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Labels and texts

Juuxel edited this page Jul 23, 2022 · 3 revisions

Labels are the simplest widget. They display a single line of text. There are two types of labels in LibGui: WLabels and WDynamicLabels.

WLabel has a normal Text object which can be manipulated with setters. WDynamicLabel pulls its text as a string each time it renders, so it's useful for rapidly updating data.

A WLabel can be made from any kind of Text, like Text.translatable or Text.literal.


WLabel label = new WLabel(Text.translatable("block.minecraft.stone"));
root.add(label, 0, 0, 4, 1);

A simple label

Aligning labels

The text of a label is on the left side by default. You can use WLabel.setAlignment() to change the alignment to CENTER or RIGHT.


A centered label


The color of a label changes depending on the darkmode setting of LibGui. You can tweak your labels light and dark colors using WLabel.setColor() and WLabel.setDarkmodeColor(). The darkmode color can be disabled using WLabel.disableDarkmode().


A colored label

Dynamic labels

Dynamic labels (WDynamicLabel) gets its text from a Supplier<String> each time it renders.

Translations in dynamic labels should be done with Minecraft's I18n class.

// A label that shows the time:
WDynamicLabel label = new WDynamicLabel(() -> I18n.translate("text.my_mod.time", System.currentTimeMillis()));


  "text.my_mod.time": "Time: %d"

A dynamic label