"Domain Events are one specific type of event used for notifying Domain changes to local or remote Bounded Contexts."
page 123
"(...) an occurrence capture of something what happened in the domain."
by Vaugh Vernon [page 123]
"a full-fledged part of the domain model, a representation of something that happened in the domain. Ignore irrelevant domain activity while making explicit the events that the domain experts want to track or be notified of, or which are associated with statechange in the other model objects."
by Eric Evans [page 123]
"captures the memory of something interesting which affects the domain"
Martin Fowler [page 123]
- Domain "persists itself" and throws event that is to be persistend in the same transaction
- Batch process takse Domain Event (from persistence layer) and queues it to (for ex. Rabbit)
- event gets distributed into two queues, one for the same local bounded context, and another for external
Domain Events are persisted in Event Store which is domain events repository
Domain Event Store repository inteface
interface Event Store
public function append(DomainEvent $event);
public function allStoredEventsSince($eventId);
Domain Event Store Doctrine repository
class DoctrineEventStore extends EntityRepository implements EventStore
private $serializer
public function append(DomainEvent $domainEvent)
$storedEvent = new StoredEvent(
$this->serializer()->serialize($domainEvent, 'json)
public function allStoredEventsSince($eventId)
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('e');
if ($eventId) {
$query->where('e.eventId > :eventId');
$query->setParameters(['eventId' => $eventId);
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
private function serializer()
if (null === $this->serializer) {
$this->serializer = SerializerBuilder::create()->build();
return $this->serializer;
Stored Event - entity mapped to database
class StoredEvent implements DomainEevnt
private $eventId; //real database id
private $eventBody;
private $occuredOn;
private $typeName;
public function __construct( ... );
// getters
Publishing domain events shall be done via Observer Pattern
clients class (Aggregate)
class User
protected $userId, $email, $password;
protected function __construct(UserId $userId, $email, $password)
public static function fromRawDate($data)
return new self(new UserId($data['user_id']), $data['email'], $data['password']);
public static function registerUser(UserId $userId, $email, $password)
$newUser = new self(new UserId($data['user_id']), $data['email'], $data['password']);
$newUser->publishEvent(new UserRegistered($this->userId));
protected function publishEvent(Event $e)
publisher class (singleton xD)
class DomainEventPublisher
private $subscribersn, $instance= null;
publicstatic function instance()
if (null===static::$instance) {
static::$instance = newstatic();
return static::$instance;
private function __construct()
$this->subscribers = [];
public function __clone()
throw new\BadMethodCallException('Clone is not supported');
public function subscribe(DomainEventSubscriber $aDomainEventSubscriber)
$this->subscribers[] = $aDomainEventSubscriber;
public function publish(DomainEvent $anEvent)
foreach($this->subscribersas$aSubscriber) {
if ($aSubscriber->isSubscribedTo($anEvent)) {
Event subscriber interface
interface DomainEventSubscriber
public function handle(DomainEvent $aDomainEvent);
public function isSubscribedTo(DomainEvent $aDomainEvent): bool;
Persisting Domain Events Subscriber
class PersistDomainEventSubscriber implements DomainEventSubscriber
private $eventStore;
public function__construct( ... )
public function handle($aDomainEvent) { $this->eventStore->append($aDomainEvent); }
public function isSubscribedTo($aDomainEvent) {return true; }
Messaging system
page [from 142 to 153]
- Needed components (classes / layers):
- notification service
- composed from:
- eventStore (event repository - to collect saved events from the database)
- published message tracker - I guess that's the service that collects events from database and and marks them as published
- message producer - rabbit class implementation for example
- with single method:
- publishNotifications (via exchange)
- composed from:
- notification service
- Needed components (classes / layers):
page [153]
- events must be persisted in the same transaction that aggregate changes its state
- events must be distributed to at least two queues, one altering local Context (the same from which it was thrown)
and for the external contexts
- that second queue might be published to Logs Server or Data Lake or Data Mining
- application that does not have access to the messaging system must provide those events via REST API
- events should be represented as verbs in the past form
- the minimum information that event can contain is an entity id it was generated by and datetime stamp it occured at
- save your domain events in the same transaction before pushing it to the external world
- domain events are persisted in Event Store which is domain events repository
- because there are different events their body is serialized
- publishing domain events shall be done from entity or value object, try not to publish them form services
- publishind event from domain is not messaging them! You can message an event after it's saved in the database (publishing is saving)
How to share events via REST API? You cannot have track which event was collected by which system. I guess that logic is to be implemented in external system.. Does not sound terrific..