.Comp.RequiresPower && !this.IsPowered(ent, EntityManager))
- if (!_protoMan.HasIndex(args.Channel) || !ent.Comp.SupportedChannels.Contains(args.Channel))
+ if (!_protoMan.TryIndex(args.Channel, out var channel) || !ent.Comp.SupportedChannels.Contains(args.Channel)) // Nuclear-14: add channel
SetIntercomChannel(ent, args.Channel);
@@ -275,9 +292,91 @@ private void SetIntercomChannel(Entity ent, ProtoId(ent, out var mic))
+ {
mic.BroadcastChannel = channel;
+ if(_protoMan.TryIndex(channel, out var channelProto)) // Frontier
+ mic.Frequency = _radio.GetFrequency(ent, channelProto); // Frontier
+ }
if (TryComp(ent, out var speaker))
speaker.Channels = new(){ channel };
+ // Nuclear-14-Start
+ #region Handheld Radio
+ private void OnBeforeHandheldRadioUiOpen(Entity microphone, ref BeforeActivatableUIOpenEvent args)
+ {
+ UpdateHandheldRadioUi(microphone);
+ }
+ private void OnToggleHandheldRadioMic(Entity microphone, ref ToggleHandheldRadioMicMessage args)
+ {
+ if (!args.Actor.Valid)
+ return;
+ SetMicrophoneEnabled(microphone, args.Actor, args.Enabled, true);
+ UpdateHandheldRadioUi(microphone);
+ }
+ private void OnToggleHandheldRadioSpeaker(Entity microphone, ref ToggleHandheldRadioSpeakerMessage args)
+ {
+ if (!args.Actor.Valid)
+ return;
+ SetSpeakerEnabled(microphone, args.Actor, args.Enabled, true);
+ UpdateHandheldRadioUi(microphone);
+ }
+ private void OnChangeHandheldRadioFrequency(Entity microphone, ref SelectHandheldRadioFrequencyMessage args)
+ {
+ if (!args.Actor.Valid)
+ return;
+ // Update frequency if valid and within range.
+ if (args.Frequency >= MinRadioFrequency && args.Frequency <= MaxRadioFrequency)
+ microphone.Comp.Frequency = args.Frequency;
+ // Update UI with current frequency.
+ UpdateHandheldRadioUi(microphone);
+ }
+ private void UpdateHandheldRadioUi(Entity radio)
+ {
+ var speakerComp = CompOrNull(radio);
+ var frequency = radio.Comp.Frequency;
+ var micEnabled = radio.Comp.Enabled;
+ var speakerEnabled = speakerComp?.Enabled ?? false;
+ var state = new HandheldRadioBoundUIState(micEnabled, speakerEnabled, frequency);
+ if (TryComp(radio, out var uiComp))
+ _ui.SetUiState((radio.Owner, uiComp), HandheldRadioUiKey.Key, state); // Frontier: TrySetUiState
+ /// Gets the message frequency, if there is no such frequency, returns the standard channel frequency.
+ ///
+ public int GetFrequency(EntityUid source, RadioChannelPrototype channel)
+ {
+ if (TryComp(source, out var radioMicrophone))
+ return radioMicrophone.Frequency;
+ return channel.Frequency;
+ }
private void OnIntrinsicReceive(EntityUid uid, IntrinsicRadioReceiverComponent component, ref RadioReceiveEvent args)
if (TryComp(uid, out ActorComponent? actor))
@@ -64,9 +78,9 @@ private void OnIntrinsicReceive(EntityUid uid, IntrinsicRadioReceiverComponent c
/// Send radio message to all active radio listeners
- public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, ProtoId channel, EntityUid radioSource, bool escapeMarkup = true)
+ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, ProtoId channel, EntityUid radioSource, int? frequency = null, bool escapeMarkup = true) // Frontier: added frequency
- SendRadioMessage(messageSource, message, _prototype.Index(channel), radioSource, escapeMarkup: escapeMarkup);
+ SendRadioMessage(messageSource, message, _prototype.Index(channel), radioSource, frequency: frequency, escapeMarkup: escapeMarkup); // Frontier: added frequency
@@ -74,7 +88,7 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, ProtoId
/// Entity that spoke the message
/// Entity that picked up the message and will send it, e.g. headset
- public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChannelPrototype channel, EntityUid radioSource, bool escapeMarkup = true)
+ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChannelPrototype channel, EntityUid radioSource, int? frequency = null, bool escapeMarkup = true) // Nuclear-14: add frequency
// TODO if radios ever garble / modify messages, feedback-prevention needs to be handled better than this.
if (!_messages.Add(message))
@@ -101,6 +115,14 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChann
name = mode;
} // Frontier - code block to allow multi masks.
+ // Frontier: add name transform event
+ var transformEv = new RadioTransformMessageEvent(channel, radioSource, name, message, messageSource);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(radioSource, ref transformEv);
+ name = transformEv.Name;
+ message = transformEv.Message;
+ messageSource = transformEv.MessageSource;
+ // End Frontier
name = FormattedMessage.EscapeText(name);
SpeechVerbPrototype speech;
@@ -118,12 +140,20 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChann
? FormattedMessage.EscapeText(message)
: message;
+ // Frontier: append frequency if the channel requests it
+ string channelText;
+ if (channel.ShowFrequency)
+ channelText = $"\\[{channel.LocalizedName} ({frequency})\\]";
+ else
+ channelText = $"\\[{channel.LocalizedName}\\]";
+ // End Frontier
var wrappedMessage = Loc.GetString(speech.Bold ? "chat-radio-message-wrap-bold" : "chat-radio-message-wrap",
("color", channel.Color),
("fontType", speech.FontId),
("fontSize", speech.FontSize),
("verb", Loc.GetString(_random.Pick(speech.SpeechVerbStrings))),
- ("channel", $"\\[{channel.LocalizedName}\\]"),
+ ("channel", channelText), // Frontier: $"\\[{channel.LocalizedName}\\]"();
+ if (frequency == null) // Nuclear-14
+ frequency = GetFrequency(messageSource, channel); // Nuclear-14
while (canSend && radioQuery.MoveNext(out var receiver, out var radio, out var transform))
if (!radio.ReceiveAllChannels)
@@ -156,6 +190,9 @@ public void SendRadioMessage(EntityUid messageSource, string message, RadioChann
+ if (!HasComp(receiver) && GetFrequency(receiver, channel) != frequency) // Nuclear-14
+ continue; // Nuclear-14
if (!channel.LongRange && transform.MapID != sourceMapId && !radio.GlobalReceive)
diff --git a/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Runner.cs b/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Runner.cs
index bf2a127b108..afd701721c8 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Runner.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Salvage/SalvageSystem.Runner.cs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
using Robust.Shared.Map.Components;
using Robust.Shared.Player;
using Robust.Shared.Utility;
+using Content.Shared.Coordinates;
namespace Content.Server.Salvage;
@@ -204,12 +205,51 @@ private void UpdateRunner()
if (shuttleXform.MapUid != uid || HasComp(shuttleUid))
- //this whole code snippet makes me question humanity. the following code block is a fix for frontier.
+ // Frontier: try to find a potential destination for ship that doesn't collide with other grids.
var mapId = _gameTicker.DefaultMap;
- var mapUid = _mapManager.GetMapEntityId(mapId);
- var dropLocation = _random.NextVector2(750, 2750);
- _shuttle.FTLToCoordinates(shuttleUid, shuttle, new EntityCoordinates(mapUid, dropLocation), 0f, 5.5f, 50f);
+ if (!_mapSystem.TryGetMap(mapId, out var mapUid))
+ {
+ Log.Error($"Could not get DefaultMap EntityUID, shuttle {shuttleUid} may be stuck on expedition.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Destination generator parameters (move to CVAR?)
+ int numRetries = 20; // Maximum number of retries
+ float minDistance = 200f; // Minimum distance from another object, in meters
+ float minRange = 750f; // Minimum distance from sector centre, in meters
+ float maxRange = 3500f; // Maximum distance from sector centre, in meters
+ // Get a list of all grid positions on the destination map
+ List gridCoords = new();
+ var gridQuery = EntityManager.AllEntityQueryEnumerator();
+ while (gridQuery.MoveNext(out var _, out _, out var xform))
+ {
+ if (xform.MapID == mapId)
+ gridCoords.Add(_transform.GetWorldPosition(xform));
+ }
+ Vector2 dropLocation = _random.NextVector2(minRange, maxRange);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numRetries; i++)
+ {
+ bool positionIsValid = true;
+ foreach (var station in gridCoords)
+ {
+ if (Vector2.Distance(station, dropLocation) < minDistance)
+ {
+ positionIsValid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (positionIsValid)
+ break;
+ // No good position yet, pick another random position.
+ dropLocation = _random.NextVector2(minRange, maxRange);
+ }
+ _shuttle.FTLToCoordinates(shuttleUid, shuttle, new EntityCoordinates(mapUid.Value, dropLocation), 0f, 5.5f, 50f);
+ // End Frontier: try to find a potential destination for ship that doesn't collide with other grids.
diff --git a/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs b/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs
index 2b5f479615f..51b10a96e0e 100644
--- a/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/Weapons/Ranged/Systems/GunSystem.cs
@@ -138,27 +138,8 @@ public override void Shoot(EntityUid gunUid, GunComponent gun, List<(EntityUid?
case CartridgeAmmoComponent cartridge:
if (!cartridge.Spent)
- if (cartridge.Count > 1)
- {
- var ev = new GunGetAmmoSpreadEvent(cartridge.Spread);
- RaiseLocalEvent(gunUid, ref ev);
- var angles = LinearSpread(mapAngle - ev.Spread / 2,
- mapAngle + ev.Spread / 2, cartridge.Count);
- for (var i = 0; i < cartridge.Count; i++)
- {
- var uid = Spawn(cartridge.Prototype, fromEnt);
- ShootOrThrow(uid, angles[i].ToVec(), gunVelocity, gun, gunUid, user);
- shotProjectiles.Add(uid);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var uid = Spawn(cartridge.Prototype, fromEnt);
- ShootOrThrow(uid, mapDirection, gunVelocity, gun, gunUid, user);
- shotProjectiles.Add(uid);
- }
+ var uid = Spawn(cartridge.Prototype, fromEnt);
+ CreateAndFireProjectiles(uid, cartridge);
RaiseLocalEvent(ent!.Value, new AmmoShotEvent()
@@ -166,8 +147,6 @@ public override void Shoot(EntityUid gunUid, GunComponent gun, List<(EntityUid?
SetCartridgeSpent(ent.Value, cartridge, true);
- MuzzleFlash(gunUid, cartridge, mapDirection.ToAngle(), user);
- Audio.PlayPredicted(gun.SoundGunshotModified, gunUid, user);
if (cartridge.DeleteOnSpawn)
@@ -186,10 +165,10 @@ public override void Shoot(EntityUid gunUid, GunComponent gun, List<(EntityUid?
// Ammo shoots itself
case AmmoComponent newAmmo:
- shotProjectiles.Add(ent!.Value);
- MuzzleFlash(gunUid, newAmmo, mapDirection.ToAngle(), user);
- Audio.PlayPredicted(gun.SoundGunshotModified, gunUid, user);
- ShootOrThrow(ent.Value, mapDirection, gunVelocity, gun, gunUid, user);
+ if (ent == null)
+ break;
+ CreateAndFireProjectiles(ent.Value, newAmmo);
case HitscanPrototype hitscan:
@@ -304,6 +283,36 @@ public override void Shoot(EntityUid gunUid, GunComponent gun, List<(EntityUid?
FiredProjectiles = shotProjectiles,
+ void CreateAndFireProjectiles(EntityUid ammoEnt, AmmoComponent ammoComp)
+ {
+ if (TryComp(ammoEnt, out var ammoSpreadComp))
+ {
+ var spreadEvent = new GunGetAmmoSpreadEvent(ammoSpreadComp.Spread);
+ RaiseLocalEvent(gunUid, ref spreadEvent);
+ var angles = LinearSpread(mapAngle - spreadEvent.Spread / 2,
+ mapAngle + spreadEvent.Spread / 2, ammoSpreadComp.Count);
+ ShootOrThrow(ammoEnt, angles[0].ToVec(), gunVelocity, gun, gunUid, user);
+ shotProjectiles.Add(ammoEnt);
+ for (var i = 1; i < ammoSpreadComp.Count; i++)
+ {
+ var newuid = Spawn(ammoSpreadComp.Proto, fromEnt);
+ ShootOrThrow(newuid, angles[i].ToVec(), gunVelocity, gun, gunUid, user);
+ shotProjectiles.Add(ammoEnt);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShootOrThrow(ammoEnt, mapDirection, gunVelocity, gun, gunUid, user);
+ shotProjectiles.Add(ammoEnt);
+ }
+ MuzzleFlash(gunUid, ammoComp, mapDirection.ToAngle(), user);
+ Audio.PlayPredicted(gun.SoundGunshotModified, gunUid, user);
+ }
private void ShootOrThrow(EntityUid uid, Vector2 mapDirection, Vector2 gunVelocity, GunComponent gun, EntityUid gunUid, EntityUid? user)
diff --git a/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent.cs b/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent.cs
index bf26f399f95..2a6269dd6a6 100644
--- a/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent.cs
@@ -23,5 +23,8 @@ public sealed partial class PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent : Component
public List> ImmuneRoles = new();
+ [DataField]
+ public TimeSpan? ImmunePlaytime = null;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorSystem.cs
index da6591a6237..fcdcb3da5c0 100644
--- a/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Server/_NF/PacifiedZone/PacifiedZoneGeneratorSystem.cs
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
+using Robust.Server.Player;
using Robust.Shared.Timing;
+using Content.Server.Administration.Systems;
using Content.Shared.Alert;
using Content.Shared.CombatMode.Pacification;
using Content.Shared.Humanoid;
using Content.Shared.Mind;
using Content.Shared.Roles.Jobs;
+using Content.Server.Players.PlayTimeTracking;
namespace Content.Server._NF.PacifiedZone
@@ -14,6 +17,9 @@ public sealed class PacifiedZoneGeneratorSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly SharedMindSystem _mindSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedJobSystem _jobSystem = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly AlertsSystem _alerts = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly IPlayerManager _playerManager = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly PlayTimeTrackingManager _playtimeTracking = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly AdminSystem _admin = default!;
private const string Alert = "PacifiedZone";
@@ -26,26 +32,7 @@ public override void Initialize()
private void OnComponentInit(EntityUid uid, PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent component, ComponentInit args)
- foreach (var humanoidUid in _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(Transform(uid).Coordinates, component.Radius))
- {
- if (HasComp(humanoidUid))
- continue;
- if (!_mindSystem.TryGetMind(humanoidUid, out var mindId, out var _))
- continue;
- _jobSystem.MindTryGetJobId(mindId, out var jobId);
- if (jobId != null && component.ImmuneRoles.Contains(jobId.Value))
- continue;
- var pacifiedComponent = AddComp(humanoidUid);
- EnableAlert(humanoidUid, pacifiedComponent);
- AddComp(humanoidUid);
- component.TrackedEntities.Add(humanoidUid);
- }
- component.NextUpdate = _gameTiming.CurTime + component.UpdateInterval;
+ UpdatePacifiedState(uid, component);
private void OnComponentShutdown(EntityUid uid, PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
@@ -65,55 +52,70 @@ public override void Update(float frameTime)
var genQuery = AllEntityQuery();
while (genQuery.MoveNext(out var genUid, out var component))
- List newEntities = new List();
// Not yet update time, skip this
if (_gameTiming.CurTime < component.NextUpdate)
- var query = _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(Transform(genUid).Coordinates, component.Radius);
- foreach (var humanoidUid in query)
- {
- if (!_mindSystem.TryGetMind(humanoidUid, out var mindId, out var mind))
- continue;
+ UpdatePacifiedState(genUid, component);
+ }
+ }
+ private void UpdatePacifiedState(EntityUid genUid, PacifiedZoneGeneratorComponent component)
+ {
+ List newEntities = new List();
+ var query = _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(Transform(genUid).Coordinates, component.Radius);
+ foreach (var humanoidUid in query)
+ {
+ // Check preconditions for an entity to be pacified at all.
+ // If player matches an immune role, or has playtime above a zone's threshold, it should not be pacified.
+ if (!_mindSystem.TryGetMind(humanoidUid, out var mindId, out var mind))
+ continue;
- _jobSystem.MindTryGetJobId(mindId, out var jobId);
+ _jobSystem.MindTryGetJobId(mindId, out var jobId);
- // Player matches an immune role, should not be pacified.
- if (jobId != null && component.ImmuneRoles.Contains(jobId.Value))
- continue;
+ if (jobId != null && component.ImmuneRoles.Contains(jobId.Value))
+ continue;
- if (component.TrackedEntities.Contains(humanoidUid))
- {
- // Entity still in zone.
- newEntities.Add(humanoidUid);
- component.TrackedEntities.Remove(humanoidUid);
- }
- else
+ if (component.ImmunePlaytime != null)
+ {
+ var playerInfo = _admin.GetCachedPlayerInfo(mind?.UserId);
+ if (playerInfo != null && playerInfo.OverallPlaytime >= component.ImmunePlaytime)
- // Player is pacified (either naturally or by another zone), skip them.
- if (HasComp(humanoidUid))
- continue;
- // New entity in zone, needs the Pacified comp.
- var pacifiedComponent = AddComp(humanoidUid);
- EnableAlert(humanoidUid, pacifiedComponent);
- AddComp(humanoidUid);
- newEntities.Add(humanoidUid);
+ continue;
- // Anything left in our old set has left the zone, remove their pacified status.
- foreach (var humanoid_net_uid in component.TrackedEntities)
+ // Existing entity, note it still exists.
+ if (component.TrackedEntities.Contains(humanoidUid))
- RemComp(humanoid_net_uid);
- RemComp(humanoid_net_uid);
- DisableAlert(humanoid_net_uid);
+ // Entity still in zone.
+ newEntities.Add(humanoidUid);
+ component.TrackedEntities.Remove(humanoidUid);
+ else
+ {
+ // Player is pacified (either naturally or by another zone), skip them.
+ if (HasComp(humanoidUid))
+ continue;
- // Update state for next run.
- component.TrackedEntities = newEntities;
- component.NextUpdate = _gameTiming.CurTime + component.UpdateInterval;
+ // New entity in zone, needs the Pacified comp.
+ var pacifiedComponent = AddComp(humanoidUid);
+ EnableAlert(humanoidUid, pacifiedComponent);
+ AddComp(humanoidUid);
+ newEntities.Add(humanoidUid);
+ }
+ // Anything left in our old set has left the zone, remove their pacified status.
+ foreach (var humanoid_net_uid in component.TrackedEntities)
+ {
+ RemComp(humanoid_net_uid);
+ RemComp(humanoid_net_uid);
+ DisableAlert(humanoid_net_uid);
+ }
+ // Update state for next run.
+ component.TrackedEntities = newEntities;
+ component.NextUpdate = _gameTiming.CurTime + component.UpdateInterval;
// Overrides the default Pacified alert with one for the pacified zone.
diff --git a/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/Components/ShuttleIntercomComponent.cs b/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/Components/ShuttleIntercomComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe9aa22e0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/Components/ShuttleIntercomComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+namespace Content.Shared.Radio.Components;
+/// Append the intercom UI as a added verb
+public sealed partial class ShuttleIntercomComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// If true, appends the name of the station to any message sent over the console.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool AppendName = false;
+ ///
+ /// If non-null, replaces the name of the station with the given string when sending messages.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public string? OverrideName = null;
diff --git a/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/RadioEvent.cs b/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/RadioEvent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9396b99f62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/RadioEvent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+using Content.Shared.Radio;
+namespace Content.Server._NF.Radio;
+/// Use this event to transform radio messages before they're sent.
+public record struct RadioTransformMessageEvent(RadioChannelPrototype Channel, EntityUid RadioSource, string Name, string Message, EntityUid MessageSource)
+ public readonly RadioChannelPrototype Channel = Channel;
+ public readonly EntityUid RadioSource = RadioSource;
+ public string Name = Name;
+ public string Message = Message;
+ public EntityUid MessageSource = MessageSource;
diff --git a/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/Systems/ShuttleIntercomSystem.cs b/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/Systems/ShuttleIntercomSystem.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f47efbb9a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Server/_NF/RadioEntity/Systems/ShuttleIntercomSystem.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+using Content.Server._NF.Radio;
+using Content.Shared.Radio.Components;
+using Robust.Server.GameObjects;
+using Content.Shared.Verbs;
+using Robust.Shared.Player;
+using Content.Shared.Radio;
+using Content.Server.Station.Systems;
+using Content.Server.Station.Components;
+namespace Content.Server.Radio.EntitySystems;
+/// Add the intercom UI as a new verb as to not conflict with shuttle UI
+public sealed partial class ShuttleIntercomSystem : EntitySystem
+ [Dependency] private readonly UserInterfaceSystem _ui = default!;
+ [Dependency] private readonly StationSystem _station = default!;
+ public override void Initialize()
+ {
+ base.Initialize();
+ SubscribeLocalEvent>(OnAlternativeVerb);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnRadioTransformMessage);
+ }
+ private void OnAlternativeVerb(EntityUid uid, ShuttleIntercomComponent component, GetVerbsEvent args)
+ {
+ if (!args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract)
+ return;
+ var openUiVerb = new AlternativeVerb
+ {
+ Act = () => ToggleUi(uid, component, args.User),
+ Text = Loc.GetString("intercom-verb")
+ };
+ args.Verbs.Add(openUiVerb);
+ }
+ private void ToggleUi(EntityUid uid, ShuttleIntercomComponent? component = null, EntityUid? user = null)
+ {
+ if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))
+ return;
+ if (!TryComp(user, out var actor))
+ return;
+ _ui.TryToggleUi(uid, IntercomUiKey.Key, actor.PlayerSession);
+ }
+ private void OnRadioTransformMessage(EntityUid uid, ShuttleIntercomComponent component, ref RadioTransformMessageEvent args)
+ {
+ // Not appending name, nothing to do.
+ if (!component.AppendName)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ var station = _station.GetOwningStation(uid);
+ if (station is null || !TryComp(station, out var metadata))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the name of the ship we're on, if there is one.
+ string nameToAppend;
+ if (component.OverrideName != null)
+ {
+ nameToAppend = component.OverrideName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nameToAppend = metadata.EntityName;
+ }
+ args.Name += $" ({nameToAppend})";
+ args.MessageSource = station.Value;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
index 03a5f600af6..79419e94705 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/CCVar/CCVars.cs
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public static readonly CVarDef
/// Controls the game map prototype to load. SS14 stores these prototypes in Prototypes/Maps.
public static readonly CVarDef
- GameMap = CVarDef.Create("game.map", "corvaxFrontier", CVar.SERVERONLY); // Corvax-Frontier
+ GameMap = CVarDef.Create("game.map", "Frontier", CVar.SERVERONLY); // Corvax-Frontier
/// Controls whether to use world persistence or not.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiState.cs b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiState.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..106f3984f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/DeltaV/CartridgeLoader/Cartridges/MailMetricUiState.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+using Content.Shared.Security;
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared.CartridgeLoader.Cartridges;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class MailMetricUiState : BoundUserInterfaceState
+ public readonly MailStats Metrics;
+ public int UnopenedMailCount { get; }
+ public int TotalMail { get; }
+ public double SuccessRate { get; }
+ public MailMetricUiState(MailStats metrics, int unopenedMailCount)
+ {
+ Metrics = metrics;
+ UnopenedMailCount = unopenedMailCount;
+ TotalMail = metrics.TotalMail(unopenedMailCount);
+ SuccessRate = metrics.SuccessRate(unopenedMailCount);
+ }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public partial record struct MailStats
+ public int Earnings { get; init; }
+ public int DamagedLosses { get; init; }
+ public int ExpiredLosses { get; init; }
+ public int TamperedLosses { get; init; }
+ public int OpenedCount { get; init; }
+ public int DamagedCount { get; init; }
+ public int ExpiredCount { get; init; }
+ public int TamperedCount { get; init; }
+ public readonly int TotalMail(int unopenedCount)
+ {
+ return OpenedCount + TamperedCount + DamagedCount + ExpiredCount + unopenedCount;
+ }
+ public readonly int TotalIncome => Earnings + DamagedLosses + ExpiredLosses + TamperedLosses;
+ public readonly double SuccessRate(int unopenedCount)
+ {
+ var totalMail = TotalMail(unopenedCount);
+ return (totalMail > 0)
+ ? Math.Round((double)OpenedCount / totalMail * 100, 2)
+ : 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Projectiles/ProjectileSpreadComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Projectiles/ProjectileSpreadComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1edffe3ba56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/Projectiles/ProjectileSpreadComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using Content.Shared.Weapons.Ranged.Systems;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+namespace Content.Shared.Projectiles;
+/// Spawns a spread of the projectiles when fired
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, Access(typeof(SharedGunSystem))]
+public sealed partial class ProjectileSpreadComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// The entity prototype that will be fired by the rest of the spread.
+ /// Will generally be the same entity prototype as the first projectile being fired.
+ /// Needed for ammo components that do not specify a fired prototype, unlike cartridges.
+ ///
+ [DataField(required: true)]
+ public EntProtoId Proto;
+ ///
+ /// How much the ammo spreads when shot, in degrees. Does nothing if count is 0.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public Angle Spread = Angle.FromDegrees(5);
+ ///
+ /// How many prototypes are spawned when shot.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public int Count = 1;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/IntercomComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/IntercomComponent.cs
index 8d7b87597b1..adb044dba1c 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/IntercomComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Radio/Components/IntercomComponent.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
namespace Content.Shared.Radio.Components;
@@ -29,4 +29,16 @@ public sealed partial class IntercomComponent : Component
[DataField, AutoNetworkedField]
public List> SupportedChannels = new();
+ ///
+ /// Frontier - Start the intercom speaker with the map.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool StartSpeakerOnMapInit { get; set; } = false;
+ ///
+ /// Frontier - Start the intercom microphone with the map.
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ public bool StartMicrophoneOnMapInit { get; set; } = false;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs
index cc65f885375..878f41138f9 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Radio/RadioChannelPrototype.cs
@@ -35,4 +35,12 @@ public sealed partial class RadioChannelPrototype : IPrototype
[DataField("longRange"), ViewVariables]
public bool LongRange = false;
+ // Frontier: radio channel frequencies
+ ///
+ /// If true, the frequency of the message being sent will be appended to the chat message
+ ///
+ [DataField, ViewVariables]
+ public bool ShowFrequency = false;
+ // End Frontier
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Roles/JobPrototype.cs b/Content.Shared/Roles/JobPrototype.cs
index 84263f3790f..c7e979e788d 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Roles/JobPrototype.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Roles/JobPrototype.cs
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ public sealed partial class JobPrototype : IPrototype
[DataField, Access(typeof(SharedRoleSystem), Other = AccessPermissions.None)]
public HashSet? Requirements;
+ [DataField, Access(typeof(SharedRoleSystem), Other = AccessPermissions.None)] // Frontier
+ public Dictionary>? AlternateRequirementSets; // Frontier: sets of requirements - one must be matched in order to
public bool WhitelistRequired = false;
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Roles/SharedRoleSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Roles/SharedRoleSystem.cs
index 81a360ebb7f..a63b933fb2d 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Roles/SharedRoleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Roles/SharedRoleSystem.cs
@@ -288,6 +288,18 @@ public void MindPlaySound(EntityUid mindId, SoundSpecifier? sound, MindComponent
return _prototypes.Index(job).Requirements;
+ // Frontier: alternate requirement sets
+ public Dictionary>? GetAlternateJobRequirements(JobPrototype job)
+ {
+ return job.AlternateRequirementSets;
+ }
+ public Dictionary>? GetAlternateJobRequirements(ProtoId job)
+ {
+ return _prototypes.Index(job).AlternateRequirementSets;
+ }
+ // End Frontier: alternate requirement sets
public HashSet? GetAntagRequirement(ProtoId antag)
if (_requirementOverride != null && _requirementOverride.Antags.TryGetValue(antag, out var req))
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Vehicle/SharedVehicleSystem.cs b/Content.Shared/Vehicle/SharedVehicleSystem.cs
index fc97130f700..f56cb8bc5f4 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Vehicle/SharedVehicleSystem.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Vehicle/SharedVehicleSystem.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
using System.Numerics;
+using Content.Shared._NF.Vehicle.Components;
using Content.Shared.Access.Components;
using Content.Shared.Actions;
using Content.Shared.Audio;
using Content.Shared.Buckle;
using Content.Shared.Buckle.Components;
-using Content.Shared.Hands;
using Content.Shared.Inventory.VirtualItem;
using Content.Shared.Item;
using Content.Shared.Light.Components;
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
using Content.Shared.Popups;
using Content.Shared.Tag;
using Content.Shared.Vehicle.Components;
-using Robust.Shared.Audio;
using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
using Robust.Shared.Containers;
using Robust.Shared.Network;
@@ -64,6 +63,10 @@ public override void Initialize()
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnVehicleHornInit);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnVehicleHornShutdown);
+ SubscribeLocalEvent(OnHornHonkAction); // Frontier: for vehicles with innate horns (e.g. taxibot)
@@ -352,6 +355,35 @@ private void UpdateAutoAnimate(EntityUid uid, bool autoAnimate)
Appearance.SetData(uid, VehicleVisuals.AutoAnimate, autoAnimate);
+ /// Horn-only functions
+ private void OnVehicleHornShutdown(EntityUid uid, VehicleHornComponent component, ComponentShutdown args)
+ {
+ // Perf: If the entity is deleting itself, no reason to change these back.
+ if (Terminating(uid))
+ return;
+ _actionsSystem.RemoveAction(uid, component.ActionEntity);
+ }
+ private void OnVehicleHornInit(EntityUid uid, VehicleHornComponent component, ComponentInit args)
+ {
+ _actionsSystem.AddAction(uid, ref component.ActionEntity, out var _, component.Action);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This fires when the vehicle entity presses the honk action
+ ///
+ private void OnHornHonkAction(EntityUid uid, VehicleHornComponent vehicle, HonkActionEvent args)
+ {
+ if (args.Handled || vehicle.HornSound == null)
+ return;
+ // TODO: Need audio refactor maybe, just some way to null it when the stream is over.
+ // For now better to just not loop to keep the code much cleaner.
+ vehicle.HonkPlayingStream = _audioSystem.PlayPredicted(vehicle.HornSound, uid, args.Performer)?.Entity;
+ args.Handled = true;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/AmmoComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/AmmoComponent.cs
index 62af124252b..3e1111a97d1 100644
--- a/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/AmmoComponent.cs
+++ b/Content.Shared/Weapons/Ranged/Components/AmmoComponent.cs
@@ -30,18 +30,6 @@ public sealed partial class CartridgeAmmoComponent : AmmoComponent
public bool Spent = false;
- ///
- /// How much the ammo spreads when shot, in degrees. Does nothing if count is 0.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("spread")]
- public Angle Spread = Angle.FromDegrees(5);
- ///
- /// How many prototypes are spawned when shot.
- ///
- [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite), DataField("count")]
- public int Count = 1;
/// Caseless ammunition.
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_NC/Radio/SharedHandheldRadio.cs b/Content.Shared/_NC/Radio/SharedHandheldRadio.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..43d45da52dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_NC/Radio/SharedHandheldRadio.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Serialization;
+namespace Content.Shared._NC.Radio;
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public enum HandheldRadioUiKey : byte
+ Key,
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class HandheldRadioBoundUIState : BoundUserInterfaceState
+ public bool MicEnabled;
+ public bool SpeakerEnabled;
+ public int Frequency;
+ public HandheldRadioBoundUIState(bool micEnabled, bool speakerEnabled, int frequency)
+ {
+ MicEnabled = micEnabled;
+ SpeakerEnabled = speakerEnabled;
+ Frequency = frequency;
+ }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class ToggleHandheldRadioMicMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ public bool Enabled;
+ public ToggleHandheldRadioMicMessage(bool enabled)
+ {
+ Enabled = enabled;
+ }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class ToggleHandheldRadioSpeakerMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ public bool Enabled;
+ public ToggleHandheldRadioSpeakerMessage(bool enabled)
+ {
+ Enabled = enabled;
+ }
+[Serializable, NetSerializable]
+public sealed class SelectHandheldRadioFrequencyMessage : BoundUserInterfaceMessage
+ public int Frequency;
+ public SelectHandheldRadioFrequencyMessage(int frequency)
+ {
+ Frequency = frequency;
+ }
diff --git a/Content.Shared/_NF/Vehicle/Components/VehicleHornComponent.cs b/Content.Shared/_NF/Vehicle/Components/VehicleHornComponent.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a373268cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Content.Shared/_NF/Vehicle/Components/VehicleHornComponent.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+using Robust.Shared.Audio;
+using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
+using Robust.Shared.Prototypes;
+using Content.Shared.Vehicle;
+namespace Content.Shared._NF.Vehicle.Components;
+[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent]
+public sealed partial class VehicleHornComponent : Component
+ ///
+ /// The sound that the horn makes
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public SoundSpecifier? HornSound = new SoundPathSpecifier("/Audio/Effects/Vehicle/carhorn.ogg")
+ {
+ Params = AudioParams.Default.WithVolume(-3f)
+ };
+ [ViewVariables]
+ public EntityUid? HonkPlayingStream;
+ [DataField]
+ public EntProtoId? Action = "ActionVehicleHorn";
+ ///
+ /// The action for the horn (if any)
+ ///
+ [DataField]
+ [ViewVariables(VVAccess.ReadWrite)]
+ public EntityUid? ActionEntity;
diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
index c23a1e2c410..80db3f510eb 100644
--- a/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
+++ b/Resources/Changelog/Changelog.yml
@@ -6237,3 +6237,189 @@ Entries:
id: 5193
time: '2024-08-12T19:58:34.0000000+00:00'
+- author: arimah
+ changes:
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: The Personal Transport has been reworked into a comfortable space taxi.
+ id: 5194
+ time: '2024-08-12T21:59:15.0000000+00:00'
+- author: erhardsteinhauer
+ changes:
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Added to some hostile mobs (mostly the ones that wear some sort of space
+ suits) and all turrets a high chance of reflecting laser shots.
+ id: 5195
+ time: '2024-08-12T22:15:51.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ The Hovertaxibot, a spacefaring taxi robot with a ghost role, is now
+ craftable.
+ id: 5196
+ time: '2024-08-12T22:17:46.0000000+00:00'
+- author: dvir01
+ changes:
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Updated Crescent.
+ id: 5197
+ time: '2024-08-12T22:18:59.0000000+00:00'
+- author: erhardsteinhauer
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added EVA suits in departmental colors.
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added new wall lockers for EVA suits, fuel and materials.
+ id: 5198
+ time: '2024-08-12T22:40:54.0000000+00:00'
+- author: ThatOneGoblin25
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: KC Anchor returns to the expedition shipyard with a rework.
+ id: 5199
+ time: '2024-08-13T16:59:42.0000000+00:00'
+- author: erhardsteinhauer
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ Added new micro shuttle LVHI Broom, available only to personnel with
+ janitorial access from Outpost Staff Shipyard Console at Frontier
+ Outpost.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Placed Outpost Staff Shipyard Console in the nook by the Dock 6c (to the
+ North from SR's office), , removed SR and Mail Carrier Shipyard Consoles
+ from Frontier Outpost.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Moved mail carrier shuttles and SR shuttle to Outpost Staff Shipyard
+ Console.
+ id: 5200
+ time: '2024-08-13T18:07:02.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Fix
+ message: >-
+ The option to set character antag preferences for the sleeper agent has
+ been removed, sleeper agents cannot spawn.
+ id: 5201
+ time: '2024-08-15T15:14:43.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Fix
+ message: >-
+ An issue causing salvage expedition consoles to get stuck has been
+ resolved.
+ id: 5202
+ time: '2024-08-15T15:50:30.0000000+00:00'
+- author: erhardsteinhauer
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ Added ammo crates and cases to expedition loot pools: weapons should
+ become slightly less common, however probability of getting better
+ weapons were increased (slightly).
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: 'Doubled the sell price for vendor restock boxes: 200 -> 400.'
+ id: 5203
+ time: '2024-08-15T18:16:23.0000000+00:00'
+- author: KyuPolaris
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: CMO's new turtleneck added to Contractor, Pilot, and Mercenary loadouts.
+ id: 5204
+ time: '2024-08-16T14:59:55.0000000+00:00'
+- author: erhardsteinhauer
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added mercenary techfab and additional arsenal research.
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ Added T3 medical tech research that unlocks printing of advanced
+ topicals.
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ Added new sorting categories to some lathes: Clothing, Kitchen, Medical,
+ Storage.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Portable recharger no longer fits in backpacks/duffels, but charges
+ twice as fast. It can be works as a backpack.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Made combat magboots researchable. Moved advanced magboots to T3.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Randomized punk clothes can now be recycled and butchered.
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: ThreadsChoom and BonanzaMatic vending machines now can be unanchored.
+ id: 5205
+ time: '2024-08-17T16:23:11.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: >-
+ Frontier's pacified zone now only affects users with 10 hours of
+ playtime or less.
+ id: 5206
+ time: '2024-08-17T16:38:47.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Tweak
+ message: Most POI vendors (save drobes) have an infinite stock of items.
+ id: 5207
+ time: '2024-08-17T17:15:31.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Fix
+ message: >-
+ Expedition ships should not FTL into locations that will collide with
+ existing objects.
+ id: 5208
+ time: '2024-08-17T20:14:03.0000000+00:00'
+- author: Tych0theSynth
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: Added the Derelict McCargo POI.
+ id: 5209
+ time: '2024-08-17T21:01:19.0000000+00:00'
+- author: ThatOneGoblin25
+ changes: []
+ id: 5210
+ time: '2024-08-17T21:13:40.0000000+00:00'
+- author: dvir001
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ All shuttle computer consoles now come equipped with builtin traffic
+ radio, you can toggle the speaker by using the "Intercom" verb.
+ id: 5211
+ time: '2024-08-17T21:47:24.0000000+00:00'
+- author: arimah
+ changes:
+ - type: Fix
+ message: >-
+ Frontier Outpost is once again the centre of the universe, at position
+ 0, 0.
+ - type: Fix
+ message: >-
+ NFSD Outpost will no longer spawn weirdly close to or inside Frontier
+ Outpost.
+ id: 5212
+ time: '2024-08-18T07:47:22.0000000+00:00'
+- author: dvir001
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ The mail courier and SR now have a new program in their PDA for tracking
+ mail delivery performance, including earnings and percent of packages
+ opened, damaged, or expired.
+ id: 5213
+ time: '2024-08-18T10:22:14.0000000+00:00'
+- author: whatston3
+ changes:
+ - type: Add
+ message: >-
+ Handheld radios have been replaced with HandiComms, now with selectable
+ radio frequencies.
+ id: 5214
+ time: '2024-08-18T18:08:43.0000000+00:00'
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/mobchatter/syndicatehumanoidmob.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/mobchatter/syndicatehumanoidmob.ftl
index d622b177479..59df03a4bbc 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/mobchatter/syndicatehumanoidmob.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/mobchatter/syndicatehumanoidmob.ftl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-6 = Yo, dude, like, check this out!
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-7 = Fuck, that blunt hits hard, I'm trippin'.
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-8 = I'm looking foward for my hazard pay for this mission.
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-9 = DIE, DIE, DIE!
-advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-10 = Sometime I dream about cheese...
+advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-10 = Sometimes I dream about cheese...
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-11 = Stop!
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-12 = Glory to The Syndicate!
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-13 = Stop resisting!
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-16 = Huh, that's funny.
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-17 = This day is turning out alright afterall!
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-18 = Hah! Take that!
advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-19 = *whistles*
-advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-20 = Dibs on on that!
+advertisement-syndicatehumanoid-20 = Dibs on that!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl
index 9878202e969..bf5ee40cf5f 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl
@@ -6,4 +6,12 @@ advertisement-civimed-5 = Nine out of ten corpses did NOT stock up on medicine!
advertisement-civimed-6 = Packs laden with loot are often low on supplies.
advertisement-civimed-7 = Get gouged, not burned. Patch yourself up!
advertisement-civimed-8 = I'm not a doctor, but you could be! Self-medicate the pain away!
-advertisement-civimed-9 = Focus groups show our products are MOSTLY SAFE for consumption!
+advertisement-civimed-9 = Test groups show our products are MOSTLY SAFE for consumption!
+goodbye-civimed-1 = Injuries are a skill issue.
+goodbye-civimed-2 = Don't die out there, chump.
+goodbye-civimed-3 = Come back again, if you can.
+goodbye-civimed-4 = Remember, blood leaves stains.
+goodbye-civimed-5 = Don't say I didn't warn you, bub.
+goodbye-civimed-6 = Huh? Oh, you're still here?
+goodbye-civimed-7 = Get lost, I've got potential customers here.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
index 7f6faef394a..7fa9ddf294a 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
@@ -24,12 +24,15 @@ ghost-role-information-mistake-description = Ymg' ph'nglui ah li.
ghost-role-information-ert-mailcarrier-name = ERT Mail Carrier
ghost-role-information-ert-mailcarrier-description = Assist with delivery efforts to resolve the station's issues.
-ghost-role-information-jerma-name = Jerma
-ghost-role-information-jerma-description = Pog moment
ghost-role-information-baby-dragon-name = Baby space dragon
ghost-role-information-baby-dragon-description = Hatch from your egg and go on incredible adventures with your mom and their crew!
ghost-role-information-baby-dragon-rules = You are a [color=#6495ed][bold]Familiar[/bold][/color]. Serve the interests of your new mom, whatever those may be.
You don't remember any of your previous life, and you don't remember anything you learned as a ghost.
You are allowed to remember knowledge about the game in general, such as how to cook, how to use objects, etc.
You are absolutely [color=red]NOT[/color] allowed to remember, say, the name, appearance, etc. of your previous character.
+ghost-role-information-taxibot-name = Taxibot
+ghost-role-information-taxibot-description = Drive passengers to where they need to go.
+ghost-role-information-hovertaxibot-name = Hovertaxibot
+ghost-role-information-hovertaxibot-description = Fly passengers to where they need to go, remember to check they can breathe!
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/job/role-timers.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/job/role-timers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fba38b0cd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/job/role-timers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# A full line separating out requirement alternatives.
+role-requirement-alternative = [italic][color=gray]- or -[/color][/italic]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1edcfb71f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+lathe-category-evasuits = EVA
+lathe-category-armor-nf = Armor
+lathe-category-storage-nf = Storage
+lathe-category-kitchen-nf = Kitchen
+lathe-category-clothes-nf = Clothes
+lathe-category-medical-nf = Medical
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/radio/components/intercom.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/radio/components/intercom.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21fa05e725d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/radio/components/intercom.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+intercom-verb = Open Intercom
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/research/technologies.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/research/technologies.ftl
index d7d99f28597..9384075b9a0 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/research/technologies.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/_NF/research/technologies.ftl
@@ -7,4 +7,9 @@ research-technology-hardsuits-experimental-industrial = Experimental Salvager Ha
research-technology-hardsuits-armored = Armored Hardsuits
research-technology-hardsuits-armored-advanced = Advanced Armored Hardsuits
research-technology-hardsuits-experimental-rd = Experimental Research Hardsuit
-research-technology-construction-bags = Construction Bags
\ No newline at end of file
+research-technology-construction-bags = Construction Bags
+research-technology-bounty-hunting = Bounty Hunting
+research-technology-arsenal-style = Punk Gear
+research-techology-advanced-topicals = Advanced Topicals
+research-technology-magnets-tech-advanced = Advanced Localized Magnetism
+research-technology-magnets-tech-combat = Localized Magnetism Combat Application
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e051ca40918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+mail-metrics-program-name = MailMetrics
+mail-metrics-header = Income from Mail Deliveries
+mail-metrics-opened = Earnings (Opened)
+mail-metrics-expired = Losses (Expired)
+mail-metrics-damaged = Losses (Damaged)
+mail-metrics-tampered = Losses (Tampered)
+mail-metrics-unopened = Unopened
+mail-metrics-count-header = Packages
+mail-metrics-money-header = Spesos
+mail-metrics-total = Total
+mail-metrics-progress = {$opened} out of {$total} packages opened!
+mail-metrics-progress-percent = Success rate: {$successRate}%
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
index 5f04bdd18a9..a7261c2b511 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
@@ -6,6 +6,3 @@ lathe-category-parts = Parts
lathe-category-robotics = Robotics
lathe-category-tools = Tools
lathe-category-weapons = Weapons
-# Frontier lines below
-lathe-category-evasuits = EVA
-lathe-category-armor-nf = Armor
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl
index 39bbf8f968c..ad637b0c56d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl
@@ -3,4 +3,12 @@ handheld-radio-component-on-examine = It's set to broadcast over the {$frequency
handheld-radio-component-on-state = on
handheld-radio-component-off-state = off
handheld-radio-component-channel-set = Channel set to {$channel}
-handheld-radio-component-chennel-examine = The current channel is {$channel}.
\ No newline at end of file
+handheld-radio-component-chennel-examine = The current channel is {$channel}.
+# Nuclear-14-Start
+handheld-radio-menu-title = Handheld radio
+handheld-radio-current-text-frequency = Broadcast frequency
+handheld-radio-button-text-mic = Mic.
+handheld-radio-button-text-speaker = Spkr.
+handheld-radio-flavor-text-left = HandiComms, 1000-3000 kHz
+# Nuclear-14-End
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl
index 36f2cbd8ae3..69de7f586c9 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/advertisements/vending/civimed.ftl
@@ -7,3 +7,11 @@ advertisement-civimed-6 = Рюкзаки, полные добычи, часто
advertisement-civimed-7 = Лучше немного переплатить, чем сильно пострадать. Подлечитесь!
advertisement-civimed-8 = Я не врач, но вы можете им стать! Лечитесь сами и забудьте о боли!
advertisement-civimed-9 = Исследования показывают, что наши продукты ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВЕННО БЕЗОПАСНЫ! Ну, почти.
+goodbye-civimed-1 = Исцели свой СКИЛЛ ИШЬЮ!
+goodbye-civimed-2 = Смотри не умри там!
+goodbye-civimed-3 = Возвращайся, если сможешь.
+goodbye-civimed-4 = Помни, кровотечение убивает.
+goodbye-civimed-5 = Не говори потом, что тебя не предупреждали.
+goodbye-civimed-6 = Ась? Ты всё ещё здесь?
+goodbye-civimed-7 = Свали, не отпугивай покупателей.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
index 12cc0a47395..dc12aabd0eb 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
@@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ ghost-role-information-jerma-description = Погчамп момент
ghost-role-information-baby-dragon-name = Космодракончик
ghost-role-information-baby-dragon-description = Вылупись из яйца и отправься в невероятные приключения с мамой и её экипажем!
ghost-role-information-baby-dragon-rules = Ты вот-вот вылупишься из яйца. Не забудь, кто твоя мама, будь верным и защищай её экипаж!
+ghost-role-information-taxibot-name = Таксибот
+ghost-role-information-taxibot-description = Доставляй пассажиров до их точки назначения.
+ghost-role-information-hovertaxibot-name = Ховертаксибот
+ghost-role-information-hovertaxibot-description = Доставляй пассажиров до их точки назначения, но удостоверься, что им есть чем дышать!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/job/role-timers.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/job/role-timers.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..55732780295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/job/role-timers.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+role-requirement-alternative = [italic][color=gray]- или -[/color][/italic]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be2013e51d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/lathe/lathe-categories.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+lathe-category-storage-nf = Хранение
+lathe-category-kitchen-nf = Кухня
+lathe-category-clothes-nf = Одежда
+lathe-category-medical-nf = Медицина
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/radio/components/intercom.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/radio/components/intercom.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..40dbb9f9589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/radio/components/intercom.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+intercom-verb = Открыть Интерком
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/research/technologies.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/research/technologies.ftl
index d387b5c88a3..1ba2950bb40 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/research/technologies.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/_NF/research/technologies.ftl
@@ -9,3 +9,8 @@ research-technology-hardsuits-armored = Бронированные экзоко
research-technology-hardsuits-armored-advanced = Продвинутые бронированные экзокостюмы
research-technology-hardsuits-experimental-rd = Экспериментальный научный экзокостюм
research-technology-construction-bags = Строительные сумки
+research-technology-bounty-hunting = Контракты
+research-technology-arsenal-style = Панк прикил
+research-techology-advanced-topicals = Продвинутое
+research-technology-magnets-tech-advanced = Продвинутый магнетизм
+research-technology-magnets-tech-combat = Боевой магнетизм
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5814937d217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/deltav/cartridge-loader/cartridges.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+mail-metrics-program-name = Почтовые Метрики
+mail-metrics-header = Доход от доставок
+mail-metrics-opened = Заработано (Открытые)
+mail-metrics-expired = Потеряно (Просроченные)
+mail-metrics-damaged = Потеряно (Поврежденные)
+mail-metrics-tampered = Потеряно (Вскрытые)
+mail-metrics-unopened = Не открытые
+mail-metrics-count-header = Посылки
+mail-metrics-money-header = Кредиты
+mail-metrics-total = Всего
+mail-metrics-progress = Открыто {$opened} из {$total} посылок!
+mail-metrics-progress-percent = Успешность: {$successRate}%
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
index a7ee69743a3..5e79eee85cb 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ ghost-role-information-rat-servant-description = Вы Крысиный слуг
ghost-role-information-sentient-carp-name = Разумный карп
ghost-role-information-sentient-carp-description = Помогите дракону наводнить станцию карпами!
ghost-role-information-willow-name = Кенгуру Уиллоу
-ghost-role-information-taxibot-name = ТаксиБот
-ghost-role-information-taxibot-description = Доставляйте людей с ветерком!
ghost-role-information-willow-description = Вы кенгуру по имени Уиллоу! Уиллоу любит бокс.
ghost-role-information-honkbot-name = Хонкбот
ghost-role-information-honkbot-description = Искусственное воплощение чистого зла.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl
index eef3f8f76dd..6e20283f122 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/radio/components/handheld-radio-component.ftl
@@ -4,3 +4,11 @@ handheld-radio-component-on-state = включено
handheld-radio-component-off-state = выключено
handheld-radio-component-channel-set = Включён { $channel } канал
handheld-radio-component-chennel-examine = Выбранный канал: { $channel }.
+# Nuclear-14-Start
+handheld-radio-menu-title = Портативная рация
+handheld-radio-current-text-frequency = Частота передачи
+handheld-radio-button-text-mic = Мик.
+handheld-radio-button-text-speaker = Динам.
+handheld-radio-flavor-text-left = СвязНой, 1000-3000 kHz
+# Nuclear-14-End
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/backpacks/duffelbag.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/backpacks/duffelbag.ftl
index 32af9addfd4..013efecfc65 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/backpacks/duffelbag.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/backpacks/duffelbag.ftl
@@ -11,3 +11,72 @@ ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelNfsdEmpBundle = набор ЭМИ гранат
ent-ClothingBackpackPirateBundle = { ent-ClothingBackpackSatchelLeather }
.suffix = Заполненный, Пираты
.desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackSatchelLeather.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleContractor = набор ЕВА авантюриста
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundlePilot = набор ЕВА пилота
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelPilot.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleSr = набор ЕВА представителя
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelCaptain.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleCaptain = набор ЕВА капитана
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelCaptain.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleEngineer = набор ЕВА инженера
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEngineering.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleAtmosTech = набор ЕВА атмосианина
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelAtmospherics.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleCargo = набор ЕВА грузчика
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelCargo.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleSalvage = набор ЕВА утилизатора
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelSalvage.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleMedical = набор ЕВА медика
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelMedical.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleScientist = набор ЕВА учёного
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelScience.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleJanitor = набор ЕВА уборщика
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleServiceWorker = набор ЕВА сервиса
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleChaplain = набор ЕВА священника
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleBoxerRed = набор ЕВА боксёра
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Красный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleBoxerGreen = набор ЕВА боксёра
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Зелёный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleBoxerBlue = набор ЕВА боксёра
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Синий
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleBoxerYellow = набор ЕВА боксёра
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Жёлтый
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleBoxerRandom = набор ЕВА боксёра
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Случайный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleHydro = набор ЕВА ботаника
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleMail = набор ЕВА почтальона
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleMercenary = набор ЕВА наёмника
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelMercenary.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundlePrivateSec = набор ЕВА телохранителя
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffel.desc }
+ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelEVABundleNfsd = набор ЕВА ДСБФ
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingBackpackDuffelNfsdBrown.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/expeditions_loot.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/expeditions_loot.ftl
index f4f4910b14c..67e08ce5294 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/expeditions_loot.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/expeditions_loot.ftl
@@ -14,3 +14,35 @@ ent-CrateServiceKitMedbayCryo = набор для криогеники
.desc = Содержит полный комплект для создания криомедотсека.
ent-CrateServiceKitChemLab = набор для химической лаборатории
.desc = Внутри полный комплект для создания химической лаборатории.
+ent-CrateEngineerHardsuit = космический набор инженера
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateAtmosTechHardsuit = космический набор атмосианина
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateEngineerChiefHardsuit = космический набор старшего инженера
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateTools = набор инженерных инструментов
+ .desc = Содержит различные инженерные инструменты.
+ent-CrateServiceKitCleanades = набор уборочных граната
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для уборки на поле боя.
+ent-CrateChemistrySecureKitChemist = набор химика
+ .desc = Содержит набор инструментов для проведения химических экспериментов.
+ent-CrateMedicalSecureDoctor = набор врача
+ .desc = Содержит врачебные инструменты.
+ent-CrateMedicalSecureMedicine = медицинский набор
+ .desc = Содержит лечебные предметы.
+ent-CrateMedicalSecureMedicinePierce = медицинский набор
+ .desc = Содержит лечебные предметы.
+ent-CrateMedicalRollerBeds = набор каталок
+ .desc = Содержит четыре кровати-каталки.
+ent-CrateEvaKitParamedic = космический набор парамедика
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateEvaKitCmo = космический набор старшего врача
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateSecureMercenaryHardsuitMagBoots = космический набор наёмника
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateSecureMercenaryPrivateSecHardsuitMagBoots = космический набор телохранителя
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateSecureMercenaryHardsuit = космический набор наёмника
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-CrateSecureMercenaryPrivateSecHardsuit = космический набор телохранителя
+ .desc = Содержит всё необходимое для выхода в открытый космос.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/materials.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/materials.ftl
index 6c13c341631..cdd60d5a736 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/materials.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/crates/materials.ftl
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
ent-CrateMaterials = ящик с материалами
.desc = 1 полный набор стекла, пластика, стали, плазмы и пластали.
+ent-CrateMaterialMetalRods = ящик стержней
+ .desc = Содержит 90 металлических стержней для любых ваших экспериментов.
+ent-CrateMaterialBiomass = ящик биомассы
+ .desc = Содержит 300 единиц биомассы. Вкусняшка.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/locker_wallmount.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/locker_wallmount.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3820464f643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/locker_wallmount.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelPlasmaFilled = { ent-LockerWallColorFuelPlasma }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorFuelPlasma.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Плазма
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelUraniumFilled = { ent-LockerWallColorUranium }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorUranium.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Уран
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelPlasmaFilled2 = { ent-LockerWallColorFuelPlasma }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorFuelPlasma.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Плазма х2
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelUraniumFilled2 = { ent-LockerWallColorUranium }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorUranium.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Уран х2
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelBananiumFilled = { ent-LockerWallColorBananium }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBananium.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Бананиум
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelAmeJarFilled = { ent-LockerWallColorAme }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorAme.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, ДАМ х2
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsFuelWeldingFilled = { ent-LockerWallColorWelding }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorWelding.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Сварочное топливо х2
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsBasicFilled = { ent-LockerWallColorMaterials }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorMaterials.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Базовые материалы (полный)
+ent-LockerWallMaterialsBasic10Filled = { ent-LockerWallColorMaterials }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorMaterials.desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Базовые материалы (10)
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorGoblinFilled = шкафчик гоблинского скафандра
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitGoblin .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorContractorFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorContractor }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorContractor .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorPilotFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorPilot }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorPilot .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorSrFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorSr }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorSr .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorCaptainFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorCaptain }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorCaptain .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorEngineerFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorEngineer }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorEngineer .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorAtmosTechFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorAtmosTech }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorAtmosTech .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorCargoFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorCargo }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorCargo .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorSalvageFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorSalvage }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorSalvage .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorMedicalFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMedical }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMedical .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorParamedicFilled = шкафчик скафандра парамедика
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMedical .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorScientistFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorScientist }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorScientist .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorJanitorFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorJanitor }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorJanitor .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorServiceWorkerFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorServiceWorker }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorServiceWorker .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorChaplainFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorChaplain }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorChaplain .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorBoxerRedFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorBoxerGreenFilled = шкафчик скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Зеленый
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorBoxerBlueFilled = шкафчик скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Синий
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorBoxerYellowFilled = шкафчик скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Жёлтый
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorBoxerRandomFilled = шкафчик скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный, Случайный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorHydroponicsFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorHydroponics }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorHydroponics .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorMailFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMail }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMail .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorMercenaryFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMercenary }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorMercenary .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorPrivateSecFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorPrivateSec }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorPrivateSec .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorNfsdFilled = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorNfsd }
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallEVAColorNfsd .desc }
+ .suffix = Заполненный
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage.ftl
index 31a058c052a..50d49428900 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage.ftl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ent-SuitStorageParamedic = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
- .suffix = Парамедик
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Парамедик
.desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
ent-SuitStorageHydro = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
.suffix = Гидропоника
@@ -55,3 +55,72 @@ ent-SuitStorageNfsdCommand = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
ent-SuitStorageMailCarrier = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
.suffix = Почтальон
.desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAGoblin = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Гоблин
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAContractor = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Авантюрист
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAPilot = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Пилот
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVASr = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Представитель Фронтира
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVACaptain = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Капитан
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAEngineer = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Инженер
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAAtmosTech = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Атмосферный техник
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVACargo = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Грузчик
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVASalvage = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Утилизатор
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAMedical = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Врач
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAScientist = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Учёный
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAJanitor = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Уборщик
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAServiceWorker = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Сервисный
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVABoxerRed = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Красный
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVABoxerGreen = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Зелёный
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVABoxerBlue = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Синий
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVABoxerYellow = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Жёлтый
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVABoxerRandom = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Случайный
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAHydro = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Ботаник
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAMail = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Почтальон
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAMercenary = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Наёмник
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVAPrivateSec = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Телохранитель
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
+ent-SuitStorageEVANfsd = { ent-SuitStorageBase }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, ДСБФ
+ .desc = { ent-SuitStorageBase.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage_wallmount.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage_wallmount.ftl
index 10535e3489d..70283b365af 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage_wallmount.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/lockers/suit_storage_wallmount.ftl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ent-SuitStorageWallmountParamedic = { ent-SuitStorageParamedic }
.desc = { ent-SuitStorageParamedic.desc }
- .suffix = Парамедик
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Парамедик
ent-SuitStorageWallmountHydro = { ent-SuitStorageHydro }
.desc = { ent-SuitStorageHydro.desc }
.suffix = Ботаник
@@ -115,3 +115,75 @@ ent-SuitStorageWallmountNfsdCommand = { ent-SuitStorageNfsdCommand }
ent-SuitStorageWallmountMailCarrier = { ent-SuitStorageMailCarrier }
.desc = { ent-SuitStorageMailCarrier.desc }
.suffix = Почтальон
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAGoblin = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitGoblin }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitGoblin.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Гоблин
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAContractor = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitContractor }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitContractor.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Наёмник
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAPilot = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitPilot }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitPilot.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Пилот
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVASr = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitSr }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitSr.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Представитель Фронтира
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVACaptain = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitCaptain }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitCaptain.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Капитан
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAEngineer = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitEngineer }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitEngineer.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Инженер
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAAtmosTech = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitAtmosTech }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitAtmosTech.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Атмосферный техник
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVACargo = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitCargo }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitCargo.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Грузчик
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVASalvage = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitSalvage }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitSalvage.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Утилизатор
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAMedical = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitMedic }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitMedic.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Врач
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAScientist = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitScientist }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitScientist.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Учёный
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAJanitor = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitJanitor }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitJanitor.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Уборщик
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAServiceWorker = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitServiceWorker }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitServiceWorker.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Сервис
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAChaplain = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitChaplain }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitChaplain.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Священник
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVABoxerRed = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerRed }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerRed.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Красный
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVABoxerGreen = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerGreen }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerGreen.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Зелёный
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVABoxerBlue = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerBlue }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerBlue.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Синий
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVABoxerYellow = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerYellow }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerYellow.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Жёлтый
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVABoxerRandom = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerRandom }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerRandom.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Боксёр, Случайный
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAHydro = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitHydro }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitHydro.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Ботаник
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAMail = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitMail }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitMail.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Почтальон
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAMercenary = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitMercenary }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitMercenary.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Наёмник
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVAPrivateSec = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitPrivateSec }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitPrivateSec.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, Телохранитель
+ent-SuitStorageWallmountEVANfsd = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitNfsd }
+ .desc = { ent-StorageFillEVASuitNfsd.desc }
+ .suffix = ЕВА, ДСБФ
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/storagefilltemplates/departmental_eva.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/storagefilltemplates/departmental_eva.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd43a241399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/catalog/fills/storagefilltemplates/departmental_eva.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitContractor = хранилище скафандра авантюриста
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitPilot = хранилище скафандра пилота
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitSr = хранилище скафандра представителя
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitCaptain = хранилище скафандра капитана
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitAtmosTech = хранилище скафандра атмосферного техника
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitCargo = хранилище скафандра грузчика
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitSalvage = хранилище скафандра утилизатора
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitMedic = хранилище скафандра врача
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitParamedic = хранилище скафандра парамедика
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitScientist = хранилище скафандра учёного
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitJanitor = хранилище скафандра уборщика
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitServiceWorker = хранилище скафандра сервиса
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitChaplain = хранилище скафандра священника
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerRed = хранилище красного скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerGreen = хранилище зелёного скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerBlue = хранилище синего скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerYellow = хранилище жёлтого скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitBoxerRandom = хранилище случайного скафандра боксёра
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitHydro = хранилище скафандра ботаника
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitMail = хранилище скафандра почтальона
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitMercenary = хранилище скафандра наёмника
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitPrivateSec = хранилище скафандра телохранителя
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitNfsd = хранилище скафандра ДСБФ
+ .desc = Содержит полный набор для выхода в открытый космос.
+ent-StorageFillEVASuitGoblin = хранилище скафандра гоблинов
+ .desc = Содержит традиционный набор гоблинов для выхода в открытый космос.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/eyes/hud.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/eyes/hud.ftl
index 601d94caf12..fe88876074d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/eyes/hud.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/eyes/hud.ftl
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ ent-ClothingEyesHudNfsdMed = визор коронера
.desc = Визор, похожий на смесь медицинского и ДСБФ.
ent-ClothingEyesHudNfsdPatch = моновизор ДСБФ
.desc = Окуляр с индикатором на стекле, сканирующий гуманоидов, находящихся в поле зрения, и предоставляющий точные данные об их идентификационном статусе и криминальном прошлом.
+ent-ClothingEyesHudBountyHunter = визор охотника за головами
+ .desc = Визор с индикатором на стекле, сканирующий гуманоидов, находящихся в поле зрения, и предоставляющий точные данные об их здоровье, идентификационном статусе и криминальном прошлом.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/head/softsuit-helmets.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/head/softsuit-helmets.ftl
index f6f680f6026..a8682192634 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/head/softsuit-helmets.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/head/softsuit-helmets.ftl
@@ -2,3 +2,45 @@ ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetHydro = шлем скафандра EVA ботаник
.desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetMailman = шлем скафандра EVA почтальона
.desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetContractor = шлем скафандра EVA авантюриста
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetSr = шлем скафандра EVA представителя
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetCaptain = шлем скафандра EVA капитана
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetEngineer = шлем скафандра EVA инженера
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetAtmosTech = шлем скафандра EVA атмосферного техника
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetCargo = шлем скафандра EVA грузчика
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetSalvage = шлем скафандра EVA утилизатора
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetMedic = шлем скафандра EVA врача
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetScientist = шлем скафандра EVA учёного
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetJanitor = шлем скафандра EVA уборщика
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetServiceWorker = шлем скафандра EVA сервиса
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetChaplain = шлем скафандра EVA священника
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBoxerRed = шлем скафандра EVA боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBoxerGreen = шлем скафандра EVA боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBoxerBlue = шлем скафандра EVA боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBoxerYellow = шлем скафандра EVA боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBoxerRandom = шлем скафандра EVA боксёра
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetPilot = шлем скафандра EVA пилота
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetMercenary = шлем скафандра EVA наёмника
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetPrivateSec = шлем скафандра EVA телохранителя
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
+ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetNfsd = шлем скафандра EVA ДСБФ
+ .desc = { ent-ClothingHeadEVAHelmetBase.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/outerclothing/softsuits.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/outerclothing/softsuits.ftl
index 06231fb670a..e1ce2f7c779 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/outerclothing/softsuits.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/clothing/outerclothing/softsuits.ftl
@@ -1,4 +1,46 @@
ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitHydro = скафандр EVA ботаника
.desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
-ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitMailman = скафандр EVa почтальона
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitMailman = скафандр EVA почтальона
.desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitContractor = скафандр EVA авантюриста
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitSr = скафандр EVA представителя
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitCaptain = скафандр EVA капитана
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitEngineer = скафандр EVA инженера
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitAtmosTech = скафандр EVA атмосферного техника
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitCargo = скафандр EVA грузчика
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitSalvage = скафандр EVA утилизатора
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitMedic = скафандр EVA врача
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitScientist = скафандр EVA учёного
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitJanitor = скафандр EVA уборщика
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitServiceWorker = скафандр EVA сервисный
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitChaplain = скафандр EVA священника
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitBoxerRed = скафандр EVA боксёра
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitBoxerGreen = скафандр EVA боксёра
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitBoxerBlue = скафандр EVA боксёра
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitBoxerYellow = скафандр EVA боксёра
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitBoxerRandom = скафандр EVA боксёра
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitPilot = скафандр EVA пилота
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitMercenary = скафандр EVA наёмника
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitPrivateSec = скафандр EVA телохранителя
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
+ent-ClothingOuterEVASuitNfsd = скафандр EVA ДСБФ
+ .desc = Аварийный скафандр EVA со встроенным шлемом. Он ужасно медленный и не имеет температурной защиты, но его достаточно, чтобы выиграть время в жестком вакууме космоса.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/pacified_zone.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/pacified_zone.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..add4f82d405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/pacified_zone.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ent-BasePacifiedZone = Мирная зона
+ent-PacifiedZone10 = Мирная зона
+ .suffix = Радиус 10
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZone20 = Мирная зона
+ .suffix = Радиус 20
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZone50 = Мирная зона
+ .suffix = Радиус 50
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZone100 = Мирная зона
+ .suffix = Радиус 100
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-BasePacifiedZonePanicBunker = Мирная зона от новичков
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем новым игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZonePanicBunker10 = Мирная зона от новичков
+ .suffix = Радиус 10
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем новым игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZonePanicBunker20 = Мирная зона от новичков
+ .suffix = Радиус 20
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем новым игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZonePanicBunker50 = Мирная зона от новичков
+ .suffix = Радиус 50
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем новым игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
+ent-PacifiedZonePanicBunker100 = Мирная зона от новичков
+ .suffix = Радиус 100
+ .desc = В данной зоне всем новым игрокам присваивается пацифизм.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/spawners/conditional/turret_spawner.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/spawners/conditional/turret_spawner.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c786fcbcb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/spawners/conditional/turret_spawner.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ent-SpawnMobWeaponTurretLaserSyndicateNF = спавнер лазерной турели синдиката
+ .suffix = Фронтир, Враждебная
+ .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
+ent-SpawnMobWeaponTurretSyndicate = спавнер баллистической турели синдиката
+ .suffix = Фронтир, Враждебная
+ .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
+ent-SpawnMobWeaponTurretLaserNanoTrasenDeployed = спавнер САЛТ
+ .suffix = Фронтир, NT
+ .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/warp_point.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/warp_point.ftl
index a32608fc5ef..c39f9247563 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/warp_point.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/markers/warp_point.ftl
@@ -46,3 +46,6 @@ ent-WarpPointNFGrifty = { ent-WarpPoint }
ent-WarpPointNFNfsd = { ent-WarpPoint }
.suffix = POI, Аванпост ДСБФ
.desc = { ent-WarpPoint.desc }
+ent-WarpPointNFMcHobo = { ent-WarpPoint }
+ .suffix = POI, МакХобо
+ .desc = { ent-WarpPoint.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/mobs/npcs/silicon.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/mobs/npcs/silicon.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9fb0aed312e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/mobs/npcs/silicon.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-MobHoverTaxiBot = ховертаксибот
+ .desc = Прокатить?
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/flatpacks.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/flatpacks.ftl
index 19b60fbb9ef..ad77631bf68 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/flatpacks.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/flatpacks.ftl
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ ent-OreProcessorIndustrialFlatpack = упакованный промышленн
.desc = Упаковка, при помощи которой можно создать промышленный переработчик руды.
ent-AmmoTechFabFlatpack = упакованный техфаб патронов
.desc = Упаковка, при помощи которой можно создать техфаб патронов.
+ent-MercenaryTechFabFlatpack = упакованный техфаб наёмников
+ .desc = Упаковка, при помощи которой можно создать техфаб наёмников.
ent-ComputerResearchAndDevelopmentFlatpack = упакованная исследовательская консоль
.desc = Упаковка, при помощи которой можно создать исследовательскую консоль.
ent-ComputerAnalysisConsoleFlatpack = упакованная аналитическая консоль
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/misc/identification_cards.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/misc/identification_cards.ftl
index 1a8138a1062..04a6435881d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/misc/identification_cards.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/misc/identification_cards.ftl
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ ent-ERTMailCarrierIDCard = ID карта почтальона ОБР
.desc = { ent-ERTChaplainIDCard.desc }
ent-SrIDCard = ID карта представителя фронтира
.desc = { ent-HoPIDCard.desc }
-ent-MailCarrierNFIDCard = ID карта почтальона
- .desc = { ent-MailCarrierIDCard.desc }
ent-ValetNFIDCard = ID карта камердинера
.desc = { ent-ValetIDCard.desc }
ent-ContractorIDCard = ID карта авантюриста
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/production.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/production.ftl
index de1d9eefad4..3aebf0103ee 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/production.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/production.ftl
@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ ent-M_EmpMachineCircuitboard = БЭМИ (машинная плата)
.desc = Печатная плата БЭМИ.
ent-PortableGeneratorHyperPacmanMachineCircuitboard = Г.И.П.Е.Р.П.А.К.М.А.Н (машинная плата)
.desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
+ent-MercenaryTechFabCircuitboardNF = техфаб наёмника (машинная плата)
+ .desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
+ent-MercenaryTechFabCircuitboardHackedNF = взломанный техфаб наёмника (машинная плата)
+ .desc = { ent-BaseMachineCircuitboard.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/radio.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/radio.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..979865cdb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/devices/radio.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-RadioHandheldNF = { ent-RadioHandheld }
+ .desc = { ent-RadioHandheld.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/tools/weapon_cases.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/storage/weapon_cases.ftl
similarity index 60%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/tools/weapon_cases.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/storage/weapon_cases.ftl
index 2d63ecc320f..58dae85a52f 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/tools/weapon_cases.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/objects/storage/weapon_cases.ftl
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ ent-WeaponCaseLong = оружейный ящик
ent-WeaponCaseShort = оружейный ящик
.desc = Ящик для хранения малокалиберного оружия и аксессуаров к нему.
.suffix = Короткий
-ent-WeaponCaseHeavy = ружейный ящик
+ent-WeaponCaseHeavy = оружейный ящик
.desc = Ящик для хранения тяжёлого оружия и аксессуаров к нему.
.suffix = Тяжелое
+ent-WeaponCaseShortAmmo = ящик боеприпасов
+ .desc = Ящик для хранения боеприпасов.
+ .suffix = Короткий
+ent-WeaponCaseShortExplosives = ящик взрывчатки
+ .desc = Ящик для хранения взрывчатки.
+ .suffix = Короткий
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers.ftl
index 920cac2ee05..9a574d87f83 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers.ftl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ent-ComputerPalletConsoleNFVeryLowMarket = { ent-ComputerPalletConsoleNFNormalMa
.suffix = Очень низкий налог
ent-ComputerContrabandPalletConsole = консоль обмена контрабанды
.desc = Используется для обмена контрабанды
-ent-ComputerShuttleAntag = { ent-ComputerShuttle }
+ent-ComputerShuttleAntagEmpty = { ent-ComputerShuttle }
.desc = { ent-ComputerShuttle.desc }
ent-ComputerIFFPOI = Консоль системы опознавания
.desc = Позволяет контролировать параметры системы опознавания судна или станции.
@@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ ent-ComputerContrabandPalletConsolePirate = компьютер обмена на
.desc = Сбывай здесь свои незаконно добытые товары!
ent-ComputerPirateBountyRedemption = консоль пиратских вознаграждений
.desc = Вернулся из плавания? Обменивай здесь свои награды, дружище.
+ent-ComputerShuttleAntag = { ent-ComputerShuttleAntagEmpty }
+ .desc = { ent-ComputerShuttleAntagEmpty.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_shipyard.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_shipyard.ftl
index 5b3a254f756..ca6b451497d 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_shipyard.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_shipyard.ftl
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ ent-ComputerShipyardExpedition = консоль экспедиционной в
ent-ComputerShipyardScrap = консоль свалки
.desc = Добро пожаловать на свалку, где старые шаттлы находят новую жизнь! Здесь можно приобрести и продать "шаттлы", которые уже списаны с баланса, но все еще способны удивить. Великолепная возможность для тех, кто ищет дешевые, но верные решения для своих нужд.
ent-ComputerShipyardSr = консоль верфи представителя фронтира
- .desc = Только для избранных! Эта консоль предлагает эксклюзивные шаттлы, доступные лишь Представителю Фронтира. Почувствуйте себя частью элиты и управляйте уникальными кораблями, которые подчеркивают ваш статус и привилегии.
+ .desc = Только для избранных! Эта консоль предлагает эксклюзивные шаттлы, доступные лишь персоналу аванпоста Фронтира. Почувствуйте себя частью элиты и управляйте уникальными кораблями, которые подчеркивают ваш статус и привилегии.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_tabletop.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_tabletop.ftl
index 959d5bafd70..d52b9b277d2 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_tabletop.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/computers/computers_tabletop.ftl
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
ent-ComputerTabletopAlert = { ent-ComputerAlert }
.desc = { ent-ComputerAlert.desc }
-ent-ComputerTabletopEmergencyShuttle = { ent-ComputerEmergencyShuttle }
- .desc = { ent-ComputerEmergencyShuttle.desc }
+ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleEmpty = { ent-ComputerTabletopShuttle }
+ .desc = { ent-ComputerTabletopShuttle.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopShuttle = { ent-ComputerShuttle }
.desc = { ent-ComputerShuttle.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleSyndie = { ent-ComputerShuttleSyndie }
.desc = { ent-ComputerShuttleSyndie.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleAntag = { ent-ComputerShuttleAntag }
.desc = { ent-ComputerShuttleAntag.desc }
-ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleCargo = { ent-ComputerShuttleCargo }
- .desc = { ent-ComputerShuttleCargo.desc }
+ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleAntagEmpty = { ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleAntag }
+ .desc = { ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleAntag.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopShuttleSalvage = { ent-ComputerShuttleSalvage }
.desc = { ent-ComputerShuttleSalvage.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopIFF = { ent-ComputerIFF }
@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ ent-ComputerTabletopRadar = { ent-ComputerRadar }
.desc = { ent-ComputerRadar.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopAdvancedRadar = { ent-ComputerAdvancedRadar }
.desc = { ent-ComputerAdvancedRadar.desc }
-ent-ComputerTabletopCargoShuttle = { ent-ComputerCargoShuttle }
- .desc = { ent-ComputerCargoShuttle.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopCargoOrders = { ent-ComputerCargoOrders }
.desc = { ent-ComputerCargoOrders.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopCargoBounty = { ent-ComputerCargoBounty }
@@ -61,9 +59,6 @@ ent-ComputerTabletopSurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitor = { ent-ComputerSurveillan
.desc = { ent-ComputerSurveillanceWirelessCameraMonitor.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopMassMedia = { ent-ComputerMassMedia }
.desc = { ent-ComputerMassMedia.desc }
-ent-ComputerTabletopSensorMonitoring = { ent-ComputerSensorMonitoring }
- .suffix = Настольный, ТЕСТ, НЕ МАППИТЬ
- .desc = { ent-ComputerSensorMonitoring.desc }
ent-ComputerTabletopMarketConsoleNFLow = { ent-ComputerMarketConsoleNFLow }
.suffix = Низкий 2x, Настольный
.desc = { ent-ComputerMarketConsoleNFLow.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl
index ba9f3f91133..0da0f67e0dd 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/lathe.ftl
@@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ ent-SalvageTechfabNF = утилизационный техфаб
.desc = Печатает снаряжение необходимое каждому утилизатору.
ent-NfsdTechFab = техфаб ДСБФ
.desc = Печатает снаряжение необходимое ДСБФ.
+ent-MercenaryTechFab = техфаб наёмника
+ .desc = Печатает снаряжение необходимое каждому наёмнику.
+ent-MercenaryTechFabHacked = взломанный техфаб наёмника
+ .desc = Печатает снаряжение необходимое каждому наёмнику.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/vending_machines.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/vending_machines.ftl
index 2fd2e49b455..4f6c4cbaaf3 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/vending_machines.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/machines/vending_machines.ftl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ent-VendingMachineBountyVend = КонтрактВенд
.desc = От снаряжения до контрактов — всё в одном месте! Обновите свой арсенал и получите лучшее предложение для выполнения любых заданий.
ent-VendingMachineArcadia = АркадиаМаг
.desc = Откройте для себя моду из других измерений! Этот автомат предлагает одежду, которая подчеркнет вашу уникальность и неординарность по самым доступным ценам.
-ent-LessLethalVendingMachine = ТравМаг
+ent-BaseCiviMedVend = МедВенд
.desc = Обезопасьте себя и других! Наша продукция делает насилие безопасным, предлагая лучшие решения для самообороны.
ent-NonLethalVendingMachine = БезопасныйВенд
.desc = Безопасное снаряжение, на которое можно положиться. Только не целитесь в глаза — даже у самых безопасных игрушек есть свои правила!
@@ -37,3 +37,23 @@ ent-VendingMachineFuelVend = ТоплиМат
.desc = Торговый автомат с топливом для двигателей вашего корабля. Пахнет, как будто в воздухе зависла сама молния!
ent-VendingMachineCiviMedVend = МедВенд
.desc = МедВенд: аптечка на колесах, которая лечит быстрее, чем вы успеете расколоть камень! Шахтёры, берегите себя!
+ent-VendingMachineAstroVendPOI = { ent-VendingMachineAstroVend }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineAstroVend.desc }
+ent-LessLethalVendingMachinePOI = { ent-LessLethalVendingMachine }
+ .desc = { ent-LessLethalVendingMachine.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineCiviMedPlus = { ent-VendingMachineCiviMedVend }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineCiviMedVend.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineCiviMed = { ent-VendingMachineCiviMedVend }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineCiviMedVend.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineAmmoPOI = { ent-VendingMachineAmmo }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineAmmo.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineEngivendPOI = { ent-VendingMachineEngivend }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineEngivend.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineVendomatPOI = { ent-VendingMachineVendomat }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineVendomat.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineYouToolPOI = { ent-VendingMachineYouTool }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineYouTool.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineSalvagePOI = { ent-VendingMachineSalvage }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineSalvage.desc }
+ent-VendingMachineTankDispenserEVAPOI = { ent-VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA }
+ .desc = { ent-VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers.ftl
index d2701fccba4..9514ad37a46 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers.ftl
@@ -4,3 +4,18 @@ ent-LockerWallChemistry = настенный шкаф химика
.desc = { ent-LockerWallMedical.desc }
ent-LockerWallChemistryFilled = { ent-LockerWallChemistry }
.desc = { ent-LockerWallChemistry.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorBase = { ent-BaseWallCloset }
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
+ .suffix = Фронтир
+ent-LockerWallColorFuelPlasma = шкаф плазменного топлива
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorUranium = шкаф уранового топлива
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorWelding = шкаф сварочного топлива
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorAme = шкаф топлива для ДАМ
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorBananium = шкаф бананиумного топлива
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorMaterials = шкаф базовых материалов
+ .desc = { ent-BaseWallCloset.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers_department.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers_department.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4aab88f64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers_department.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ent-LockerWallColorCaptain = настенный шкаф капитана
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorEngineer = настенный шкаф инженера
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorAtmosTech = настенный шкаф атмосферного техника
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorCargo = настенный шкаф грузчика
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorSalvage = настенный шкаф утилизатора
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorMedical = настенный шкаф врача
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorChemistry = настенный шкаф химика
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorServiceWorker = настенный шкаф сервисный
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallColorGeneric = настенный шкаф
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers_department_eva.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers_department_eva.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1c0c7bd6f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/closets/wall_lockers_department_eva.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorCaptain = настенный шкаф EVA капитана
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorSr = настенный шкаф EVA представителя
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorEngineer = настенный шкаф EVA инженера
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorAtmosTech = настенный шкаф EVA атмосферного техника
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorCargo = настенный шкаф EVA грузчика
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorSalvage = настенный шкаф EVA утилизатора
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorMedical = настенный шкаф EVA врача
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorScientist = настенный шкаф EVA учёного
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorJanitor = настенный шкаф EVA уборщика
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorMail = настенный шкаф EVA почтальона
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorHydroponics = настенный шкаф EVA ботаника
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorServiceWorker = настенный шкаф EVA сервиса
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorChaplain = настенный шкаф EVA священника
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorNfsd = настенный шкаф EVA ДСБФ
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorContractor = настенный шкаф EVA авантюриста
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorPilot = настенный шкаф EVA пилота
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorMercenary = настенный шкаф EVA наёмника
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorPrivateSec = настенный шкаф EVA телохранителя
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
+ent-LockerWallEVAColorGeneric = настенный шкаф EVA
+ .desc = { ent-LockerWallColorBase.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/crates/crates.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/crates/crates.ftl
index 16778b7aa5f..226d300f897 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/crates/crates.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/entities/structures/storage/crates/crates.ftl
@@ -24,3 +24,13 @@ ent-CratePirateBounty = сундук пиратской добычи
.desc = Сундук для хранения награбленной добычи.
ent-CrateFreezerMcCargo = холодильник каргонии
.desc = { ent-CrateFreezer.desc }
+ent-CrateAmmoGeneric = ящик боеприпасов
+ .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CrateSecureMercenary = ящик наёмника
+ .desc = { ent-CrateGenericSteel.desc }
+ent-CrateSecureMercenaryPrivateSec = ящик телохранителя
+ .desc = { ent-CrateBaseSecure.desc }
+ent-CrateAmmoSecureMercenary = защищённый ящик боеприпасов
+ .desc = { ent-CrateBaseSecure.desc }
+ent-CrateFirearmsSecure = защищённый оружейный ящик
+ .desc = { ent-CrateWeaponSecure.desc }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/stations/base.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/stations/base.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ac97260d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/stations/base.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ent-BaseStationSiliconLawFrontierStation = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseStationSiliconLawFrontierShips = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseStationRenameFaxes = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseStationRenameWarpPoints = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseStationEmpImmune = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseStationSectorNews = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
+ent-BaseStationSectorServices = { "" }
+ .desc = { "" }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/shipyard/base.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/stations/nanotrasen.ftl
similarity index 63%
rename from Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/shipyard/base.ftl
rename to Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/stations/nanotrasen.ftl
index 101dcf50627..ceef8feab60 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/shipyard/base.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/_nf/stations/nanotrasen.ftl
@@ -14,17 +14,3 @@ ent-StandardFrontierSecurityExpeditionVessel = { ent-BaseStation }
.desc = { ent-BaseStation.desc }
ent-StandardFrontierExpeditionVessel = { ent-BaseStation }
.desc = { ent-BaseStation.desc }
-ent-BaseStationSiliconLawFrontierStation = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseStationSiliconLawFrontierShips = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseStationRenameFaxes = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseStationRenameWarpPoints = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseStationEmpImmune = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseStationSectorNews = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
-ent-BaseStationSectorServices = { "" }
- .desc = { "" }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/devices/cartridges.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/devices/cartridges.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f0779d1daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/devices/cartridges.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-MailMetricsCartridge = картридж почтовых метрик
+ .desc = Картридж с приложением для отслеживания работы почтовой службы.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da1705ce69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-CourierPDA = КПК почтальона
+ .desc = Пахнет нераскрытым потенциалом.
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/misc/identification_cards.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/misc/identification_cards.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8292dc49265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/deltav/entities/objects/misc/identification_cards.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ent-CourierIDCard = ID карта почтальона
+ .desc = { ent-IDCardStandard.desc }
diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/nyanotrasen/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/nyanotrasen/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl
index 4e96bcfa9f2..969e096a206 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/nyanotrasen/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ss14-ru/prototypes/nyanotrasen/entities/objects/devices/pda.ftl
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-ent-MailCarrierPDA = КПК почтальона
- .desc = Остаётся только надеяться, что он не завален СПАМОМ.
ent-PrisonerPDA = КПК заключенного
.desc = Прозрачный, чтобы убедиться, что внутри нет ничего контрабандного.
ent-GladiatorPDA = КПК гладиатора
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Corvax/Outpost/corvaxFrontier.yml b/Resources/Maps/Corvax/Outpost/corvaxFrontier.yml
index 294283d9d2d..5dd74ddabcb 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Corvax/Outpost/corvaxFrontier.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Corvax/Outpost/corvaxFrontier.yml
@@ -39096,7 +39096,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 15.495205,6.422584
parent: 1
-- proto: LessLethalVendingMachine
+- proto: LessLethalVendingMachinePOI
- uid: 3377
@@ -45927,7 +45927,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 17.51018,-10.57834
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineAstroVend
+- proto: VendingMachineAstroVendPOI
- uid: 4946
@@ -46023,7 +46023,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -7.5,22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
+- proto: VendingMachineEngivendPOI
- uid: 3815
@@ -46085,7 +46085,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 17.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMedPlus
- uid: 3819
@@ -46179,7 +46179,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5395477,-24.432297
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
+- proto: VendingMachineSalvagePOI
- uid: 4947
@@ -46217,7 +46217,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -14.5,16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVAPOI
- uid: 1307
@@ -46254,7 +46254,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineVendomat
+- proto: VendingMachineVendomatPOI
- uid: 4784
@@ -46273,7 +46273,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
+- proto: VendingMachineYouToolPOI
- uid: 3823
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/Test/dev_map.yml b/Resources/Maps/Test/dev_map.yml
index ca885d584bd..f1df37787c4 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/Test/dev_map.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/Test/dev_map.yml
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- type: Transform
pos: 25.5,-5.5
parent: 179
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+ - uid: 158
- type: Transform
- pos: 27.5,-5.5
+ pos: 29.5,3.5
parent: 179
- - uid: 158
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMedPlus
+ entities:
+ - uid: 157
- type: Transform
- pos: 29.5,3.5
+ pos: 27.5,-5.5
parent: 179
- uid: 521
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Bluespace/cache.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Bluespace/cache.yml
index 418367df840..eebf3db4101 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Bluespace/cache.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Bluespace/cache.yml
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ind: 0,0
version: 6
ind: 0,-1
version: 6
ind: -1,0
version: 6
ind: -1,-1
version: 6
- type: Broadphase
- type: Physics
@@ -61,6 +61,28 @@ entities:
version: 2
+ - node:
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color: '#FF0000FF'
id: BotGreyscale
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61: 0,10
62: -1,-10
63: 0,-10
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkLineN
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkLineS
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id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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95: -2,-9
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id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
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color: '#FF0000FF'
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color: '#FF0000FF'
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id: WoodTrimThinLineW
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angle: 7.853981633974483 rad
color: '#0096FF18'
id: splatter
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id: splatter
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id: splatter
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id: splatter
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id: splatter
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parent: 1
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@@ -3786,17 +3611,17 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: PosterContrabandEnergySwords
- - uid: 711
+ - uid: 18
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,2.5
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
parent: 1
- proto: PosterContrabandEnlistGorlex
- - uid: 712
+ - uid: 19
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- proto: PosterContrabandFreeSyndicateEncryptionKey
@@ -3821,35 +3646,35 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: PoweredlightColoredBlack
- - uid: 429
+ - uid: 14
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 430
+ - uid: 15
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-7.5
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 431
+ - uid: 429
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 651
+ - uid: 430
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 652
+ - uid: 431
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,0.5
+ pos: -3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- proto: PoweredlightEmpty
@@ -4545,65 +4370,65 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: SpawnEventContrabandCrate
- - uid: 5
+ - uid: 3
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 6
+ - uid: 4
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 7
+ - uid: 8
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-1.5
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 9
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,2.5
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 10
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 11
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 12
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ pos: -2.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 13
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,2.5
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 14
+ - uid: 16
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,2.5
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 15
+ - uid: 17
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 16
+ - uid: 21
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-1.5
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 17
+ - uid: 27
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ pos: -1.5,1.5
parent: 1
- proto: SpawnMobSyndicateNavalDeckhandVoid
@@ -4631,15 +4456,15 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: SpawnMobSyndicateNavalOperatorVoid
- - uid: 85
+ - uid: 5
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,0.5
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 93
+ - uid: 6
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,0.5
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- proto: SpawnMobSyndicateNavalSecondOfficerVoid
@@ -4648,6 +4473,40 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobWeaponTurretLaserSyndicateNF
+ entities:
+ - uid: 73
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 85
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobWeaponTurretSyndicate
+ entities:
+ - uid: 28
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 57
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 59
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 72
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: Stool
- uid: 371
@@ -4826,6 +4685,36 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,-10.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 37
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 38
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 39
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 41
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 42
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 43
- type: Transform
@@ -4841,6 +4730,21 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-9.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 48
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 49
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 50
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 51
- type: Transform
@@ -4851,6 +4755,26 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 4.5,-9.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 53
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 54
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 55
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 56
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 61
- type: Transform
@@ -5026,31 +4950,11 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 4.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 243
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 287
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 288
- type: Transform
pos: -0.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 320
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 321
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 322
- type: Transform
@@ -5061,11 +4965,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 324
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 370
- type: Transform
@@ -5209,18 +5108,6 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: WallPlastitaniumIndestructible
- - uid: 72
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 73
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 95
- type: Transform
@@ -5229,61 +5116,11 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: WarpPoint
- - uid: 645
+ - uid: 7
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,0.5
+ pos: 0.5,8.5
parent: 1
- type: WarpPoint
location: Syndicate Weapons Cache
-- proto: WeaponTurretSyndicate
- entities:
- - uid: 3
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 4
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-1.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 8
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,2.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 18
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 19
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 21
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 27
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 28
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,2.5
- parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Outpost/frontier.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Outpost/frontier.yml
index a25ffeb1b80..e524190bf72 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Outpost/frontier.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Outpost/frontier.yml
@@ -177,26 +177,32 @@ entities:
color: '#334E6DC8'
id: ArrowsGreyscale
- 1837: 0,9
- 1838: 0,9
- 1839: 0,9
- 1840: 0,9
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+ 1835: 0,9
+ 1836: 0,9
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+ 1869: -2,9
+ 1870: -2,9
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1872: -2,9
- 1873: -2,9
- 1874: -2,9
- 1875: -2,9
- 1876: -2,9
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angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
color: '#334E6DC8'
id: ArrowsGreyscale
- 1831: -2,12
- 1832: -2,12
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- 1836: 0,12
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+ 1832: 0,12
+ - node:
+ angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ color: '#4B709CFF'
+ id: ArrowsGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 2454: -2,27
- node:
color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: ArrowsGreyscale
@@ -210,39 +216,39 @@ entities:
color: '#52B4F3AD'
id: ArrowsGreyscale
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+ 1426: 23,21
+ 1427: 23,21
+ 1428: 23,21
1429: 23,21
1430: 23,21
1431: 23,21
1432: 23,21
1433: 23,21
1434: 23,21
- 1435: 23,21
- 1436: 23,21
- 1437: 23,21
- 1438: 23,21
- 1441: 21,21
- 1442: 21,21
- 1443: 21,21
- 1444: 21,21
+ 1437: 21,21
+ 1438: 21,21
+ 1439: 21,21
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color: '#2E9935FF'
id: BotLeftGreyscale
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- node:
color: '#52B4E996'
id: BotLeftGreyscale
- 2062: 26,20
+ 2058: 26,20
- node:
color: '#52B4E9AE'
id: BotLeftGreyscale
- 1428: 24,20
+ 1424: 24,20
- node:
color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: BotLeftGreyscale
@@ -270,10 +276,10 @@ entities:
270: 3,14
271: 3,12
272: 3,10
- 2034: -5,10
- 2035: -5,12
- 2036: -5,14
- 2037: -5,17
+ 2030: -5,10
+ 2031: -5,12
+ 2032: -5,14
+ 2033: -5,17
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -288,15 +294,15 @@ entities:
id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe
273: -4,28
- 1820: 1,9
- 2071: 22,12
+ 1816: 1,9
+ 2067: 22,12
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw
276: -6,28
- 1869: -3,9
- 2074: 19,12
+ 1865: -3,9
+ 2070: 19,12
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe
@@ -315,37 +321,37 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe
- 1796: -3,12
- 1797: -3,12
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- 1807: -1,12
+ 1792: -3,12
+ 1793: -3,12
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+ 1803: -1,12
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe
139: 4,14
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+ 1818: 0,9
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color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw
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+ 1797: -1,12
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw
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color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
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- 1858: -1,9
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
@@ -356,10 +362,10 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw
- 1827: 1,9
- 1828: 1,9
- 1863: -1,9
- 1864: -1,9
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+ 1824: 1,9
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+ 1860: -1,9
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw
@@ -369,19 +375,19 @@ entities:
color: '#52B4E996'
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color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkLineE
- 1794: -3,13
- 1795: -3,13
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- 1805: -1,13
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- 1852: -3,8
- 1853: -1,8
- 1854: -1,8
+ 1790: -3,13
+ 1791: -3,13
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+ 1801: -1,13
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+ 1848: -3,8
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+ 1850: -1,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkLineE
@@ -390,27 +396,27 @@ entities:
137: 4,16
279: -4,27
1238: 1,13
- 1821: 1,8
- 1844: -3,11
- 1845: -3,10
- 2040: -48,2
- 2041: -48,1
- 2069: 22,10
- 2070: 22,11
+ 1817: 1,8
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+ 2037: -48,1
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+ 2066: 22,11
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color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkLineN
- 1798: -2,12
- 1799: -2,12
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- 1824: 0,9
- 1865: -1,9
- 1866: -1,9
- 1867: -2,9
- 1868: -2,9
+ 1794: -2,12
+ 1795: -2,12
+ 1808: 0,12
+ 1809: 0,12
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+ 1864: -2,9
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkLineN
@@ -421,22 +427,22 @@ entities:
224: 17,16
251: 7,16
277: -5,28
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- 2073: 20,12
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+ 2069: 20,12
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color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkLineS
- 1814: -2,12
- 1815: -2,12
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- 1817: 0,12
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- 1819: -1,12
- 1829: 0,9
- 1830: 0,9
- 1861: -2,9
- 1862: -2,9
+ 1810: -2,12
+ 1811: -2,12
+ 1812: 0,12
+ 1813: 0,12
+ 1814: -1,12
+ 1815: -1,12
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+ 1858: -2,9
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkLineS
@@ -457,14 +463,14 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFF81'
id: BrickTileDarkLineW
- 1802: -1,13
- 1803: -1,13
- 1810: 1,13
- 1811: 1,13
- 1825: 1,8
- 1826: 1,8
- 1855: -1,8
- 1856: -1,8
+ 1798: -1,13
+ 1799: -1,13
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+ 1852: -1,8
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkLineW
@@ -477,11 +483,11 @@ entities:
233: 12,10
280: -6,27
1239: -3,13
- 1842: 1,11
- 1843: 1,10
- 1870: -3,8
- 2075: 19,11
- 2076: 19,10
+ 1838: 1,11
+ 1839: 1,10
+ 1866: -3,8
+ 2071: 19,11
+ 2072: 19,10
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color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
@@ -491,23 +497,23 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe
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+ 2208: 32,18
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw
- 2189: 27,18
+ 2185: 27,18
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe
- 2225: 32,15
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw
- 2190: 27,16
- 2226: 31,15
+ 2186: 27,16
+ 2222: 31,15
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelEndN
@@ -517,19 +523,24 @@ entities:
315: 19,21
316: 25,21
317: 27,21
- 1439: 23,21
- 1440: 21,21
+ 1435: 23,21
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+ color: '#B3B3B3FF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelInnerNw
+ decals:
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelInnerSw
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color: '#52B4E996'
id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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- 2044: -48,1
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+ 2040: -48,1
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color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineE
@@ -543,10 +554,10 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineE
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+ 2209: 32,17
+ 2220: 32,16
- node:
color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineN
@@ -562,33 +573,38 @@ entities:
471: -55,8
490: -49,15
491: -50,15
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+ color: '#B3B3B3FF'
+ id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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- 2248: 36,20
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id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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color: '#FF5C5CFF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineS
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineS
- 2195: 28,16
- 2196: 29,16
- 2197: 30,16
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color: '#52B4E9FF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineW
@@ -606,85 +622,106 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileSteelLineW
- 1841: -2,10
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- 2191: 27,17
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+ 1844: -2,11
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- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
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+ 2394: 11,16
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe
165: -48,18
596: -44,11
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- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
- 2414: 16,16
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
163: -50,18
594: -46,11
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe
162: -48,17
589: -44,8
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw
164: -50,17
591: -46,8
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+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe
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- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe
143: 4,14
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+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw
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color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw
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- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe
142: 4,17
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+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw
+ decals:
+ 2457: -2,27
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color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
140: 4,15
141: 4,16
- 2406: 11,15
+ 2395: 11,15
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
597: -44,10
598: -44,9
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- 2389: 5,21
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+ 2378: 5,21
- node:
color: '#3EB38896'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
- 2426: -33,12
- 2427: -32,12
- 2428: -31,12
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+ - node:
+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ decals:
+ 2458: -5,18
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
@@ -694,10 +731,10 @@ entities:
245: 6,16
246: 17,16
252: 7,16
- 2408: 12,14
- 2409: 13,14
- 2410: 14,14
- 2411: 15,14
+ 2397: 12,14
+ 2398: 13,14
+ 2399: 14,14
+ 2400: 15,14
- node:
color: '#EFB34196'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
@@ -711,23 +748,23 @@ entities:
638: -29,12
639: -28,12
640: -27,12
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- 2419: -36,12
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+ 2409: -35,12
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
167: -49,18
595: -45,11
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- node:
color: '#52B4E996'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
- 2415: 13,12
- 2416: 12,12
+ 2404: 13,12
+ 2405: 12,12
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
@@ -753,37 +790,42 @@ entities:
629: -29,11
630: -28,11
631: -27,11
- 2417: 11,12
- 2429: -31,11
- 2430: -32,11
- 2431: -33,11
- 2432: -34,11
- 2433: -35,11
- 2434: -36,11
- 2435: -37,11
- 2436: -38,11
- 2437: -39,11
- 2438: -40,11
- 2439: -41,11
- 2440: -42,11
+ 2406: 11,12
+ 2418: -31,11
+ 2419: -32,11
+ 2420: -33,11
+ 2421: -34,11
+ 2422: -35,11
+ 2423: -36,11
+ 2424: -37,11
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+ 2426: -39,11
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
166: -49,17
590: -45,8
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- node:
color: '#52B4E996'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
241: 12,11
242: 12,10
+ - node:
+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ decals:
+ 2455: -2,26
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
- 2413: 16,15
+ 2402: 16,15
- node:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
@@ -802,8 +844,8 @@ entities:
592: -46,9
593: -46,10
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- 2391: 3,22
+ 2379: 3,21
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- node:
color: '#9FED580F'
id: CheckerNESW
@@ -963,39 +1005,39 @@ entities:
448: -50,18
449: -48,18
450: -48,18
- 1990: 5,3
- 1991: 6,3
- 1992: 9,3
- 1993: 8,2
- 1994: 10,3
- 1995: 9,2
- 1996: 8,3
- 1997: 7,3
- 1998: 6,3
- 1999: 7,4
- 2000: 8,4
- 2001: 11,3
- 2002: 5,3
- 2003: -13,3
- 2004: -13,3
- 2005: -12,3
- 2006: -11,3
- 2007: -11,3
- 2008: -11,4
- 2009: -10,2
- 2010: -9,2
- 2011: -9,3
- 2012: -10,3
- 2013: -8,3
- 2014: -7,3
- 2015: -8,3
+ 1986: 5,3
+ 1987: 6,3
+ 1988: 9,3
+ 1989: 8,2
+ 1990: 10,3
+ 1991: 9,2
+ 1992: 8,3
+ 1993: 7,3
+ 1994: 6,3
+ 1995: 7,4
+ 1996: 8,4
+ 1997: 11,3
+ 1998: 5,3
+ 1999: -13,3
+ 2000: -13,3
+ 2001: -12,3
+ 2002: -11,3
+ 2003: -11,3
+ 2004: -11,4
+ 2005: -10,2
+ 2006: -9,2
+ 2007: -9,3
+ 2008: -10,3
+ 2009: -8,3
+ 2010: -7,3
+ 2011: -8,3
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Dirt
- 2120: 35,7
- 2265: 43,18
+ 2116: 35,7
+ 2261: 43,18
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -1201,229 +1243,240 @@ entities:
1279: -2,18
1286: -3,18
1287: -3,18
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- 1317: -6,11
- 1318: -6,11
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- 1340: -5,8
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- 1343: 2,9
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- 1387: 4,26
- 1388: 8,28
- 1389: 6,28
- 1390: 9,26
- 1391: 10,26
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- 1454: 18,25
- 1455: 15,26
- 1456: 14,26
- 1457: 16,25
- 1458: 17,22
- 1459: 18,25
- 1460: 19,25
- 1461: 17,25
- 1462: 18,22
- 1463: 19,23
- 1464: 22,22
- 1465: 18,23
- 1466: 19,25
- 1467: 17,24
- 1468: 19,23
- 1469: 23,25
- 1470: 21,26
- 1471: 20,25
- 1472: 23,21
- 1473: 21,22
- 1474: 25,22
- 1475: 25,24
- 1476: 25,23
- 1477: 25,25
- 1478: 24,25
- 1479: 28,24
- 1480: 30,23
- 1481: 26,24
- 1482: 27,25
- 1483: 27,24
- 1484: 27,23
- 1485: 29,22
- 1486: 30,22
- 1487: 30,21
- 1488: 29,20
- 1489: 29,20
- 1490: 30,19
- 1491: 33,25
- 1492: 33,25
- 1493: 31,26
- 1617: 16,21
- 1618: 24,21
- 1619: 24,21
- 1620: 30,19
- 1632: 36,26
- 1633: 37,24
- 1634: 37,24
- 1662: 48,24
- 1663: 47,24
- 1664: 47,23
- 1665: 48,23
- 1666: 49,23
- 1667: 52,24
- 1668: 51,25
- 1669: 50,26
- 1670: 49,25
- 1671: 51,25
- 1672: 52,26
- 1673: 52,26
- 1674: 50,26
- 1675: 53,26
- 1676: 53,26
- 1677: 54,26
- 1730: 53,24
- 1757: 14,15
- 1758: 10,15
- 1759: 12,15
- 1760: 14,15
- 1761: 16,15
- 1762: 17,14
- 1763: 16,11
- 1764: 15,10
- 1765: 15,10
- 1766: 15,11
- 1767: 16,10
- 1768: 17,11
- 1769: 17,11
- 1847: -3,10
- 1972: 7,2
- 1973: 6,4
- 1974: 4,3
- 1975: 5,4
- 1976: 11,3
- 1977: 10,2
- 2016: -8,4
- 2017: -7,4
- 2046: -50,3
- 2047: -50,3
- 2048: -53,6
- 2049: -52,6
- 2102: 36,23
- 2103: 37,21
- 2104: 36,20
- 2111: 40,17
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- 2113: 40,16
- 2114: 43,16
- 2115: 44,16
- 2116: 45,17
- 2117: 44,17
- 2118: 44,16
- 2121: 36,9
- 2127: 45,7
- 2128: 44,9
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- 2130: 46,9
- 2131: 47,8
- 2132: 42,9
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- 2134: 47,10
- 2135: 48,8
- 2136: 26,9
- 2144: 34,21
- 2145: 34,22
- 2146: 32,23
- 2147: 34,23
- 2148: 40,23
- 2149: 39,23
- 2150: 40,22
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- 2152: 47,22
- 2153: 41,22
- 2154: 42,22
- 2155: 49,22
- 2156: 52,22
- 2157: 53,23
- 2158: 52,23
- 2159: 43,6
- 2160: 46,6
- 2161: 46,6
- 2162: 48,6
- 2163: 47,6
- 2164: 42,6
- 2165: 50,3
- 2166: 51,3
- 2167: 53,3
- 2168: 54,3
- 2169: 56,3
- 2170: 57,3
- 2171: 46,4
- 2172: 47,3
- 2173: 45,6
- 2174: 20,22
- 2198: 27,18
- 2199: 28,18
- 2200: 29,18
- 2201: 29,17
- 2202: 28,16
- 2203: 30,16
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- 2231: 31,16
- 2232: 28,18
- 2233: 28,18
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- 2267: 38,17
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- 2287: 40,5
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- 2327: 43,15
- 2328: 45,15
- 2329: 45,16
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- 2331: 36,18
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+ 1451: 15,26
+ 1452: 14,26
+ 1453: 16,25
+ 1454: 17,22
+ 1455: 18,25
+ 1456: 19,25
+ 1457: 17,25
+ 1458: 18,22
+ 1459: 19,23
+ 1460: 22,22
+ 1461: 18,23
+ 1462: 19,25
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+ 1464: 19,23
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+ 1466: 21,26
+ 1467: 20,25
+ 1468: 23,21
+ 1469: 21,22
+ 1470: 25,22
+ 1471: 25,24
+ 1472: 25,23
+ 1473: 25,25
+ 1474: 24,25
+ 1475: 28,24
+ 1476: 30,23
+ 1477: 26,24
+ 1478: 27,25
+ 1479: 27,24
+ 1480: 27,23
+ 1481: 29,22
+ 1482: 30,22
+ 1483: 30,21
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+ 1485: 29,20
+ 1486: 30,19
+ 1487: 33,25
+ 1488: 33,25
+ 1489: 31,26
+ 1613: 16,21
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+ 1628: 36,26
+ 1629: 37,24
+ 1630: 37,24
+ 1658: 48,24
+ 1659: 47,24
+ 1660: 47,23
+ 1661: 48,23
+ 1662: 49,23
+ 1663: 52,24
+ 1664: 51,25
+ 1665: 50,26
+ 1666: 49,25
+ 1667: 51,25
+ 1668: 52,26
+ 1669: 52,26
+ 1670: 50,26
+ 1671: 53,26
+ 1672: 53,26
+ 1673: 54,26
+ 1726: 53,24
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+ 1755: 12,15
+ 1756: 14,15
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+ 1759: 16,11
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+ 1761: 15,10
+ 1762: 15,11
+ 1763: 16,10
+ 1764: 17,11
+ 1765: 17,11
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+ 1968: 7,2
+ 1969: 6,4
+ 1970: 4,3
+ 1971: 5,4
+ 1972: 11,3
+ 1973: 10,2
+ 2012: -8,4
+ 2013: -7,4
+ 2042: -50,3
+ 2043: -50,3
+ 2044: -53,6
+ 2045: -52,6
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+ 2109: 40,16
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+ 2113: 44,17
+ 2114: 44,16
+ 2117: 36,9
+ 2123: 45,7
+ 2124: 44,9
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+ 2141: 34,22
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+ 2143: 34,23
+ 2144: 40,23
+ 2145: 39,23
+ 2146: 40,22
+ 2147: 45,22
+ 2148: 47,22
+ 2149: 41,22
+ 2150: 42,22
+ 2151: 49,22
+ 2152: 52,22
+ 2153: 53,23
+ 2154: 52,23
+ 2155: 43,6
+ 2156: 46,6
+ 2157: 46,6
+ 2158: 48,6
+ 2159: 47,6
+ 2160: 42,6
+ 2161: 50,3
+ 2162: 51,3
+ 2163: 53,3
+ 2164: 54,3
+ 2165: 56,3
+ 2166: 57,3
+ 2167: 46,4
+ 2168: 47,3
+ 2169: 45,6
+ 2170: 20,22
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+ 2196: 29,18
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+ 2199: 30,16
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+ 2227: 31,16
+ 2228: 28,18
+ 2229: 28,18
+ 2262: 43,17
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+ 2321: 41,15
+ 2322: 44,15
+ 2323: 43,15
+ 2324: 45,15
+ 2325: 45,16
+ 2326: 37,17
+ 2327: 36,18
+ 2328: 37,18
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+ 2463: -6,18
+ 2464: -1,23
+ 2465: -2,23
+ 2466: -2,24
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+ 2468: -2,25
+ 2469: -2,26
+ 2470: -2,27
+ 2471: -2,28
- node:
cleanable: True
zIndex: 180
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtHeavy
- 1899: -33,7
- 1900: -34,10
- 1901: -35,11
- 1902: -39,11
- 1903: -40,12
- 1923: -53,18
- 1924: -53,16
- 1925: -52,15
- 1926: -52,14
- 1927: -51,15
- 1944: -49,5
- 1945: -49,5
- 1946: -56,2
- 1947: -46,4
- 1948: -42,3
- 1949: -42,3
+ 1895: -33,7
+ 1896: -34,10
+ 1897: -35,11
+ 1898: -39,11
+ 1899: -40,12
+ 1919: -53,18
+ 1920: -53,16
+ 1921: -52,15
+ 1922: -52,14
+ 1923: -51,15
+ 1940: -49,5
+ 1941: -49,5
+ 1942: -56,2
+ 1943: -46,4
+ 1944: -42,3
+ 1945: -42,3
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -1546,246 +1599,244 @@ entities:
1290: -3,16
1291: -4,17
1292: -4,17
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- 1294: -4,18
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- 1328: -6,10
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- 1330: -6,13
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- 1347: 3,13
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- 1495: 13,25
- 1496: 14,23
- 1497: 14,23
- 1498: 13,23
- 1499: 15,24
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- 1503: 16,22
- 1504: 15,22
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- 1506: 19,25
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- 1508: 20,24
- 1509: 20,24
- 1510: 20,23
- 1511: 20,23
- 1512: 19,26
- 1513: 19,26
- 1514: 18,26
- 1515: 17,26
- 1516: 16,26
- 1517: 21,24
- 1518: 21,24
- 1519: 21,22
- 1520: 23,22
- 1521: 21,23
- 1522: 21,23
- 1523: 22,23
+ 1296: -5,17
+ 1297: -4,16
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+ 1307: -6,15
+ 1308: -5,16
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+ 1310: -4,11
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+ 1324: -6,10
+ 1325: -3,11
+ 1326: -6,13
+ 1327: -6,13
+ 1341: 4,9
+ 1342: 3,12
+ 1343: 3,13
+ 1344: 3,13
+ 1345: 2,12
+ 1346: 2,12
+ 1347: 3,11
+ 1348: 3,10
+ 1349: 3,14
+ 1350: 3,17
+ 1351: 3,17
+ 1393: 3,28
+ 1394: 3,27
+ 1395: 3,26
+ 1396: 3,25
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+ 1398: 7,27
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+ 1491: 13,25
+ 1492: 14,23
+ 1493: 14,23
+ 1494: 13,23
+ 1495: 15,24
+ 1496: 15,24
+ 1497: 16,24
+ 1498: 17,23
+ 1499: 16,22
+ 1500: 15,22
+ 1501: 18,24
+ 1502: 19,25
+ 1503: 19,24
+ 1504: 20,24
+ 1505: 20,24
+ 1506: 20,23
+ 1507: 20,23
+ 1508: 19,26
+ 1509: 19,26
+ 1510: 18,26
+ 1511: 17,26
+ 1512: 16,26
+ 1513: 21,24
+ 1514: 21,24
+ 1515: 21,22
+ 1516: 23,22
+ 1517: 21,23
+ 1518: 21,23
+ 1519: 22,23
+ 1520: 23,24
+ 1521: 22,25
+ 1522: 21,24
+ 1523: 22,24
1524: 23,24
- 1525: 22,25
- 1526: 21,24
- 1527: 22,24
- 1528: 23,24
- 1529: 24,24
- 1530: 26,25
- 1531: 26,25
- 1532: 24,24
- 1533: 24,23
- 1534: 27,22
- 1535: 27,22
- 1536: 26,22
- 1537: 26,23
- 1538: 28,23
- 1539: 28,23
- 1540: 28,24
- 1541: 29,24
- 1542: 29,24
- 1543: 31,24
- 1544: 31,25
- 1545: 29,25
- 1546: 30,24
- 1547: 29,22
- 1548: 31,23
- 1549: 31,23
- 1550: 31,22
- 1551: 30,23
- 1552: 29,23
- 1553: 29,21
- 1554: 28,22
- 1555: 30,20
- 1556: 31,21
- 1557: 31,21
- 1558: 33,24
- 1559: 33,24
- 1560: 32,24
- 1561: 32,25
- 1562: 32,26
- 1621: 34,25
- 1622: 34,26
- 1635: 41,25
- 1636: 40,26
- 1637: 40,26
- 1638: 39,25
- 1639: 40,24
- 1640: 41,23
- 1641: 44,24
- 1642: 44,25
- 1643: 43,25
- 1644: 42,25
- 1645: 43,25
- 1646: 44,26
- 1647: 44,26
- 1648: 46,25
- 1649: 47,26
- 1650: 49,26
- 1651: 48,26
- 1652: 49,25
- 1653: 49,26
- 1654: 50,25
- 1655: 50,24
- 1656: 50,23
- 1657: 49,24
- 1658: 48,24
- 1659: 46,23
- 1660: 46,23
- 1661: 46,24
- 1724: 50,26
- 1725: 51,23
- 1726: 51,24
- 1727: 45,23
- 1728: 44,23
- 1729: 42,23
- 1732: 14,11
- 1733: 14,11
- 1734: 14,11
- 1735: 14,10
- 1736: 13,10
- 1737: 13,11
- 1738: 11,11
- 1739: 10,11
- 1740: 9,11
- 1741: 9,11
- 1742: 9,10
- 1743: 9,13
- 1744: 9,13
- 1745: 9,13
- 1746: 9,13
- 1747: 11,15
- 1748: 10,15
- 1749: 11,15
- 1750: 13,14
- 1751: 15,15
- 1752: 17,16
- 1753: 17,15
- 1754: 17,13
- 1755: 17,13
- 1756: 17,12
- 1770: 10,12
- 1771: 9,12
- 1772: 8,12
- 1773: 8,12
- 1774: 10,14
- 1846: -3,11
- 1879: -3,13
- 1880: -2,10
- 1881: -3,9
- 1882: -1,8
- 1883: -1,9
- 1884: 0,10
- 1888: -1,12
- 1889: -1,13
- 1890: -3,12
- 1891: 0,11
- 1892: 1,13
- 1893: 3,16
- 1894: 3,16
- 1895: 3,18
- 1896: 3,18
- 1897: 3,18
- 1898: 2,18
- 1978: 8,2
- 1979: 7,4
- 1980: 11,4
- 1981: 6,5
- 2018: -14,2
- 2019: -14,4
- 2020: -13,2
- 2216: 31,17
- 2217: 32,18
- 2228: 32,15
- 2229: 31,15
- 2268: 39,17
- 2269: 38,18
- 2270: 36,17
- 2283: 33,5
- 2284: 35,5
- 2285: 37,5
- 2333: 38,18
- 2334: 36,17
- 2335: 37,17
- 2336: 37,22
- 2337: 36,22
- 2395: 4,25
- 2396: 5,25
- 2397: 6,25
- 2398: 7,25
- 2399: 8,25
- 2400: 7,25
- 2401: 0,21
- 2402: 0,21
- 2451: -37,12
- 2452: -38,12
+ 1525: 24,24
+ 1526: 26,25
+ 1527: 26,25
+ 1528: 24,24
+ 1529: 24,23
+ 1530: 27,22
+ 1531: 27,22
+ 1532: 26,22
+ 1533: 26,23
+ 1534: 28,23
+ 1535: 28,23
+ 1536: 28,24
+ 1537: 29,24
+ 1538: 29,24
+ 1539: 31,24
+ 1540: 31,25
+ 1541: 29,25
+ 1542: 30,24
+ 1543: 29,22
+ 1544: 31,23
+ 1545: 31,23
+ 1546: 31,22
+ 1547: 30,23
+ 1548: 29,23
+ 1549: 29,21
+ 1550: 28,22
+ 1551: 30,20
+ 1552: 31,21
+ 1553: 31,21
+ 1554: 33,24
+ 1555: 33,24
+ 1556: 32,24
+ 1557: 32,25
+ 1558: 32,26
+ 1617: 34,25
+ 1618: 34,26
+ 1631: 41,25
+ 1632: 40,26
+ 1633: 40,26
+ 1634: 39,25
+ 1635: 40,24
+ 1636: 41,23
+ 1637: 44,24
+ 1638: 44,25
+ 1639: 43,25
+ 1640: 42,25
+ 1641: 43,25
+ 1642: 44,26
+ 1643: 44,26
+ 1644: 46,25
+ 1645: 47,26
+ 1646: 49,26
+ 1647: 48,26
+ 1648: 49,25
+ 1649: 49,26
+ 1650: 50,25
+ 1651: 50,24
+ 1652: 50,23
+ 1653: 49,24
+ 1654: 48,24
+ 1655: 46,23
+ 1656: 46,23
+ 1657: 46,24
+ 1720: 50,26
+ 1721: 51,23
+ 1722: 51,24
+ 1723: 45,23
+ 1724: 44,23
+ 1725: 42,23
+ 1728: 14,11
+ 1729: 14,11
+ 1730: 14,11
+ 1731: 14,10
+ 1732: 13,10
+ 1733: 13,11
+ 1734: 11,11
+ 1735: 10,11
+ 1736: 9,11
+ 1737: 9,11
+ 1738: 9,10
+ 1739: 9,13
+ 1740: 9,13
+ 1741: 9,13
+ 1742: 9,13
+ 1743: 11,15
+ 1744: 10,15
+ 1745: 11,15
+ 1746: 13,14
+ 1747: 15,15
+ 1748: 17,16
+ 1749: 17,15
+ 1750: 17,13
+ 1751: 17,13
+ 1752: 17,12
+ 1766: 10,12
+ 1767: 9,12
+ 1768: 8,12
+ 1769: 8,12
+ 1770: 10,14
+ 1842: -3,11
+ 1875: -3,13
+ 1876: -2,10
+ 1877: -3,9
+ 1878: -1,8
+ 1879: -1,9
+ 1880: 0,10
+ 1884: -1,12
+ 1885: -1,13
+ 1886: -3,12
+ 1887: 0,11
+ 1888: 1,13
+ 1889: 3,16
+ 1890: 3,16
+ 1891: 3,18
+ 1892: 3,18
+ 1893: 3,18
+ 1894: 2,18
+ 1974: 8,2
+ 1975: 7,4
+ 1976: 11,4
+ 1977: 6,5
+ 2014: -14,2
+ 2015: -14,4
+ 2016: -13,2
+ 2212: 31,17
+ 2213: 32,18
+ 2224: 32,15
+ 2225: 31,15
+ 2264: 39,17
+ 2265: 38,18
+ 2266: 36,17
+ 2279: 33,5
+ 2280: 35,5
+ 2281: 37,5
+ 2329: 38,18
+ 2330: 36,17
+ 2331: 37,17
+ 2332: 37,22
+ 2333: 36,22
+ 2384: 4,25
+ 2385: 5,25
+ 2386: 6,25
+ 2387: 7,25
+ 2388: 8,25
+ 2389: 7,25
+ 2390: 0,21
+ 2391: 0,21
+ 2440: -37,12
+ 2441: -38,12
- node:
cleanable: True
zIndex: 180
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtHeavyMonotile
- 1904: -40,11
- 1905: -41,12
- 1906: -38,12
- 1907: -37,11
- 1908: -36,11
- 1909: -36,11
- 1910: -29,12
- 1911: -28,12
- 1912: -27,12
- 1928: -53,15
- 1929: -51,14
- 1930: -51,14
- 1931: -53,12
- 1932: -53,12
- 1933: -53,13
- 1934: -52,12
+ 1900: -40,11
+ 1901: -41,12
+ 1902: -38,12
+ 1903: -37,11
+ 1904: -36,11
+ 1905: -36,11
+ 1906: -29,12
+ 1907: -28,12
+ 1908: -27,12
+ 1924: -53,15
+ 1925: -51,14
+ 1926: -51,14
+ 1927: -53,12
+ 1928: -53,12
+ 1929: -53,13
+ 1930: -52,12
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -2035,250 +2086,250 @@ entities:
1283: -1,16
1284: -3,17
1285: -3,17
- 1319: -6,9
- 1320: -4,8
- 1321: -4,8
- 1322: -4,8
- 1323: -4,8
- 1332: -6,17
- 1333: -4,16
- 1334: -6,8
- 1335: -6,8
- 1336: -6,8
- 1337: -6,8
- 1338: -6,9
- 1356: 2,17
- 1357: 2,18
- 1358: 4,18
- 1359: 4,18
- 1360: 4,17
- 1361: 4,17
- 1362: 4,16
+ 1315: -6,9
+ 1316: -4,8
+ 1317: -4,8
+ 1318: -4,8
+ 1319: -4,8
+ 1328: -6,17
+ 1329: -4,16
+ 1330: -6,8
+ 1331: -6,8
+ 1332: -6,8
+ 1333: -6,8
+ 1334: -6,9
+ 1352: 2,17
+ 1353: 2,18
+ 1354: 4,18
+ 1355: 4,18
+ 1356: 4,17
+ 1357: 4,17
+ 1358: 4,16
+ 1359: 4,14
+ 1360: 4,13
+ 1361: 4,13
+ 1362: 4,14
1363: 4,14
- 1364: 4,13
- 1365: 4,13
- 1366: 4,14
- 1367: 4,14
- 1368: 2,16
- 1369: 2,16
- 1370: 2,16
- 1371: 2,16
- 1372: 2,11
- 1373: 2,10
- 1374: 2,9
- 1375: 3,8
- 1376: 2,8
- 1404: 4,27
- 1405: 4,27
- 1406: 5,28
- 1407: 5,28
- 1408: 5,27
- 1409: 10,27
- 1410: 10,27
- 1411: 9,27
- 1412: 11,27
- 1413: 11,26
- 1425: 9,25
- 1426: 6,26
- 1563: 33,26
- 1564: 34,26
- 1565: 34,25
- 1566: 34,24
- 1567: 31,24
- 1568: 32,24
- 1569: 33,24
- 1570: 33,24
- 1571: 30,21
- 1572: 30,22
- 1573: 29,21
+ 1364: 2,16
+ 1365: 2,16
+ 1366: 2,16
+ 1367: 2,16
+ 1368: 2,11
+ 1369: 2,10
+ 1370: 2,9
+ 1371: 3,8
+ 1372: 2,8
+ 1400: 4,27
+ 1401: 4,27
+ 1402: 5,28
+ 1403: 5,28
+ 1404: 5,27
+ 1405: 10,27
+ 1406: 10,27
+ 1407: 9,27
+ 1408: 11,27
+ 1409: 11,26
+ 1421: 9,25
+ 1422: 6,26
+ 1559: 33,26
+ 1560: 34,26
+ 1561: 34,25
+ 1562: 34,24
+ 1563: 31,24
+ 1564: 32,24
+ 1565: 33,24
+ 1566: 33,24
+ 1567: 30,21
+ 1568: 30,22
+ 1569: 29,21
+ 1570: 28,21
+ 1571: 28,23
+ 1572: 27,22
+ 1573: 26,22
1574: 28,21
- 1575: 28,23
- 1576: 27,22
- 1577: 26,22
- 1578: 28,21
- 1579: 28,22
- 1580: 25,23
- 1581: 26,23
- 1582: 26,23
- 1583: 25,21
- 1584: 24,23
- 1585: 23,24
- 1586: 24,23
- 1587: 23,23
- 1588: 23,23
- 1589: 24,22
- 1590: 24,24
- 1591: 23,25
- 1592: 22,24
- 1593: 22,25
- 1594: 22,26
- 1595: 25,26
- 1596: 25,26
- 1597: 20,26
- 1598: 19,26
- 1599: 20,26
- 1600: 17,26
- 1601: 18,26
- 1602: 15,26
- 1603: 15,26
- 1604: 15,25
- 1605: 15,25
- 1606: 17,24
- 1607: 16,24
- 1608: 13,24
- 1609: 14,23
- 1610: 14,22
- 1611: 15,22
- 1612: 17,23
- 1613: 19,22
- 1614: 20,21
- 1615: 20,21
- 1616: 18,21
- 1623: 37,26
- 1624: 37,26
- 1625: 36,25
- 1626: 36,25
- 1627: 34,26
- 1628: 33,26
- 1629: 32,26
- 1630: 31,25
- 1631: 29,25
- 1695: 39,25
- 1696: 39,24
- 1697: 39,24
- 1698: 41,23
- 1699: 44,24
- 1700: 44,24
- 1701: 43,24
- 1702: 43,24
- 1703: 42,23
- 1704: 43,23
- 1705: 44,23
- 1706: 45,24
- 1707: 45,25
- 1708: 45,25
- 1709: 47,26
- 1710: 47,26
- 1711: 50,25
- 1712: 50,25
- 1713: 49,24
- 1714: 51,25
- 1715: 52,25
- 1716: 51,25
- 1717: 51,25
- 1718: 53,26
- 1719: 54,26
- 1720: 53,25
- 1721: 53,25
- 1722: 54,25
- 1723: 51,26
- 1731: 29,8
- 1775: 10,14
- 1776: 10,14
- 1777: 10,13
- 1778: 10,13
- 1779: 17,15
- 1780: 17,14
- 1781: 17,15
- 1782: 17,16
- 1783: 17,13
- 1784: 15,11
- 1785: 15,10
- 1786: 14,10
- 1787: 7,15
- 1788: 8,16
- 1789: 8,16
- 1790: 7,16
- 1791: 13,21
- 1792: 13,21
- 1793: 13,21
- 1877: -1,11
- 1878: -1,13
- 1885: -2,11
- 1886: 1,11
- 1887: -5,12
- 1982: 5,4
- 1983: 5,3
- 1984: 6,2
- 1985: 4,2
- 1986: 10,2
- 2021: -13,2
- 2022: -13,4
- 2023: -11,2
- 2024: -12,2
- 2105: 36,21
- 2106: 37,20
- 2107: 36,19
- 2108: 37,19
- 2109: 37,18
- 2110: 37,17
- 2119: 40,17
- 2125: 39,10
- 2126: 39,9
- 2137: 24,9
- 2138: 7,20
- 2139: 31,20
- 2140: 32,21
- 2141: 32,22
- 2142: 33,23
- 2143: 33,22
- 2205: 28,17
- 2206: 28,17
- 2207: 27,16
- 2215: 32,17
- 2271: 36,18
- 2273: 45,16
- 2274: 37,25
- 2275: 46,25
- 2276: 43,22
- 2277: 41,5
- 2278: 39,5
- 2279: 36,5
- 2280: 34,5
- 2281: 32,5
- 2282: 28,5
- 2338: 39,22
- 2339: 40,22
- 2340: 42,22
- 2341: 43,22
- 2342: 37,22
- 2343: 36,22
- 2344: 38,23
- 2345: 38,25
- 2346: 38,26
- 2347: 40,8
- 2348: 38,8
- 2349: 39,8
- 2350: 40,8
- 2351: 40,11
- 2352: 40,10
- 2353: 37,11
- 2450: -35,12
+ 1575: 28,22
+ 1576: 25,23
+ 1577: 26,23
+ 1578: 26,23
+ 1579: 25,21
+ 1580: 24,23
+ 1581: 23,24
+ 1582: 24,23
+ 1583: 23,23
+ 1584: 23,23
+ 1585: 24,22
+ 1586: 24,24
+ 1587: 23,25
+ 1588: 22,24
+ 1589: 22,25
+ 1590: 22,26
+ 1591: 25,26
+ 1592: 25,26
+ 1593: 20,26
+ 1594: 19,26
+ 1595: 20,26
+ 1596: 17,26
+ 1597: 18,26
+ 1598: 15,26
+ 1599: 15,26
+ 1600: 15,25
+ 1601: 15,25
+ 1602: 17,24
+ 1603: 16,24
+ 1604: 13,24
+ 1605: 14,23
+ 1606: 14,22
+ 1607: 15,22
+ 1608: 17,23
+ 1609: 19,22
+ 1610: 20,21
+ 1611: 20,21
+ 1612: 18,21
+ 1619: 37,26
+ 1620: 37,26
+ 1621: 36,25
+ 1622: 36,25
+ 1623: 34,26
+ 1624: 33,26
+ 1625: 32,26
+ 1626: 31,25
+ 1627: 29,25
+ 1691: 39,25
+ 1692: 39,24
+ 1693: 39,24
+ 1694: 41,23
+ 1695: 44,24
+ 1696: 44,24
+ 1697: 43,24
+ 1698: 43,24
+ 1699: 42,23
+ 1700: 43,23
+ 1701: 44,23
+ 1702: 45,24
+ 1703: 45,25
+ 1704: 45,25
+ 1705: 47,26
+ 1706: 47,26
+ 1707: 50,25
+ 1708: 50,25
+ 1709: 49,24
+ 1710: 51,25
+ 1711: 52,25
+ 1712: 51,25
+ 1713: 51,25
+ 1714: 53,26
+ 1715: 54,26
+ 1716: 53,25
+ 1717: 53,25
+ 1718: 54,25
+ 1719: 51,26
+ 1727: 29,8
+ 1771: 10,14
+ 1772: 10,14
+ 1773: 10,13
+ 1774: 10,13
+ 1775: 17,15
+ 1776: 17,14
+ 1777: 17,15
+ 1778: 17,16
+ 1779: 17,13
+ 1780: 15,11
+ 1781: 15,10
+ 1782: 14,10
+ 1783: 7,15
+ 1784: 8,16
+ 1785: 8,16
+ 1786: 7,16
+ 1787: 13,21
+ 1788: 13,21
+ 1789: 13,21
+ 1873: -1,11
+ 1874: -1,13
+ 1881: -2,11
+ 1882: 1,11
+ 1883: -5,12
+ 1978: 5,4
+ 1979: 5,3
+ 1980: 6,2
+ 1981: 4,2
+ 1982: 10,2
+ 2017: -13,2
+ 2018: -13,4
+ 2019: -11,2
+ 2020: -12,2
+ 2101: 36,21
+ 2102: 37,20
+ 2103: 36,19
+ 2104: 37,19
+ 2105: 37,18
+ 2106: 37,17
+ 2115: 40,17
+ 2121: 39,10
+ 2122: 39,9
+ 2133: 24,9
+ 2134: 7,20
+ 2135: 31,20
+ 2136: 32,21
+ 2137: 32,22
+ 2138: 33,23
+ 2139: 33,22
+ 2201: 28,17
+ 2202: 28,17
+ 2203: 27,16
+ 2211: 32,17
+ 2267: 36,18
+ 2269: 45,16
+ 2270: 37,25
+ 2271: 46,25
+ 2272: 43,22
+ 2273: 41,5
+ 2274: 39,5
+ 2275: 36,5
+ 2276: 34,5
+ 2277: 32,5
+ 2278: 28,5
+ 2334: 39,22
+ 2335: 40,22
+ 2336: 42,22
+ 2337: 43,22
+ 2338: 37,22
+ 2339: 36,22
+ 2340: 38,23
+ 2341: 38,25
+ 2342: 38,26
+ 2343: 40,8
+ 2344: 38,8
+ 2345: 39,8
+ 2346: 40,8
+ 2347: 40,11
+ 2348: 40,10
+ 2349: 37,11
+ 2439: -35,12
- node:
cleanable: True
zIndex: 180
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: DirtLight
- 1913: -38,11
- 1914: -38,11
- 1915: -39,12
- 1916: -39,12
- 1917: -41,10
- 1918: -38,12
- 1919: -33,11
- 1920: -29,11
- 1921: -30,12
- 1922: -30,12
- 1935: -52,11
- 1936: -53,10
- 1937: -49,14
- 1938: -48,14
- 1939: -48,14
- 1940: -50,5
- 1941: -51,5
- 1942: -51,6
- 1943: -51,5
+ 1909: -38,11
+ 1910: -38,11
+ 1911: -39,12
+ 1912: -39,12
+ 1913: -41,10
+ 1914: -38,12
+ 1915: -33,11
+ 1916: -29,11
+ 1917: -30,12
+ 1918: -30,12
+ 1931: -52,11
+ 1932: -53,10
+ 1933: -49,14
+ 1934: -48,14
+ 1935: -48,14
+ 1936: -50,5
+ 1937: -51,5
+ 1938: -51,6
+ 1939: -51,5
- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
@@ -2438,82 +2489,75 @@ entities:
1228: -9,17
1229: -8,15
1230: -9,15
- 1295: -5,18
- 1296: -5,18
- 1297: -5,17
- 1298: -6,17
- 1299: -6,16
- 1302: -6,16
- 1303: -5,15
- 1304: -5,13
- 1305: -5,13
- 1306: -4,13
- 1324: -5,9
- 1325: -4,10
- 1377: 2,8
- 1378: 4,9
- 1379: 4,10
- 1380: 3,9
- 1381: 4,12
- 1382: 4,13
- 1383: 2,15
- 1384: 2,14
- 1385: 4,15
- 1414: 3,28
- 1415: 4,28
- 1416: 5,28
- 1417: 7,28
- 1418: 7,28
- 1419: 6,27
- 1420: 5,26
- 1421: 5,26
- 1422: 8,27
- 1423: 10,23
- 1424: 11,23
- 1678: 48,26
- 1679: 49,26
- 1680: 48,25
- 1681: 47,25
- 1682: 46,26
- 1683: 45,26
- 1684: 45,26
- 1685: 40,26
- 1686: 43,26
- 1687: 43,26
- 1688: 42,24
- 1689: 41,24
- 1690: 42,25
- 1691: 42,26
- 1692: 41,26
- 1693: 40,25
- 1694: 39,26
- 1987: 4,3
- 1988: 6,4
- 1989: 11,2
- 2025: -9,4
- 2026: -10,4
- 2027: -8,2
- 2028: -12,4
- 2029: -11,2
- 2030: -12,2
- 2031: -12,1
- 2032: -13,4
- 2033: -13,5
- 2122: 37,10
- 2123: 38,9
- 2124: 38,10
- 2218: 31,18
- 2219: 32,17
- 2272: 42,16
- 2453: -33,12
- 2454: -34,12
- 2455: -32,12
- 2456: -31,12
- - node:
- color: '#334E6DC8'
- id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 2045: -50,3
+ 1293: -5,17
+ 1294: -6,17
+ 1295: -6,16
+ 1298: -6,16
+ 1299: -5,15
+ 1300: -5,13
+ 1301: -5,13
+ 1302: -4,13
+ 1320: -5,9
+ 1321: -4,10
+ 1373: 2,8
+ 1374: 4,9
+ 1375: 4,10
+ 1376: 3,9
+ 1377: 4,12
+ 1378: 4,13
+ 1379: 2,15
+ 1380: 2,14
+ 1381: 4,15
+ 1410: 3,28
+ 1411: 4,28
+ 1412: 5,28
+ 1413: 7,28
+ 1414: 7,28
+ 1415: 6,27
+ 1416: 5,26
+ 1417: 5,26
+ 1418: 8,27
+ 1419: 10,23
+ 1420: 11,23
+ 1674: 48,26
+ 1675: 49,26
+ 1676: 48,25
+ 1677: 47,25
+ 1678: 46,26
+ 1679: 45,26
+ 1680: 45,26
+ 1681: 40,26
+ 1682: 43,26
+ 1683: 43,26
+ 1684: 42,24
+ 1685: 41,24
+ 1686: 42,25
+ 1687: 42,26
+ 1688: 41,26
+ 1689: 40,25
+ 1690: 39,26
+ 1983: 4,3
+ 1984: 6,4
+ 1985: 11,2
+ 2021: -9,4
+ 2022: -10,4
+ 2023: -8,2
+ 2024: -12,4
+ 2025: -11,2
+ 2026: -12,2
+ 2027: -12,1
+ 2028: -13,4
+ 2029: -13,5
+ 2118: 37,10
+ 2119: 38,9
+ 2120: 38,10
+ 2214: 31,18
+ 2215: 32,17
+ 2268: 42,16
+ 2442: -33,12
+ 2443: -34,12
+ 2444: -32,12
+ 2445: -31,12
- node:
color: '#35526FFF'
id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -2527,6 +2571,7 @@ entities:
478: -50,2
479: -51,3
480: -49,3
+ 2041: -50,3
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -2584,42 +2629,42 @@ entities:
color: '#1F6626FF'
id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
- 2373: 3,23
- 2374: 4,23
- 2375: 5,23
- 2376: 5,22
- 2377: 4,22
- 2378: 3,22
- 2379: 3,21
- 2380: 4,21
- 2381: 5,21
- 2382: 5,20
- 2383: 4,20
- 2384: 3,20
+ 2362: 3,23
+ 2363: 4,23
+ 2364: 5,23
+ 2365: 5,22
+ 2366: 4,22
+ 2367: 3,22
+ 2368: 3,21
+ 2369: 4,21
+ 2370: 5,21
+ 2371: 5,20
+ 2372: 4,20
+ 2373: 3,20
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
- 2177: 27,18
- 2178: 27,17
- 2179: 27,16
- 2180: 28,16
- 2181: 28,17
- 2182: 28,18
- 2183: 29,18
- 2184: 29,17
- 2185: 29,16
- 2186: 30,16
- 2187: 30,17
- 2188: 30,18
- 2208: 31,17
- 2209: 31,18
- 2210: 32,18
- 2211: 32,17
- 2220: 31,16
- 2221: 32,16
- 2222: 32,15
- 2223: 31,15
+ 2173: 27,18
+ 2174: 27,17
+ 2175: 27,16
+ 2176: 28,16
+ 2177: 28,17
+ 2178: 28,18
+ 2179: 29,18
+ 2180: 29,17
+ 2181: 29,16
+ 2182: 30,16
+ 2183: 30,17
+ 2184: 30,18
+ 2204: 31,17
+ 2205: 31,18
+ 2206: 32,18
+ 2207: 32,17
+ 2216: 31,16
+ 2217: 32,16
+ 2218: 32,15
+ 2219: 31,15
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileCheckerAOverlay
@@ -2661,8 +2706,8 @@ entities:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: MiniTileLineOverlayW
- 2316: 46,16
- 2317: 46,15
+ 2312: 46,16
+ 2313: 46,15
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileOverlay
@@ -2683,66 +2728,59 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelCornerNe
- 2297: 40,11
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelCornerNw
- 2304: 37,11
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelCornerSe
- 2296: 40,8
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelCornerSw
- 2293: 37,8
+ 2289: 37,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelLineE
- 2302: 40,9
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelLineN
- 2298: 39,11
- 2299: 38,11
+ 2294: 39,11
+ 2295: 38,11
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelLineS
- 2300: 39,8
- 2301: 38,8
+ 2296: 39,8
+ 2297: 38,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: MiniTileSteelLineW
- 2294: 37,9
- 2295: 37,10
- - node:
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- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
- decals:
- 2361: -6,18
- 2362: -5,18
- 2363: -4,18
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+ 2291: 37,10
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
188: -31,-28
197: -29,-26
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- 2084: 44,6
- 2085: 43,6
- 2086: 45,6
- 2087: 46,6
- 2088: 47,6
- 2089: 48,6
+ 2079: 42,6
+ 2080: 44,6
+ 2081: 43,6
+ 2082: 45,6
+ 2083: 46,6
+ 2084: 47,6
+ 2085: 48,6
- node:
color: '#D381C996'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -2784,14 +2822,6 @@ entities:
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
485: -58,1
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- color: '#774194FF'
- id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
- decals:
- 2364: -2,26
- 2365: -2,26
- 2366: -2,27
- 2367: -2,28
- node:
color: '#9FED5896'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
@@ -2808,31 +2838,31 @@ entities:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
- 2251: 40,22
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- 2254: 43,22
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- 2256: 45,22
- 2257: 46,22
- 2258: 47,22
- 2259: 36,18
- 2260: 36,17
- 2261: 36,16
- 2262: 36,15
- 2263: 37,15
- 2264: 38,15
- 2305: 40,15
- 2306: 39,15
- 2307: 45,15
- 2308: 44,15
- 2309: 43,15
- 2310: 42,15
- 2311: 41,15
- 2312: 36,22
- 2313: 37,22
- 2314: 38,22
- 2315: 39,22
+ 2247: 40,22
+ 2248: 41,22
+ 2249: 42,22
+ 2250: 43,22
+ 2251: 44,22
+ 2252: 45,22
+ 2253: 46,22
+ 2254: 47,22
+ 2255: 36,18
+ 2256: 36,17
+ 2257: 36,16
+ 2258: 36,15
+ 2259: 37,15
+ 2260: 38,15
+ 2301: 40,15
+ 2302: 39,15
+ 2303: 45,15
+ 2304: 44,15
+ 2305: 43,15
+ 2306: 42,15
+ 2307: 41,15
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+ 2309: 37,22
+ 2310: 38,22
+ 2311: 39,22
- node:
color: '#52B4E996'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
@@ -2855,11 +2885,11 @@ entities:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- 2318: 41,18
- 2319: 40,18
- 2320: 39,18
- 2321: 38,18
- 2322: 41,17
+ 2314: 41,18
+ 2315: 40,18
+ 2316: 39,18
+ 2317: 38,18
+ 2318: 41,17
- node:
color: '#EFB34196'
id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
@@ -2873,82 +2903,82 @@ entities:
619: -38,5
620: -37,5
621: -36,5
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- 2423: -34,5
- 2424: -33,5
- 2425: -32,5
+ 2411: -35,5
+ 2412: -34,5
+ 2413: -33,5
+ 2414: -32,5
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign1
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- 1968: 7,4
+ 1949: -11,4
+ 1964: 7,4
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign10
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- 1969: 8,2
+ 1954: -10,2
+ 1965: 8,2
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign11
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- 1970: 9,2
+ 1955: -9,2
+ 1966: 9,2
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign2
- 1960: -10,4
- 1971: 8,4
+ 1956: -10,4
+ 1967: 8,4
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign3
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- 1967: 5,3
+ 1946: -13,3
+ 1963: 5,3
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign4
- 1951: -12,3
- 1966: 6,3
+ 1947: -12,3
+ 1962: 6,3
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign5
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- 1965: 7,3
+ 1948: -11,3
+ 1961: 7,3
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign6
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- 1964: 8,3
+ 1950: -10,3
+ 1960: 8,3
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign7
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- 1963: 9,3
+ 1951: -9,3
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign8
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- 1962: 10,3
+ 1952: -8,3
+ 1958: 10,3
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: SpaceStationSign9
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- 1961: 11,3
+ 1953: -7,3
+ 1957: 11,3
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color: '#FF5C5CFF'
id: StandClearGreyscale
- 2245: 37,20
- 2246: 36,20
+ 2241: 37,20
+ 2242: 36,20
- node:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnCornerNE
- 2442: -39,16
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnCornerNW
- 2444: -41,16
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnCornerSE
- 2446: -39,14
+ 2435: -39,14
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnCornerSW
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color: '#EFB34196'
id: WarnFull
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- node:
color: '#52B4E996'
id: WarnFullGreyscale
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- 2460: -35,6
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+ 2449: -35,6
- node:
color: '#D4D4D496'
id: WarnFullGreyscale
- 2461: -34,6
- 2462: -33,6
+ 2450: -34,6
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- node:
color: '#DE3A3A96'
id: WarnFullGreyscale
- 2457: -38,6
- 2458: -37,6
+ 2446: -38,6
+ 2447: -37,6
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineE
@@ -3069,14 +3099,14 @@ entities:
1251: -3,16
1252: -3,17
1253: -3,18
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- 2078: 35,25
- 2079: 35,24
- 2359: 35,22
- 2360: 35,23
- 2403: -57,2
- 2447: -39,15
+ 2034: -28,1
+ 2073: 35,26
+ 2074: 35,25
+ 2075: 35,24
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+ 2436: -39,15
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineN
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302: 48,21
626: -41,8
627: -40,8
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- 2054: -30,0
- 2055: -29,0
- 2056: -31,-11
- 2057: -29,-11
- 2061: 29,-11
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- 2235: 44,17
- 2236: 45,17
- 2237: 36,19
- 2238: 37,19
- 2239: 36,21
- 2240: 37,21
- 2449: -40,14
+ 2049: -31,0
+ 2050: -30,0
+ 2051: -29,0
+ 2052: -31,-11
+ 2053: -29,-11
+ 2057: 29,-11
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+ 2231: 44,17
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+ 2234: 37,19
+ 2235: 36,21
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cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineN
- 2176: 29,19
+ 2172: 29,19
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineS
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1255: 1,16
1256: 1,17
1257: 1,18
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- 2080: 35,26
- 2081: 35,25
- 2082: 35,24
- 2357: 35,22
- 2358: 35,23
- 2404: -57,2
- 2445: -41,15
+ 2035: -28,1
+ 2076: 35,26
+ 2077: 35,25
+ 2078: 35,24
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+ 2354: 35,23
+ 2393: -57,2
+ 2434: -41,15
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineW
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623: -41,6
624: -41,9
625: -40,9
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- 2051: -30,0
- 2052: -29,0
- 2058: -31,-11
- 2059: -29,-11
- 2060: 29,-11
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- 2242: 37,19
- 2243: 37,21
- 2244: 36,21
- 2443: -40,16
+ 2046: -31,0
+ 2047: -30,0
+ 2048: -29,0
+ 2054: -31,-11
+ 2055: -29,-11
+ 2056: 29,-11
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+ 2238: 37,19
+ 2239: 37,21
+ 2240: 36,21
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- node:
cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineW
- 2175: 29,19
+ 2171: 29,19
- node:
color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerNe
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- 2092: 46,10
+ 2062: 26,12
+ 2088: 46,10
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerNe
- 2289: 36,11
+ 2285: 36,11
- node:
color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw
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- 2091: 42,10
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw
- 2288: 35,11
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- node:
color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe
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- 2093: 46,8
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe
- 2355: 36,8
+ 2351: 36,8
- node:
color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw
- 2065: 24,11
- 2090: 42,8
+ 2061: 24,11
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- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw
- 2354: 35,8
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color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineE
- 2101: 46,9
+ 2097: 46,9
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineE
- 2290: 36,9
- 2291: 36,10
+ 2286: 36,9
+ 2287: 36,10
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color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineN
- 2067: 25,12
- 2098: 43,10
- 2099: 44,10
- 2100: 45,10
+ 2063: 25,12
+ 2094: 43,10
+ 2095: 44,10
+ 2096: 45,10
- node:
color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineS
- 2068: 25,11
- 2095: 43,8
- 2096: 44,8
- 2097: 45,8
+ 2064: 25,11
+ 2091: 43,8
+ 2092: 44,8
+ 2093: 45,8
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color: '#C8C8C8FF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineW
- 2094: 42,9
+ 2090: 42,9
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineW
- 2292: 35,10
- 2356: 35,9
+ 2288: 35,10
+ 2352: 35,9
- node:
color: '#9BC516FF'
id: shop
@@ -3512,7 +3542,7 @@ entities:
0: 47903
0: 34831
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0: 2187
1: 768
@@ -3652,13 +3682,13 @@ entities:
0: 63931
0: 13087
- 3: 34816
+ 2: 34816
0: 3
- 3: 8
+ 2: 8
1: 3840
- 2: 2
+ 3: 2
0: 8
1: 3840
@@ -3884,8 +3914,8 @@ entities:
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
- - 6666.982
- 0
+ - 6666.982
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -3899,7 +3929,6 @@ entities:
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
- - 0
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- 0
- 0
@@ -3911,6 +3940,7 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - 0
chunkSize: 4
- type: GasTileOverlay
- type: RadiationGridResistance
@@ -5593,13 +5623,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 51.5,6.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: BarricadeBlock
- entities:
- - uid: 2008
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,28.5
- parent: 2173
- proto: Bed
- uid: 346
@@ -14443,7 +14466,7 @@ entities:
- uid: 514
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,23.5
+ pos: -1.5,28.5
parent: 2173
- type: ContainerContainer
@@ -17471,10 +17494,10 @@ entities:
parent: 2173
- proto: filingCabinetRandom
- - uid: 2041
+ - uid: 2008
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,18.5
+ pos: 6.5,23.5
parent: 2173
- proto: FireAlarm
@@ -27580,7 +27603,7 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 8.592261,22.02486
parent: 2173
-- proto: LessLethalVendingMachine
+- proto: LessLethalVendingMachinePOI
- uid: 2025
@@ -27696,6 +27719,14 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 8.50093,23.502323
parent: 2173
+- proto: LockerWallMaterialsBasicFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2057
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 33.5,18.5
+ parent: 2173
- proto: MachineCryoSleepPod
- uid: 1394
@@ -27735,24 +27766,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 29.342014,16.547031
parent: 2173
-- proto: MailCarrierMothershipComputer
- entities:
- - uid: 4296
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 27.5,16.5
- parent: 2173
- - type: ContainerContainer
- containers:
- ShipyardConsole-targetId: !type:ContainerSlot
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ent: null
- board: !type:Container
- showEnts: False
- occludes: True
- ents: []
- proto: MailingUnit
- uid: 207
@@ -28042,7 +28055,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -35.5,6.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: PacifiedZone100
+- proto: PacifiedZonePanicBunker100
- uid: 2054
@@ -28412,6 +28425,11 @@ entities:
parent: 2173
- proto: PowerCellRecharger
+ - uid: 2060
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,18.5
+ parent: 2173
- uid: 2661
- type: Transform
@@ -29132,12 +29150,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -45.5,7.5
parent: 2173
- - uid: 4050
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 32.5,18.5
- parent: 2173
- uid: 4158
- type: Transform
@@ -31283,31 +31295,10 @@ entities:
parent: 2173
- proto: ServiceTechFab
- - uid: 4936
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.5,17.5
- parent: 2173
-- proto: SheetGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 4819
+ - uid: 2056
- type: Transform
- pos: 32.45495,18.826864
- parent: 2173
-- proto: SheetPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 4930
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.61017,18.753946
- parent: 2173
-- proto: SheetSteel
- entities:
- - uid: 4931
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 32.39142,18.68103
+ pos: 32.5,18.5
parent: 2173
- proto: SignAtmos
@@ -32907,11 +32898,26 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 4.5,24.5
parent: 2173
+ - uid: 2041
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,18.5
+ parent: 2173
- uid: 2043
- type: Transform
pos: 10.5,21.5
parent: 2173
+ - uid: 2055
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 27.5,16.5
+ parent: 2173
+ - uid: 2058
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,18.5
+ parent: 2173
- uid: 2410
- type: Transform
@@ -33208,7 +33214,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 38.428623,15.602282
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineAstroVend
+- proto: VendingMachineAstroVendPOI
- uid: 774
@@ -33243,7 +33249,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 4.5,13.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
+- proto: VendingMachineEngivendPOI
- uid: 2418
@@ -33285,14 +33291,14 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 32.5,15.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMedPlus
- uid: 2413
- type: Transform
pos: -54.5,8.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
+- proto: VendingMachineSalvagePOI
- uid: 2021
@@ -33306,21 +33312,21 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 39.5,18.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVAPOI
- uid: 1053
- type: Transform
pos: -31.5,6.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineVendomat
+- proto: VendingMachineVendomatPOI
- uid: 2670
- type: Transform
pos: -43.5,5.5
parent: 2173
-- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
+- proto: VendingMachineYouToolPOI
- uid: 2417
@@ -36816,11 +36822,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -28.5,13.5
parent: 2173
- - uid: 3054
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,22.5
- parent: 2173
- proto: WardrobeGreyFilled
- uid: 2435
@@ -36864,6 +36865,11 @@ entities:
parent: 2173
- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
+ - uid: 2059
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,18.5
+ parent: 2173
- uid: 2763
- type: Transform
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/arena.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/arena.yml
index c80d6f630db..a340e0e0703 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/arena.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/arena.yml
@@ -18904,7 +18904,7 @@ entities:
parent: 2
- type: Anchorable
delay: 999999
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMedPlus
- uid: 1551
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/courthouse.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/courthouse.yml
index aa3144eac9b..51693c33e2e 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/courthouse.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/courthouse.yml
@@ -7238,7 +7238,7 @@ entities:
- Left: Forward
- Right: Reverse
- Middle: Off
-- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMed
- uid: 1151
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/lodge.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/lodge.yml
index 64c09706e51..eb17219c518 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/lodge.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/lodge.yml
@@ -16591,14 +16591,14 @@ entities:
- Left: Forward
- Right: Forward
- Middle: Off
-- proto: VendingMachineAmmo
+- proto: VendingMachineAmmoPOI
- uid: 597
- type: Transform
pos: 11.5,11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineAstroVend
+- proto: VendingMachineAstroVendPOI
- uid: 2052
@@ -16650,14 +16650,14 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 16.5,11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMedPlus
- uid: 2032
- type: Transform
pos: -11.5,17.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
+- proto: VendingMachineSalvagePOI
- uid: 1162
@@ -16669,7 +16669,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -11.5,4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVAPOI
- uid: 385
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/mchobo.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/mchobo.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fbdd80876d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/mchobo.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6854 @@
+ format: 6
+ postmapinit: false
+ 0: Space
+ 14: FloorBar
+ 6: FloorGlass
+ 77: FloorRGlass
+ 5: FloorSteelBurnt
+ 3: FloorSteelDamaged
+ 4: FloorSteelDirty
+ 107: FloorTechMaint
+ 115: FloorWhiteMini
+ 116: FloorWhiteMono
+ 124: Lattice
+ 125: Plating
+ 1: PlatingBurnt
+ 2: PlatingDamaged
+- proto: ""
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ name: grid
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.6875
+ parent: invalid
+ - type: MapGrid
+ chunks:
+ 0,0:
+ ind: 0,0
+ version: 6
+ -1,0:
+ ind: -1,0
+ version: 6
+ -1,-1:
+ ind: -1,-1
+ version: 6
+ 0,-1:
+ ind: 0,-1
+ version: 6
+ -1,1:
+ ind: -1,1
+ version: 6
+ 0,1:
+ ind: 0,1
+ version: 6
+ - type: Broadphase
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyStatus: InAir
+ angularDamping: 0.05
+ linearDamping: 0.05
+ fixedRotation: False
+ bodyType: Dynamic
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+ - type: OccluderTree
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
+ - type: Shuttle
+ - type: GridPathfinding
+ - type: DecalGrid
+ chunkCollection:
+ version: 2
+ nodes:
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#85DAEBFF'
+ id: Blasto
+ decals:
+ 59: -6.9550385,12.0449705
+ - node:
+ color: '#A4610696'
+ id: CheckerNWSE
+ decals:
+ 55: 7,4
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#4AB9A3FF'
+ id: Clandestine
+ decals:
+ 72: -6.606568,3.2095013
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#5DC190FF'
+ id: Cyber
+ decals:
+ 68: 6.3080244,11.334811
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: DirtMedium
+ decals:
+ 0: 9,11
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FF5DCCFF'
+ id: Donk
+ decals:
+ 66: -1.4256788,-0.34560585
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F96363FF'
+ id: Gene
+ decals:
+ 67: -9.803357,-2.8254132
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F5DAA7FF'
+ id: Gib
+ decals:
+ 58: 5.007736,11.951612
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#4AB9A3FF'
+ id: Newton
+ decals:
+ 74: 2.5866513,10.571531
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#85DAEBFF'
+ id: Omni
+ decals:
+ 65: 7.9577494,3.002947
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FDFE89FF'
+ id: Osiron
+ decals:
+ 76: 5.045655,2.6219652
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F3A787FF'
+ id: Prima
+ decals:
+ 95: -1.3977542,3.3780653
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FDFE89FF'
+ id: Psyke
+ decals:
+ 96: 1.2575297,5.559182
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#CA60AEFF'
+ id: Tunnel
+ decals:
+ 64: -2.529286,13.502137
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F3A787FF'
+ id: Waffle
+ decals:
+ 94: 2.2378523,1.7433231
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnLineE
+ decals:
+ 12: 11,-1
+ 13: 11,-2
+ 14: 11,-3
+ 15: -11,-1
+ 16: -11,-2
+ 23: -13,-1
+ 24: -13,-2
+ 25: -13,-3
+ 26: 13,-1
+ 27: 13,-2
+ 28: 13,-3
+ 47: 5,14
+ 48: 1,14
+ 50: -11,-3
+ 54: -3,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnLineN
+ decals:
+ 9: -8,-7
+ 10: -7,-7
+ 11: -6,-7
+ 29: -4,2
+ 32: 6,15
+ 41: -8,-9
+ 42: -7,-9
+ 43: -6,-9
+ 44: 6,-9
+ 45: 7,-9
+ 46: 8,-9
+ 52: -3,16
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnLineS
+ decals:
+ 1: -11,-1
+ 2: -11,-2
+ 3: 11,-1
+ 4: 11,-2
+ 5: 11,-3
+ 17: 13,-3
+ 18: 13,-2
+ 19: 13,-1
+ 20: -13,-3
+ 21: -13,-2
+ 22: -13,-1
+ 30: 1,14
+ 31: 5,14
+ 49: -11,-3
+ 53: -3,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnLineW
+ decals:
+ 6: -8,-7
+ 7: -7,-7
+ 8: -6,-7
+ 33: 6,15
+ 34: -4,2
+ 35: 8,-9
+ 36: 7,-9
+ 37: 6,-9
+ 38: -8,-9
+ 39: -7,-9
+ 40: -6,-9
+ 51: -3,16
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#4AB9A3FF'
+ id: amyjon
+ decals:
+ 60: 1.9955573,-3.033001
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#5EFDF7FF'
+ id: b
+ decals:
+ 79: 7.4721994,-3.205122
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#C85353FF'
+ id: beepsky
+ decals:
+ 71: -4.7566547,8.7082615
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FDFE89FF'
+ id: biohazard
+ decals:
+ 87: 6.170536,8.736349
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#5DC190FF'
+ id: body
+ decals:
+ 69: -2.9432287,-0.9892385
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FDFE89FF'
+ id: body
+ decals:
+ 70: -7.585581,-5.334134
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#5FC9E7FF'
+ id: bottle
+ decals:
+ 88: 1.823868,11.493463
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F96363FF'
+ id: c
+ decals:
+ 82: 6.5753803,-2.7126794
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FDFE89FF'
+ id: carp
+ decals:
+ 84: -4.678934,-0.4259138
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#8DD894FF'
+ id: corgi
+ decals:
+ 85: -5.783374,5.3281918
+ - node:
+ color: '#AB58A8FF'
+ id: cyka
+ decals:
+ 56: -9.005027,-0.10002446
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F3A787FF'
+ id: end
+ decals:
+ 61: 3.1368914,7.5267057
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#8DD894FF'
+ id: engie
+ decals:
+ 89: -0.039014816,12.495938
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#5FC9E7FF'
+ id: face
+ decals:
+ 86: -1.9961433,11.695769
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F5DAA7FF'
+ id: ghost
+ decals:
+ 73: 5.6013007,-0.5060599
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FDFE89FF'
+ id: h
+ decals:
+ 77: 6.9446583,-3.205122
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#8DD894FF'
+ id: m
+ decals:
+ 81: 6.2061024,-2.730266
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#4593A5FF'
+ id: matt
+ decals:
+ 57: -7.9617004,5.9941115
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F5DAA7FF'
+ id: o
+ decals:
+ 78: 7.208429,-3.1347733
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FF5DCCFF'
+ id: o
+ decals:
+ 80: 7.7535524,-3.205122
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F96363FF'
+ id: peace
+ decals:
+ 83: -3.5261693,4.855317
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#5DC190FF'
+ id: prolizard
+ decals:
+ 62: -0.55499125,10.56416
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F96363FF'
+ id: revolution
+ decals:
+ 90: 8.514212,-1.2514956
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#4593A5FF'
+ id: skull
+ decals:
+ 91: -0.5062866,-4.4347954
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#CA60AEFF'
+ id: skull
+ decals:
+ 93: -8.4844055,11.855696
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F5DAA7FF'
+ id: skull
+ decals:
+ 92: -1.5029974,8.109605
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#4593A5FF'
+ id: snake
+ decals:
+ 75: -7.028755,-2.8571744
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#F96363FF'
+ id: stickman
+ decals:
+ 63: 4.083477,-3.4422233
+ - type: GridAtmosphere
+ version: 2
+ data:
+ tiles:
+ 0,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 56575
+ 0,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,1:
+ 0: 57343
+ 0,2:
+ 0: 56591
+ -1,2:
+ 0: 65437
+ 0,3:
+ 0: 7967
+ -1,3:
+ 0: 65535
+ 0,4:
+ 1: 2
+ 2: 12
+ 1,0:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,1:
+ 0: 56785
+ 1,2:
+ 0: 56653
+ 1,3:
+ 0: 19935
+ 1,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ 1,4:
+ 2: 15
+ 2,0:
+ 0: 12343
+ 1: 128
+ 2,1:
+ 0: 560
+ 2,2:
+ 0: 4131
+ 2: 16384
+ 2,3:
+ 0: 273
+ 2: 17476
+ 2,-1:
+ 0: 32759
+ 2,4:
+ 2: 7
+ 3,-1:
+ 0: 13104
+ -4,-1:
+ 0: 34944
+ -3,-1:
+ 0: 64988
+ -3,0:
+ 1: 32
+ 0: 32908
+ -3,1:
+ 0: 34952
+ -3,2:
+ 0: 34952
+ -3,3:
+ 0: 2184
+ 1: 16384
+ -2,0:
+ 0: 62207
+ -2,1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,2:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,3:
+ 0: 4095
+ -2,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -2,4:
+ 1: 8
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 65535
+ -3,-2:
+ 1: 8256
+ 0: 34816
+ -2,-3:
+ 0: 28672
+ -2,-2:
+ 0: 65319
+ -1,-2:
+ 1: 16
+ 0: 61440
+ 0,-2:
+ 0: 61440
+ 1,-2:
+ 0: 65052
+ 1,-3:
+ 0: 49152
+ 2,-3:
+ 0: 4096
+ 2,-2:
+ 0: 13057
+ 1: 32832
+ uniqueMixes:
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ immutable: True
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ chunkSize: 4
+ - type: GasTileOverlay
+ - type: RadiationGridResistance
+ - type: Gravity
+ gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
+ path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
+- proto: AirCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 901
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: 8.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: AirlockAssemblyCargo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 210
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockAssemblyFreezer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 294
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockAssemblyGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 23
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockCargo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 27
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 843
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockExternalGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 838
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 935
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 939
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 940
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 945
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 358
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 35
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 36
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 103
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 174
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 368
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 556
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 628
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 923
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 924
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 925
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 926
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 927
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: APCBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 53
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 123
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 186
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 578
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+ entities:
+ - uid: 48
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 56
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 257
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 259
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 320
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 411
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 446
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 522
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 542
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 551
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 552
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 702
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 905
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 906
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 890
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 891
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 892
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 893
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1040
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1041
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1042
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1043
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1044
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1045
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1046
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1047
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1048
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1049
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1050
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1051
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1052
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1053
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1054
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1056
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1057
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1058
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1059
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1060
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Beaker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 130
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.6027393,8.254347
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 131
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.2277393,8.129347
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 132
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.6808643,8.691847
+ parent: 1
+- proto: BigBox
+ entities:
+ - uid: 894
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.483196,0.5249231
+ parent: 1
+- proto: BiomassReclaimer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 346
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Blunt
+ entities:
+ - uid: 213
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.7665076,7.6190767
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 218
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.2040076,7.2284517
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 344
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.7977576,7.2440767
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 439
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.4267225,2.3591065
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 685
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5517225,2.3591065
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 861
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.3798475,2.6091065
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
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+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
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+ pos: 8.5,14.5
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+ pos: 9.5,0.5
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+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,11.5
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+ pos: 4.5,5.5
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+ pos: 7.5,3.5
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,10.5
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+- proto: Catwalk
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+ - uid: 312
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,11.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ pos: -5.5,14.5
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,11.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,10.5
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 871
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,10.5
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+ - uid: 896
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 897
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ - type: Transform
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ components:
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+ pos: -7.3875966,12.725374
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+ components:
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+ pos: -6.297345,14.551413
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+ components:
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+- proto: ComputerShipyardScrap
+ entities:
+ - uid: 152
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
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+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents: []
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+ entities:
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+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetOpen
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+ components:
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+ - uid: 291
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+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 376
+ components:
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 181
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
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+- proto: DisposalPipe
+ entities:
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,5.5
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+ - uid: 97
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 219
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 251
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 253
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 254
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 260
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 274
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 280
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 286
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 305
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 310
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 372
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 373
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 374
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 377
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 378
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 379
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 382
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 383
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 933
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 991
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DisposalPipeBroken
+ entities:
+ - uid: 170
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 172
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 173
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 176
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 177
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 178
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 179
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DisposalTrunk
+ entities:
+ - uid: 248
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 303
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 366
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 367
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 716
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 887
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 934
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DisposalUnit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 292
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 540
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 931
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DisposalYJunction
+ entities:
+ - uid: 333
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkBottlePatron
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1000
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.671588,0.660843
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkBottleRum
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1001
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.48466218,2.551468
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1002
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.45283782,3.270218
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkBottleWhiskey
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1023
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5396256,12.778627
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1025
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.53849936,15.825502
+ parent: 1
+- proto: DrinkCartonOrange
+ entities:
+ - uid: 828
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.39033782,3.707718
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 997
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.17158782,-2.714157
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 999
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.703412,-2.354782
+ parent: 1
+- proto: EmergencyLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 226
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 325
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 326
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 338
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 425
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 426
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 980
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 982
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 984
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 985
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 473
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 159
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 165
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 209
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FireAlarm
+ entities:
+ - uid: 154
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 646
+ - 8
+ - 471
+- proto: Firelock
+ entities:
+ - uid: 8
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 171
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 855
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 856
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FirelockGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 57
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 340
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 635
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FloodlightBroken
+ entities:
+ - uid: 282
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.4990225,-1.2865016
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 316
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.565043,0.4530797
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 974
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5418053,5.5728273
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodBowlBigTrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 437
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.16617322,2.43319
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 453
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.17757678,2.542565
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodFrozenSnowconeTrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1080
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.736228,13.864145
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1081
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.328153,12.105415
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1082
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5919237,3.3318362
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1083
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.3134371,-0.06251001
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1084
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.3519535,-4.5448537
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1085
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.3232183,-1.256032
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1086
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.378297,6.851166
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodPlateTrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 46
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.75336,1.9811897
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 52
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.487735,1.8093147
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 636
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.643985,1.4811897
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 638
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.28461,1.5436897
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodTinBeansTrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 91
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.506468,-5.4502707
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 225
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.35392892,-2.3051271
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 231
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.452832,-0.64887726
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 247
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.0054461,2.4761229
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 329
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.374707,-4.414502
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodTinMRETrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 75
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.600452,-1.7520173
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 76
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.693968,-2.3252707
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 77
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.287952,-1.2051423
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 81
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.696374,1.274397
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 89
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.551283,0.63860774
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 90
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.0221233,2.6542327
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 92
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.62882817,-2.7676423
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 328
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.801283,-0.62701726
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FoodTinPeachesMaintTrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 242
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.497925,0.44487274
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 243
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.93872404,-2.2738771
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 255
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5066376,-4.836377
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 262
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.201614,1.4971204
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 705
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.20440567,2.4419537
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GasCanisterBrokenBase
+ entities:
+ - uid: 164
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GasPassiveVent
+ entities:
+ - uid: 347
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasPipeBend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 359
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 468
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeBroken
+ entities:
+ - uid: 261
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GasPipeFourway
+ entities:
+ - uid: 354
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 385
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeStraight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 47
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 266
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 355
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 360
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 406
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 452
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 484
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 485
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 486
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 487
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 488
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 489
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 490
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 499
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 532
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 543
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 573
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 632
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 645
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 647
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 652
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 653
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 660
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 661
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 663
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 673
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 674
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 832
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 865
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1009
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeTJunction
+ entities:
+ - uid: 357
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 387
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 389
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 410
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 470
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 530
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 630
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 662
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasPort
+ entities:
+ - uid: 717
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPressurePump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 744
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 992
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasVentPump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 356
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 361
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 407
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 471
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 657
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 928
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1010
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasVentScrubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 12
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 353
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 541
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 646
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 650
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 666
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 886
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GravityGeneratorMini
+ entities:
+ - uid: 238
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Grille
+ entities:
+ - uid: 72
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 311
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 314
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 413
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 422
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 442
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 564
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 565
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 567
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 568
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 569
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 643
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 697
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 699
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 751
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 809
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 816
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 818
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 850
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 911
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 912
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 913
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 914
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GrilleDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 529
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 691
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: InflatableDoor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 6
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 7
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 9
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 10
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 11.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 11
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 14
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 15
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 16
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 17
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 18
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 30
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 215
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 269
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: InflatableWall
+ entities:
+ - uid: 263
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 265
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 268
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 270
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,6.5
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+ - uid: 271
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 273
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 526
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LargeBeaker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 122
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.3839893,8.535597
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 125
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.8214893,8.801222
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 129
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.2433643,8.582472
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MachineFrameDestroyed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 396
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 454
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 455
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 457
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 465
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Mattress
+ entities:
+ - uid: 26
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 28
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 31
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 37
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 39
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 43
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 49
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 54
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 108
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 182
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 205
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 212
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 220
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 276
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 281
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 290
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 296
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 298
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 300
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 301
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 306
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 392
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 393
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 395
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 397
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 404
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 405
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 427
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 436
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 441
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 444
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 450
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
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+ - uid: 466
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 527
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 531
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 559
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 566
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,0.5
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+ - uid: 570
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 601
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 644
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 649
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 656
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 664
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 689
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 690
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 696
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 700
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 711
+ components:
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+ pos: -3.5,12.5
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+ - uid: 713
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,13.5
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+ - uid: 721
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,15.5
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+ - uid: 723
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,14.5
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+ - uid: 734
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 737
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 806
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,8.5
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+ - uid: 859
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 860
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Mirror
+ entities:
+ - uid: 989
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 990
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+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MysteryFigureBoxTrash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 71
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.7382228,3.8079877
+ parent: 1
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+ components:
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+ pos: 2.6444728,3.5736127
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 87
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.7225978,3.3079877
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 88
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.3319728,3.4954877
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 98
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.2069728,3.2611127
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 224
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.2209473,-1.1625972
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 228
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.363201,-2.5375972
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 232
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.785076,-2.5844722
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 234
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.6740723,-1.1469722
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 241
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.706951,-2.2407222
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 246
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.2209473,-1.4907222
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 250
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.363201,-2.1157222
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 252
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.3319728,3.8392377
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 327
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.7053223,-1.3969722
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 686
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.2664075,6.807229
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 687
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.6726575,6.775979
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 698
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.6570325,6.338479
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 703
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.2664075,6.104104
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 758
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.2820325,6.479104
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 863
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5320325,6.525979
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 866
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.83872986,5.979104
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 874
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.697736,9.799101
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 879
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.244611,9.752226
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 880
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.400861,9.392851
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 881
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.713361,9.486601
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 882
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.64881,13.907734
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 883
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.226935,13.860859
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 884
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.383185,13.501484
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 885
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.789435,13.735859
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 888
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.820685,13.532734
+ parent: 1
+- proto: NoticeBoardNF
+ entities:
+ - uid: 872
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PillSpaceDrugs
+ entities:
+ - uid: 113
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.8839893,7.863722
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 114
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5558643,8.129347
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 117
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.3527393,8.035597
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 121
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.7121143,8.191847
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 126
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.8527393,7.848097
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 127
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.2433643,8.269972
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 128
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.4777393,7.879347
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 313
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.6964893,7.691847
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 318
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.3058643,7.691847
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 384
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.4308643,7.691847
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 562
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.3839893,7.566847
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 598
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.9308643,8.082472
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PortableGeneratorHyperPacmanShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 959
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: FuelGenerator
+ targetPower: 10000
+ on: False
+ - type: MaterialStorage
+ storage:
+ Bananium: 2000
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - type: InsertingMaterialStorage
+- proto: PosterContrabandEAT
+ entities:
+ - uid: 345
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterContrabandSmoke
+ entities:
+ - uid: 725
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterContrabandSpaceUp
+ entities:
+ - uid: 742
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredlightEmpty
+ entities:
+ - uid: 420
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 537
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 539
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 544
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 560
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredlightSodium
+ entities:
+ - uid: 400
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 412
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 33
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 403
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 428
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 621
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 720
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredSmallLightEmpty
+ entities:
+ - uid: 302
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PrefilledSyringe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 895
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.123821,-2.3247318
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 902
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.60532665,-2.6059818
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 904
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.2992396,-1.1216068
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 907
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.180202,0.39401817
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 910
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.055202,-0.07473183
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 915
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.6068498,2.5421815
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PuddleVomit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 55
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 58
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 59
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 60
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 61
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 62
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 63
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 64
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 66
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 572
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 574
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 575
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 576
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 581
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 582
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 858
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ReinforcedWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 330
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 583
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 584
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 585
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 587
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 588
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 694
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 701
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 745
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 831
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 845
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 847
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 848
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 849
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 916
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 917
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 918
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 919
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 920
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 921
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 922
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 993
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 998
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ReinforcedWindowDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 438
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 528
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ShardGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 140
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.205751,-0.42699623
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 141
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.093823,-4.551996
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 184
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.3103466,-0.34900165
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 187
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.6540966,-0.73962665
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 190
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5621076,8.217713
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 191
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.4665966,-0.44275165
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 192
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.542706,8.638382
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 193
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.8637176,0.38550377
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 195
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.1987824,-3.9582462
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 196
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.390232,5.7958384
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 197
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.49583,7.5758824
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 279
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5036745,-2.4896266
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 284
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5817995,-1.5365016
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 288
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.3495011,-1.4271266
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 289
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.4276261,-1.6771266
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 440
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.033876,-2.4426212
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 445
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.6620011,-1.5677516
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 449
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.392297,-2.0676212
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1003
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.203624,3.776889
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1008
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.375499,7.1986685
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1011
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.000499,9.2611685
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1013
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.687999,8.4642935
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1015
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.724594,14.850584
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1020
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.44728088,14.475584
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1021
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.083969116,12.881834
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1022
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.599594,14.006834
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ShuttersFrame
+ entities:
+ - uid: 534
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 538
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ShuttersNormalOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 151
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignCargo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 474
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignDirectionalDorms
+ entities:
+ - uid: 547
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 555
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 557
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 558
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignDirectionalJanitor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 995
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignDirectionalWash
+ entities:
+ - uid: 95
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SinkStemlessWater
+ entities:
+ - uid: 791
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.4667277,6.32853
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1036
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.4771442,7.3422375
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SinkWide
+ entities:
+ - uid: 981
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnDungeonRandomHumanCorpse
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1055
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.539418,13.484325
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1061
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.556423,5.511012
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1062
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5204787,13.4464855
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobBearSalvage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1094
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobCockroach
+ entities:
+ - uid: 96
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 110
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 227
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 321
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 350
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 369
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 370
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 371
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 722
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 929
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1039
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobKangarooSalvage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1095
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1096
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobMouse
+ entities:
+ - uid: 124
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 390
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -11.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1007
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1014
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1016
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1024
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1033
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1034
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1035
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1037
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1038
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnMobSpiderSalvage
+ entities:
+ - uid: 44
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 111
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 536
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1097
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1098
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1099
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpiderWeb
+ entities:
+ - uid: 68
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 69
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 70
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 82
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 83
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 84
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 104
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 106
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 107
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 229
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 233
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 337
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 475
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 498
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 586
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 589
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 590
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 591
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 593
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 596
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 634
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 704
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 706
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 707
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 708
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 710
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 724
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 726
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 727
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 728
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 729
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 730
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 738
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 739
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 743
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 746
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 748
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 750
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 754
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 755
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 756
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 757
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 873
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SubstationBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 365
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Syringe
+ entities:
+ - uid: 93
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.4855175,9.536195
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 237
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5784163,6.783909
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 240
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5167675,6.299534
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 362
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.564487,5.7314057
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 363
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.220737,9.43453
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 364
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.642612,5.4189057
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 637
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.6409163,6.424534
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 669
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.548862,6.3095307
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 675
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.392612,5.3407807
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 676
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.314487,5.7626557
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 677
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.439487,5.3564057
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 678
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.455112,5.4345307
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 680
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.470737,6.6064057
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 682
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.798862,5.7939057
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableCounterMetal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 3
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 4
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableFrame
+ entities:
+ - uid: 133
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 188
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 189
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 194
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 249
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 277
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 307
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 341
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 343
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 399
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 692
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 29
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 119
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 134
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 135
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 299
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ToiletDirtyWater
+ entities:
+ - uid: 932
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 994
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TrashBananaPeel
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1076
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.433495,13.586496
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1077
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5144396,12.460911
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1078
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.534351,2.348336
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1079
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5521736,14.497027
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TrashNapkin
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1063
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.12499,8.823985
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1064
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.212915,8.560176
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1065
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.494268,9.439539
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1066
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.12003,6.22535
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1067
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.155199,6.0494766
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1068
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.423523,8.177539
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1069
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.614629,8.388586
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1070
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.3531847,6.4363966
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1071
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.6345377,5.6977315
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1072
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.368443,6.647444
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1073
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.250475,7.2805867
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 203
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 297
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 315
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 319
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 322
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 323
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 418
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 423
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 424
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 432
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 521
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 546
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 548
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 561
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 594
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 607
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 610
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 617
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 623
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 625
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 631
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 709
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 718
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 731
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 732
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 735
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -10.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 889
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 903
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 908
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 909
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallReinforcedDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 65
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 138
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 435
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 447
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 448
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 535
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 545
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 549
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 550
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 595
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 611
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 712
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 736
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 761
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 762
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 764
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 766
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallReinforcedRust
+ entities:
+ - uid: 760
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 763
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 765
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 767
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 768
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 769
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 770
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 771
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 772
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 773
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 774
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 775
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 776
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 777
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 778
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 779
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 780
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 781
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -12.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 782
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 13.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 960
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 961
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 962
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallSolid
+ entities:
+ - uid: 42
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallSolidRust
+ entities:
+ - uid: 783
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 784
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 785
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 786
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 787
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 788
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 789
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 790
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 792
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 793
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 794
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 800
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 802
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -7.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 803
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -8.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 804
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 805
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 808
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 810
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 811
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 814
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 815
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 817
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 819
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 826
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 827
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 829
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 830
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 833
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 834
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 839
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 840
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 841
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 842
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 844
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 851
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 852
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 853
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 854
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 857
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WarpPointNFMcHobo
+ entities:
+ - uid: 5
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WindoorAssembly
+ entities:
+ - uid: 983
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/nfsd.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/nfsd.yml
index fac69ebcbc4..8c9e2fb246b 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/nfsd.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/nfsd.yml
@@ -15463,7 +15463,7 @@ entities:
- Left: Forward
- Right: Forward
- Middle: Off
-- proto: VendingMachineAmmo
+- proto: VendingMachineAmmoPOI
- uid: 594
@@ -15512,7 +15512,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineMedical
+- proto: VendingMachineCiviMedPlus
- uid: 2269
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/trade.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/trade.yml
index 4f1dfb8b32c..397c6960d42 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/trade.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/POI/trade.yml
@@ -22742,7 +22742,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 60.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: LessLethalVendingMachine
+- proto: LessLethalVendingMachinePOI
- uid: 2598
@@ -28206,7 +28206,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 53.5,-1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineAstroVend
+- proto: VendingMachineAstroVendPOI
- uid: 5717
@@ -28276,7 +28276,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 35.5,3.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
+- proto: VendingMachineEngivendPOI
- uid: 5546
@@ -28339,7 +28339,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,7.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVAPOI
- uid: 3727
@@ -28360,7 +28360,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 69.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
+- proto: VendingMachineYouToolPOI
- uid: 1491
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Bus/publicts.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Bus/publicts.yml
index f43aa385124..a77bfbfb66e 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Bus/publicts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Bus/publicts.yml
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ entities:
parent: 8756
- type: Physics
bodyType: Static
-- proto: PacifiedZone10
+- proto: PacifiedZonePanicBunker10
- uid: 84
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/anchor.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/anchor.yml
index d74b98ef648..0e36b1cb017 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/anchor.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/anchor.yml
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@ meta:
0: Space
14: FloorBar
+ 7: FloorBlue
+ 5: FloorBoxing
+ 3: FloorBrokenWood
30: FloorDark
+ 1: FloorDarkDiagonal
33: FloorDarkHerringbone
+ 2: FloorDarkMono
37: FloorDarkPavement
45: FloorFreezer
46: FloorGlass
61: FloorKitchen
+ 6: FloorLaundry
63: FloorLino
65: FloorMetalDiamond
90: FloorSteel
+ 4: FloorSteelDiagonal
97: FloorSteelDirty
104: FloorSteelPavementVertical
105: FloorTechMaint
@@ -34,51 +41,51 @@ entities:
ind: -1,-1
version: 6
ind: -1,0
version: 6
ind: 0,-1
version: 6
ind: 0,0
version: 6
ind: -1,-2
version: 6
ind: 0,-2
version: 6
ind: -2,-2
version: 6
ind: -2,-1
version: 6
ind: 1,-2
version: 6
ind: 0,-3
version: 6
ind: 1,-1
version: 6
ind: -1,-3
version: 6
- type: Broadphase
- type: Physics
@@ -100,734 +107,930 @@ entities:
version: 2
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- angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Arrows
- decals:
- 44: 14,-10
- 45: 14,-12
- - node:
- angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Arrows
+ id: Box
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+ 288: -9,-24
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Bot
- decals:
- 34: 12,-9
- 35: 13,-9
- 36: 13,-10
- 37: 12,-10
- 38: 12,-11
- 39: 13,-11
- 40: 13,-12
- 41: 12,-12
- 42: 12,-13
- 43: 13,-13
- - node:
- angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
- color: '#0000B4FF'
id: BoxGreyscale
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- 48: 9,-23
- 49: 10,-23
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+ 238: -3,6
+ 239: 1,6
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- angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
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- id: BoxGreyscale
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- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe
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- node:
- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw
- 96: 0,-20
- - node:
- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
- id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe
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+ 0: -2,2
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw
- 94: 0,-16
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- node:
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerNe
- 102: -4,-20
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+ 298: 13,-20
- node:
- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerNw
- 103: 2,-20
- 146: 0,-28
- - node:
- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
- id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerSe
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: BrickTileDarkInnerSw
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id: BrickTileDarkLineE
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+ 115: 1,-12
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+ 154: 13,-15
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+ 187: 0,-3
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+ 228: -16,-16
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+ 296: 13,-19
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- 88: 0.25239444,0.020290852
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- 98: -4,-18
- 99: -4,-17
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- 113: -2,-12
- 114: -2,-11
- 115: -2,-10
- 116: -2,-9
- 117: -2,-8
- 118: -2,-7
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- 139: -2,-22
- 140: -2,-23
- 141: -2,-24
- 142: -2,-25
- 143: -2,-26
- 144: -2,-27
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+ 119: -3,-12
+ 120: -3,-11
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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+ 7: 5,-2
- node:
- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
- id: BrickTileDarkLineS
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- 105: 1,-16
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 126: 0,-11
- 127: 0,-12
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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- 157: -5.021417,-11.450896
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- 159: 3.9939084,-11.491488
+ 3: -11,-27
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- 152: -5.022317,-11.216935
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- 154: 3.993308,-11.26381
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+ 285: -7,-28
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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+ 264: 4,-11
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- color: '#CDCDCDCC'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineN
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+ id: DirtHeavy
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- 149: 3.008933,-11.01381
- 150: 3.993308,-11.01381
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+ 277: -6,-9
- node:
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color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: BrickTileSteelLineS
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- 186: -14,-21
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- node:
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angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
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- id: BrickTileSteelLineW
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
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+ 236: -5,-29
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- id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw
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color: '#334E6DC8'
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+ 292: 13,-19
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- id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSe
+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90
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+ 95: 4,-18
+ 96: 4,-17
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+ 98: 1,-14
+ 99: 1,-13
+ 100: 1,-12
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- color: '#0066DCCC'
- id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: LoadingArea
- 172: 7,-21
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- id: BrickTileWhiteInnerSw
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+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: LoadingArea
- 75: -6,-21
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- 27: 13.247913,-18.976585
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
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- 24: 13.493418,-17.993195
- 25: 13.493418,-18.97757
+ 50: -3,-17
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkCornerSe
- 61: -4,-3
+ 46: 1,-19
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- angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- color: '#82000099'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkCornerSw
- 62: -5,-2
+ 45: -3,-19
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- color: '#9E9F9EFF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkEndN
- 22: 13.743418,-17.993195
- 23: 13.743418,-18.97757
+ 73: -1,-7
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- color: '#E3E5E9FF'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineE
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkEndS
- 20: 13.993418,-17.993195
- 21: 13.993418,-18.97757
+ 31: -1,-27
- node:
- color: '#0066DCCC'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkInnerNe
- 174: 5,-23
- 175: 6,-23
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- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkInnerNw
- 80: 15,-15
- 81: 16,-15
- 82: 17,-15
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- node:
- color: '#334E6DC8'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkInnerSe
+ decals:
+ 42: -1,-19
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkInnerSw
+ decals:
+ 41: -1,-19
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkLineE
+ decals:
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+ 29: -1,-25
+ 30: -1,-26
+ 39: -1,-21
+ 40: -1,-20
+ 47: 1,-18
+ 64: -1,-16
+ 65: -1,-15
+ 66: -1,-14
+ 67: -1,-13
+ 68: -1,-12
+ 69: -1,-11
+ 70: -1,-10
+ 71: -1,-9
+ 72: -1,-8
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+ id: MiniTileDarkLineN
- 15: -3,7
- 16: -2,7
- 17: -1,7
- 18: 0,7
- 19: 1,7
+ 51: -2,-17
+ 52: 0,-17
- node:
- color: '#82000099'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkLineS
+ decals:
+ 43: -2,-19
+ 44: 0,-19
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkLineW
- 70: -6,-2
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+ 33: -1,-25
+ 34: -1,-24
+ 35: -1,-23
+ 36: -1,-22
+ 37: -1,-21
+ 38: -1,-20
+ 48: -3,-18
+ 55: -1,-16
+ 56: -1,-15
+ 57: -1,-14
+ 58: -1,-13
+ 59: -1,-12
+ 60: -1,-11
+ 61: -1,-10
+ 62: -1,-9
+ 63: -1,-8
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- color: '#B79C0099'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineN
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+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
- 73: -8,-23
- 74: -7,-23
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- node:
- color: '#0066DCCC'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
- 170: 5,-21
- 171: 6,-21
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+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 88: -3,-16
+ 129: -6,-20
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- node:
color: '#334E6DC8'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
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+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
- 14: -5,4
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- node:
- color: '#82000099'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ color: '#EFB34196'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
- 65: -5,-4
- 66: -6,-4
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- node:
- color: '#B79C0099'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineS
+ color: '#5E7C1696'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
- 71: -8,-21
- 72: -7,-21
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- node:
- color: '#1B99FB99'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
- 77: 14,-17
- 78: 14,-16
- 83: 15,-20
- 84: 15,-21
- 85: 15,-22
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- node:
- color: '#646464CC'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ color: '#EFB34196'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270
- 163: -15.780144,-15.000807
- 164: -15.780143,-16.000807
- 165: -15.747205,-19.019861
- 166: -15.747205,-18.004236
- 167: -15.76283,-17.004236
+ 165: -6,-21
+ 166: 7,-21
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- color: '#787878CC'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- 160: -16,-15
- 161: -16,-16
- 162: -16,-18
- 168: -16,-19
- 169: -16,-17
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- node:
- color: '#82000099'
- id: BrickTileWhiteLineW
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- 68: -7,-3
+ 293: 13,-20
- node:
- angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: StandClear
+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
- 28: -20,-10
- 29: -20,-12
+ 101: 1,-16
+ 128: 4,-20
+ 133: -7,-20
- node:
- angle: 3.141592653589793 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: StandClear
- 30: -2,-32
- 31: 0,-32
+ 303: 14,-9
+ - node:
+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 85: -6,-16
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180
+ decals:
+ 139: 14,-21
+ 155: 15,-14
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
+ decals:
+ 289: 14,-20
+ - node:
+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
+ decals:
+ 104: 4,-16
- node:
- angle: 4.71238898038469 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: StandClear
+ id: WarnCornerSmallNW
- 32: 18,-10
- 33: 18,-12
+ 249: -9,-26
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
+ decals:
+ 217: -4,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
+ decals:
+ 301: 13,-19
+ 302: 13,-18
+ - node:
+ color: '#5E7C1696'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
+ decals:
+ 202: -4,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
+ decals:
+ 219: 0,-9
+ 220: -4,-9
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
+ decals:
+ 193: -1,2
+ 214: 0,-2
+ 215: -2,-2
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
+ decals:
+ 300: 12,-23
- node:
color: '#EFB34196'
- id: WarnLineS
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
+ decals:
+ 226: -7,-23
+ 246: -8,-23
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
+ decals:
+ 198: -2,0
+ 199: 0,0
+ 216: -1,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#3EB38896'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
+ decals:
+ 224: 6,-21
+ 225: 5,-21
+ - node:
+ color: '#52B4E996'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
+ decals:
+ 299: 12,-21
+ - node:
+ color: '#EFB34196'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
+ decals:
+ 221: -8,-21
+ 222: -7,-21
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
+ decals:
+ 194: -2,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#5E7C1696'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
+ decals:
+ 213: -2,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
- 0: -2,-1
+ 223: -15,-20
+ - node:
+ color: '#9FED5896'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
+ decals:
+ 218: -2,-9
+ 258: 2,-9
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinBox
+ id: WarnLineS
- 176: -1,5
+ 247: -9,-23
+ 248: -9,-25
+ 250: -9,-24
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerNe
+ id: WarnLineW
- 177: -0.86669874,5.1252174
+ 25: 12,-25
+ 79: -10,-26
+ 80: -11,-26
+ 257: -12,-26
- node:
+ cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerNw
+ id: body
- 178: -1.1375321,5.1252174
+ 81: 3,-28
- node:
+ cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerSe
+ id: bottle
- 180: -0.86669874,4.8543844
+ 242: 2,-4
- node:
+ cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinInnerSw
+ id: end
- 179: -1.1166987,4.8752174
+ 243: -4,-2
- node:
+ cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineN
+ id: engie
- 1: -2,3
- 2: -1,3
- 3: 0,3
+ 241: -7,-27
- node:
+ cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineS
+ id: ghost
- 183: -0.99169874,4.8543844
- 184: -1.0021155,5.958551
+ 244: 12,-24
- node:
+ cleanable: True
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: WoodTrimThinLineW
+ id: peace
+ decals:
+ 245: 15,-9
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ angle: -3.141592653589793 rad
+ color: '#1D1D2172'
+ id: splatter
+ decals:
+ 231: 12.693383,-23.568222
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ color: '#1D1D2172'
+ id: splatter
+ decals:
+ 230: 12.401744,-23.958847
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#1D1D2172'
+ id: splatter
- 181: -1.1271155,4.989801
- 182: -0.022948742,4.989801
+ 232: 12.302758,-23.146347
- type: GridAtmosphere
version: 2
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 65535
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- 0: 52428
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+ 0: 30583
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+ 0: 36799
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+ 1: 36064
+ -4,-1:
+ 1: 2184
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- 1: 512
+ 0: 3820
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 3822
+ 0: 52428
+ -2,0:
0: 61166
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+ 0: 52431
+ 1: 256
0: 65535
- 0: 65535
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+ 0: 52701
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 19965
+ -1,-5:
+ 0: 65535
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 40925
+ 0,-4:
0: 65535
+ 0,-3:
+ 0: 64987
+ 0,-2:
+ 0: 56793
+ 0,-1:
+ 0: 7645
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- 0: 8
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- 0: 65531
- 2: 4
+ 1: 8
- 0: 36079
+ 1: 1056
+ -1,1:
+ 0: 65534
- 0: 8
+ 1: 8
- 0: 255
- 0,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-2:
+ 1: 240
+ 0,0:
+ 0: 4095
+ 0,1:
+ 0: 30587
+ 0,2:
+ 1: 120
+ 0,-5:
0: 65535
- 0,-1:
- 0: 65471
- 1: 64
- 0: 13107
+ 0: 4369
- 0: 29491
+ 0: 4368
+ 1: 16384
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 13104
+ 1: 34952
- 0: 65533
- 1: 2
- 2,-1:
- 0: 6553
- 0,0:
+ 0: 819
+ 1,-5:
+ 0: 4383
+ 1: 1024
+ 1,0:
+ 0: 4915
+ 1: 34944
+ 3,-4:
0: 65535
- 0,1:
+ 3,-3:
0: 65535
- 0,2:
- 0: 127
- 1,0:
+ 2,-2:
+ 1: 34944
+ 3,-2:
+ 1: 304
+ 2,-1:
+ 1: 2184
+ 3,-5:
0: 65535
+ 4,-4:
+ 0: 24627
+ 4,-3:
+ 0: 4079
- 0: 319
- 2,0:
0: 1
+ 1: 296
+ -4,-6:
+ 2: 102
+ 0: 57856
+ -5,-6:
+ 1: 8
+ 0: 57344
+ -5,-5:
+ 0: 57582
+ -4,-7:
+ 1: 96
+ 2: 16384
- 0: 65407
- 1: 128
+ 0: 65528
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61695
- 0: 4607
+ 0: 15
+ 1: 4352
- 0: 32767
- 3: 32768
+ 0: 46011
- 0: 65535
- -2,-5:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 62395
+ -2,-8:
+ 1: 240
+ 0: 40960
+ -1,-8:
+ 0: 54508
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 56573
- 0: 65535
- -1,-5:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-6:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-5:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 65247
+ -1,-9:
+ 0: 16384
+ 0,-8:
+ 0: 53553
+ 1: 128
- 0: 65535
- 1,-7:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 53757
+ 0,-6:
+ 0: 62431
+ 0,-9:
+ 0: 4096
+ 1,-8:
+ 1: 112
- 0: 65535
- 1,-5:
- 0: 30719
+ 0: 63214
+ 1,-7:
+ 3: 34
+ 0: 57344
+ 4: 136
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 30304
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61559
- 0: 52479
- -4,-4:
- 0: 65535
- 2,-4:
- 0: 34952
- 3,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-8:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-7:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-6:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -2,-8:
- 0: 65520
- -1,-8:
- 0: 65535
- 0,-8:
- 0: 65527
- 2,-8:
- 0: 55432
- 3,-8:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 15
+ 1: 17408
- 0: 65535
+ 1: 48
+ 0: 4096
- 0: 32767
- 1: 32768
- 3,-5:
- 0: 65527
+ 0: 63795
1: 8
- -5,-8:
- 0: 34952
- -5,-7:
- 0: 34952
- -5,-6:
- 0: 65512
- -5,-5:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-4:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-10:
- 0: 61440
- -4,-9:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-10:
- 0: 32768
- -5,-9:
- 0: 34952
- 2,-10:
- 0: 32768
- 2,-9:
- 0: 34952
- 3,-10:
- 0: 61440
- 3,-9:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-2:
- 0: 36079
- -4,-1:
- 0: 2184
- 2,-3:
- 0: 34952
- 2,-2:
- 0: 34952
- 3,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 3,-2:
- 0: 319
- -3,-8:
- 0: 49152
- 1,-8:
- 0: 63344
- -6,-4:
- 0: 51200
- -6,-3:
- 0: 52428
- -5,-3:
- 0: 65535
- -5,-2:
- 0: 12
- 0: 30512
+ 0: 12544
- 0: 30583
- 0,-9:
- 0: 12288
- 4,-4:
- 0: 65399
- 4,-3:
- 0: 65535
- 4,-2:
- 0: 1
- -1,-9:
- 0: 57344
- 5,-4:
- 0: 4096
+ 0: 13107
+ -6,-3:
+ 0: 3212
- 0: 4369
+ 0: 257
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
@@ -845,10 +1048,8 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.14996
+ immutable: True
- - 20.078888
- - 75.53487
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -859,11 +1060,28 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 340
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
- volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.1499
+ temperature: 293.15
- - 18.472576
- - 69.49208
+ - 2500
+ - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -875,10 +1093,10 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.14996
+ temperature: 293.15
- - 21.824879
- - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 2500
- 0
- 0
- 0
@@ -897,91 +1115,238 @@ entities:
- type: GasTileOverlay
- type: BecomesStation
id: Anchor
+- proto: AirAlarm
+ entities:
+ - uid: 16
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 8.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 15
+ - 573
+ - 578
+ - uid: 571
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 754
+ - 755
+ - 1756
+ - 1023
+ - 1024
+ - 1025
+ - 1030
+ - 1093
+ - 1094
+ - 1757
+ - 762
+ - 763
+ - 764
+ - 765
+ - uid: 698
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 756
+ - 757
+ - 636
+ - 1463
+ - 1500
+ - 1499
+ - 767
+ - 766
+ - 1614
+ - 1615
+ - uid: 730
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 968
+ - 1231
+ - 1229
+ - 1760
+ - 1763
+ - 628
+ - 1276
+ - 1275
+ - 987
+ - 988
+ - 577
+ - 576
+ - uid: 871
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 968
+ - 754
+ - 755
+ - 756
+ - 757
+ - 579
+ - 581
+ - 578
+ - 573
+ - 991
+ - 992
+ - 993
+ - 1648
+ - 1144
+ - 1146
+ - 1160
+ - 1110
+ - 1113
+ - 1229
+ - 987
+ - 988
+ - 1234
+ - uid: 1216
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1326
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 576
+ - 577
+ - 575
+ - 574
+ - 1325
+ - 1324
+ - 1317
+ - 1284
+ - uid: 1747
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 993
+ - 992
+ - 991
+ - 1734
+ - 1738
+ - 1739
+ - 1735
+ - 1718
+ - 1720
+ - 1721
+ - 1712
+ - uid: 1758
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceList
+ devices:
+ - 1344
+ - 1345
+ - 579
+ - 581
- proto: Airlock
- - uid: 2
+ - uid: 6
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-19.5
+ pos: -2.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 3
+ - uid: 32
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -18.5,-19.5
+ pos: 4.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 33
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 35
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 36
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 831
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- proto: AirlockAtmospherics
- uid: 4
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- uid: 5
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 6.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: AirlockCargo
- entities:
- - uid: 6
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- proto: AirlockCommand
- uid: 7
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- uid: 8
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 9
+- proto: AirlockCommandGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 985
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 10
+ - uid: 986
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- proto: AirlockEngineering
- uid: 11
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -6.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- uid: 12
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -7.5,-21.5
parent: 1
@@ -997,25 +1362,27 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -17.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 15
+ - uid: 17
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-29.5
+ pos: 16.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 16
+ - uid: 18
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-29.5
+ pos: 16.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 17
+ - uid: 1754
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-11.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 18
+ - uid: 1755
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-9.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- proto: AirlockGlass
@@ -1039,23 +1406,26 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 23
+ - uid: 24
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 713
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 24
+ - uid: 793
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-8.5
+ pos: 3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 25
+ - uid: 834
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-4.5
+ pos: 3.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
@@ -1093,98 +1463,69 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -21.5,-11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: AirlockMaint
- entities:
- - uid: 32
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,3.5
- parent: 1
- proto: AirlockMedical
- - uid: 33
+ - uid: 2
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-21.5
+ pos: 12.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: AirlockMercenaryLocked
+- proto: AirlockMercenary
- uid: 34
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: AirlockVirology
+- proto: AirSensor
- - uid: 35
+ - uid: 1648
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-26.5
+ pos: -1.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 36
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - uid: 1757
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-23.5
+ pos: 17.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 37
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 571
+- proto: AltarSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 801
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-23.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: AltarSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 38
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-15.5
+ pos: -18.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- proto: AmeController
- - uid: 39
+ - uid: 53
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-23.5
+ pos: -8.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- type: AmeController
- injectionAmount: 4
injecting: True
- type: ContainerContainer
- AmeFuel: !type:ContainerSlot
+ fuelSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
showEnts: False
occludes: True
- ent: 40
+ ent: 104
- proto: AmeJar
- - uid: 40
+ - uid: 104
- - type: MetaData
- flags: InContainer
- type: Transform
- parent: 39
+ parent: 53
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- - uid: 41
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -6.4750996,-27.367401
- parent: 1
- proto: AmeShielding
- uid: 42
@@ -1199,7 +1540,6 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- type: PointLight
radius: 2
- enabled: True
- uid: 44
- type: Transform
@@ -1238,41 +1578,59 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -11.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 51
+- proto: APCBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 55
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 52
+ - uid: 56
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 53
+ - uid: 102
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-24.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
parent: 1
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 54
+ - uid: 169
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -16.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 214
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-9.5
+ pos: 1.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 55
+ - uid: 274
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 333
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-25.5
+ pos: 5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- - uid: 56
+ - uid: 334
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,3.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 503
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 9.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
@@ -1311,10095 +1669,11023 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -14.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: AtmosFixSaunaMarker
+- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
- - uid: 631
+ - uid: 175
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-23.5
+ pos: 3.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 633
+ - uid: 1823
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-24.5
+ pos: 7.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 641
+ - uid: 1824
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-22.5
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 650
+ - uid: 1825
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-23.5
+ pos: -2.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 656
+ - uid: 1826
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-22.5
+ pos: -1.5,9.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BarSign
- entities:
- - uid: 63
+ - uid: 1827
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-10.5
+ pos: 0.5,9.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Bed
- entities:
- - uid: 64
+ - uid: 1828
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,0.5
+ pos: -0.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 65
+ - uid: 1829
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-22.5
+ pos: 1.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 66
+ - uid: 1830
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-26.5
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 67
+ - uid: 1832
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-22.5
+ pos: 4.5,6.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BedsheetSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 68
+ - uid: 1833
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-15.5
+ pos: 5.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 69
+ - uid: 1834
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-17.5
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BedsheetNT
- entities:
- - uid: 70
+ - uid: 1835
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,0.5
+ pos: 7.5,3.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BedsheetSpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 71
+ - uid: 1836
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-22.5
+ pos: 7.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 72
+ - uid: 1837
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-26.5
+ pos: 7.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 73
+ - uid: 1838
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-22.5
+ pos: 7.5,-5.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BenchPewLeft
- entities:
- - uid: 74
+ - uid: 1839
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,-17.5
+ pos: 7.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
-- proto: BenchPewMiddle
- entities:
- - uid: 75
+ - uid: 1840
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -17.5,-17.5
+ pos: 7.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
-- proto: BenchPewRight
- entities:
- - uid: 76
+ - uid: 1841
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,-17.5
+ pos: 6.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
-- proto: BenchSofaCorpLeft
- entities:
- - uid: 77
+ - uid: 1842
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-16.5
+ pos: 6.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - uid: 78
+ - uid: 1843
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-17.5
+ pos: 10.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - uid: 79
+ - uid: 1844
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-18.5
+ pos: 10.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
-- proto: BenchSofaCorpMiddle
- entities:
- - uid: 80
+ - uid: 1845
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-16.5
+ pos: 11.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
-- proto: BenchSofaCorpRight
- entities:
- - uid: 81
+ - uid: 1846
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-16.5
+ pos: 11.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - uid: 82
+ - uid: 1847
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-18.5
+ pos: 11.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - uid: 83
+ - uid: 1848
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-17.5
+ pos: 11.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
-- proto: BlastDoorOpen
- entities:
- - uid: 84
+ - uid: 1849
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
+ pos: 11.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 1246
- - uid: 85
+ - uid: 1850
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,8.5
+ pos: 11.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 1246
- - uid: 86
+ - uid: 1851
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,8.5
+ pos: 12.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 1246
- - uid: 87
+ - uid: 1852
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,8.5
+ pos: 12.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 1246
- - uid: 88
+ - uid: 1853
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,8.5
+ pos: 13.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- invokeCounter: 2
- links:
- - 1246
-- proto: BookRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 89
+ - uid: 1854
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.34862417,-18.29124
+ pos: 5.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 90
+ - uid: 1855
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.2216883,-17.494366
+ pos: 15.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 91
+ - uid: 1856
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5029383,-18.267803
+ pos: 13.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 92
+ - uid: 1857
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.607726,-8.476817
+ pos: 12.5,-26.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BookshelfFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 93
+ - uid: 1858
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-8.5
+ pos: 6.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 94
+ - uid: 1859
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-8.5
+ pos: 4.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 95
+ - uid: 1860
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-12.5
+ pos: 3.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 96
+ - uid: 1861
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-12.5
+ pos: -16.5,-23.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BoozeDispenser
- entities:
- - uid: 97
+ - uid: 1862
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-5.5
+ pos: -4.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BoxBodyBag
- entities:
- - uid: 98
+ - uid: 1863
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.63137,-20.525381
+ pos: -5.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BoxMRE
- entities:
- - uid: 99
+ - uid: 1864
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.796024,-3.4417071
+ pos: -6.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: BoxPillCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 100
+ - uid: 1865
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.303503,-20.40484
+ pos: -7.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CableApcExtension
- entities:
- - uid: 101
+ - uid: 1866
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-18.5
+ pos: -13.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 102
+ - uid: 1867
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,5.5
+ pos: -14.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 103
+ - uid: 1868
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,6.5
+ pos: -12.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 104
+ - uid: 1869
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,7.5
+ pos: -11.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 105
+ - uid: 1870
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,7.5
+ pos: -11.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 106
+ - uid: 1871
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,7.5
+ pos: -7.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 107
+ - uid: 1872
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,7.5
+ pos: -12.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 108
+ - uid: 1873
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,7.5
+ pos: -12.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 109
+ - uid: 1874
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,5.5
+ pos: -12.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 110
+ - uid: 1875
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,5.5
+ pos: -12.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 111
+ - uid: 1876
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,5.5
+ pos: -12.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 112
+ - uid: 1877
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,5.5
+ pos: -13.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 113
+ - uid: 1878
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,5.5
+ pos: -13.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 114
+ - uid: 1879
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,5.5
+ pos: -14.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 115
+ - uid: 1880
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,3.5
+ pos: -7.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 116
+ - uid: 1881
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,3.5
+ pos: -8.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 117
+ - uid: 1882
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
+ pos: -8.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 118
+ - uid: 1883
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-16.5
+ pos: -8.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 119
+ - uid: 1884
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-16.5
+ pos: -8.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 120
+ - uid: 1885
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-19.5
+ pos: -8.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 121
+ - uid: 1886
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
+ pos: -8.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 122
+ - uid: 1887
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,3.5
+ pos: -8.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 123
+ - uid: 1888
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,1.5
+ pos: -8.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 124
+ - uid: 1889
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,0.5
+ pos: -6.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 125
+ - uid: 1890
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ pos: -5.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 126
+ - uid: 1891
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ pos: -4.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 127
+- proto: AtmosFixSaunaMarker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 117
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ pos: -13.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 128
+ - uid: 305
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ pos: -13.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 129
+ - uid: 607
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-4.5
+ pos: -14.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 130
+ - uid: 1197
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ pos: -14.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 131
+ - uid: 1366
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-6.5
+ pos: -13.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 132
+- proto: AtmosFixShuttleNitrogenMarker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 559
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-7.5
+ pos: 7.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 133
+ - uid: 560
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-8.5
+ pos: 7.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 134
+- proto: AtmosFixShuttleOxygenMarker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 561
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ pos: 5.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 135
+ - uid: 562
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-10.5
+ pos: 5.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 136
+- proto: BarberScissors
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1768
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-11.5
+ pos: 3.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 137
+- proto: BarSign
+ entities:
+ - uid: 63
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-12.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 138
+- proto: Bed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 64
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-13.5
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 139
+ - uid: 67
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-14.5
+ pos: -4.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 140
+ - uid: 75
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-15.5
+ pos: 3.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 141
+ - uid: 443
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-16.5
+ pos: 17.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 142
+ - uid: 506
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-17.5
+ pos: 17.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 143
+ - uid: 693
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-18.5
+ pos: 17.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 144
+ - uid: 728
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-19.5
+ pos: 3.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 145
+- proto: BedsheetCaptain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 73
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-20.5
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 146
+- proto: BedsheetMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 68
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ pos: 17.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 147
+ - uid: 288
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-9.5
+ pos: 17.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 148
+ - uid: 543
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-9.5
+ pos: 17.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 149
+- proto: BedsheetSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 71
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ pos: -4.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 150
+ - uid: 72
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-8.5
+ pos: 3.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 151
+ - uid: 712
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-8.5
+ pos: 3.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 152
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpLeft
+ entities:
+ - uid: 77
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-8.5
+ pos: 0.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 153
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - uid: 78
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 154
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - uid: 79
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 155
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpMiddle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 80
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-6.5
+ pos: -0.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 156
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpRight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 81
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-8.5
+ pos: -1.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 157
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - uid: 82
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 158
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+ - uid: 83
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-8.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 159
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: BlastDoor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 872
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-7.5
+ pos: -17.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 160
+- proto: BlockGameArcade
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1787
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-6.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 161
+- proto: BookRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 89
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-6.5
+ pos: 0.34862417,-18.29124
parent: 1
- - uid: 162
+ - uid: 90
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-5.5
+ pos: -1.2216883,-17.494366
parent: 1
- - uid: 163
+ - uid: 91
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-4.5
+ pos: -1.5029383,-18.267803
parent: 1
- - uid: 164
+ - uid: 92
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-3.5
+ pos: -13.607726,-8.476817
parent: 1
- - uid: 165
+- proto: Bookshelf
+ entities:
+ - uid: 93
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-20.5
+ pos: -16.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 166
+ - uid: 95
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-20.5
+ pos: -16.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 167
+- proto: BookshelfFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 94
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-20.5
+ pos: -15.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 168
- components:
+- proto: BoxCandle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 749
+ components:
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ pos: -18.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 169
+- proto: BoxingBell
+ entities:
+ - uid: 807
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 170
+- proto: BoxPaperCaptainsThoughts
+ entities:
+ - uid: 570
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 171
+- proto: BrokenBottle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 127
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 172
+- proto: ButtonFrameCaution
+ entities:
+ - uid: 715
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-20.5
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 173
+ - uid: 865
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 174
+- proto: CableApcExtension
+ entities:
+ - uid: 25
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-20.5
+ pos: 3.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 175
+ - uid: 54
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-20.5
+ pos: -6.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 176
+ - uid: 108
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 177
+ - uid: 109
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-20.5
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 178
+ - uid: 113
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 179
+ - uid: 114
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 180
+ - uid: 115
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-18.5
+ pos: -11.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 181
+ - uid: 157
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-17.5
+ pos: -5.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 182
+ - uid: 158
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-16.5
+ pos: -6.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 183
+ - uid: 159
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-15.5
+ pos: -7.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 184
+ - uid: 160
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-14.5
+ pos: -8.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 185
+ - uid: 161
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-13.5
+ pos: -9.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 186
+ - uid: 162
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-12.5
+ pos: -10.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 187
+ - uid: 164
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-11.5
+ pos: -7.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 188
+ - uid: 165
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-10.5
+ pos: -7.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 189
+ - uid: 166
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-10.5
+ pos: -7.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 190
+ - uid: 167
- type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-10.5
+ pos: -7.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 191
+ - uid: 168
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-10.5
+ pos: -7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 192
+ - uid: 170
- type: Transform
- pos: -18.5,-10.5
+ pos: -16.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 193
+ - uid: 171
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-19.5
+ pos: -16.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 194
+ - uid: 172
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-20.5
+ pos: -15.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 195
+ - uid: 173
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 196
+ - uid: 177
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-20.5
+ pos: 15.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 197
+ - uid: 178
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-20.5
+ pos: 15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 198
+ - uid: 179
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 199
+ - uid: 180
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-20.5
+ pos: 15.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 200
+ - uid: 183
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 201
+ - uid: 184
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 202
+ - uid: 185
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 203
+ - uid: 186
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-20.5
+ pos: -13.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 204
+ - uid: 187
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ pos: -14.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 205
+ - uid: 188
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-20.5
+ pos: -13.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 206
+ - uid: 189
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-20.5
+ pos: -13.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 207
+ - uid: 190
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-18.5
+ pos: -14.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 208
+ - uid: 191
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-17.5
+ pos: -13.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 209
+ - uid: 192
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-16.5
+ pos: -14.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 210
+ - uid: 193
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-15.5
+ pos: -15.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 211
+ - uid: 194
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-14.5
+ pos: -16.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 212
+ - uid: 195
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-13.5
+ pos: -17.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 213
+ - uid: 196
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-12.5
+ pos: -18.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 214
+ - uid: 197
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-11.5
+ pos: -19.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 199
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -13.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- uid: 215
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-10.5
+ pos: 1.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- uid: 216
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-10.5
+ pos: 0.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- uid: 217
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-10.5
+ pos: -0.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- uid: 218
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-10.5
+ pos: -0.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 219
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-10.5
+ pos: -1.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 220
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-20.5
+ pos: 1.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 221
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-21.5
+ pos: 2.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 222
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-22.5
+ pos: -2.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 223
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-23.5
+ pos: -2.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 224
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-23.5
+ pos: -3.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 225
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-24.5
+ pos: 0.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 226
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-25.5
+ pos: -0.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- uid: 227
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-21.5
+ pos: -0.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 228
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-25.5
+ pos: 0.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 229
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-22.5
+ pos: 1.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 230
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-24.5
+ pos: 2.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 231
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-23.5
+ pos: -1.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 232
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-25.5
+ pos: -2.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 233
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-25.5
+ pos: -3.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 234
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-25.5
+ pos: -1.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- uid: 235
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-26.5
+ pos: -1.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- uid: 236
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-27.5
+ pos: -1.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- uid: 237
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-27.5
+ pos: -1.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 238
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 239
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-27.5
+ pos: -0.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 240
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-27.5
+ pos: 1.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 241
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-27.5
+ pos: 13.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- uid: 242
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-23.5
+ pos: -3.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 243
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-23.5
+ pos: 2.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 244
+ - uid: 252
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-23.5
+ pos: 9.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 245
+ - uid: 256
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-23.5
+ pos: 7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 246
+ - uid: 260
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-23.5
+ pos: 16.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 247
+ - uid: 263
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-23.5
+ pos: 6.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 248
+ - uid: 275
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-21.5
+ pos: 11.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 249
+ - uid: 278
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-22.5
+ pos: 12.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 250
+ - uid: 279
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-23.5
+ pos: 13.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 251
+ - uid: 280
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-24.5
+ pos: 13.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 252
+ - uid: 281
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-25.5
+ pos: 13.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 253
+ - uid: 282
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-25.5
+ pos: 13.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 254
+ - uid: 283
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-28.5
+ pos: 13.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 255
+ - uid: 289
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-29.5
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 256
+ - uid: 290
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-30.5
+ pos: 3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 257
+ - uid: 291
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-31.5
+ pos: 16.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 258
+ - uid: 292
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,2.5
+ pos: 16.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 259
+ - uid: 293
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,2.5
+ pos: 16.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 260
+ - uid: 295
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,2.5
+ pos: 13.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 261
+ - uid: 296
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,2.5
+ pos: 13.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 262
+ - uid: 297
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,2.5
+ pos: 13.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 263
+ - uid: 298
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,2.5
+ pos: 13.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 264
+ - uid: 299
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,2.5
+ pos: 13.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 265
+ - uid: 300
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,2.5
+ pos: 14.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 266
+ - uid: 301
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
+ pos: 15.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 267
+ - uid: 302
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
+ pos: 16.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 268
+ - uid: 303
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,2.5
+ pos: 17.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 269
+ - uid: 304
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-21.5
+ pos: 18.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 270
+ - uid: 335
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-22.5
+ pos: -5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 271
+ - uid: 336
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-23.5
+ pos: -5.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 272
+ - uid: 337
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-23.5
+ pos: -5.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 273
+ - uid: 338
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-24.5
+ pos: -6.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 274
+ - uid: 339
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-21.5
+ pos: -6.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 275
+ - uid: 340
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-22.5
+ pos: 5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 276
+ - uid: 341
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-23.5
+ pos: 4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 277
+ - uid: 346
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-23.5
+ pos: 3.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 278
+ - uid: 347
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-24.5
+ pos: -4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 279
+ - uid: 348
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-15.5
+ pos: -4.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 280
+ - uid: 349
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-15.5
+ pos: -4.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 281
+ - uid: 350
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-15.5
+ pos: -4.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 282
+ - uid: 351
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-15.5
+ pos: -4.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 283
+ - uid: 352
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-26.5
+ pos: -4.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 284
+ - uid: 353
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-27.5
+ pos: -4.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 285
+ - uid: 354
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-27.5
+ pos: -4.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 286
+ - uid: 355
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-28.5
+ pos: -4.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 287
+ - uid: 356
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-29.5
+ pos: -3.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 288
+ - uid: 357
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-30.5
+ pos: -2.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 289
+ - uid: 358
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-30.5
+ pos: 1.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 290
+ - uid: 359
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-26.5
+ pos: 3.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 291
+ - uid: 360
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-26.5
+ pos: 2.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 292
+ - uid: 361
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-28.5
+ pos: 3.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 293
+ - uid: 362
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-27.5
+ pos: -0.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 294
+ - uid: 363
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-28.5
+ pos: -0.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 295
+ - uid: 364
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-29.5
+ pos: -0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 296
+ - uid: 365
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-29.5
+ pos: -0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 297
+ - uid: 366
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-29.5
+ pos: 3.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 298
+ - uid: 367
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-30.5
+ pos: 3.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 299
+ - uid: 368
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-30.5
+ pos: 3.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 300
+ - uid: 369
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-23.5
+ pos: 3.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 301
+ - uid: 370
- type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-23.5
+ pos: 3.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 302
+ - uid: 371
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-23.5
+ pos: 3.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 303
+ - uid: 380
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-23.5
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 304
+ - uid: 381
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-16.5
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 305
+ - uid: 382
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-16.5
+ pos: 0.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 306
+ - uid: 383
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-16.5
+ pos: 0.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 307
+ - uid: 384
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-16.5
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 308
+ - uid: 385
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-25.5
+ pos: -1.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 309
+ - uid: 386
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-25.5
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 310
+ - uid: 387
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-25.5
+ pos: -3.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 311
+ - uid: 388
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-25.5
+ pos: 1.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 312
+ - uid: 389
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-10.5
+ pos: 2.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 313
+ - uid: 390
- type: Transform
- pos: -20.5,-10.5
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 314
+ - uid: 391
- type: Transform
- pos: -20.5,-9.5
+ pos: -1.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 315
+ - uid: 392
- type: Transform
- pos: -20.5,-11.5
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 316
+ - uid: 393
- type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,-10.5
+ pos: -4.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 317
+ - uid: 394
- type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,-10.5
+ pos: -5.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 318
+ - uid: 397
- type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,-9.5
+ pos: -6.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 319
+ - uid: 398
- type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,-11.5
+ pos: -6.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 320
+ - uid: 399
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-16.5
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 321
+ - uid: 400
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-17.5
+ pos: -6.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 322
+ - uid: 401
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-18.5
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 323
+ - uid: 404
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-19.5
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 324
+ - uid: 405
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-20.5
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 325
+ - uid: 406
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-18.5
+ pos: 3.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 326
+ - uid: 407
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-18.5
+ pos: 4.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 327
+ - uid: 408
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-27.5
+ pos: 5.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 328
+ - uid: 410
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-27.5
+ pos: -1.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 329
+ - uid: 411
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-16.5
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 330
+ - uid: 412
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-16.5
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 331
+ - uid: 413
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-16.5
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 332
+ - uid: 414
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-16.5
+ pos: -3.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 333
+ - uid: 415
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-16.5
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 334
+ - uid: 416
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-16.5
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 335
+ - uid: 418
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-15.5
+ pos: -4.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 336
+ - uid: 419
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-14.5
+ pos: 3.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 337
+ - uid: 435
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-13.5
+ pos: -1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 338
+ - uid: 473
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-12.5
+ pos: -2.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 339
+ - uid: 474
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-11.5
+ pos: 0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 340
+ - uid: 475
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-16.5
+ pos: 1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 341
+ - uid: 477
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-16.5
+ pos: 8.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 342
+ - uid: 480
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-16.5
+ pos: 9.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 343
+ - uid: 481
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-16.5
+ pos: 9.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 344
+ - uid: 482
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-15.5
+ pos: 9.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 345
+ - uid: 483
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-14.5
+ pos: 9.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 346
+ - uid: 484
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-13.5
+ pos: 10.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 347
+ - uid: 499
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-12.5
+ pos: 8.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 348
+ - uid: 500
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-11.5
+ pos: 9.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 349
+ - uid: 504
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-10.5
+ pos: 9.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 350
+ - uid: 515
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-9.5
+ pos: 4.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 351
+ - uid: 518
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-8.5
+ pos: 12.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 352
+ - uid: 519
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-10.5
+ pos: 12.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 353
+ - uid: 520
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-8.5
+ pos: 12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 354
+ - uid: 521
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-9.5
+ pos: 12.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 355
+ - uid: 523
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ pos: 14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 356
+ - uid: 531
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ pos: 4.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 357
+ - uid: 552
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 358
+ - uid: 584
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-2.5
+ pos: -10.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 359
+ - uid: 599
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-2.5
+ pos: 4.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 360
+ - uid: 600
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-2.5
+ pos: 5.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 361
+ - uid: 637
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,0.5
+ pos: 18.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 362
+ - uid: 639
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,0.5
+ pos: -19.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 363
+ - uid: 687
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ pos: -9.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 364
+ - uid: 725
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,2.5
+ pos: -13.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 365
+ - uid: 729
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,2.5
+ pos: -8.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 366
+ - uid: 737
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,2.5
+ pos: 13.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 367
+ - uid: 750
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,3.5
+ pos: 3.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 368
+ - uid: 753
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,4.5
+ pos: -1.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 369
+ - uid: 776
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,2.5
+ pos: 12.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 370
+ - uid: 794
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
+ pos: -13.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 371
+ - uid: 819
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,2.5
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 372
+ - uid: 843
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,3.5
+ pos: 3.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 373
+ - uid: 864
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,4.5
+ pos: -0.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 374
+ - uid: 877
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,1.5
+ pos: -15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 375
+ - uid: 878
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-6.5
+ pos: -16.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 376
+ - uid: 960
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ pos: -11.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 377
+ - uid: 1191
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-6.5
+ pos: -2.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 378
+ - uid: 1201
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-5.5
+ pos: 1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 379
+ - uid: 1237
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-7.5
+ pos: 2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 380
+ - uid: 1764
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-6.5
+ pos: 7.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 381
+ - uid: 1766
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-6.5
+ pos: -4.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 382
+ - uid: 1810
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-6.5
+ pos: -0.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 383
+ - uid: 1812
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-6.5
+ pos: -1.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 384
+ - uid: 1814
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-5.5
+ pos: 0.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 385
+- proto: CableApcStack
+ entities:
+ - uid: 395
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-25.5
+ pos: -6.6621842,-3.3624609
parent: 1
- - uid: 386
+ - uid: 396
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-25.5
+ pos: -6.3809342,-3.5499609
parent: 1
- - uid: 387
+- proto: CableHV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 39
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-26.5
+ pos: -8.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 388
+ - uid: 52
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-25.5
+ pos: -8.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 389
+ - uid: 116
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-25.5
+ pos: -7.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 390
+ - uid: 121
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-25.5
+ pos: -8.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 391
+ - uid: 122
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-26.5
+ pos: -8.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 392
+ - uid: 125
- type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-18.5
+ pos: -8.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 393
+ - uid: 128
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-18.5
+ pos: -6.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 394
+ - uid: 131
- type: Transform
- pos: -18.5,-18.5
+ pos: -6.5,-27.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CableApcStack
- entities:
- - uid: 395
+ - uid: 995
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.6621842,-3.3624609
+ pos: -7.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 396
+ - uid: 1901
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.3809342,-3.5499609
+ pos: -7.5,-26.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CableHV
+- proto: CableMV
- - uid: 397
+ - uid: 101
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-7.5
+ pos: -1.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 398
+ - uid: 103
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-7.5
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 399
+ - uid: 105
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-6.5
+ pos: -1.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 400
+ - uid: 106
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-5.5
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 401
+ - uid: 107
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-4.5
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 402
+ - uid: 110
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-3.5
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 403
+ - uid: 111
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-2.5
+ pos: -1.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 404
+ - uid: 112
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-1.5
+ pos: -6.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 405
+ - uid: 129
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-0.5
+ pos: -6.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 406
+ - uid: 133
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,0.5
+ pos: -7.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 407
+ - uid: 134
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,1.5
+ pos: -7.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 408
+ - uid: 135
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,2.5
+ pos: -7.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 409
+ - uid: 136
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,3.5
+ pos: -7.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 410
+ - uid: 137
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,4.5
+ pos: -7.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 411
+ - uid: 138
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,4.5
+ pos: -7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 412
+ - uid: 139
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,4.5
+ pos: -8.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 413
+ - uid: 140
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,5.5
+ pos: -9.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 414
+ - uid: 141
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,5.5
+ pos: -10.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 415
+ - uid: 142
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,6.5
+ pos: -11.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 416
+ - uid: 143
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,7.5
+ pos: -12.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 417
+ - uid: 144
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,7.5
+ pos: -13.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 418
+ - uid: 145
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 419
+ - uid: 146
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 420
+ - uid: 147
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 421
+ - uid: 148
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 422
+ - uid: 149
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 423
+ - uid: 150
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 424
+ - uid: 151
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,8.5
+ pos: -14.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 425
+ - uid: 152
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,7.5
+ pos: -15.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 426
+ - uid: 153
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,7.5
+ pos: -16.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 427
+ - uid: 154
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,6.5
+ pos: -16.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 428
+ - uid: 155
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,5.5
+ pos: -6.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 429
+ - uid: 156
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,5.5
+ pos: -5.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 430
+ - uid: 163
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,4.5
+ pos: -6.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 431
+ - uid: 201
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,4.5
+ pos: -5.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 432
+ - uid: 202
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,4.5
+ pos: -4.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 433
+ - uid: 203
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,3.5
+ pos: -2.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 434
+ - uid: 204
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,2.5
+ pos: -3.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 435
+ - uid: 205
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,1.5
+ pos: -1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 436
+ - uid: 206
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,0.5
+ pos: -0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 437
+ - uid: 207
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-0.5
+ pos: -0.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 438
+ - uid: 208
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-1.5
+ pos: -0.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 439
+ - uid: 209
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-2.5
+ pos: -0.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 440
+ - uid: 210
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-3.5
+ pos: -0.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 441
+ - uid: 211
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-4.5
+ pos: -0.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 442
+ - uid: 212
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-5.5
+ pos: 0.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 443
+ - uid: 213
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-6.5
+ pos: 1.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 444
+ - uid: 244
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-7.5
+ pos: 0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 445
+ - uid: 245
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-7.5
+ pos: 1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 446
+ - uid: 246
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-22.5
+ pos: 2.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 447
+ - uid: 247
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
+ pos: 3.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 448
+ - uid: 248
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-23.5
+ pos: 4.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 449
+ - uid: 249
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-24.5
+ pos: 5.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 450
+ - uid: 250
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-25.5
+ pos: 6.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 451
+ - uid: 251
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
+ pos: 7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 452
+ - uid: 253
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-26.5
+ pos: 8.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 453
+ - uid: 254
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-20.5
+ pos: 9.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 454
+ - uid: 257
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-21.5
+ pos: -6.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 455
+ - uid: 264
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-20.5
+ pos: 9.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 456
+ - uid: 266
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-20.5
+ pos: 10.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 457
+ - uid: 267
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-20.5
+ pos: 11.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 458
+ - uid: 268
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-20.5
+ pos: 12.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 459
+ - uid: 269
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ pos: 12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 460
+ - uid: 270
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-20.5
+ pos: 12.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 461
+ - uid: 271
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-20.5
+ pos: 12.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 462
+ - uid: 272
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-19.5
+ pos: 12.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 463
+ - uid: 273
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-18.5
+ pos: 12.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 464
+ - uid: 276
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-17.5
+ pos: 12.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 465
+ - uid: 277
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-16.5
+ pos: 11.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 466
+ - uid: 306
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-15.5
+ pos: -3.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 467
+ - uid: 307
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-14.5
+ pos: -3.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 468
+ - uid: 308
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-13.5
+ pos: -3.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 469
+ - uid: 309
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-12.5
+ pos: -3.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 470
+ - uid: 310
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-11.5
+ pos: -3.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 471
+ - uid: 311
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-10.5
+ pos: -2.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 472
+ - uid: 312
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-9.5
+ pos: -1.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 473
+ - uid: 313
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-8.5
+ pos: -0.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 474
+ - uid: 314
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-7.5
+ pos: -0.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 475
+ - uid: 315
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-6.5
+ pos: -0.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 476
+ - uid: 316
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-5.5
+ pos: -0.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 477
+ - uid: 317
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-4.5
+ pos: -0.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 478
+ - uid: 318
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ pos: -0.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 479
+ - uid: 319
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ pos: -0.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 480
+ - uid: 320
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ pos: -0.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 481
+ - uid: 321
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ pos: -1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 482
+ - uid: 322
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,0.5
+ pos: -2.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 483
+ - uid: 323
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,1.5
+ pos: -3.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 484
+ - uid: 324
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,2.5
+ pos: -4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 485
+ - uid: 325
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-21.5
+ pos: -5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 486
+ - uid: 326
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-22.5
+ pos: 0.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 487
+ - uid: 327
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-23.5
+ pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 488
+ - uid: 328
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-24.5
+ pos: 2.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 489
+ - uid: 329
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-25.5
+ pos: 3.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 490
+ - uid: 330
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-26.5
+ pos: 4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 491
+ - uid: 331
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-27.5
+ pos: 5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 492
+ - uid: 332
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-28.5
+ pos: -6.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 493
+ - uid: 372
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-20.5
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 494
+ - uid: 373
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-20.5
+ pos: -1.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 495
+ - uid: 374
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-20.5
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 496
+ - uid: 375
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-20.5
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 497
+ - uid: 376
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-20.5
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 498
+ - uid: 377
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-20.5
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 499
+ - uid: 378
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-20.5
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 500
+ - uid: 379
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-20.5
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 501
+- proto: CableTerminal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 40
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 502
+ - uid: 51
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 503
+- proto: CargoPallet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1759
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-20.5
+ pos: 12.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 504
+ - uid: 1773
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-20.5
+ pos: 12.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 505
+ - uid: 1803
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ pos: 13.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 506
+ - uid: 1804
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-20.5
+ pos: 13.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 507
+- proto: Carpet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 70
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 508
+ - uid: 447
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 509
+ - uid: 592
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 510
+ - uid: 593
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 511
+ - uid: 594
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ pos: -3.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 512
+ - uid: 595
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-20.5
+ pos: -3.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 513
+- proto: CarpetBlue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 604
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 514
+ - uid: 605
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-20.5
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 515
+ - uid: 1822
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 516
+- proto: Catwalk
+ entities:
+ - uid: 126
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,3.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 517
+ - uid: 132
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,4.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 518
+ - uid: 450
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
+ pos: 8.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 519
+ - uid: 489
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,4.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 520
+ - uid: 490
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,4.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 521
+ - uid: 491
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-27.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 522
+ - uid: 492
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-27.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 523
+ - uid: 493
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-27.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 524
+ - uid: 494
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-26.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 525
+ - uid: 495
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,4.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 526
+ - uid: 496
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,4.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 527
+ - uid: 497
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,5.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 528
+ - uid: 498
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,5.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 529
+ - uid: 502
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,6.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 530
+- proto: Chair
+ entities:
+ - uid: 608
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-28.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 531
+ - uid: 609
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-28.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 532
+ - uid: 803
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-25.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 533
+- proto: ChairFolding
+ entities:
+ - uid: 583
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-27.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 534
+ - uid: 590
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-25.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 535
+ - uid: 598
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-25.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 536
+ - uid: 610
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-25.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 537
+ - uid: 611
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-25.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CableMV
- entities:
- - uid: 538
+ - uid: 612
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
+ pos: 3.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 539
+ - uid: 613
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,4.5
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 540
+ - uid: 724
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,4.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 541
+ - uid: 804
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 542
+- proto: ChairOfficeDark
+ entities:
+ - uid: 866
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,3.5
+ pos: 3.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 543
+- proto: ChairOfficeLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 453
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,2.5
+ pos: 16.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 544
+- proto: ChairPilotSeat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 615
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 545
+ - uid: 616
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,0.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 546
+ - uid: 617
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 547
+- proto: ChairWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 37
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 548
+ - uid: 99
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 549
+ - uid: 174
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 550
+ - uid: 683
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-4.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 551
+ - uid: 685
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ pos: 1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 552
+ - uid: 686
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-6.5
+ pos: 1.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 553
+- proto: ChurchOrganInstrument
+ entities:
+ - uid: 622
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 554
+- proto: CigarGold
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1808
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-8.5
+ pos: 3.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 555
+- proto: CigarGoldCase
+ entities:
+ - uid: 623
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ pos: -6.5097156,0.9530835
parent: 1
- - uid: 556
+- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 780
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-9.5
+ pos: -2.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 557
+- proto: ClosetEmergencyN2FilledRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 779
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-11.5
+ pos: 1.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 558
+- proto: ClosetL3JanitorFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 343
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-10.5
+ pos: -16.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 559
+- proto: ClosetToolFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 431
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-12.5
+ pos: -8.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 560
+- proto: ClosetWall
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1802
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 561
+- proto: ClosetWallEmergencyFilledRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 501
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-14.5
+ pos: -7.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 562
+ - uid: 977
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-15.5
+ pos: 10.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 563
+- proto: ClosetWallFireFilledRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 624
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-16.5
+ pos: -11.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 564
+ - uid: 975
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-17.5
+ pos: 6.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 565
+- proto: ClothingBeltChaplainSashFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1902
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-18.5
+ pos: -18.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 566
+- proto: ClothingBeltMercenaryWebbing
+ entities:
+ - uid: 98
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-19.5
+ pos: -5.7035966,-3.4349852
parent: 1
- - uid: 567
+- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesMercenary
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1780
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-20.5
+ pos: -5.0521164,-3.5206459
parent: 1
- - uid: 568
+- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingBlue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 591
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-20.5
+ pos: 5.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 569
+- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingGreen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 722
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 570
+- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingRed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 597
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-20.5
+ pos: 2.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 571
+- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesBoxingYellow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1184
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 572
+- proto: ClothingHeadBandMercenary
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1778
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5833664,-3.5675209
parent: 1
- - uid: 573
+- proto: ClothingHeadBandSkull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 541
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-20.5
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 574
+- proto: ClothingHeadHatBeretMercenary
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1457
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-20.5
+ pos: -5.0052414,-3.2706459
parent: 1
- - uid: 575
+- proto: ClothingHeadHatCasa
+ entities:
+ - uid: 717
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-21.5
+ pos: -0.8169179,-17.190418
parent: 1
- - uid: 576
+- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetMercenary
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1779
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-22.5
+ pos: -4.1771164,-3.3643959
parent: 1
- - uid: 577
+- proto: ClothingMaskBat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 644
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-23.5
+ pos: -1.5246618,-17.593832
parent: 1
- - uid: 578
+- proto: ClothingMaskBear
+ entities:
+ - uid: 645
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-24.5
+ pos: -1.0090368,-18.320395
parent: 1
- - uid: 579
+- proto: ClothingMaskBee
+ entities:
+ - uid: 646
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-25.5
+ pos: -0.02466178,-18.437582
parent: 1
- - uid: 580
+- proto: ClothingMaskGasAtmos
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1789
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-25.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 581
+- proto: ClothingMaskRat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 647
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-25.5
+ pos: 0.6550257,-18.109457
parent: 1
- - uid: 582
+- proto: ClothingMaskRaven
+ entities:
+ - uid: 648
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-25.5
+ pos: 0.04565072,-17.453207
parent: 1
- - uid: 583
+- proto: ClothingNeckBling
+ entities:
+ - uid: 589
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-25.5
+ pos: -6.6606865,1.6361201
parent: 1
- - uid: 584
+- proto: ClothingOuterWinterMiner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1775
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-25.5
+ pos: 2.5,-28.3
parent: 1
- - uid: 585
+- proto: ClothingShoesBootsWinterMiner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1776
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-25.5
+ pos: 2.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CableTerminal
+- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitKimono
- - uid: 586
+ - uid: 526
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-26.5
+ pos: -0.3637929,-17.362293
parent: 1
- - uid: 587
+- proto: ComfyChair
+ entities:
+ - uid: 659
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CargoPallet
- entities:
- - uid: 588
+ - uid: 660
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-2.5
+ pos: 4.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 589
+ - uid: 661
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 590
+ - uid: 662
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-2.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 591
+ - uid: 663
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-1.5
+ pos: -5.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Carpet
- entities:
- - uid: 592
+ - uid: 664
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 593
+ - uid: 665
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-23.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 594
+ - uid: 790
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-22.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 595
+- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring
+ entities:
+ - uid: 666
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 596
+- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring
+ entities:
+ - uid: 667
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-22.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 597
+- proto: ComputerTabletopAlert
+ entities:
+ - uid: 670
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-23.5
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 598
+- proto: ComputerTabletopBodyScanner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 535
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-22.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 599
+- proto: ComputerTabletopRadar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 632
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-23.5
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 600
+- proto: ComputerTabletopSalvageExpedition
+ entities:
+ - uid: 668
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-26.5
+ pos: -0.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 601
+- proto: ComputerTabletopShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 669
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-27.5
+ pos: 1.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 602
+- proto: ComputerTabletopStationRecords
+ entities:
+ - uid: 671
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-26.5
+ pos: 0.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 603
+- proto: ComputerTelevision
+ entities:
+ - uid: 962
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-27.5
+ pos: 4.5,-15.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CarpetBlue
+- proto: ConveyorBelt
- - uid: 604
+ - uid: 466
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,0.5
+ pos: -18.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 605
+ - uid: 640
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,0.5
+ pos: -18.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Catwalk
- entities:
- - uid: 606
+ - uid: 875
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-26.5
+ pos: -18.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 607
+ - uid: 879
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
+ pos: -17.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Chair
- entities:
- - uid: 608
+ - uid: 880
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-15.5
+ pos: -17.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 609
+ - uid: 881
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-14.5
+ pos: -17.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ChairFolding
+- proto: CurtainsBlackOpen
- - uid: 610
+ - uid: 711
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,0.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 611
+ - uid: 822
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,0.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 612
+- proto: CurtainsBlue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 679
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,2.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 613
+- proto: CurtainsWhiteOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 345
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,2.5
+ pos: -3.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ChairOfficeLight
- entities:
- - uid: 614
+ - uid: 402
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ChairPilotSeat
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
- - uid: 615
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,6.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 616
+ - uid: 294
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,6.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 617
+ - uid: 812
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,5.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ChairRitual
+- proto: DeskBell
- - uid: 618
+ - uid: 818
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,-20.5
+ pos: 2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ChairWood
+- proto: DiceBag
- - uid: 619
+ - uid: 680
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,-20.5
+ pos: -0.988676,-17.83214
parent: 1
-- proto: MachineFrame
- entities:
- - uid: 620
+ - uid: 681
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-19.5
+ pos: -0.566801,-17.819157
parent: 1
-- proto: ChemistryHotplate
- entities:
- - uid: 621
+ - uid: 682
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-18.5
+ pos: -0.19180101,-17.850407
parent: 1
- - type: ItemPlacer
- placedEntities:
- - 678
- - type: PlaceableSurface
- isPlaceable: False
-- proto: ChurchOrganInstrument
+- proto: DisposalBend
- - uid: 622
+ - uid: 200
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-14.5
+ pos: -1.5,-26.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CigarGoldCase
- entities:
- - uid: 623
+ - uid: 449
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5097156,0.9530835
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClosetChefFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 630
+ - uid: 814
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ pos: -14.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClosetWallFireFilledRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 624
+ - uid: 890
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-18.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 625
+ - uid: 891
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-18.5
+ pos: -16.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesMercFingerless
- entities:
- - uid: 634
+ - uid: 906
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.510536,-3.39052
+ pos: -1.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingHeadBandMercenary
- entities:
- - uid: 635
+ - uid: 907
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.0522027,-3.2863533
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetMercenary
- entities:
- - uid: 637
+ - uid: 912
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.031369,-3.26552
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingHeadHelmetWizardHelm
- entities:
- - uid: 642
+ - uid: 927
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.8449743,-17.265707
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingHeadNurseHat
- entities:
- - uid: 643
+ - uid: 928
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.674637,-18.253355
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingMaskBat
- entities:
- - uid: 644
+ - uid: 948
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5246618,-17.593832
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingMaskBear
- entities:
- - uid: 645
+ - uid: 965
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.0090368,-18.320395
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingMaskBee
- entities:
- - uid: 646
+ - uid: 966
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.02466178,-18.437582
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingMaskRat
+- proto: DisposalJunction
- - uid: 647
+ - uid: 769
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.6550257,-18.109457
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingMaskRaven
- entities:
- - uid: 648
+ - uid: 904
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.04565072,-17.453207
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingNeckBling
- entities:
- - uid: 649
+ - uid: 940
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5570135,1.3828969
+ pos: -0.5,-5.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingOuterWinterChef
- entities:
- - uid: 651
+ - uid: 949
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.8123903,-5.313849
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingOuterWizard
- entities:
- - uid: 652
+ - uid: 969
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.21216178,-17.289145
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingUnderSocksCoder
- entities:
- - uid: 653
+ - uid: 973
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.226733,4.8322687
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtNurse
+- proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped
- - uid: 654
+ - uid: 937
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.747555,-18.409605
+ pos: -0.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtOfLife
+- proto: DisposalPipe
- - uid: 655
+ - uid: 635
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.786142,-18.370012
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-25.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComfyChair
- entities:
- - uid: 659
+ - uid: 688
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,1.5
+ pos: -15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 660
+ - uid: 704
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-16.5
+ pos: -14.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 661
+ - uid: 758
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-18.5
+ pos: -14.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 662
+ - uid: 760
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,-18.5
+ pos: -14.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 663
+ - uid: 772
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-16.5
+ pos: -14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 664
+ - uid: 887
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-9.5
+ pos: -14.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 665
+ - uid: 888
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-9.5
+ pos: -14.5,-14.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 666
+ - uid: 892
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,6.5
+ pos: -17.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring
- entities:
- - uid: 667
+ - uid: 893
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,6.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerRadar
- entities:
- - uid: 668
+ - uid: 894
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerSalvageExpedition
- entities:
- - uid: 669
+ - uid: 895
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerShuttle
- entities:
- - uid: 670
+ - uid: 896
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerSolarControl
- entities:
- - uid: 671
+ - uid: 897
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerStationRecords
- entities:
- - uid: 672
+ - uid: 898
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeeds
- entities:
- - uid: 674
+ - uid: 899
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
-- proto: CrateHydroponicsTools
- entities:
- - uid: 675
+ - uid: 900
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-3.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
-- proto: CryoPod
- entities:
- - uid: 676
+ - uid: 901
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: CryoxadoneBeakerSmall
- entities:
- - uid: 677
+ - uid: 902
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.275366,-18.143486
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: CollisionWake
- enabled: False
- - type: Physics
- sleepingAllowed: False
- - uid: 678
+ - uid: 903
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.598927,-18.155516
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - type: CollisionWake
- enabled: False
- - type: Physics
- sleepingAllowed: False
-- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 679
+ - uid: 905
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-17.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DiceBag
- entities:
- - uid: 680
+ - uid: 908
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.988676,-17.83214
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 681
+ - uid: 909
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.566801,-17.819157
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 682
+ - uid: 913
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.19180101,-17.850407
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DisposalBend
- entities:
- - uid: 683
+ - uid: 914
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 684
+ - uid: 915
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DisposalPipe
- entities:
- - uid: 685
+ - uid: 916
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-15.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 686
+ - uid: 917
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 687
+ - uid: 918
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-16.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 688
+ - uid: 919
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-17.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 689
+ - uid: 920
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 690
+ - uid: 921
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-19.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 691
+ - uid: 922
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 692
+ - uid: 923
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 693
+ - uid: 925
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 694
+ - uid: 926
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 695
+ - uid: 929
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 696
+ - uid: 930
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 697
+ - uid: 931
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 698
+ - uid: 932
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 699
+ - uid: 933
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 700
+ - uid: 934
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 701
+ - uid: 935
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-21.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 702
+ - uid: 936
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 703
+ - uid: 938
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-23.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-7.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DisposalTrunk
- entities:
- - uid: 704
+ - uid: 939
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-6.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DisposalUnit
- entities:
- - uid: 705
+ - uid: 941
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DogBed
- entities:
- - uid: 706
+ - uid: 942
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,3.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DrinkMugOne
- entities:
- - uid: 707
+ - uid: 943
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.21170354,6.7031326
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DrinkWineBottleFull
- entities:
- - uid: 708
+ - uid: 944
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.6023116,2.597079
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: DrinkWineGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 709
+ - uid: 945
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.2273116,2.081454
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 710
+ - uid: 946
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.6491866,1.847079
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ExtinguisherCabinet
- entities:
- - uid: 713
+ - uid: 950
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 714
+ - uid: 951
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- entities:
- - uid: 715
+ - uid: 952
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 716
+ - uid: 953
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 717
+ - uid: 954
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: FaxMachineShip
- entities:
- - uid: 718
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 719
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,1.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Firelock
- entities:
- - uid: 720
+ - uid: 955
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-21.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 721
+ - uid: 956
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 722
+ - uid: 957
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 723
+ - uid: 967
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,2.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 724
+ - uid: 970
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,3.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 725
+ - uid: 971
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-21.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 726
+ - uid: 972
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-21.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 727
+ - uid: 974
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ pos: 2.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 728
+ - uid: 980
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-21.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: FirelockEdge
- entities:
- - uid: 729
+ - uid: 981
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 730
+ - uid: 982
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-5.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 731
+ - uid: 983
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-5.5
+ pos: 4.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 732
+- proto: DisposalTrunk
+ entities:
+ - uid: 10
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-14.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 733
+ - uid: 810
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-14.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 734
+ - uid: 910
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-14.5
+ pos: -0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 735
+ - uid: 911
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-14.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 736
+ - uid: 924
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 737
+ - uid: 947
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-19.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 738
+ - uid: 958
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-20.5
+ pos: -5.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 739
+ - uid: 959
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-19.5
+ pos: 4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 740
+- proto: DisposalUnit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 96
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ pos: -15.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 741
+ - uid: 602
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-22.5
+ pos: 4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 742
+ - uid: 695
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-22.5
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 743
+ - uid: 696
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-22.5
+ pos: 14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: FirelockGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 744
+ - uid: 785
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-13.5
+ pos: -5.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 745
+ - uid: 817
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-14.5
+ pos: -0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 746
+- proto: DogBed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 706
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-14.5
+ pos: -4.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 747
+- proto: DresserFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 470
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-12.5
+ pos: -4.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 748
+- proto: DrinkGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 568
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-14.5
+ pos: -4.7032313,-5.4821234
parent: 1
- - uid: 749
+ - uid: 1770
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-13.5
+ pos: -4.3751063,-5.48545
parent: 1
- - uid: 750
+ - uid: 1771
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-11.5
+ pos: -4.1094813,-5.3292
parent: 1
- - uid: 751
+- proto: DrinkMugOne
+ entities:
+ - uid: 701
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-14.5
+ pos: -0.25845867,6.7074924
parent: 1
- - uid: 752
+- proto: DrinkShotGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 569
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-14.5
+ pos: -6.297799,2.5893223
parent: 1
- - uid: 753
+ - uid: 1769
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-14.5
+ pos: -6.308756,2.0965161
parent: 1
- - uid: 754
+- proto: DrinkWineBottleFull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 708
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-19.5
+ pos: -6.6023116,2.597079
parent: 1
- - uid: 755
+- proto: ExtinguisherCabinet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 547
- type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 756
+ - uid: 714
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-19.5
+ pos: -6.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 757
+- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 689
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 758
+ - uid: 889
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-8.5
+ pos: -12.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 759
+- proto: FaxMachineShip
+ entities:
+ - uid: 718
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-8.5
+ pos: 3.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 760
+- proto: filingCabinetDrawerRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 719
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-11.5
+ pos: 5.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 761
+- proto: filingCabinetRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 634
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-12.5
+ pos: 4.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 762
+- proto: FirelockGlass
+ entities:
+ - uid: 573
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-13.5
+ pos: 6.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 763
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 16
+ - uid: 574
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 764
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 1326
+ - uid: 575
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 765
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 1326
+ - uid: 576
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 766
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 1326
+ - 730
+ - uid: 577
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 767
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 1326
+ - 730
+ - uid: 578
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-13.5
+ pos: 5.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Fireplace
- entities:
- - uid: 768
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 16
+ - uid: 579
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,3.5
+ pos: -7.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: FloorDrain
- entities:
- - uid: 769
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 1758
+ - uid: 581
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-2.5
+ pos: -6.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 770
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 1758
+ - uid: 628
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-28.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 771
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 730
+ - uid: 754
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-6.5
+ pos: 11.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
- - uid: 772
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 571
+ - uid: 755
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,-6.5
+ pos: 11.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: Fixtures
- fixtures: {}
-- proto: FloorWaterEntity
- entities:
- - uid: 773
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 571
+ - uid: 756
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-22.5
+ pos: -12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 774
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 698
+ - uid: 757
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-23.5
+ pos: -12.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 775
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 698
+ - uid: 762
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-22.5
+ pos: 15.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 776
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 571
+ - uid: 763
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-23.5
+ pos: 14.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 777
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 571
+ - uid: 764
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-24.5
+ pos: 13.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GasAnalyzer
- entities:
- - uid: 780
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 571
+ - uid: 765
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.679014,-24.362837
+ pos: 12.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GasFilter
- entities:
- - uid: 781
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 571
+ - uid: 766
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-25.5
+ pos: -14.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 782
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 698
+ - uid: 767
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-24.5
+ pos: -13.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 783
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 698
+ - uid: 968
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-26.5
+ pos: 0.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 784
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 730
+ - uid: 987
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-16.5
+ pos: -0.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasMixer
- entities:
- - uid: 785
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 730
+ - uid: 988
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-23.5
+ pos: -1.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - type: GasMixer
- inletTwoConcentration: 0.56
- inletOneConcentration: 0.44
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 786
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 730
+ - uid: 991
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-23.5
+ pos: -1.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasPassiveVent
- entities:
- - uid: 787
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 1747
+ - uid: 992
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,-28.5
+ pos: -0.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasPipeBend
- entities:
- - uid: 788
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 1747
+ - uid: 993
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-18.5
+ pos: 0.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 789
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - 1747
+ - uid: 1229
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 790
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 730
+ - 871
+ - uid: 1231
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-19.5
+ pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 791
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 730
+ - uid: 1234
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 792
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 871
+ - uid: 1236
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 793
+ - uid: 1647
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-20.5
+ pos: -15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 794
+ - uid: 1756
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 795
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ deviceLists:
+ - 571
+- proto: Fireplace
+ entities:
+ - uid: 768
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-19.5
+ pos: -5.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 796
+- proto: FlippoLighter
+ entities:
+ - uid: 691
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-19.5
+ pos: -6.250924,1.3861973
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 797
+- proto: FloorDrain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 567
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-19.5
+ pos: -17.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 798
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+ - uid: 720
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-20.5
+ pos: -4.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 799
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+- proto: FloorTileItemBoxing
+ entities:
+ - uid: 342
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-23.5
+ pos: 4.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 800
+ - uid: 784
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-27.5
+ pos: 3.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 801
+ - uid: 792
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-26.5
+ pos: 3.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 802
+ - uid: 848
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-26.5
+ pos: 4.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 803
+- proto: FloorWaterEntity
+ entities:
+ - uid: 123
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-23.5
+ pos: -13.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 804
+ - uid: 777
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-17.5
+ pos: -13.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 805
+ - uid: 1402
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-15.5
+ pos: -14.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 806
+ - uid: 1437
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-15.5
+ pos: -13.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 807
+ - uid: 1439
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,-17.5
+ pos: -14.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 808
+- proto: GasAnalyzer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 748
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-20.5
+ pos: 10.5,-24.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GasPipeFourway
+- proto: GasFilterNitrogenOn
- - uid: 809
+ - uid: 606
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-15.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 810
+- proto: GasFilterOxygenOn
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1394
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 811
+- proto: GasMixerOnFlipped
+ entities:
+ - uid: 463
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-22.5
parent: 1
+ - type: GasMixer
+ inletTwoConcentration: 0.20999998
+ inletOneConcentration: 0.79
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 812
+- proto: GasOutletInjector
+ entities:
+ - uid: 427
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 813
+ - uid: 436
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-18.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 814
+- proto: GasPassiveVent
+ entities:
+ - uid: 421
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,0.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 815
+ - uid: 430
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,1.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 816
+ - uid: 469
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 817
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 633
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-27.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GasPipeStraight
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#03FCD3FF'
+- proto: GasPipeBend
- - uid: 818
+ - uid: 66
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-2.5
+ pos: -13.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 819
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#03FCD3FF'
+ - uid: 424
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,-16.5
+ pos: 4.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 820
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 448
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-18.5
+ pos: 6.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 821
+ - uid: 454
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 822
+ - uid: 459
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-17.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 823
+ - uid: 476
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-16.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 824
+ - uid: 678
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-15.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 825
+ - uid: 716
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 826
+ - uid: 1076
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-13.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 827
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1077
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-12.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 828
+ - uid: 1111
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-11.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 829
+ - uid: 1176
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-10.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 830
+ - uid: 1295
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 831
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1311
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-8.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 832
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1323
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-7.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,5.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 833
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1429
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-6.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 834
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1436
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-5.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 835
+ color: '#03FCD3FF'
+ - uid: 1544
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-4.5
+ pos: -13.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 836
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1633
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ pos: -14.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 837
+- proto: GasPipeFourway
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1008
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ pos: 12.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 838
+ - uid: 1098
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-4.5
+ pos: -1.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 839
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1127
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ pos: 0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 840
+ - uid: 1727
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-6.5
+ pos: 0.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 841
+- proto: GasPipeStraight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 41
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 842
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 258
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-8.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 843
+ - uid: 261
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-9.5
+ pos: 6.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 844
+ - uid: 262
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-10.5
+ pos: 8.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 845
+ - uid: 423
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-11.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 846
+ - uid: 437
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-12.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 847
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 438
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 848
+ - uid: 439
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 849
+ - uid: 442
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-15.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 850
+ - uid: 444
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-16.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 851
+ - uid: 455
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-17.5
+ pos: 8.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 852
+ - uid: 456
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-18.5
+ pos: 9.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 853
+ - uid: 467
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 854
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 468
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 855
+ - uid: 472
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 989
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 856
+ - uid: 998
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-20.5
+ pos: 5.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 857
+ - uid: 999
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -7.5,-20.5
+ pos: 6.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 858
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1000
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-20.5
+ pos: 5.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 859
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1001
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,-20.5
+ pos: 7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 860
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1002
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-20.5
+ pos: 4.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 861
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1003
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,-20.5
+ pos: 6.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 862
+ - uid: 1004
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-19.5
+ pos: 8.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 863
+ - uid: 1005
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-19.5
+ pos: 9.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 864
+ - uid: 1006
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-19.5
+ pos: 10.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 865
+ - uid: 1007
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-19.5
+ pos: 11.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 866
+ - uid: 1009
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -9.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 867
+ - uid: 1010
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -10.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 868
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1011
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -11.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 869
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1012
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 870
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1013
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 10.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 871
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1014
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 872
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1015
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 873
+ - uid: 1017
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-19.5
+ pos: 13.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 874
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1018
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-19.5
+ pos: 14.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 875
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1019
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-19.5
+ pos: 15.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 876
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1020
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 877
+ - uid: 1021
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-21.5
+ pos: 13.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 878
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1022
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 879
+ - uid: 1027
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-20.5
+ pos: 14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 880
+ - uid: 1028
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-21.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 881
+ - uid: 1029
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-22.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 882
+ - uid: 1031
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 883
+ - uid: 1032
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 884
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1035
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 885
+ - uid: 1047
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 886
+ - uid: 1048
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 887
+ - uid: 1056
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 888
+ - uid: 1058
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 889
+ - uid: 1062
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-19.5
+ pos: 12.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 890
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1066
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 891
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1070
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 892
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1071
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 893
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1074
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 10.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 894
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1075
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 895
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1078
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-19.5
+ pos: 13.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 896
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1079
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-20.5
+ pos: 13.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 897
+ - uid: 1080
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-20.5
+ pos: 13.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 898
+ - uid: 1081
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-18.5
+ pos: 13.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 899
+ - uid: 1082
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-17.5
+ pos: 13.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 900
+ - uid: 1083
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,-18.5
+ pos: 13.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 901
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1085
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,-17.5
+ pos: 13.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 902
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1086
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,-15.5
+ pos: 13.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 903
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1087
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 13.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 904
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1088
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 905
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1089
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-17.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 906
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1091
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-16.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 907
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1099
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-14.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 908
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1100
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-15.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 909
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1101
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 910
+ - uid: 1102
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-19.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 911
+ - uid: 1103
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-17.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 912
+ - uid: 1104
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ pos: -2.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 913
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1105
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ pos: -3.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 914
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1107
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 915
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1108
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-3.5
+ pos: -5.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 916
+ - uid: 1112
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-23.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 917
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1115
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 918
+ - uid: 1116
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ pos: -1.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 919
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1117
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-21.5
+ pos: -1.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 920
+ - uid: 1118
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-19.5
+ pos: -1.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 921
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1119
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-22.5
+ pos: -1.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 922
+ - uid: 1123
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-20.5
+ pos: -1.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 923
+ - uid: 1124
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,-26.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 924
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 10.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 925
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-21.5
+ pos: 3.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 926
+ - uid: 1125
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-22.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 927
+ - uid: 1126
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ pos: 2.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 928
+ - uid: 1131
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ pos: 0.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 929
+ - uid: 1133
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-2.5
+ pos: 0.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 930
+ - uid: 1134
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-3.5
+ pos: 0.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 931
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1135
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ pos: 0.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 932
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1138
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 933
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1139
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 934
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1148
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 935
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1149
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 936
+ - uid: 1150
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 937
+ - uid: 1151
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-1.5
+ pos: 3.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 938
+ - uid: 1154
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 939
+ - uid: 1159
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 940
+ - uid: 1165
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,1.5
+ pos: 3.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 941
+ - uid: 1168
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,1.5
+ pos: 3.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 942
+ - uid: 1170
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 943
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1179
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 944
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1181
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 945
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1182
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,0.5
+ pos: 3.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 946
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1183
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,0.5
+ pos: 0.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 947
+ - uid: 1185
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,2.5
+ pos: -1.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 948
+ - uid: 1186
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,3.5
+ pos: -1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 949
+ - uid: 1187
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,4.5
+ pos: -1.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 950
+ - uid: 1188
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,1.5
+ pos: 0.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 951
+ - uid: 1189
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,2.5
+ pos: -1.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 952
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1193
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,3.5
+ pos: -1.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 953
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1198
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,4.5
+ pos: 0.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 954
+ - uid: 1205
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,1.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 955
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1207
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 956
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1213
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,1.5
+ pos: 2.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 957
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1246
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,0.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 958
+ - uid: 1253
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,0.5
+ pos: -1.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 959
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1256
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,0.5
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 960
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1260
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-21.5
+ pos: -1.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 961
+ - uid: 1262
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-20.5
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 962
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1263
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-21.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 963
+ - uid: 1264
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 964
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1268
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 965
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1269
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-23.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 966
+ - uid: 1270
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-23.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 967
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1271
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-24.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 968
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1272
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-24.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 969
+ - uid: 1273
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-25.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 970
+ - uid: 1274
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-2.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 971
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1277
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-24.5
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 972
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1278
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-25.5
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 973
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1280
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-26.5
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 974
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1285
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-27.5
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 975
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1287
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-27.5
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 976
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1289
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-27.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 977
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1290
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 978
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1308
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 979
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1309
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 980
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1312
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 981
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1313
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-27.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 982
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1314
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 13.5,-16.5
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 983
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1315
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-16.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 984
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 985
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-22.5
+ pos: -4.5,2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- entities:
- - uid: 986
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1316
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 12.5,-20.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 987
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1318
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-20.5
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 988
+ - uid: 1319
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 989
+ - uid: 1320
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-19.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 990
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1321
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,4.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 991
+ - uid: 1322
- type: Transform
- pos: 6.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 992
+ - uid: 1327
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,-27.5
+ pos: 0.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 993
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1328
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-16.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 994
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1329
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,-17.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GasPort
- entities:
- - uid: 995
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1330
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-22.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 996
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1331
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-22.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 997
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1332
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-24.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 998
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1333
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-25.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 999
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1338
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-26.5
+ pos: -6.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1000
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1339
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-22.5
+ pos: -6.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1001
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1342
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-16.5
+ pos: -6.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasPressurePump
- entities:
- - uid: 1002
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1343
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-23.5
+ pos: -6.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1003
+ - uid: 1346
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 16.5,-16.5
+ pos: -7.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer
- entities:
- - uid: 1004
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1348
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-14.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasThermoMachineHeater
- entities:
- - uid: 1005
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1374
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-24.5
+ pos: -7.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1006
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1375
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-25.5
+ pos: -7.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasValve
- entities:
- - uid: 1007
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1377
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 8.5,-26.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: GasValve
- open: False
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: GasVentPump
- entities:
- - uid: 1008
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1379
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-2.5
+ pos: -6.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1009
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1380
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1010
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1381
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1011
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1382
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1012
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1383
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-2.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1013
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1384
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,0.5
+ pos: -7.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1014
+ - uid: 1385
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,5.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1015
+ - uid: 1386
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,0.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1016
+ - uid: 1389
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-25.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -10.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- - uid: 1017
+ - uid: 1390
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-22.5
+ pos: -11.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
-- proto: GasVentScrubber
- entities:
- - uid: 1018
+ - uid: 1391
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-23.5
+ pos: -12.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1019
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1408
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ pos: -12.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1020
+ - uid: 1421
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,1.5
+ pos: -13.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1021
+ - uid: 1422
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1022
- components:
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1449
+ components:
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,5.5
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+ pos: -14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
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- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1023
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1450
- type: Transform
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+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1024
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1472
- type: Transform
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- pos: -4.5,-3.5
+ pos: -14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1025
+ - uid: 1473
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,-26.5
+ pos: -14.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- - uid: 1026
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1027
+ - uid: 1475
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-15.5
+ pos: -13.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
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- - uid: 1028
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1515
- type: Transform
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- pos: -3.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
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- - uid: 1029
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1525
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-27.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1526
- type: Transform
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- pos: 2.5,-27.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-15.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1529
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,-28.5
+ pos: -13.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1541
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
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+ pos: -13.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
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-- proto: GravityGeneratorMini
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+ - uid: 1549
- type: Transform
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+ pos: -14.5,-11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Grille
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parent: 1
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- pos: 5.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-11.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1573
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parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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- type: Transform
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+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-11.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,8.5
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+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ pos: 0.5,0.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1042
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1622
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,2.5
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+ pos: -18.5,-9.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,1.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-9.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1627
- type: Transform
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-9.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-15.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-9.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1635
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-16.5
+ pos: -14.5,-10.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-17.5
+ pos: -14.5,-11.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1637
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-18.5
+ pos: -14.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1049
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1638
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-18.5
+ pos: -14.5,-13.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1651
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-18.5
+ pos: -1.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1051
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1661
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-18.5
+ pos: -1.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1052
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1662
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-24.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1664
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1054
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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- pos: -8.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-23.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1676
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-16.5
+ pos: 0.5,-24.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1683
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-16.5
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+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1057
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-15.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-22.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1711
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-15.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1059
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1714
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-11.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-23.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-10.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1061
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1717
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-9.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-23.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ pos: 0.5,-25.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1725
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-7.5
+ pos: 0.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1064
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1728
- type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,-8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1065
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1731
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-7.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-27.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1732
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-27.5
parent: 1
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1733
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-13.5
+ pos: -2.5,-27.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-28.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1741
- type: Transform
- pos: -20.5,-8.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-28.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ pos: 0.5,-28.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1745
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-12.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-23.5
parent: 1
-- proto: GunSafeShuttleCaptain
- entities:
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1746
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-25.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Gyroscope
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- pos: -10.5,-26.5
+ pos: -1.5,-27.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1751
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-26.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-26.5
parent: 1
-- proto: HospitalCurtains
- entities:
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1752
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-20.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1075
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1753
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- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-28.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-29.5
parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1761
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-28.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - type: Occluder
- enabled: False
- - type: Door
- state: Open
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
-- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- - uid: 640
+ - uid: 69
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-21.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: hydroponicsTrayAnchored
- entities:
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 457
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-1.5
+ pos: 7.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1079
+ - uid: 458
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ pos: 8.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1080
+ - uid: 479
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-1.5
+ pos: 9.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1081
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 510
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-1.5
+ pos: 9.5,-24.5
parent: 1
-- proto: IntercomCommon
- entities:
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 641
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-18.5
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+ pos: 6.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1084
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 677
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-25.5
+ pos: 4.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1085
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -18.5,-15.5
+ pos: 5.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: IntercomMedical
- entities:
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 997
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ pos: 6.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: LampGold
- entities:
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+ pos: 13.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Lighter
- entities:
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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- type: Transform
- pos: -6.293895,1.3893847
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: LockerBoozeFilled
- entities:
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+ - uid: 1095
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-5.5
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+ pos: 3.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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- - 0
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-- proto: LockerCaptainFilledHardsuit
- entities:
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+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1096
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,0.5
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+ pos: -5.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
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- - 1.606311
- - 6.042789
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
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-- proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilledHardsuit
- entities:
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ components:
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ components:
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ components:
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+ pos: -1.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1241
+ components:
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
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+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ components:
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+ pos: 0.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1250
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+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 1251
+ components:
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ components:
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+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ components:
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+ pos: -1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ components:
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+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1334
+ components:
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+ pos: -6.5,-20.5
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 1378
+ components:
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+ pos: -7.5,-19.5
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+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ color: '#990000FF'
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+ components:
+ - type: Transform
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+ - 1326
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+ - 698
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -20.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GunSafeShuttleCaptain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 672
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Gyroscope
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1072
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -10.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1073
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -9.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: IntercomEngineering
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1903
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: IntercomMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 676
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 18.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: IntercomService
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1792
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LampGold
+ entities:
+ - uid: 692
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-10.2
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1090
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -14.45,-8.25
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerBoozeFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1092
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: EntityStorage
+ air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.1496
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+- proto: LockerCaptainFilledHardsuit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 626
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: EntityStorage
+ air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.14908
+ moles:
+ - 1.606311
+ - 6.042789
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+- proto: LockerEngineerFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 422
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerJanitorFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 885
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -16.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 517
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerWallEVAColorChaplainFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1790
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -17.5,-13.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerWallMaterialsFuelAmeJarFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1762
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MachineCryoSleepPod
+ entities:
+ - uid: 797
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 12.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MaterialReclaimer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1446
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -18.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Mirror
+ entities:
+ - uid: 824
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MopBucketFull
+ entities:
+ - uid: 811
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -17.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Morgue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 563
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 564
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 13.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: NFPosterLegitMagnusWatching
+ entities:
+ - uid: 699
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: NitrogenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 487
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 7.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 488
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: 10.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: NoticeBoardNF
+ entities:
+ - uid: 452
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: OperatingTable
+ entities:
+ - uid: 557
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 16.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: OxygenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 485
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 5.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 486
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: 10.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: PaintingAmogusTriptych
+ entities:
+ - uid: 870
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -17.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PaperBin10
+ entities:
+ - uid: 694
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1114
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PaperBin5
+ entities:
+ - uid: 684
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightClear
+ entities:
+ - uid: 883
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -17.5,-21.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PlushieMoffRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 808
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PortableScrubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 255
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 10.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterContrabandBeachStarYamamoto
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1120
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterContrabandBountyHunters
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1121
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothHardhat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 815
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterLegitSMEpi
+ entities:
+ - uid: 690
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterLegitSMPills
+ entities:
+ - uid: 816
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PosterLegitSMPoisoning
+ entities:
+ - uid: 791
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 18.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PottedPlantRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 409
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 14.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1097
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -15.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1122
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1128
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1129
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PowerCellRecharger
+ entities:
+ - uid: 508
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 976
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1203
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Poweredlight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 23
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 285
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 19.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 538
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -20.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 705
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 710
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 751
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 761
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-31.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 840
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 845
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 863
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-12.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 984
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1136
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1137
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1140
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -9.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1142
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1145
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-25.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1147
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1152
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 17.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1155
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1156
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1157
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1158
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1765
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1899
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-10.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredlightExterior
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
-- proto: LockerMedicineFilled
+ - uid: 1153
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1161
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1813
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-23.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1818
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1819
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredlightOrange
- - uid: 1094
+ - uid: 100
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
-- proto: LockerParamedicFilled
+ - uid: 440
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1817
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredLightPostSmall
- - uid: 1095
+ - uid: 619
- type: Transform
- pos: 15.5,-19.5
+ pos: 12.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
- - 0
-- proto: LockerWallMedical
+ - uid: 775
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -13.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- - uid: 1096
+ - uid: 464
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -18.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 709
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -4.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 726
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-24.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1163
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-16.5
+ pos: 12.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Bed
+ - uid: 1164
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1166
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-22.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1169
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1247
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1729
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1730
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1785
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1786
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -18.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1815
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1816
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-26.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Rack
- - uid: 1097
+ - uid: 596
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-15.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1098
+- proto: RagItem
+ entities:
+ - uid: 979
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-17.5
+ pos: -4.5,-14.2
parent: 1
-- proto: Mirror
+- proto: Railing
- - uid: 1106
+ - uid: 181
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-27.5
+ pos: 15.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Morgue
+ - uid: 182
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 629
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 806
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 841
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1174
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-14.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1175
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1892
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-20.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: RailingCorner
- - uid: 1107
+ - uid: 1177
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1108
+ - uid: 1178
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Multitool
+- proto: RailingCornerSmall
- - uid: 1109
+ - uid: 284
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.76107,4.8082094
+ pos: 15.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: NitrogenCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 1110
+ - uid: 511
- type: Transform
- anchored: True
- pos: 8.5,-22.5
+ pos: 16.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1111
+ - uid: 546
- type: Transform
- anchored: True
- pos: 9.5,-22.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: OxygenCanister
- entities:
- - uid: 1112
+ - uid: 1405
- type: Transform
- anchored: True
- pos: 10.5,-22.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: PaperBin10
- entities:
- - uid: 1113
+ - uid: 1895
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1114
+ - uid: 1896
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-18.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1115
+ - uid: 1897
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 15.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1898
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-17.5
+ pos: 14.5,-19.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PlushieAtmosian
+- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
- - uid: 1116
+ - uid: 961
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.573052,-23.745752
+ pos: -3.5,-11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PlushieSharkBlue
- entities:
- - uid: 1117
+ - uid: 1796
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.507983,4.3010187
+ pos: -3.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PortableScrubber
+- proto: RandomInstruments
- - uid: 1118
+ - uid: 522
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-24.5
+ pos: -3.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1119
+- proto: RandomPainting
+ entities:
+ - uid: 990
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-24.5
+ pos: 16.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PosterContrabandBeachStarYamamoto
- entities:
- - uid: 1120
+ - uid: 994
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,6.5
+ pos: 3.5,-25.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PosterContrabandBountyHunters
- entities:
- - uid: 1121
+ - uid: 1190
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,6.5
+ pos: -4.5,4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PottedPlantRandom
- entities:
- - uid: 1122
+ - uid: 1238
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ pos: -18.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1123
+ - uid: 1782
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-17.5
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1124
+- proto: RandomPosterContraband
+ entities:
+ - uid: 120
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-17.5
+ pos: -12.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1126
+ - uid: 124
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-19.5
+ pos: -7.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1127
+ - uid: 1799
- type: Transform
- pos: 14.5,-20.5
+ pos: -19.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1128
+- proto: RandomPosterLegit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 119
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-16.5
+ pos: -2.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1129
+ - uid: 130
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-16.5
+ pos: -5.5,-24.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PowerCellRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 1130
+ - uid: 509
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
+ pos: -12.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Poweredlight
- entities:
- - uid: 1131
+ - uid: 582
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-16.5
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1132
+ - uid: 809
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-16.5
+ pos: -6.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1133
+ - uid: 884
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-9.5
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1134
+ - uid: 1192
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-2.5
+ pos: 2.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1135
+ - uid: 1196
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,0.5
+ pos: -3.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1136
+ - uid: 1200
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,1.5
+ pos: 1.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1137
+ - uid: 1202
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,4.5
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1138
+ - uid: 1204
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -18.5,-10.5
+ pos: -5.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1139
+ - uid: 1672
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-10.5
+ pos: 4.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1140
+ - uid: 1807
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -9.5,-20.5
+ pos: 11.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1141
+ - uid: 1809
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -17.5,-18.5
+ pos: 5.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1142
+- proto: ReinforcedPlasmaWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 445
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 8.5,-20.5
+ pos: 5.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1143
+ - uid: 478
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-24.5
+ pos: 7.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1144
+- proto: ReinforcedWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 528
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-25.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1145
+ - uid: 537
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-25.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -17.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1146
+ - uid: 703
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-30.5
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1147
+ - uid: 752
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-15.5
+ pos: -0.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1148
+- proto: ShuttersNormalOpen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 84
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-10.5
+ pos: -0.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1149
+ - uid: 85
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-10.5
+ pos: 0.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1150
+ - uid: 86
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-11.5
+ pos: -1.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1151
+ - uid: 87
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-11.5
+ pos: -2.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1152
+ - uid: 964
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-18.5
+ pos: 1.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1153
+- proto: ShuttleWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 239
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-8.5
+ pos: 2.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1154
+ - uid: 287
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ pos: 4.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1155
+ - uid: 514
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-8.5
+ pos: 12.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1156
+ - uid: 524
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -12.5,-14.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1157
+ - uid: 529
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-20.5
+ pos: -12.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1158
+ - uid: 530
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-20.5
+ pos: -12.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1159
+ - uid: 548
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-6.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1160
+ - uid: 550
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-22.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredlightLED
- entities:
- - uid: 1161
+ - uid: 551
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,9.5
+ pos: 11.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1162
+ - uid: 586
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,9.5
+ pos: 1.5,-4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: PoweredSmallLight
- entities:
- - uid: 1163
+ - uid: 588
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-22.5
+ pos: 6.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1164
+ - uid: 649
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-22.5
+ pos: -3.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1165
+ - uid: 650
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-22.5
+ pos: 11.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1166
+ - uid: 700
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-22.5
+ pos: 5.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1167
+ - uid: 707
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-5.5
+ pos: 5.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1168
+ - uid: 733
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ pos: 2.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1169
+ - uid: 735
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,-3.5
+ pos: 11.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1170
+ - uid: 738
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ pos: 10.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1171
+ - uid: 740
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,1.5
+ pos: -0.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1729
+ - uid: 743
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-27.5
+ pos: 5.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1730
+ - uid: 745
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-26.5
+ pos: 5.5,-10.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Rack
- entities:
- - uid: 1172
+ - uid: 747
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-27.5
+ pos: 1.5,-1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RagItem
- entities:
- - uid: 1173
+ - uid: 773
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5151198,-12.430893
+ pos: -7.5,-1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Railing
- entities:
- - uid: 1174
+ - uid: 774
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 15.5,-14.5
+ pos: -7.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1175
+ - uid: 828
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-15.5
+ pos: 5.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1176
+ - uid: 829
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-20.5
+ pos: 5.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RailingCorner
- entities:
- - uid: 1177
+ - uid: 830
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 14.5,-14.5
+ pos: 1.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1178
+ - uid: 839
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-16.5
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1179
+ - uid: 849
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 14.5,-19.5
+ pos: 6.5,-2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RandomArcade
- entities:
- - uid: 1180
+ - uid: 869
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-15.5
+ pos: 9.5,-27.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RandomDrinkBottle
- entities:
- - uid: 1181
+ - uid: 1194
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-11.5
+ pos: 4.5,-0.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RandomDrinkGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1182
+ - uid: 1209
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-14.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1183
+ - uid: 1210
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -14.5,-7.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RandomInstruments
- entities:
- - uid: 1186
+ - uid: 1211
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-17.5
+ pos: -19.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - type: RandomSpawner
- chance: 1
-- proto: RandomItem
- entities:
- - uid: 1187
+ - uid: 1214
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-24.5
+ pos: -2.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: RandomSpawner
- chance: 1
- - uid: 1188
+ - uid: 1215
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-24.5
+ pos: -1.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: RandomSpawner
- chance: 1
- - uid: 1189
+ - uid: 1217
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-28.5
+ pos: 0.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: RandomSpawner
- chance: 1
-- proto: RandomPainting
- entities:
- - uid: 1190
+ - uid: 1218
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,4.5
+ pos: 1.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1191
+ - uid: 1219
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-13.5
+ pos: -7.5,1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: RandomPosterLegit
- entities:
- - uid: 1192
+ - uid: 1220
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-21.5
+ pos: -7.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1193
+ - uid: 1221
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-18.5
+ pos: 7.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1194
+ - uid: 1222
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,3.5
+ pos: 8.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1195
+ - uid: 1223
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-9.5
+ pos: -8.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1196
+ - uid: 1224
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-21.5
+ pos: 9.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1197
+ - uid: 1225
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-18.5
+ pos: -10.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1198
+ - uid: 1226
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-6.5
+ pos: -9.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1199
+ - uid: 1227
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
+ pos: -19.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1200
+ - uid: 1228
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-6.5
+ pos: -19.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1201
+ - uid: 1230
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-7.5
+ pos: -12.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1202
+ - uid: 1232
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ pos: -12.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1203
+ - uid: 1233
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-15.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1235
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -6.5,-16.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1239
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-4.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1204
+ - uid: 1240
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-4.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Screwdriver
- entities:
- - uid: 1207
+ - uid: 1243
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5673113,4.772986
+ pos: 19.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ShuttleWindow
- entities:
- - uid: 1208
+ - uid: 1244
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-7.5
+ pos: 13.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1209
+ - uid: 1245
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -13.5,-7.5
+ pos: -20.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1210
+ - uid: 1781
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -14.5,-7.5
+ pos: 6.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1211
+- proto: SignalButton
+ entities:
+ - uid: 88
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-15.5
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1212
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 87:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 86:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 84:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 85:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 964:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ - uid: 97
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-18.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1213
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 872:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+- proto: SignArcade
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1600
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-17.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1214
+- proto: SignAtmos
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1195
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,8.5
+ pos: 4.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1215
+- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
+ entities:
+ - uid: 555
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,8.5
+ pos: 7.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1216
+- proto: SignBar
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1248
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,8.5
+ pos: -3.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1217
+- proto: SignBarbershop
+ entities:
+ - uid: 65
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1218
+- proto: SignBridge
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1249
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,8.5
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1219
+- proto: SignChapel
+ entities:
+ - uid: 771
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1220
+- proto: SignDirectionalBridge
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1130
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,2.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1221
+ - uid: 1893
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-18.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-18.3
parent: 1
- - uid: 1222
+- proto: SignDirectionalDorms
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1252
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-18.5
+ pos: -2.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1223
+- proto: SignDirectionalEng
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1894
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-18.5
+ pos: -2.5,-9.7
parent: 1
- - uid: 1224
+- proto: SignDirectionalMed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1497
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-18.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1225
+- proto: SignElectricalMed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 38
- type: Transform
- pos: -10.5,-18.5
+ pos: -9.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1226
+- proto: SignEngine
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1254
- type: Transform
- pos: -9.5,-18.5
+ pos: -8.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1227
+- proto: SignEngineering
+ entities:
+ - uid: 697
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-14.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1228
+- proto: SignFire
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1162
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-16.5
+ pos: -7.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1229
+- proto: SignFlammableMed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1805
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-11.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -11.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1230
+- proto: SignHead
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1255
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-10.5
+ pos: -2.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1231
+- proto: SignJanitor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 802
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-16.5
+ pos: -15.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1232
+- proto: SignLastIdiot
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1257
- type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-9.5
+ pos: 17.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1233
+ - uid: 1258
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-15.5
+ pos: -19.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1234
+- proto: SignLibrary
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1259
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-15.5
+ pos: -15.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1235
+- proto: SignMedical
+ entities:
+ - uid: 417
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-16.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1236
+ - uid: 1806
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 16.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1237
+- proto: SignMorgue
+ entities:
+ - uid: 536
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ pos: 13.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1238
+- proto: SignReception
+ entities:
+ - uid: 556
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 5.5,-12.5
+ pos: 2.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1239
+- proto: SignShield
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1261
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-13.5
+ pos: -2.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1240
+- proto: SignShipDock
+ entities:
+ - uid: 74
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -6.5,-12.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 20.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1241
+ - uid: 554
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -21.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1242
+ - uid: 770
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ pos: -0.5,-32.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1243
+- proto: SignSurgery
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3
- type: Transform
- pos: 19.5,-8.5
+ pos: 17.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1244
+- proto: SignTelecomms
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1831
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.5,-7.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -6.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1245
+- proto: Sink
+ entities:
+ - uid: 344
- type: Transform
- pos: -20.5,-8.5
+ pos: -17.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignalButton
+- proto: SinkWide
- - uid: 1246
+ - uid: 1265
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.23381275,6.3443847
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -4.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - type: SignalSwitch
- state: True
- - type: DeviceLinkSource
- linkedPorts:
- 88:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 87:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 86:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 85:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 84:
- - Pressed: Toggle
-- proto: SignAtmosMinsky
+- proto: SMESBasic
- - uid: 1247
+ - uid: 198
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-21.5
+ pos: -8.5,-27.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignBar
- entities:
- - uid: 1248
+ - uid: 1900
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-10.5
+ pos: -8.5,-26.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignBridge
+- proto: SoapDeluxe
- - uid: 1249
+ - uid: 1783
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,3.5
+ pos: -4.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignChapel
+- proto: SoapNT
- - uid: 1250
+ - uid: 1788
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-19.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignCryogenicsMed
+- proto: SpaceVillainArcadeFilled
- - uid: 1251
+ - uid: 1774
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-13.5
+ pos: 4.5,-9.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignDirectionalDorms
+- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
- - uid: 1252
+ - uid: 580
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-22.5
+ pos: -0.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignDirectionalFood
+- proto: SprayBottleWater
- - uid: 1253
+ - uid: 507
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-10.5
+ pos: 2.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignEngine
+- proto: StairWhite
- - uid: 1254
+ - uid: 505
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-21.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-18.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignHead
- entities:
- - uid: 1255
+ - uid: 516
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,1.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 14.5,-17.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignHydro1
+- proto: StationMap
- - uid: 1256
+ - uid: 1784
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-4.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -12.5,-15.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignLastIdiot
- entities:
- - uid: 1257
+ - uid: 1800
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 11.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1258
+ - uid: 1801
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-8.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-4.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignLibrary
+- proto: SteelBench
- - uid: 1259
+ - uid: 882
- type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-13.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignMorgue
- entities:
- - uid: 1260
+ - uid: 1609
- type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-21.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-23.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignShield
+- proto: StoolBar
- - uid: 1261
+ - uid: 778
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-3.5
+ pos: -2.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SignShipDock
- entities:
- - uid: 1262
+ - uid: 1281
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-10.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1263
+ - uid: 1283
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-29.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1264
+ - uid: 1286
- type: Transform
- pos: 16.5,-10.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-14.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SinkWide
+- proto: SubstationBasic
- - uid: 1265
+ - uid: 1106
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-27.5
+ pos: -6.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SMESBasic
+- proto: SuitStorageEVA
- - uid: 1266
+ - uid: 118
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-27.5
+ pos: 17.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1267
+ - uid: 1296
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-27.5
+ pos: -18.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SoapDeluxe
+- proto: Table
- - uid: 1268
+ - uid: 403
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.1038713,-28.441486
+ pos: 2.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: soda_dispenser
- entities:
- - uid: 1269
+ - uid: 446
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-5.5
+ pos: 3.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
- entities:
- - uid: 1273
+ - uid: 786
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-23.5
+ pos: -3.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1274
+ - uid: 788
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-23.5
+ pos: -4.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1275
+ - uid: 789
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-27.5
+ pos: -3.5,-5.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SteelBench
- entities:
- - uid: 632
+ - uid: 795
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-6.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 876
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-22.5
+ pos: -8.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: StoolBar
- entities:
- - uid: 1279
+ - uid: 1297
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-11.5
+ pos: -6.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1280
+ - uid: 1298
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-12.5
+ pos: -5.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1281
+ - uid: 1299
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-12.5
+ pos: -4.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1282
+ - uid: 1300
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-14.5
+ pos: -3.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1283
+- proto: TableCarpet
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1302
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-17.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1303
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-11.5
+ pos: -0.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1284
+ - uid: 1304
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1285
+ - uid: 1305
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-13.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1286
+ - uid: 1306
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-14.5
+ pos: -1.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1307
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-17.5
parent: 1
-- proto: StorageCanister
+- proto: TableReinforced
- - uid: 1287
+ - uid: 874
- type: Transform
- anchored: True
- pos: 5.5,-24.5
+ pos: -0.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1288
+ - uid: 963
- type: Transform
- anchored: True
- pos: 5.5,-25.5
+ pos: -2.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- - uid: 1289
+ - uid: 1335
- type: Transform
- anchored: True
- pos: 5.5,-26.5
+ pos: 1.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- bodyType: Static
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
-- proto: SubstationBasic
+ - uid: 1726
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1793
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1821
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,6.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableReinforcedGlass
- - uid: 1291
+ - uid: 286
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,4.5
+ pos: 17.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1292
+ - uid: 540
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-25.5
+ pos: 17.5,-20.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SuitStorageEVA
+ - uid: 542
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 17.5,-18.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableWood
- - uid: 1293
+ - uid: 76
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-27.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 544
- type: Transform
- pos: 17.5,-12.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1294
+ - uid: 545
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-30.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1295
+ - uid: 566
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-30.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1296
+ - uid: 759
- type: Transform
- pos: -18.5,-12.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Table
- entities:
- - uid: 1297
+ - uid: 781
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-3.5
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1298
+ - uid: 782
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-3.5
+ pos: 3.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1299
+ - uid: 798
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-3.5
+ pos: -6.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1300
+ - uid: 799
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-3.5
+ pos: -6.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1301
+ - uid: 800
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-26.5
+ pos: -6.5,2.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableCarpet
- entities:
- - uid: 1302
+ - uid: 1336
- type: Transform
- pos: -1.5,-17.5
+ pos: -13.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1303
+ - uid: 1337
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-17.5
+ pos: -14.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1304
+ - uid: 1340
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-18.5
+ pos: -3.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1305
+ - uid: 1341
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,-18.5
+ pos: 2.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1306
+- proto: TableWoodReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 565
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-18.5
+ pos: 4.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1307
+ - uid: 601
- type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-17.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableCounterWood
- entities:
- - uid: 1308
+ - uid: 603
- type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-12.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1309
+ - uid: 618
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,1.5
+ pos: 2.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1310
+ - uid: 627
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,1.5
+ pos: 2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1311
+ - uid: 631
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-20.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1312
+ - uid: 721
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 16.5,-21.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1313
+ - uid: 723
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-21.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -5.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1314
+ - uid: 783
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 17.5,-18.5
+ pos: 2.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1315
+ - uid: 787
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 4.5,-17.5
+ pos: 3.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1316
+ - uid: 1347
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -5.5,-17.5
+ pos: -4.5,-14.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableReinforced
+- proto: TelecomServerFilledShuttle
- - uid: 1317
+ - uid: 1794
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-14.5
+ pos: -6.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1318
+- proto: Thruster
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1180
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ pos: -16.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1319
+ - uid: 1349
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-14.5
+ pos: -8.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1320
+ - uid: 1350
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-7.5
+ pos: 7.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1321
+ - type: Thruster
+ enabled: False
+ - type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ powerLoad: 1
+ - uid: 1351
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-14.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1322
+ - uid: 1352
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-5.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1323
+ - uid: 1353
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-5.5
+ pos: -8.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1324
+ - uid: 1354
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-13.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,1.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1325
+ - uid: 1355
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-7.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1326
+ - uid: 1356
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-11.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1327
+ - uid: 1357
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-5.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -7.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1328
+ - uid: 1358
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-6.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 7.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1329
+ - uid: 1359
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-12.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 12.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1330
+ - uid: 1360
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-6.5
+ pos: -13.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1331
+ - uid: 1361
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-5.5
+ pos: 10.5,-16.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableReinforcedGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 1332
+ - uid: 1362
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,1.5
+ pos: -5.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1333
+ - uid: 1363
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,0.5
+ pos: -4.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1334
+ - uid: 1364
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,2.5
+ pos: 3.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableStone
- entities:
- - uid: 1335
+ - uid: 1365
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,6.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: TableWood
- entities:
- - uid: 1336
+ - uid: 1367
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-8.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 15.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1337
+ - uid: 1368
- type: Transform
- pos: -14.5,-8.5
+ pos: -8.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1338
+ - uid: 1369
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -18.5,-15.5
+ pos: 7.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1339
+ - uid: 1370
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -16.5,-15.5
+ pos: -6.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1340
+ - uid: 1371
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-24.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 5.5,-30.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1341
+ - uid: 1372
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-28.5
+ pos: -11.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1342
+- proto: ToiletEmpty
+ entities:
+ - uid: 9
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: TableWoodReinforced
- entities:
- - uid: 1343
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1373
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-13.5
+ pos: -4.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1344
+- proto: ToyFigurineBartender
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1772
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-14.5
+ pos: -3.3282313,-5.3727484
parent: 1
- - uid: 1345
+- proto: ToyFigurineBoxer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 587
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-14.5
+ pos: 2.752349,-5.3944893
parent: 1
- - uid: 1346
+- proto: TwoWayLever
+ entities:
+ - uid: 862
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-12.5
+ pos: -17.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1347
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 875:
+ - Left: Forward
+ - Right: Reverse
+ - Middle: Off
+ 466:
+ - Left: Forward
+ - Right: Reverse
+ - Middle: Off
+ 640:
+ - Left: Forward
+ - Right: Reverse
+ - Middle: Off
+ 881:
+ - Left: Forward
+ - Right: Reverse
+ - Middle: Off
+ 879:
+ - Left: Forward
+ - Right: Reverse
+ - Middle: Off
+ 880:
+ - Left: Forward
+ - Right: Reverse
+ - Middle: Off
+- proto: UniformShortsRedWithTop
+ entities:
+ - uid: 805
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-14.5
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1348
+- proto: VendingMachineBooze
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1167
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-11.5
+ pos: -3.5,-9.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Thruster
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
- - uid: 1349
+ - uid: 1387
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,4.5
+ pos: -19.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1350
+ - uid: 1388
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,4.5
+ pos: 18.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1351
+- proto: WallShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 176
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1352
+ - uid: 425
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,2.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1353
+ - uid: 426
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,2.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1354
+ - uid: 433
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,1.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1355
+ - uid: 434
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,-8.5
+ pos: 8.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1356
+ - uid: 441
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -8.5,-7.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1357
+ - uid: 451
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -7.5,-8.5
+ pos: 8.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1358
+ - uid: 512
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 7.5,-7.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1359
+ - uid: 532
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 12.5,-26.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1360
+ - uid: 553
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -13.5,-26.5
+ pos: 13.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1361
+ - uid: 614
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-16.5
+ pos: 1.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1362
+ - uid: 620
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -5.5,-30.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1363
+ - uid: 621
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,-30.5
+ pos: 2.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1364
+ - uid: 655
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-30.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1365
+ - uid: 732
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 4.5,-30.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1366
+ - uid: 739
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -16.5,-23.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -15.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1367
+ - uid: 821
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 15.5,-23.5
+ pos: -16.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1368
+ - uid: 823
- type: Transform
- pos: -8.5,-4.5
+ pos: -2.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1369
+ - uid: 826
- type: Transform
- pos: 7.5,-4.5
+ pos: -4.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1370
+ - uid: 827
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -6.5,-30.5
+ pos: 1.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1371
+ - uid: 833
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 5.5,-30.5
+ pos: 1.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1372
+ - uid: 835
- type: Transform
- pos: -11.5,-16.5
+ pos: -5.5,-25.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ToiletEmpty
- entities:
- - uid: 1373
+ - uid: 836
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-26.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingBarDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1374
+ - uid: 837
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-6.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -16.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineAtmosDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1375
+ - uid: 842
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-26.5
+ pos: -4.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineBooze
- entities:
- - uid: 1376
+ - uid: 844
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-9.5
+ pos: -3.5,-25.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineChapel
- entities:
- - uid: 629
+ - uid: 846
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-24.5
+ pos: -5.5,-22.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineChefDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1378
+ - uid: 847
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-6.5
+ pos: -2.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineChefvend
- entities:
- - uid: 1379
+ - uid: 850
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-5.5
+ pos: -2.5,-27.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineCigs
- entities:
- - uid: 1380
+ - uid: 851
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: -5.5,-15.5
+ pos: -5.5,-24.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineClothing
- entities:
- - uid: 1381
+ - uid: 852
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-28.5
+ pos: 1.5,-29.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineCondiments
- entities:
- - uid: 1382
+ - uid: 854
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-7.5
+ pos: 2.5,-29.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware
- entities:
- - uid: 1383
+ - uid: 855
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-9.5
+ pos: -2.5,-25.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineEngiDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 628
+ - uid: 856
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-24.5
+ pos: -5.5,-23.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
- entities:
- - uid: 1384
+ - uid: 857
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-24.5
+ pos: 3.5,-29.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineHydrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 627
+ - uid: 858
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ pos: -5.5,-21.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineMediDrobe
- entities:
- - uid: 1385
+ - uid: 859
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,-28.5
+ pos: -2.5,-24.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineSalvage
- entities:
- - uid: 1386
+ - uid: 860
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-26.5
+ pos: 4.5,-28.5
parent: 1
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
- entities:
- - uid: 1387
+ - uid: 861
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-29.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 873
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: -19.5,-12.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -19.5,-19.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1388
+ - uid: 886
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,-12.5
+ pos: -17.5,-17.5
parent: 1
-- proto: LockerWallMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 1390
+ - uid: 1292
- - type: MetaData
- flags: SessionSpecific
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 11.5,-15.5
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WallShuttle
- entities:
- - uid: 636
+ - uid: 1293
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -13.5,-21.5
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1391
+ - uid: 1301
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-27.5
+ pos: -4.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1392
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -6.5,-28.5
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -13.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1393
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1394
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -16.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1395
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -21.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1396
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -21.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1397
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -21.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1398
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1399
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1400
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-2.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1401
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -7.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1402
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -12.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1403
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1404
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 14.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1405
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-25.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1406
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 3.5,3.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1407
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1408
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-28.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1409
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -6.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1410
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -6.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1411
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1412
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1413
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1414
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1415
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1416
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 15.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1417
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 14.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1418
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ pos: -2.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1419
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1420
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 17.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1421
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 1422
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 1423
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-12.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1424
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1425
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -17.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1426
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -15.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1427
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -16.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1428
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-11.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 1429
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 11.5,-9.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1430
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 11.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1431
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 11.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1432
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1433
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,-29.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1434
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -8.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1435
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,-3.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1436
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-27.5
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- - uid: 1437
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1438
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 7.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1439
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
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- uid: 1440
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1441
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 16.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1442
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-0.5
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1443
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -17.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1444
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 8.5,-28.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1445
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1446
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,-19.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1447
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1448
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -10.5,-27.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1449
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-27.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 1450
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-27.5
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- uid: 1451
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1452
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
- pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1453
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,3.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1454
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 3.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1455
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1456
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1457
- components:
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- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-0.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1458
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1459
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1460
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1461
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -13.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1462
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 12.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1463
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- - type: Transform
- pos: -7.5,-1.5
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- uid: 1464
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 3.5,5.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1465
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-5.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1466
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1467
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1468
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,2.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1469
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -17.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1470
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,3.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1471
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1472
- components:
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- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -17.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 1473
- components:
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- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -2.5,-29.5
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- uid: 1474
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,-4.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1475
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- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-10.5
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- uid: 1476
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -6.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1477
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,-32.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1478
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 11.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1479
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -11.5,-21.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1480
- components:
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- - type: Transform
- pos: -4.5,-21.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1481
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -11.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1482
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1483
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-17.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1484
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-16.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1485
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1486
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 14.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1487
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-24.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1488
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1489
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1490
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
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parent: 1
- uid: 1491
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -12.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1492
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 17.5,-22.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1493
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
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parent: 1
- uid: 1494
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,-32.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1495
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,-18.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1496
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 4.5,-23.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1497
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- - type: MetaData
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- - type: Transform
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- uid: 1498
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pos: 17.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1669
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -15.5,-20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1670
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -16.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1671
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -15.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1672
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: -3.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1673
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,-31.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1674
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-30.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1675
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-31.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1676
- components:
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- - type: Transform
- pos: 12.5,-24.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1677
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- uid: 1678
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 19.5,-13.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 1795
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,8.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 1798
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,7.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: WallShuttleDiagonal
+ - uid: 625
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-11.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 1679
- type: Transform
@@ -11421,12 +12707,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1683
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,7.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1684
- type: Transform
@@ -11474,12 +12754,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,0.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1692
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1693
- type: Transform
@@ -11506,12 +12780,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1698
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,8.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 1699
- type: Transform
@@ -11582,60 +12850,59 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 6.5,-30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WarningCO2
- entities:
- - uid: 1711
+ - uid: 1791
- type: Transform
- pos: 4.5,-25.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WarningN2
- entities:
- - uid: 1712
+ - uid: 1797
- type: Transform
- pos: 8.5,-21.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,7.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WarningO2
+- proto: WarningN2
- - uid: 1713
+ - uid: 428
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-21.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 8.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 1714
+- proto: WarningO2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 265
- type: Transform
- pos: 18.5,-16.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- proto: WarningWaste
- - uid: 1715
+ - uid: 471
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.5,-27.5
+ pos: 11.5,-25.5
parent: 1
- proto: WarpPointShip
- - uid: 1716
+ - uid: 1767
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-14.5
+ pos: -0.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- proto: WaterCooler
- - uid: 1717
+ - uid: 796
- type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,-15.5
+ pos: -6.5,-6.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WaterTankFull
- entities:
- - uid: 1718
+ - uid: 813
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.5,-2.5
+ pos: -5.5,-15.5
parent: 1
- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
@@ -11644,25 +12911,54 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,-3.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WindoorSecure
+- proto: WeaponRackBase
- - uid: 1721
+ - uid: 1811
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -5.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WeaponRackPistolBase
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1376
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Windoor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 630
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 868
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,-27.5
parent: 1
-- proto: WindowFrostedDirectional
+- proto: WindoorSecure
- - uid: 1722
+ - uid: 820
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-19.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WindowDirectional
+ entities:
+ - uid: 867
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,-27.5
parent: 1
-- proto: Wrench
+- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
- - uid: 1723
+ - uid: 1820
- type: Transform
- pos: 10.451632,-23.93664
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -18.5,-18.5
parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/dragonfly.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/dragonfly.yml
index cdb4aeb5890..2634da54f0c 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/dragonfly.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Expedition/dragonfly.yml
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Arrows
- 93: -2.0344133,-9.415693
+ 92: -2.0344133,-9.415693
- node:
angle: 6.283185307179586 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Arrows
- 94: 1.9968367,-8.993818
+ 93: 1.9968367,-8.993818
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Bot
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ entities:
19: -3,-10
20: 3,-10
21: 3,-9
- 64: 10,-8
- 95: 10,-7
+ 63: 10,-8
+ 94: 10,-7
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Box
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ entities:
color: '#7D7D7D7F'
id: Damaged
- 65: -5,4
- 66: 5,4
- 67: 5,-8
- 68: -5,-8
+ 64: -5,4
+ 65: 5,4
+ 66: 5,-8
+ 67: -5,-8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Delivery
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ entities:
56: -1,9
57: 0,9
58: 1,9
- 91: -3,4
- 92: 3,4
+ 90: -3,4
+ 91: 3,4
- node:
color: '#7D7D7DFF'
id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale
@@ -198,72 +198,72 @@ entities:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnCornerSmallNE
- 71: 1,4
- 76: -2,8
+ 70: 1,4
+ 75: -2,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnCornerSmallNW
- 70: 3,4
- 75: 2,8
+ 69: 3,4
+ 74: 2,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WarnLineW
- 69: 2,4
- 72: -1,8
- 73: 0,8
- 74: 1,8
+ 68: 2,4
+ 71: -1,8
+ 72: 0,8
+ 73: 1,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerNe
- 82: -7,8
+ 81: -7,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw
- 77: -9,9
+ 76: -9,9
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe
- 83: -7,4
+ 82: -7,4
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw
- 80: -9,6
- 81: -8,4
+ 79: -9,6
+ 80: -8,4
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinInnerNe
- 90: -8,8
+ 89: -8,8
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinInnerNw
- 89: -8,9
+ 88: -8,9
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinInnerSw
- 88: -8,6
+ 87: -8,6
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineE
- 84: -7,5
- 85: -7,6
- 86: -7,7
+ 83: -7,5
+ 84: -7,6
+ 85: -7,7
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: WoodTrimThinLineW
- 78: -9,8
- 79: -9,7
- 87: -8,5
+ 77: -9,8
+ 78: -9,7
+ 86: -8,5
- type: GridAtmosphere
version: 2
@@ -526,48 +526,30 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 8.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 164
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -0.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 790
- - 640
- uid: 165
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 0.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 790
- - 640
- uid: 166
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 790
- - 640
- uid: 173
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 6.5,4.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 175
- type: Transform
@@ -580,12 +562,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -5.5,-7.5
parent: 1
- - uid: 180
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 6.5,-7.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 298
- type: Transform
@@ -597,6 +573,11 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -7.5,3.5
parent: 1
+ - uid: 519
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 6.5,-7.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
- uid: 225
@@ -655,16 +636,6 @@ entities:
parent: 430
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
- - uid: 563
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.656136,-8.300375
- parent: 1
- - uid: 577
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 7.3332195,-8.300375
- parent: 1
- proto: AmeShielding
- uid: 88
@@ -1253,72 +1224,48 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -4.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 962
- uid: 160
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -4.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 962
- uid: 161
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 961
- uid: 162
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,3.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 961
- uid: 163
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 960
- uid: 174
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 960
- uid: 176
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -4.5,-8.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 959
- uid: 178
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -4.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 959
- proto: BlastDoorOpen
- uid: 242
@@ -1326,17 +1273,11 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 640
- uid: 726
- type: Transform
pos: -1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 640
- proto: BodyBagFolded
- uid: 233
@@ -1384,6 +1325,39 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -8.522253,-5.4259543
parent: 1
+- proto: ButtonFrameCaution
+ entities:
+ - uid: 404
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 563
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 973
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -8.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 974
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ButtonFrameExit
+ entities:
+ - uid: 975
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: CableApcExtension
- uid: 142
@@ -2407,121 +2381,79 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 442
- uid: 205
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 442
- uid: 208
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 442
- uid: 220
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 442
- uid: 221
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5,-10.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 201
- uid: 222
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5,-11.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 201
- uid: 223
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 201
- uid: 448
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-13.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 442
- uid: 456
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 201
- uid: 457
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5,-9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 201
- uid: 491
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5,-14.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 201
- uid: 710
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-12.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 442
- uid: 785
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 2.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 787
- uid: 786
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 2.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 787
- proto: ConveyorBeltAssembly
- uid: 422
@@ -2554,18 +2486,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,-6.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CrateEmptySpawner
- entities:
- - uid: 664
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-8.5
- parent: 1
- - uid: 679
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 0.5,-10.5
- parent: 1
- proto: CrateFreezer
- uid: 662
@@ -4391,8 +4311,8 @@ entities:
- uid: 699
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 9.5,5.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,8.5
parent: 1
- proto: Lamp
@@ -4421,14 +4341,22 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: LockerWallMedicalFilled
+- proto: LockerWallColorMedical
- - uid: 182
+ - uid: 365
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -10.5,-9.5
parent: 1
+- proto: LockerWallMaterialsFuelAmeJarFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 143
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 6.5,-8.5
+ parent: 1
- proto: MaterialReclaimer
- uid: 703
@@ -4613,14 +4541,6 @@ entities:
parent: 373
- type: Physics
canCollide: False
-- proto: PortableGeneratorPacmanMachineCircuitboard
- entities:
- - uid: 725
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.0339723,-6.412772
- parent: 1
- proto: PortableScrubber
- uid: 192
@@ -4645,11 +4565,10 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: PosterContrabandMissingGloves
- - uid: 883
+ - uid: 180
- type: Transform
- rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,-8.5
+ pos: 6.5,-6.5
parent: 1
- proto: PosterContrabandUnreadableAnnouncement
@@ -4660,10 +4579,11 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: PosterLegitBlessThisSpess
- - uid: 672
+ - uid: 182
- type: Transform
- pos: 3.5,0.5
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
parent: 1
- proto: PosterLegitGetYourLEGS
@@ -4897,27 +4817,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -1.5404289,-1.0226104
parent: 1
-- proto: SheetGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 689
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.5,-4.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetPlastic
- entities:
- - uid: 519
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.2729739,-4.3693256
- parent: 1
-- proto: SheetSteel
- entities:
- - uid: 365
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -0.8667239,-4.2702026
- parent: 1
- proto: ShuttersNormal
- uid: 336
@@ -4925,25 +4824,16 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -0.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 584
- uid: 337
- type: Transform
pos: 0.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 584
- uid: 338
- type: Transform
pos: 1.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 584
- proto: ShuttersNormalOpen
- uid: 383
@@ -4951,163 +4841,110 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 7.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 401
- type: Transform
pos: 8.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 402
- type: Transform
pos: 9.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- - uid: 404
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,4.5
- parent: 1
- uid: 405
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 638
- uid: 406
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 638
- uid: 407
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 638
- uid: 408
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -2.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 638
- uid: 409
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -2.5,-1.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 638
- uid: 410
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -2.5,-2.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 638
- uid: 412
- type: Transform
pos: 3.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 179
- uid: 413
- type: Transform
pos: -2.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 179
- uid: 626
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -9.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 4
- uid: 627
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -9.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 4
- uid: 628
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -9.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 4
- uid: 629
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -9.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 4
+ - uid: 630
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
- uid: 633
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 10.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 634
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 10.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 635
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 10.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSink
- links:
- - 630
- uid: 688
- type: Transform
@@ -5293,6 +5130,12 @@ entities:
- Pressed: Toggle
- Pressed: Toggle
+ 688:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 692:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 694:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
- uid: 179
- type: Transform
@@ -5305,62 +5148,38 @@ entities:
- Pressed: Toggle
- Pressed: Toggle
- - uid: 584
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 2.5,9.5
- parent: 1
- - type: DeviceLinkSource
- linkedPorts:
- 338:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 337:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 336:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- - uid: 630
+ - uid: 577
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 6.5,8.5
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,0.5
parent: 1
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- 383:
+ 407:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 401:
+ 406:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 402:
+ 405:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 633:
+ 408:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 634:
+ 409:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 635:
+ 410:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 173:
- - Pressed: DoorBolt
- 132:
- - Pressed: DoorBolt
- - uid: 638
+ - uid: 584
- type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,0.5
+ pos: 2.5,9.5
parent: 1
- type: DeviceLinkSource
- 408:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 409:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 410:
- - Pressed: Toggle
- 407:
+ 338:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 406:
+ 337:
- Pressed: Toggle
- 405:
+ 336:
- Pressed: Toggle
- uid: 640
@@ -5380,6 +5199,28 @@ entities:
- Pressed: Toggle
- Pressed: Toggle
+ - uid: 971
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 9.5,5.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceLinkSource
+ linkedPorts:
+ 383:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 401:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 402:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 633:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 634:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 635:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
+ 630:
+ - Pressed: Toggle
- proto: SignLastIdiot
- uid: 475
@@ -5394,18 +5235,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 9.5,-8.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SpawnDungeonClutterMedical
- entities:
- - uid: 143
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -9.619425,-8.479293
- parent: 1
- - uid: 828
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -9.442342,-8.156377
- parent: 1
- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
- uid: 154
@@ -5704,13 +5533,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -1.6004093,-2.49757
parent: 1
-- proto: ToyAmongPequeno
- entities:
- - uid: 667
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: 9.5,-13.5
- parent: 1
- proto: ToySpawner
- uid: 156
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/broom.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/broom.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5be33edad6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/broom.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+ format: 6
+ postmapinit: false
+ 0: Space
+ 37: FloorDarkMini
+ 38: FloorDarkMono
+ 69: FloorMetalDiamond
+ 112: FloorTechMaint
+ 129: Lattice
+ 130: Plating
+- proto: ""
+ entities:
+ - uid: 1
+ components:
+ - type: MetaData
+ name: Broom
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: invalid
+ - type: MapGrid
+ chunks:
+ 0,0:
+ ind: 0,0
+ version: 6
+ 0,-1:
+ ind: 0,-1
+ version: 6
+ -1,0:
+ ind: -1,0
+ version: 6
+ -1,-1:
+ ind: -1,-1
+ version: 6
+ - type: Broadphase
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyStatus: InAir
+ angularDamping: 0.05
+ linearDamping: 0.05
+ fixedRotation: False
+ bodyType: Dynamic
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+ - type: OccluderTree
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
+ - type: Shuttle
+ - type: GridPathfinding
+ - type: Gravity
+ gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
+ path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
+ - type: DecalGrid
+ chunkCollection:
+ version: 2
+ nodes:
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BotGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 5: 1,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: BoxGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 21: 0,2
+ - node:
+ color: '#96DAFFFF'
+ id: DeliveryGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 4: 1,0
+ - node:
+ color: '#FF5C5CFF'
+ id: DeliveryGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 3: 1,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: DeliveryGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 0: -1,0
+ 1: -1,1
+ 2: -1,-1
+ 6: -1,-2
+ 7: 1,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 15: 0,-2
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkEndE
+ decals:
+ 14: 1,-2
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkEndN
+ decals:
+ 13: 0,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkInnerNe
+ decals:
+ 16: 0,-2
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkLineE
+ decals:
+ 17: 0,-1
+ 18: 0,0
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: MiniTileDarkLineW
+ decals:
+ 19: 0,-1
+ 20: 0,0
+ - node:
+ color: '#8C347F96'
+ id: MiniTileOverlay
+ decals:
+ 8: 1,-2
+ 9: 0,-2
+ 10: 0,-1
+ 11: 0,0
+ 12: 0,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#B3B3B3FF'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleS
+ decals:
+ 22: 1,-2
+ - type: GridAtmosphere
+ version: 2
+ data:
+ tiles:
+ 0,0:
+ 0: 4403
+ 1: 17408
+ 0,-1:
+ 0: 13090
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 34952
+ 0,1:
+ 1: 4
+ -1,-1:
+ 1: 76
+ 0: 34816
+ -1,1:
+ 1: 4
+ uniqueMixes:
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ immutable: True
+ moles:
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ chunkSize: 4
+ - type: GasTileOverlay
+ - type: RadiationGridResistance
+ - type: BecomesStation
+ id: Broom
+- proto: AirAlarm
+ entities:
+ - uid: 56
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 27
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: APCBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 104
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
+ entities:
+ - uid: 26
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
+ entities:
+ - uid: 86
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 87
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 88
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 89
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 90
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 91
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 92
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableApcExtension
+ entities:
+ - uid: 65
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 66
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 67
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 68
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 69
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 106
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 107
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableHV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 57
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 58
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CableMV
+ entities:
+ - uid: 59
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 60
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 103
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 105
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ChairPilotSeat
+ entities:
+ - uid: 95
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: CleanerDispenser
+ entities:
+ - uid: 15
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ComputerTabletopShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 83
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ComputerTabletopStationRecords
+ entities:
+ - uid: 84
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ComputerWallmountBankATM
+ entities:
+ - uid: 29
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents: []
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 71
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 70
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FaxMachineShip
+ entities:
+ - uid: 85
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: FloorDrain
+ entities:
+ - uid: 100
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+- proto: FolderSpawner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 108
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.27797323,3.1280715
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GasMixerOn
+ entities:
+ - uid: 37
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: GasMixer
+ inletTwoConcentration: 0.78
+ inletOneConcentration: 0.22
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPassiveVent
+ entities:
+ - uid: 33
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasPipeBend
+ entities:
+ - uid: 34
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 42
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasPipeStraight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 39
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasPort
+ entities:
+ - uid: 31
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 32
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPressurePumpOnMax
+ entities:
+ - uid: 44
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasVentPump
+ entities:
+ - uid: 41
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ configurators:
+ - invalid
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasVentScrubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 62
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: DeviceNetwork
+ configurators:
+ - invalid
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GravityGeneratorMini
+ entities:
+ - uid: 52
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Grille
+ entities:
+ - uid: 3
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 5
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 6
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 7
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 8
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 9
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: GrilleDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 4
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerWallEVAColorJanitorFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 30
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: LockerWallMaterialsBasic10Filled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 47
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: MaterialReclaimer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 35
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: NitrogenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 94
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: OxygenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 93
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: 1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: PortableGeneratorPacmanShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 54
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - type: FuelGenerator
+ on: False
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: PoweredlightLED
+ entities:
+ - uid: 53
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ReinforcedWindow
+ entities:
+ - uid: 72
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 73
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 74
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 75
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 76
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 77
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ReinforcedWindowDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 78
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: ServiceTechFab
+ entities:
+ - uid: 99
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SheetPlasma
+ entities:
+ - uid: 36
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.515625,-0.453125
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SignJanitor
+ entities:
+ - uid: 98
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Sink
+ entities:
+ - uid: 38
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SmallGyroscope
+ entities:
+ - uid: 43
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SmallThruster
+ entities:
+ - uid: 48
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 49
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 51
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
+ entities:
+ - uid: 101
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: SubstationWallBasic
+ entities:
+ - uid: 55
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: TableReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 79
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 80
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 81
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Thruster
+ entities:
+ - uid: 50
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallReinforced
+ entities:
+ - uid: 10
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 11
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 12
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 13
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 16
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 17
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 18
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 19
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 20
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 21
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 22
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 23
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 25
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 64
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WallReinforcedDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 14
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+ - uid: 24
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WarningN2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 45
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WarningO2
+ entities:
+ - uid: 46
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WarpPointShip
+ entities:
+ - uid: 2
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: WindoorSecureJanitorLocked
+ entities:
+ - uid: 28
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 1
+- proto: Wrench
+ entities:
+ - uid: 97
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.69672847,-0.37076378
+ parent: 1
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/mailpod.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/mailpod.yml
similarity index 99%
rename from Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/mailpod.yml
rename to Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/mailpod.yml
index a8f7153eb48..01585bb32ae 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/mailpod.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/mailpod.yml
@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SuitStorageWallmountMailCarrier
+- proto: LockerWallEVAColorMailFilled
- uid: 95
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/parcel.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/parcel.yml
similarity index 99%
rename from Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/parcel.yml
rename to Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/parcel.yml
index 46337f2932c..4f03fabd5ee 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/parcel.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/Sr/parcel.yml
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 7.5,1.5
parent: 1
-- proto: SuitStorageWallmountMailCarrier
+- proto: LockerWallEVAColorMailFilled
- uid: 73
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/crescent.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/crescent.yml
index d4adb954d5b..0b06692f79f 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/crescent.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/crescent.yml
@@ -668,332 +668,308 @@ entities:
- 0: 65535
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+ 0: 65280
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 65279
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+ 0: 61695
+ -1,1:
+ 0: 62719
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 14911
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+ 0: 35743
+ 0: 48123
+ -1,3:
0: 65535
+ 0,4:
+ 0: 43835
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+ 0: 63675
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61631
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 2975
0: 65535
+ 1,-1:
+ 0: 12288
+ 1,4:
+ 0: 47903
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 64733
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 62207
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 3407
- 0: 65535
- 3,0:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61166
+ 2,4:
+ 0: 65326
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 30318
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 26215
+ 3,0:
+ 0: 61152
- 0: 65535
- 1,-1:
- 0: 63248
- 2,-1:
- 0: 61440
- 3,-1:
+ 0: 58982
+ 3,4:
+ 0: 30574
+ 4,0:
+ 0: 65392
+ 4,1:
+ 0: 62351
+ 4,2:
+ 0: 4095
+ 4,3:
+ 1: 17
0: 61440
+ 4: 68
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 65024
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 46072
+ -5,0:
+ 0: 36736
- 0: 65535
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+ -5,1:
+ 0: 48059
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+ -5,2:
+ 0: 65327
- 0: 65535
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+ -5,3:
+ 0: 61663
+ 7: 32
+ -4,4:
+ 0: 52431
+ 1: 4096
+ -4,-1:
+ 2: 8192
+ 0: 32768
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 20667
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 62581
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 1615
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+ 0: 256
+ 3: 61166
+ -3,-1:
+ 0: 8192
+ -3,4:
+ 3: 14
+ 0: 26112
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 62139
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 63743
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 2863
- 0: 65535
- -1,0:
- 0: 65535
- -1,1:
- 0: 65535
- -1,2:
- 0: 65535
- -1,3:
- 0: 65535
- -4,-1:
- 0: 49152
- 2: 8192
- -3,-1:
- 0: 61440
+ 0: 61166
+ -2,4:
+ 0: 47886
- 0: 64512
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- 0: 65520
- 4,0:
- 0: 65535
- 4,1:
- 0: 65535
- 4,2:
- 0: 65535
- 4,3:
- 2: 17
- 0: 65450
- 3: 68
+ 0: 32768
+ -1,4:
+ 0: 48015
+ 4,4:
+ 0: 15
+ 1: 4608
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+ 0: 29440
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61815
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 4095
- 4: 17
- 0: 65450
- 5: 68
- 6,1:
- 0: 63251
- 2: 32
+ 5: 17
+ 0: 61440
+ 6: 68
+ 5,4:
+ 0: 15
+ 1: 16896
+ 6,0:
+ 2: 4096
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 26230
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 63239
+ 6,1:
+ 2: 32
+ 0: 8192
+ 6,4:
+ 0: 65319
- 2: 4096
+ 1: 4096
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+ 0: 12544
+ 1: 2
+ 2: 52416
+ 7,4:
+ 0: 4353
+ 2: 204
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- 2: 4096
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+ 2: 26208
+ 0: 32768
+ 1: 8
+ -8,4:
+ 2: 102
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+ 0: 61900
+ -7,2:
+ 1: 4096
+ 0: 49356
+ -7,4:
+ 0: 49037
- 0: 60544
- 2: 8
- -6,1:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 32768
+ 1: 8
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 28286
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 62567
+ -6,1:
+ 0: 61166
+ -6,4:
+ 0: 4383
+ 1: 18432
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- -5,0:
- 0: 65534
- -5,1:
- 0: 65535
- -5,2:
- 0: 65535
- -5,3:
- 0: 65535
- -8,4:
- 2: 102
- 0: 34952
+ 0: 34816
+ -5,4:
+ 0: 15
+ 1: 2048
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+ 0: 34944
- 0: 52428
+ 0: 2184
- 0: 52428
- -7,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 34952
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 65529
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 5471
- 0: 65535
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- 0: 14335
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- 0: 13107
+ 0: 273
- 0: 13107
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- 0: 255
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- 0: 511
- 2: 4608
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- 0: 36095
- 2: 16896
- 5,5:
- 0: 34952
- 5,6:
- 0: 34952
- 5,7:
- 0: 34952
- 6,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 4113
+ -6,8:
+ 0: 12305
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+ 0: 30578
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 32639
- 0: 65535
- 7,4:
- 0: 13107
- 2: 204
+ 0: 28791
+ 6,8:
+ 0: 639
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+ 0: 9008
- 0: 30583
+ 0: 13090
- 0: 30583
- -8,8:
- 0: 36044
- -8,9:
- 0: 8
- -7,8:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 12595
+ 7,8:
+ 0: 4403
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+ 0: 204
2: 32768
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- 0: 30515
- 0: 1911
+ 0: 51
2: 28672
2: 18039
2: 68
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+ 1: 136
+ 2: 49152
2: 19660
2: 68
- 6,8:
- 0: 53247
- 2: 12288
- 2: 12595
- 0: 3788
+ 1: 51
+ 2: 12288
2: 17
- 7,8:
- 0: 14199
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- 0: 19
- -4,4:
- 0: 61439
- 2: 4096
- 0: 61166
- -4,6:
- 0: 140
- -3,4:
- 0: 65521
- 1: 14
+ 0: 3276
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 4084
- 0: 61439
- -3,7:
- 0: 140
- -2,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 36079
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61426
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61182
- 0: 65535
- -1,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 61166
+ -2,8:
+ 0: 61166
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 65529
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 26191
- 0: 4607
+ 0: 6
2: 28160
- 0,4:
- 0: 65535
+ -1,8:
+ 2: 2
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 16371
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 48027
- 0: 36095
- 1,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 131
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 8184
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 43775
- 0: 65535
- 2,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 65528
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 4095
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 8895
- 0: 4919
- 3,4:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 16
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 1911
- 0: 311
+ 0: 1
- 0: 34944
- -3,10:
- 0: 136
- -2,8:
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 2048
- 0: 65535
+ 0: 65514
+ -3,10:
+ 0: 8
- 0: 4095
- -1,8:
- 0: 4369
- 2: 2
+ 0: 2799
- 0: 13105
+ 0: 4864
- 0: 307
- 0,8:
- 0: 8
- 1,8:
- 0: 15
- 2,8:
- 0: 1
- 6,0:
- 2: 4096
+ 0: 3
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
@@ -1011,14 +987,14 @@ entities:
- 0
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- temperature: 340
+ temperature: 293.15
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- - 82.10312
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- 0
- 0
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@@ -1026,7 +1002,7 @@ entities:
- 0
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- temperature: 293.15
+ immutable: True
- 0
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@@ -1040,6 +1016,21 @@ entities:
- 0
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+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 340
+ moles:
+ - 21.824879
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 82.10312
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
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- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
@@ -1085,6 +1076,21 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- 0
+ - volume: 2500
+ temperature: 293.15
+ moles:
+ - 21.6852
+ - 81.57766
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
chunkSize: 4
- type: GasTileOverlay
- type: RadiationGridResistance
@@ -1094,8 +1100,6 @@ entities:
- uid: 1130
- - type: MetaData
- flags: InContainer
- type: Transform
parent: 2230
- type: InstantAction
@@ -1104,79 +1108,57 @@ entities:
- uid: 2
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -7.5,25.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 7.5,9.5
parent: 1
- uid: 4
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 10.5,9.5
parent: 1
- uid: 5
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,9.5
parent: 1
- uid: 6
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -6.5,9.5
parent: 1
- uid: 7
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -9.5,9.5
parent: 1
- uid: 8
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 9
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -6.5,20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 10
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -9.5,20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 11
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 0.5,25.5
parent: 1
- uid: 13
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,6.5
parent: 1
@@ -1184,8 +1166,6 @@ entities:
- uid: 12
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,6.5
parent: 1
@@ -1193,23 +1173,18 @@ entities:
- uid: 14
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 4.5,17.5
parent: 1
- uid: 15
- type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
name: room of tranquility
- type: Transform
pos: 9.5,17.5
parent: 1
- uid: 31
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- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 2.5,13.5
@@ -1218,8 +1193,6 @@ entities:
- uid: 16
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -1.5,25.5
@@ -1228,8 +1201,6 @@ entities:
- uid: 17
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -20.5,10.5
parent: 1
@@ -1237,78 +1208,56 @@ entities:
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- - type: MetaData
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pos: 6.5,21.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,22.5
parent: 1
- uid: 20
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 13.5,17.5
parent: 1
- uid: 21
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 14.5,17.5
parent: 1
- uid: 22
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,21.5
parent: 1
- uid: 23
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 2.5,22.5
parent: 1
- uid: 24
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 4.5,23.5
parent: 1
- uid: 25
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 7.5,28.5
parent: 1
- uid: 26
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 3.5,26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 27
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 5.5,26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 28
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 9.5,26.5
parent: 1
@@ -1316,59 +1265,43 @@ entities:
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -27.5,34.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 28.5,34.5
parent: 1
- uid: 32
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -23.5,9.5
parent: 1
- uid: 33
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 10.5,24.5
parent: 1
- uid: 34
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 13.5,6.5
parent: 1
- uid: 35
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -9.5,4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 36
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 24.5,9.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 14.5,6.5
parent: 1
@@ -1569,71 +1502,51 @@ entities:
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- - type: MetaData
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- type: Transform
pos: -21.5,14.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -27.5,20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 76
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -24.5,20.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -23.5,20.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -17.5,2.5
parent: 1
- uid: 79
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -20.5,3.5
parent: 1
- uid: 80
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -24.5,30.5
parent: 1
- uid: 81
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -24.5,34.5
parent: 1
- uid: 82
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -27.5,27.5
parent: 1
- uid: 83
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -23.5,12.5
parent: 1
@@ -1648,45 +1561,33 @@ entities:
- uid: 84
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 28.5,30.5
parent: 1
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 25.5,17.5
parent: 1
- uid: 86
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 25.5,34.5
parent: 1
- uid: 87
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 27.5,32.5
parent: 1
- uid: 88
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 27.5,26.5
parent: 1
- uid: 89
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 25.5,20.5
@@ -1695,8 +1596,6 @@ entities:
- uid: 90
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 29.5,23.5
parent: 1
@@ -1716,12 +1615,14 @@ entities:
showEnts: False
occludes: True
ent: 92
+ fuelSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: 1174
- proto: AmeJar
- uid: 92
- - type: MetaData
- flags: InContainer
- type: Transform
parent: 91
- type: Physics
@@ -1736,11 +1637,12 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 13.751163,2.6970534
parent: 1
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+ - uid: 1174
- type: Transform
- pos: 13.501163,2.7908034
- parent: 1
+ parent: 91
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
- proto: AmeShielding
- uid: 94
@@ -1850,8 +1752,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -3.5,17.5
parent: 1
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- uid: 113
- type: Transform
@@ -1877,8 +1777,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 23.5,11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: APCBasic
- entities:
- uid: 118
- type: Transform
@@ -2510,8 +2408,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -19.5,12.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: Bed
- uid: 153
@@ -2778,8 +2674,6 @@ entities:
- uid: 196
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 24.5,38.5
parent: 1
@@ -2827,15 +2721,12 @@ entities:
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- flags: InContainer
- type: Transform
parent: 201
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temperature: 293.15
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canReact: True
maxVol: 300
name: null
@@ -2856,8 +2747,6 @@ entities:
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- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 13.5,22.5
parent: 1
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rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,30.5
parent: 1
-- proto: chem_master
- entities:
- - uid: 1172
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -15.5,13.5
- parent: 1
- proto: ChemistryHotplate
- uid: 3692
@@ -7464,19 +7346,19 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -15.5,11.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CigarGoldCase
+- proto: ChemMaster
- - uid: 2236
+ - uid: 1172
- type: Transform
- pos: 5.407282,14.104158
+ pos: -15.5,13.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CloningPod
+- proto: CigarGoldCase
- - uid: 1174
+ - uid: 2236
- type: Transform
- pos: -23.5,37.5
+ pos: 5.407282,14.104158
parent: 1
- proto: ClosetL3ScienceFilled
@@ -7503,13 +7385,6 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
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-- proto: ClothingHeadHatCatEars
- entities:
- - uid: 1198
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1
- proto: ClothingHeadNurseHat
- uid: 1199
@@ -7576,14 +7451,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 24.5,33.5
parent: 1
-- proto: ComputerCloningConsole
- entities:
- - uid: 1223
- components:
- - type: Transform
- rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -25.5,35.5
- parent: 1
- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring
- uid: 1225
@@ -7651,13 +7518,18 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 0.5,2.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- type: ContainerContainer
board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
ents: []
- bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot {}
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
- type: ItemSlots
- uid: 1234
@@ -7665,26 +7537,36 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -17.5,6.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- type: ContainerContainer
board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
ents: []
- bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot {}
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
- type: ItemSlots
- uid: 1235
- type: Transform
pos: 26.5,17.5
parent: 1
- - type: Physics
- canCollide: False
- type: ContainerContainer
board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
ents: []
- bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot {}
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
- type: ItemSlots
- proto: ComputerWithdrawBankATM
@@ -7696,8 +7578,13 @@ entities:
- type: ContainerContainer
board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
ents: []
- bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot {}
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
- type: ItemSlots
- proto: CrateArtifactContainer
@@ -7706,95 +7593,13 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 25.5,31.5
parent: 1
-- proto: CrateChemistryD
- entities:
- - uid: 1237
- components:
- - type: Transform
- pos: -25.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CrateChemistryP
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
- pos: -24.5,13.5
- parent: 1
-- proto: CrateChemistryS
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
- pos: -25.5,11.5
- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
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-- proto: CrateChemistrySupplies
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
- pos: -25.5,12.5
- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
- air:
- volume: 200
- immutable: False
- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
- - 0
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-- proto: CrateEmergencyAdvancedKit
- entities:
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- - type: Transform
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- parent: 1
- - type: EntityStorage
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- volume: 200
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- temperature: 293.1496
- moles:
- - 1.7459903
- - 6.568249
- - 0
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+- proto: CrateChemistrySupplies
+ entities:
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+ parent: 1
- proto: CrateEngineeringSolar
- uid: 1242
@@ -7898,6 +7703,21 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: CrateMedicalSecure
+ - uid: 1192
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+ pos: -25.5,11.5
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+ - uid: 1197
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
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+ - uid: 1198
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+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -25.5,12.5
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- uid: 1247
- type: Transform
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temperature: 293.1496
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- 0
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@@ -7970,8 +7790,6 @@ entities:
showEnts: False
occludes: True
ents: []
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- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: DefibrillatorCabinet
- uid: 1249
@@ -9332,11 +9150,6 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- proto: DrinkWaterCup
- - uid: 1278
- components:
- - type: Transform
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- uid: 1279
- type: Transform
@@ -9347,11 +9160,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 7.6012716,19.7265
parent: 1
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- uid: 1282
- type: Transform
@@ -9937,8 +9745,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 16.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- proto: GasFilter
@@ -9949,8 +9755,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 23.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1386
@@ -9959,8 +9763,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 21.5,9.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1387
@@ -9969,8 +9771,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 19.5,9.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1388
@@ -9979,8 +9779,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 17.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GasFilterFlipped
@@ -9991,8 +9789,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -28.5,30.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: GasMixer
- uid: 1390
@@ -10001,8 +9797,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 20.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#03FCD3FF'
- proto: GasMixerFlipped
@@ -10013,8 +9807,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 16.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GasOutletInjector
@@ -10025,8 +9817,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 18.5,13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1393
@@ -10035,8 +9825,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 20.5,13.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1394
@@ -10045,8 +9833,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 22.5,13.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1395
@@ -10055,8 +9841,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 16.5,13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GasPassiveVent
@@ -10067,15 +9851,11 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -10.5,16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 1396
- type: Transform
pos: 22.5,12.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#03FCD3FF'
- uid: 1397
@@ -10083,8 +9863,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 20.5,12.5
parent: 1
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- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#03FCD3FF'
- uid: 1398
@@ -10092,8 +9870,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 16.5,12.5
parent: 1
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- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#947507FF'
- uid: 1399
@@ -10101,23 +9877,17 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -23.5,39.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 1400
- type: Transform
pos: 24.5,35.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 1401
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 25.5,5.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1403
@@ -10125,8 +9895,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,12.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#947507FF'
- proto: GasPipeBend
@@ -11002,11 +10770,15 @@ entities:
- uid: 1517
- type: Transform
+ anchored: False
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 15.5,7.5
parent: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: True
+ bodyType: Dynamic
- uid: 1518
- type: Transform
@@ -14606,32 +14378,24 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -8.5,16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 1993
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -26.5,33.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 1994
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 24.5,31.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 1995
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 18.5,9.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1996
@@ -14640,8 +14404,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 23.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2731
@@ -14650,8 +14412,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -19.5,11.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: GasPressurePump
- uid: 1997
@@ -14660,8 +14420,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 19.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1998
@@ -14670,8 +14428,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 21.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1999
@@ -14680,8 +14436,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 23.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2000
@@ -14690,8 +14444,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 16.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2001
@@ -14699,8 +14451,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 16.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#947507FF'
- uid: 2002
@@ -14708,8 +14458,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#03FCD3FF'
- uid: 2003
@@ -14717,8 +14465,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 22.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#03FCD3FF'
- uid: 2004
@@ -14726,15 +14472,11 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -27.5,32.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- uid: 2005
- type: Transform
pos: 18.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#947507FF'
- uid: 2006
@@ -14743,8 +14485,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 17.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezerEnabled
@@ -14757,18 +14497,17 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- type: GasThermoMachine
targetTemperature: 0
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: GasThermoMachineHeaterEnabled
- uid: 190
- type: Transform
+ anchored: False
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -9.5,16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Dynamic
- proto: GasValve
- uid: 2009
@@ -14779,8 +14518,6 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- type: GasValve
open: False
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2010
@@ -14789,8 +14526,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 19.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CDFF'
- uid: 2011
@@ -14799,8 +14534,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 18.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2012
@@ -14811,8 +14544,6 @@ entities:
parent: 1
- type: GasValve
open: False
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: GasVentPump
- uid: 897
@@ -14821,8 +14552,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 11.5,14.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2013
@@ -14831,8 +14560,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 14.5,14.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2014
@@ -14841,8 +14568,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -24.5,12.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2015
@@ -14851,8 +14576,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 3.5,13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2016
@@ -14860,8 +14583,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -7.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2017
@@ -14870,8 +14591,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -7.5,19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2018
@@ -14880,8 +14599,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -17.5,13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2019
@@ -14890,8 +14607,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -21.5,15.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2020
@@ -14900,8 +14615,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -2.5,13.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2021
@@ -14910,8 +14623,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -8.5,24.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2022
@@ -14920,8 +14631,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -5.5,29.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2023
@@ -14930,8 +14639,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 0.5,26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2024
@@ -14940,8 +14647,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 4.5,24.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2025
@@ -14950,8 +14655,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -10.5,19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2026
@@ -14960,8 +14663,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -23.5,29.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2027
@@ -14969,8 +14670,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -24.5,35.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2028
@@ -14979,8 +14678,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -1.5,26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2029
@@ -14989,8 +14686,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -4.5,19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2030
@@ -14998,8 +14693,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -10.5,10.5
parent: 1
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- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2031
@@ -15007,8 +14700,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -27.5,28.5
parent: 1
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- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2032
@@ -15016,8 +14707,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2033
@@ -15025,8 +14714,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 7.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2034
@@ -15034,8 +14721,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 10.5,10.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2035
@@ -15044,8 +14729,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 26.5,16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2036
@@ -15054,8 +14737,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 28.5,21.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2037
@@ -15064,8 +14745,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 29.5,26.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2038
@@ -15074,8 +14753,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 25.5,25.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2039
@@ -15084,8 +14761,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 29.5,31.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2040
@@ -15094,8 +14769,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 26.5,31.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2041
@@ -15103,8 +14776,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -4.5,39.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2042
@@ -15113,8 +14784,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -28.5,22.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2043
@@ -15123,8 +14792,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -27.5,19.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2044
@@ -15133,8 +14800,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -16.5,7.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2045
@@ -15143,8 +14808,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -20.5,8.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- type: AtmosPipeColor
color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2046
@@ -15153,8 +14816,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -12.5,5.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2047
@@ -15163,8 +14824,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -5.5,4.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2048
@@ -15172,8 +14831,6 @@ entities:
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2049
@@ -15182,8 +14839,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 2.5,4.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2050
@@ -15192,8 +14847,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 8.5,3.5
parent: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2051
@@ -15202,8 +14855,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 7.5,1.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2052
@@ -15212,8 +14863,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 13.5,3.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2053
@@ -15222,8 +14871,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 11.5,20.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2054
@@ -15232,8 +14879,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 3.5,19.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2055
@@ -15241,8 +14886,6 @@ entities:
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- uid: 2056
@@ -15251,8 +14894,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -13.5,17.5
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 2057
@@ -15261,8 +14902,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -5.5,7.5
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- uid: 2058
@@ -15270,8 +14909,6 @@ entities:
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- uid: 3685
@@ -15279,8 +14916,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 4.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#0055CCFF'
- proto: GasVentScrubber
@@ -15291,8 +14926,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 11.5,15.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 1108
@@ -15300,8 +14933,6 @@ entities:
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- uid: 2060
@@ -15310,8 +14941,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -23.5,28.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2061
@@ -15320,8 +14949,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -1.5,27.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2062
@@ -15330,8 +14957,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 3.5,25.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2063
@@ -15340,8 +14965,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 4.5,19.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2064
@@ -15349,8 +14972,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 4.5,29.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2065
@@ -15359,8 +14980,6 @@ entities:
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 13.5,20.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2066
@@ -15369,8 +14988,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -3.5,19.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2067
@@ -15379,8 +14996,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 26.5,26.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2068
@@ -15389,8 +15004,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -18.5,13.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2069
@@ -15399,8 +15012,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 28.5,22.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2070
@@ -15408,8 +15019,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 5.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2071
@@ -15417,8 +15026,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 8.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2072
@@ -15426,8 +15033,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 11.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2073
@@ -15436,8 +15041,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -24.5,13.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2074
@@ -15446,8 +15049,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -9.5,19.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2075
@@ -15456,8 +15057,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -6.5,19.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2076
@@ -15466,8 +15065,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -0.5,2.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2077
@@ -15475,8 +15072,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -6.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2078
@@ -15484,8 +15079,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -9.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2079
@@ -15493,8 +15086,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -3.5,10.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2080
@@ -15503,8 +15094,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 28.5,27.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2081
@@ -15512,8 +15101,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 17.5,8.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2082
@@ -15522,8 +15109,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 14.5,3.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2083
@@ -15532,8 +15117,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -2.5,16.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2084
@@ -15541,8 +15124,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -23.5,25.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2085
@@ -15550,8 +15131,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -9.5,24.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2086
@@ -15559,8 +15138,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -25.5,25.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2087
@@ -15569,8 +15146,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 3.5,16.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2088
@@ -15579,8 +15154,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 26.5,32.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2089
@@ -15589,8 +15162,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 28.5,32.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2090
@@ -15599,8 +15170,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 3.5,3.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2091
@@ -15609,8 +15178,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 9.5,4.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2092
@@ -15619,8 +15186,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -12.5,4.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2093
@@ -15629,8 +15194,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 8.5,1.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2094
@@ -15639,8 +15202,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -15.5,6.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2095
@@ -15649,8 +15210,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -5.5,3.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2096
@@ -15658,8 +15217,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -22.5,36.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2097
@@ -15667,8 +15224,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -28.5,28.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2098
@@ -15677,8 +15232,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -5.5,30.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2099
@@ -15686,8 +15239,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -6.5,39.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2100
@@ -15695,8 +15246,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 1.5,28.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2101
@@ -15705,8 +15254,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -20.5,7.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2102
@@ -15715,8 +15262,6 @@ entities:
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: -25.5,22.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2103
@@ -15725,8 +15270,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -25.5,15.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2104
@@ -15735,8 +15278,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 25.5,15.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2105
@@ -15745,8 +15286,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -26.5,19.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2106
@@ -15755,8 +15294,6 @@ entities:
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 25.5,11.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2107
@@ -15765,8 +15302,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -12.5,18.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2108
@@ -15774,8 +15309,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -4.5,8.5
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color: '#990000FF'
- uid: 2109
@@ -15784,8 +15317,6 @@ entities:
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pos: -8.5,21.5
parent: 1
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color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GasVolumePump
@@ -15796,8 +15327,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 18.5,8.5
parent: 1
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color: '#0335FCFF'
- proto: GeigerCounter
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parent: 1
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pos: -15.5,10.5
parent: 1
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- proto: Matchbox
- uid: 2264
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pos: -28.5,31.5
parent: 1
-- proto: MedicalScanner
- entities:
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- pos: -24.5,37.5
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- proto: MicrophoneInstrument
- uid: 2256
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pos: 20.5,13.5
parent: 1
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- proto: OxygenCanister
- uid: 2260
@@ -16877,15 +16402,11 @@ entities:
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pos: 22.5,13.5
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pos: -26.5,33.5
parent: 1
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- uid: 1194
@@ -16956,8 +16477,6 @@ entities:
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pos: 18.5,13.5
parent: 1
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- proto: Plunger
- uid: 2272
@@ -17002,10 +16521,7 @@ entities:
pos: 23.5,8.5
parent: 1
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bodyType: Static
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- uid: 2277
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pos: 8.5,5.5
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rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 5.5,3.5
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pos: 20.5,13.5
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pos: -27.5,18.5
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pos: 10.5,22.5
parent: 1
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pos: 15.5,16.5
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rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 20.5,15.5
parent: 1
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pos: 24.5,16.5
parent: 1
- uid: 2297
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rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 30.5,16.5
parent: 1
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rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 30.5,14.5
parent: 1
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pos: 25.5,12.5
parent: 1
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rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 16.5,9.5
parent: 1
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pos: 23.5,9.5
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pos: 17.5,4.5
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pos: 21.5,5.5
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rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 13.5,1.5
parent: 1
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rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 14.5,8.5
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rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 7.5,7.5
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pos: 2.5,8.5
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pos: -3.5,7.5
parent: 1
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pos: -10.5,8.5
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rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
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rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
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- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 26.5,20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3405
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 24.5,20.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3406
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 27.5,27.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3407
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -28.5,27.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3408
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: -10.5,4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3409
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 20.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3410
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 19.5,1.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3411
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 22.5,18.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3412
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 13.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3413
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 14.5,-0.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3414
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -24.5,5.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3415
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -23.5,4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3416
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: -23.5,3.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3417
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 24.5,4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3418
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
pos: 25.5,4.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3419
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
pos: 24.5,5.5
parent: 1
- uid: 3420
- - type: MetaData
- flags: PvsPriority
- type: Transform
rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
pos: 15.5,-0.5
@@ -24994,8 +23097,6 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -8.5,16.5
parent: 1
- - type: AtmosDevice
- joinedGrid: 1
- proto: WeaponCapacitorRecharger
- uid: 3429
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/pts.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/pts.yml
index c91ddca37e4..631bf7be387 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/pts.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Shuttles/pts.yml
@@ -3,162 +3,253 @@ meta:
postmapinit: false
0: Space
- 28: FloorDark
- 33: FloorDarkMono
- 37: FloorDarkPlastic
- 93: FloorSteelMono
- 97: FloorTechMaint
- 113: Lattice
- 114: Plating
+ 33: FloorDark
+ 38: FloorDarkMono
+ 1: FloorGlass
+ 99: FloorSteelCheckerDark
+ 112: FloorTechMaint
+ 126: FloorWood
+ 129: Lattice
+ 130: Plating
- proto: ""
- - uid: 8756
+ - uid: 2
- type: MetaData
name: PTS
- - parent: invalid
- type: Transform
- - chunks:
- -1,-1:
- ind: -1,-1
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.47916666,-0.5364844
+ parent: invalid
+ - type: MapGrid
+ chunks:
+ 0,0:
+ ind: 0,0
version: 6
ind: -1,0
version: 6
- 0,0:
- ind: 0,0
+ -1,-1:
+ ind: -1,-1
version: 6
ind: 0,-1
version: 6
- type: MapGrid
- type: Broadphase
- - bodyStatus: InAir
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyStatus: InAir
angularDamping: 0.05
linearDamping: 0.05
fixedRotation: False
bodyType: Dynamic
- type: Physics
- - fixtures: {}
- type: Fixtures
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
- type: OccluderTree
+ - type: SpreaderGrid
- type: Shuttle
- type: GridPathfinding
- - gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
+ - type: Gravity
+ gravityShakeSound: !type:SoundPathSpecifier
path: /Audio/Effects/alert.ogg
- type: Gravity
- - chunkCollection:
+ - type: DecalGrid
+ chunkCollection:
version: 2
- node:
- angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Arrows
- 0: 0,-2
- 1: 2,-2
- 2: 0,0
- 3: 2,0
+ 17: -3,1
+ 18: -3,-1
- node:
- angle: 4.71238898038469 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Arrows
+ id: Bot
- 4: -4,0
- 5: -4,-2
- 6: -2,0
- 7: -2,-2
+ 8: -1,3
+ 13: -2,-5
+ 14: -1,-5
+ 15: -3,1
+ 16: -3,-1
- node:
- angle: 4.71238898038469 rad
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: Bot
+ id: BotRightGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 10: 1,3
+ - node:
+ color: '#0096FFFF'
+ id: BoxGreyscale
- 8: -2,-2
- 9: -4,-2
- 10: -4,0
- 11: -2,0
- 12: 0,0
- 13: 0,-2
- 14: 2,-2
- 15: 2,0
- 16: 1,-4
- 17: 1,-5
- 18: -3,-4
- 19: -3,-5
- 20: -1,-4
+ 12: -2,-3
+ - node:
+ color: '#FF0000FF'
+ id: BoxGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 11: -2,-4
- node:
color: '#FFFFFFFF'
- id: DeliveryGreyscale
+ id: BoxGreyscale
- 41: -2,-6
- 42: -1,-6
- 43: 0,-6
+ 9: 0,3
- node:
cleanable: True
- color: '#83543273'
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
id: Dirt
- 21: -4,0
- 22: -4,-1
- 23: -1,-1
- 24: 0,0
- 25: -1,-2
- 26: -2,-2
- 27: -2,-4
- 28: -2,-5
- 29: 0,-5
- 30: 0,-4
- 31: 0,-2
- 32: 0,-1
- 33: -1,2
- 34: -2,2
- 35: 0,-1
- 36: 2,0
- 37: 2,-1
- 38: 2,-2
- 39: 2,0
- 40: 1,0
- type: DecalGrid
- - version: 2
+ 35: -1,-4
+ 45: 2,0
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: DirtHeavy
+ decals:
+ 36: -1,0
+ 41: -1,-3
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: DirtHeavyMonotile
+ decals:
+ 37: -3,-1
+ 38: -3,1
+ 42: -1,-5
+ 43: -1,-1
+ 44: 0,0
+ 46: 2,-2
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: DirtLight
+ decals:
+ 39: 1,-3
+ - node:
+ cleanable: True
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: DirtMedium
+ decals:
+ 40: 0,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 21: 0,4
+ - node:
+ angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: StandClear
+ decals:
+ 26: -2,-1
+ 27: -2,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale
+ decals:
+ 19: -1,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DFF'
+ id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90
+ decals:
+ 20: 1,4
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFF00FF'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleE
+ decals:
+ 24: -2,1
+ 25: -2,-1
+ 33: -4,-1
+ 34: -4,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#334E6DC8'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleN
+ decals:
+ 28: 0,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFF00FF'
+ id: WarnLineGreyscaleW
+ decals:
+ 22: -2,-1
+ 23: -2,1
+ 29: -1,1
+ 30: -1,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WarnLineS
+ decals:
+ 31: -4,-1
+ 32: -4,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerNe
+ decals:
+ 3: 3,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerNw
+ decals:
+ 1: 1,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerSe
+ decals:
+ 2: 3,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinCornerSw
+ decals:
+ 4: 1,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineE
+ decals:
+ 6: 3,0
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineN
+ decals:
+ 7: 2,1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineS
+ decals:
+ 5: 2,-1
+ - node:
+ color: '#FFFFFFFF'
+ id: WoodTrimThinLineW
+ decals:
+ 0: 1,0
+ - type: GridAtmosphere
+ version: 2
- -1,-1:
- 0: 65535
- -1,0:
- 0: 61183
- 1: 256
- 0: 13311
- 1: 1024
+ 0: 12799
+ 1: 32768
- 0: 65527
- 1: 8
- -2,-1:
- 1: 8
- 0: 34944
- -1,-2:
+ 0: 63094
+ -1,0:
+ 0: 33018
+ 1: 8192
+ 0,1:
+ 0: 3
+ 1: 64
+ -1,1:
+ 0: 8
+ 1: 64
+ -1,-1:
+ 0: 61644
1: 16
- 0: 65518
- -1,-3:
+ -1,-2:
+ 1: 512
0: 49152
- -2,0:
- 0: 136
- -1,1:
- 1: 2
- 0: 204
- 0,1:
- 0: 17
- 1: 2
- 0,-3:
- 0: 4096
- 0: 30515
- 1: 64
+ 0: 24576
+ 1: 2048
+ 1,-1:
+ 1: 16
- volume: 2500
temperature: 293.15
@@ -176,7 +267,7 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
- volume: 2500
- temperature: 293.15
+ immutable: True
- 0
- 0
@@ -191,1196 +282,1282 @@ entities:
- 0
- 0
chunkSize: 4
- type: GridAtmosphere
- type: GasTileOverlay
- type: RadiationGridResistance
- - id: PTS
- type: BecomesStation
- - type: SpreaderGrid
-- proto: AirAlarm
+- proto: AirlockCommandGlass
- - uid: 68
+ - uid: 150
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - ShutdownSubscribers:
- - 33
- - 34
- type: DeviceNetwork
- - devices:
- - 33
- - 34
- type: DeviceList
-- proto: AirCanister
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: AirlockEngineering
- - uid: 66
+ - uid: 114
- - anchored: True
- pos: -3.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - bodyType: Static
- type: Physics
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: AirlockExternalGlass
- - uid: 8872
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8873
+ - uid: 151
- - pos: -2.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8874
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8875
- components:
- - pos: 1.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: AirlockGlass
- entities:
- - uid: 5
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 152
- - pos: -0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: AirlockGlassShuttle
- - uid: 1
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 2
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 3
+ - uid: 51
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 4
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 154
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: APCBasic
- - uid: 8819
+ - uid: 113
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny
- - uid: 8868
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8869
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8870
+ - uid: 53
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8871
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 188
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: AtmosFixBlockerMarker
- - uid: 39
+ - uid: 166
- - pos: -4.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 40
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 167
- - pos: -3.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 41
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 168
- - pos: 2.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 42
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 169
- - pos: 3.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 43
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 170
- - pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 44
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 171
- - pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 45
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 172
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 173
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpCorner
+ entities:
+ - uid: 55
- - pos: -2.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 46
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
+ bodyType: Static
+ - type: Fixtures
+ fixtures: {}
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpLeft
+ entities:
+ - uid: 58
- - pos: -3.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: CableApcExtension
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpMiddle
- - uid: 12
+ - uid: 56
- - pos: -0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 13
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: BenchSofaCorpRight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 54
- - pos: -0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 14
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 3.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: CableApcExtension
+ entities:
+ - uid: 132
- - pos: -0.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 15
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 133
- - pos: -0.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 16
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 134
- - pos: -0.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 17
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 135
- - pos: -0.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 18
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 136
- - pos: -0.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 19
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 137
- - pos: -0.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 20
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 138
- - pos: 0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 21
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 139
- - pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 22
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 140
- - pos: -1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 23
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 141
- - pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 24
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 142
- - pos: -2.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 25
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 144
- - pos: -1.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 26
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 145
- - pos: -3.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 27
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 146
- - pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 28
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 174
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 194
- - pos: 1.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8854
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 196
- - pos: -0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: CableHV
- - uid: 8821
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8822
- components:
- - pos: -0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8823
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8824
+ - uid: 126
- - pos: -2.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 127
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 128
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 129
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: CableMV
- - uid: 8825
- components:
- - pos: -2.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8826
+ - uid: 130
- - pos: -1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8827
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 131
- - pos: -0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8828
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8829
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: ChairFolding
+ entities:
+ - uid: 187
- - pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: ChairPilotSeat
- - uid: 8857
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8858
+ - uid: 161
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8859
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8860
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: ComputerTabletopShuttle
+ entities:
+ - uid: 157
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8885
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: ComputerTabletopStationRecords
+ entities:
+ - uid: 158
- - pos: -0.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8895
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: ComputerTelevision
+ entities:
+ - uid: 52
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: ClosetWallFireFilledRandom
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: ComputerWallmountWithdrawBankATM
- - uid: 73
+ - uid: 153
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: ContainerContainer
+ containers:
+ board: !type:Container
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ents: []
+ bank-ATM-cashSlot: !type:ContainerSlot
+ showEnts: False
+ occludes: True
+ ent: null
+ - type: Physics
+ canCollide: False
+ - type: ItemSlots
+- proto: CrateFreezer
+ entities:
+ - uid: 61
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerFrame
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: EntityStorage
+ air:
+ volume: 200
+ immutable: False
+ temperature: 293.14923
+ moles:
+ - 1.7459903
+ - 6.568249
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+ - 0
+- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
- - uid: 8889
+ - uid: 185
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerTabletopShuttle
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: DrinkChampagneBottleFull
- - uid: 29
+ - uid: 193
- - pos: -0.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: ComputerTabletopStationRecords
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.535899,-4.187701
+ parent: 2
+- proto: DrinkGlassCoupeShaped
- - uid: 30
+ - uid: 59
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.9004824,-4.062614
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 62
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.1296492,-4.302364
+ parent: 2
+- proto: EmergencyLight
- - uid: 74
+ - uid: 190
- - pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 191
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 192
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled
- - uid: 78
+ - uid: 125
- - pos: -3.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: FaxMachineShip
- - uid: 18175
+ - uid: 159
- - pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: FirelockGlass
- - uid: 8
+ - uid: 97
- - pos: -0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8861
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8862
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 189
- - pos: -0.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8863
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: GasMixerOn
+ entities:
+ - uid: 43
- - pos: 0.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: GasMixer
+ inletTwoConcentration: 0.79
+ inletOneConcentration: 0.21
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
- proto: GasPassiveVent
- - uid: 56
+ - uid: 81
- - pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GasPipeBend
- - uid: 51
+ - uid: 44
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 65
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 84
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasPipeStraight
- entities:
- - uid: 35
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 88
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 36
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 103
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 47
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 108
- - pos: 0.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 50
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 124
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 52
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 148
- - pos: 0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 54
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeStraight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 82
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 55
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 83
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 57
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 85
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 59
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 87
- - pos: 0.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 60
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 90
- - pos: -0.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 61
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 93
- - pos: -0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 62
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 95
- - pos: -0.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 63
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 96
- - pos: -0.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 64
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 98
- - pos: -0.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- entities:
- - uid: 11
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 100
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 58
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 101
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasPort
- entities:
- - uid: 31
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 106
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasPressurePump
- entities:
- - uid: 32
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 109
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 53
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 110
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ - type: Transform
pos: 2.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasVentPump
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 111
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPipeTJunction
- - uid: 34
+ - uid: 91
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 92
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 107
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasPort
+ entities:
+ - uid: 46
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - ShutdownSubscribers:
- - 68
- type: DeviceNetwork
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 49
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 47
- - pos: -0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#0000CCFF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
-- proto: GasVentScrubber
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasVentPump
- - uid: 33
+ - uid: 104
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - ShutdownSubscribers:
- - 68
- type: DeviceNetwork
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
- - uid: 48
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 1.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+ - uid: 105
- - pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - color: '#990000FF'
- type: AtmosPipeColor
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#0055CCFF'
+- proto: GasVentScrubber
+ entities:
+ - uid: 86
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 89
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+ - uid: 99
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
+- proto: GasVolumePumpOn
+ entities:
+ - uid: 94
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: AtmosPipeColor
+ color: '#990000FF'
- proto: GravityGeneratorMini
- - uid: 8815
+ - uid: 183
- - pos: -0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: Grille
- - uid: 8757
+ - uid: 6
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -4.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8758
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 11
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8759
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 13
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8760
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 26
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8777
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 27
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8778
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 28
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8783
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 29
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8784
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 30
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -1.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8785
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 31
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -0.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8786
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 32
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8787
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 33
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8802
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8809
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8810
- components:
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8816
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 35
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8817
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 36
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: IntercomCommon
- entities:
- - uid: 8893
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 48
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 49
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ - type: Transform
pos: 1.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 50
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 60
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: GrilleDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 178
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 180
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: JukeboxWallmountShip
+ entities:
+ - uid: 102
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: LockerPilotFilled
+ entities:
+ - uid: 119
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: NitrogenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 80
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: OxygenCanister
+ entities:
+ - uid: 79
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ anchored: True
+ pos: -1.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
- proto: Paper
- - uid: 76
+ - uid: 160
- - pos: 0.73673934,3.451689
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 77
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.30220816,4.429711
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 181
- - pos: 0.5388227,3.264189
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: PortableGeneratorPacman
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.45423022,4.366728
+ parent: 2
+- proto: PortableGeneratorPacmanShuttle
- - uid: 8804
+ - uid: 182
- - anchored: True
- pos: 0.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - storage:
- Plasma: 3000
- type: MaterialStorage
- - bodyType: Static
- type: Physics
- - endTime: 0
- type: InsertingMaterialStorage
-- proto: PowerCellRecharger
- entities:
- - uid: 8892
- components:
- - pos: -1.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - type: FuelGenerator
+ on: False
+ - type: Physics
+ bodyType: Static
+- proto: PottedPlantRandom
+ entities:
+ - uid: 195
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: Poweredlight
- - uid: 10
+ - uid: 143
- - pos: -3.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 81
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 0.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: PoweredlightGreen
+ entities:
+ - uid: 162
- - pos: 2.5,0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8878
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: PoweredlightRed
+ entities:
+ - uid: 163
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 8879
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: PoweredSmallLight
+ entities:
+ - uid: 155
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
- - uid: 8880
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 156
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 1.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - powerLoad: 0
- type: ApcPowerReceiver
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 175
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 176
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: SheetPlasma
- - uid: 9
+ - uid: 184
- - pos: 0.7395834,-5.7157984
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - count: 15
- type: Stack
- - size: 15
- type: Item
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: ShuttleWindow
- - uid: 8761
+ - uid: 57
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8762
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 63
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8764
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 64
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8776
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 65
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8788
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 66
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8789
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 67
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8790
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 68
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8791
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 69
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8792
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 70
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8795
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 71
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8796
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 72
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8801
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8805
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8807
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -0.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8812
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8814
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 73
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-0.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 74
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 75
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 76
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 77
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 78
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: ShuttleWindowDiagonal
+ entities:
+ - uid: 37
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 38
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 2.5,5.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: SmallGyroscope
- - uid: 69
+ - uid: 149
- - pos: -1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: SpawnPointLatejoin
- - uid: 6
+ - uid: 165
- - pos: -0.5,-1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,1.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: SubstationWallBasic
- - uid: 8818
+ - uid: 112
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -2.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: SuitStorageWallmountEVA
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: SuitStorageWallmountPilot
- - uid: 80
+ - uid: 123
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: TableFancyWhite
+ entities:
+ - uid: 177
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 179
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: TableReinforced
- - uid: 37
+ - uid: 120
- - pos: 0.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 38
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 1.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 121
- - pos: -0.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8890
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 122
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -1.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8891
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,4.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: TableWood
+ entities:
+ - uid: 186
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 0.5,3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: Thruster
- - uid: 8881
+ - uid: 115
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8882
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 116
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8883
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: 4.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 117
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8884
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: -3.5,-2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 118
- - pos: 2.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: WallShuttle
- - uid: 75
+ - uid: 3
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 2.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 79
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 4
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: -3.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8765
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 5
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8766
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 7
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8767
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8768
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-6.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8771
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8772
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 8
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8773
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -2.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 9
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8774
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 12
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 3.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8779
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 14
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8780
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 16
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8781
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 17
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-5.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8782
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 18
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8797
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 4.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 19
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8798
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 20
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8799
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 21
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -3.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 22
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
pos: -2.5,2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8800
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 23
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8806
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,2.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 24
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -2.5,-2.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8808
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 25
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,1.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8811
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 34
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 2.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8813
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -3.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 3.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 39
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 40
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 41
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 42
+ components:
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,-4.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: WallShuttleDiagonal
- - uid: 8769
- components:
- - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: 1.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8770
+ - uid: 10
- - pos: -2.5,4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8803
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
+ pos: -2.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
+ - uid: 15
- - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
- pos: 3.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 8886
- components:
- - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad
- pos: -4.5,-3.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ rot: 3.141592653589793 rad
+ pos: 3.5,-5.5
+ parent: 2
- proto: WarpPointShip
- - uid: 18176
+ - uid: 164
- - pos: -0.5,-0.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - location: Personal Transport Shuttle
- type: WarpPoint
-- proto: WindoorSecure
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 0.5,0.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: WaterCooler
- - uid: 71
- components:
- - pos: 0.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
- - uid: 72
+ - uid: 147
- - pos: -1.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
-- proto: WindowReinforcedDirectional
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: 2.5,-1.5
+ parent: 2
+- proto: Wrench
- - uid: 70
+ - uid: 45
- - pos: -0.5,-4.5
- parent: 8756
- type: Transform
+ - type: Transform
+ pos: -1.5,-3.5
+ parent: 2
diff --git a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Test/dev_map.yml b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Test/dev_map.yml
index 07235eca5b4..6d535e2d4b9 100644
--- a/Resources/Maps/_NF/Test/dev_map.yml
+++ b/Resources/Maps/_NF/Test/dev_map.yml
@@ -5029,7 +5029,7 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -2.6010532,-10.491134
parent: 179
-- proto: LessLethalVendingMachine
+- proto: LessLethalVendingMachinePOI
- uid: 1238
@@ -7614,14 +7614,14 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: 6.5,16.5
parent: 179
-- proto: VendingMachineAmmo
+- proto: VendingMachineAmmoPOI
- uid: 1239
- type: Transform
pos: -14.5,6.5
parent: 179
-- proto: VendingMachineEngivend
+- proto: VendingMachineEngivendPOI
- uid: 523
@@ -7673,14 +7673,14 @@ entities:
- type: Transform
pos: -15.5,6.5
parent: 179
-- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA
+- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVAPOI
- uid: 875
- type: Transform
pos: 7.5,0.5
parent: 179
-- proto: VendingMachineYouTool
+- proto: VendingMachineYouToolPOI
- uid: 350
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/toolboxes.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/toolboxes.yml
index 7512dbd4bc9..b7adc77c453 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/toolboxes.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Items/toolboxes.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- type: StorageFill
- id: CrowbarRed
- - id: RadioHandheld
+ - id: RadioHandheldNF # Frontier: RadioHandheld