Adjust 'Power Consumption' of a resistive load (up to 3kW)
Data sent to your Domotic Box, raspberry, PC... using an MQTT Broker
Listen Power command received on MQTT topic
Publish Power values on MQTT 'vload topic'
WebOTA : On The Air firmware update on mqtt command ('ota' -> topic/cmd)
URL : http://<device_ip>:8080/update
- Power variator
The firwmware can manage 2 types of Aliexpress triac power variator ;
White PCB doesn't need Level Shifter
Green PCB need Level Shifter on wemos.d5 (3.3v -> 5v) Firmware must use 'reverse pulse'
ESP Board : Wemos d1 mini (CH341 uart), esp8266
- When choosing GPIO pins to use, it's best to avoid GPIO 0, 2 and 15 (D3, D4, D8)
- SCR : D5 on Zero crossing, D6 on SCR signal (- IGBT PWM on D7, TRIAC Dimmer D7-D6)
Oled Shield 64x48 option (let use 'define' or 'undef' directive in src/main.cpp code)
- I2C wired on D1-SCL D2-SDA
AC-DC 5V 700mA-Small
IGBT : - no human frequency sound - reasonable frequency spurious (vs TRIAC) - very low resistive on transcient region (dv/dt) and can handle more current (less overheating ) - no zero crossing managment
Display Power/Percent/Max on mini screen