We encourage contributions to this repository that are intended to improve or expand the code base for scientific developers. Feel free to interact with the developers via GitHub for:
- Features and expansions
- Bug reporting
- Submitting fixes to code or documentation
- Discussing the code and implemented numerical methods
We develop with GitHub and will interact with the community through the GitHub tools (discussions, issues, pull requests, etc.)
For development, we use the GitFlow workflow for adding new features, fixing bugs, and more.
GitFlow encourages a main
branch that is used for external users to interface with the code, a develop
branch that is kept up to date and bug free, and feature
branches where new features and bug fixes are incorporated. To add a feature:
- Fork the repo
- Branch off of
- Add your contributions
- Ensure it builds and passes CI tests
- Issue a pull request
When adding features, be sure to follow the code style implemented in the code.
Any new additions will fall under the open source license associated with this repo.