This gem simplifies the Twitch-API for ruby users.
With Rails:
#add to your Gemfile
gem 'twitch', '~> 0.1.0'
Just irb or pry:
$ gem install twitch
irb > require 'twitch'
irb > @twitch =
Listed below are some changes introduced in version 0.1.0 from 0.0.x. Some of the changes break backward compatibility with previous versions.
- Replaced camelCase method names with snake_case.
- Removed 'get_' prefix from method names.
- Made 'your_' prefix optional. (e.g. user() and your_user() are equal)
Step 1: Get url for your application - (@scope is an array of permissions, like ["user_read", "channel_read", "user_follows_edit"])
@twitch ={
client_id: @client_id,
secret_key: @secret_key,
redirect_uri: @redirect_uri,
scope: @scope
Step 2: Authenticate and get access_token (this is done on your @redirect_url)
@twitch ={
client_id: @client_id,
secret_key: @secret_key,
redirect_uri: @redirect_uri,
scope: @scope
@data = @twitch.auth(params[:code])
session[:access_token] = @data[:body]["access_token"]
Step 3: You can now use user token
@twitch = access_token: session["access_token"]
@yourself = @twitch.your_user()
Calls will return a Hash with :body for the content of the call and a :response
@twitch.user "day9tv"
#does not require any access_token
# @twitch =
@twitch.user "day9tv"
#requires access_token, use
# @twitch = access_token: session["access_token"]
@twitch.teams() "eg" "lethalfrag"
@twitch.channel_panels "lethalfrag"
#Requires access_token
# Requires access_token (and special scope for channel editing)
# edit_channel(channelname, status, game)
# arguments:
# status (string)
# game (string)
@twitch.edit_channel "ChannelName", "Ranked Solo Queue", "League of Legends"
#Requires access_token (and special scope for channel commercials)
# run_commercial(channel, length = 30)
# arguments:
# channel (string)
# length (int)
# *this is untested*
@twitch.run_commercial "lethalfrag", 30
@twitch.following 'esl_csgo'
@twitch.followed 'esl_csgo' "lethalfrag"
# getStreams(options = {})
# see Twitch-API for options
# getFeaturedStreams(options = {})
# see Twitch-API for options
#Requires access_token
# search_streams(options = {})
# see Twitch-API for options
# search_games(options = {})
# see Twitch-API for options
# get_channel_videos(channel, options = {})
# see Twitch-API for options
@twitch.channel_videos "lethalfrag"
# get_video(video_id) 12345
To allow the gem to use different HTTP libraries, you can define an Adapter:
require 'open-uri'
module Twitch
module Adapters
class OpenURIAdapter < BaseAdapter
def self.request(method, url, options={})
if (method == :get)
ret = {}
open(url) do |io|
ret[:body] = JSON.parse(
ret[:response] = io.status.first.to_i
end # class OpenURIAdapter
end # module Adapters
end # module Twitch
and then pass it into the Twitch class:
@twitch = adapter: Twitch::Adapters::OpenURIAdapter
# or
@twitch =
@twitch.adapter = Twitch::Adapters::OpenURIAdapter
Adapters must be defined inside the Twitch::Adapters module, otherwise they will be considered invalid. Any invalid adapter passed to the library will revert to the default adapter.
The default adapter is Twitch::Adapters::HTTPartyAdapter
which uses the HTTParty library.
Feel free to contribute or add functionality!