A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
User facing docs and guide at: https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/
Screenshot of wezterm on macOS, running vim
This is a spare time project, so please bear with me. There are a couple of channels for support:
- You can use the GitHub issue tracker to see if someone else has a similar issue, or to file a new one.
- Start or join a thread in our GitHub Discussions; if you have general questions or want to chat with other wezterm users, you're welcome here!
- There is a Matrix room via Element.io for (potentially!) real time discussions.
The GitHub Discussions and Element/Gitter rooms are better suited for questions than bug reports, but don't be afraid to use whichever you are most comfortable using and we'll work it out.
If you use and like WezTerm, please consider sponsoring it: your support helps to cover the fees required to maintain the project and to validate the time spent working on it!