February 22, 2014: Initial Creation, KLG
This table holds the users of the system and their platform information. It was determined that we don't need (or want) to keep a list of users which represents an individual human, but rather individual platforms. This supports the use case of a single person testing with multiple platforms.
- userKey (generated by PHP at random upon "registration")
- dateAdded
- dateLastAccess
- browserBrand
- browserVersion
- operatingSystem
- osVersion
- uaString
- atType
- atBrand
- atVersion
- deleted (enum '0','1')
This table holds the specific results of testing - in other words whether the test passed or failed and why.
- resultID
- userKey (maps to users.userKey)
- dateAdded
- testFileID (maps to testFiles.testFileID)
- result (enum 'Pass', 'Fail')
- comments
- deleted (enum '0','1')
This table holds the details of the files to be tested. It is expected that this information will be automatically generated.
- testFileID
- testFilePath
- deleted (enum '0','1')