Version : 1.0.0 1st March 2023
This document gives inputs on what is needed from the environment set up perspective to run this workshop.
. CDP environment (Running on AWS) - Depending on the number of users one might want to set it up in HA or Non-HA mode. This workshop has been tested on meta-workshop
as part of CDP Partner Workshop
okta tile. The underlying environment is making use of aws-se-pse-daily
You can set up the environment by following the guide here -
Setting Up CDP Environment using AWS
CDW (Impala) - This is needed to run queries to test the iceberg features.
CDF - This is needed to initiate a Nifi flow to collect stock data from AlphaVantage.
CDE (Spark 3.2.0) - CDE is needed for CRUD statements to function.
Data Viz - This is needed to build a small dashboard with the underlying stock data.
Key Cloak - The keycloak is running in the Mumbai region.
Make sure that the users can login to it using the KeyCloak url.
The purpose of this section is to capture the inputs that as an admin that you must be aware of while setting up the workshop and running the same.