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801 lines (599 loc) · 26.2 KB

File metadata and controls

801 lines (599 loc) · 26.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.5.5] - 2024-03-05


  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.7579


  • fixed issue with thread stack traces

[1.5.4] - 2023-12-17


  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.7412

[1.5.3] - 2023-10-20


  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.7270

[1.5.2] - 2023-05-02


  • added fix for BSOD on windows 10 LTSC 2019

[1.5.1] - 2022-12-19


  • re added kernel debug log dumping
  • added more handle information
  • added option to block processes from starting using the driver


  • fixed issue with opening job objects

[1.5.0] - 2022-12-10


  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.5553
  • updated DotNET counter code


  • fixed issues with GPU usage not being displayed proeprly
  • fixed memory leak in RPC Endpoint View


  • removed aility to unprotect protected processes
  • removed kernel debug log dumping (will be re added later)

[1.4.2a] - 2022-09-30


  • Made Qt6 Compatible
  • updated QWT library to v6.2

[1.4.1] - 2022-03-26


  • fixed singleapp not working
  • the xprocesshacker.sys driver is now signed with a new certificate and shoudl load on win 11


  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.4706

[1.4.0] - 2021-10-05


  • added sandboxie tab with a lot of sandboxie related details
  • added option to freeze and unfreeze entire jobs
  • added "Original Impersonation Token" menu command to inspect the impersonation token of sandboxed thread
  • added rpc view listing all rpc endpoints on the system
  • added windows 11 detection


  • replaced all icons
  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.4365


  • fixed issue resolving kernel symbols introduced with 1.3

[1.3.0] - 2021-04-12


  • changed memory search window layout
  • on debug log start stop the lists are now reset
  • updated MiscHelpers
  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.3972
  • updated QWT to version 6.1.6
  • updated to use Visual studio 2019


  • fixed issues with hex string memory search
  • fixed issue with updating token privileges
  • fixed issues with disabled items in dark mode
  • fixed race condition in etw initialization

[1.2.9] - 2020-10-11


  • added highest thread CPU percentage to the CPU column


  • tree graph background in dark mode is also dark now
  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.3476
  • merged ASLR, DEP, CFG, CET columns into a joined mitigations column

[1.2.8] - 2020-07-04


  • "Original Token" button to inspect the original process token of sandboxed processes -- SbieDrv driver 5.42 or higher required
  • added command line option to start multiple instances
  • added driver file obfuscation and driver installation dialog


  • reorganized settings pages
  • improved sandboxie support implementation


  • fixed excessive CPU usage in new process filter
  • fixed outdated data shown in token panel when no token could be obtained

[1.2.7] - 2020-06-13


  • Custom run dialog with the ability to inject a DLL when starting process
  • Added process filter to proces tree to improve usability


  • description in the process column now shows for svchost.exe instances a list of hosted services
  • esc key now clsoes the finder bar in lists
  • app id column now displays teh container id if its an app


  • run dialogs now execute on return press
  • error with comctl32
  • user connect/login window now hides teh password
  • fixed pid in process info window
  • modern apps are now properly atributed to the their users

[1.2.6] - 2020-06-02


  • Support for translations using the QtLinguist tool

[1.2.5] - 2020-06-01


  • Added debug view tab to see the debug output of individual process, when debug monitor is enabled
  • Added kernel debug log option to xprocesshacker3 driver


  • Sandboxie support needs to be enabled in the settings, as having it always on interfears with updating sandboxie
  • moved services tab to the general tab as a sub tab
  • moved environment tab to the general tab as a sub tab
  • merged system info tab kernel objects and main system tab
  • moved a lot of usefull generic code to MiscHelpers.dll


  • fixed tab menu checks
  • fixed issue with system and task info window tabs
  • fixed issue process name label forcing panel size
  • fixed soem more minor ui glitches

[1.2.1] - 2020-04-27


  • the TCP/IP traffic graph now show additional plots with LAN traffic based on ETW data
  • services can now be stoped from the process tree contect menu


  • statis column now sorts not alphabetically but by list color
  • reorganized the tool bar a bit and added a few shortcuts
  • switched back to the custom installer due to "compatybility" issues


  • cpu affinity was not properly loaded from file
  • fixed more tray opening issues
  • fixed issue displaying .NET assembly informations
  • fixed issues with list coloring when not allcolors were enabled

[1.2.0] - 2020-04-20


  • Option to configure process name display
  • Pressing the refresh toolbar button now also clears the persistence when in hold mode
  • Persistent Process Presets -- CPU, IO, Memory Priorities and CPU Affinity can be set persitence actoss process starts -- Processes are identifyed by path wildcard paths can be used -- The mechanism can also kill undesired processes swiftly
  • add pe file viewer
  • Sandboxie support, sandboxed prosesses are marked in yellow and the box thay belong to is provided in the tooltip


  • more options on main window close -- Exit confirmation dialog can now be disabled
  • by default symbols are not auto downloaded, upon selecting a thread the user will be prompted whether to download them of the internet
  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.3014
  • updated some default collors
  • switched to Inno Setup as instller


  • fixed when opening from tray window sometimes being empty

[1.1.0] - 2020-01-23


  • added Dark Theme Support
  • added ETW monitoring of the processProvider -- allows to capture all process cration events henc elisting of very short lived processes -- using ETW data to set image path and command line when the process closed before we could inspect it
  • added option to keep processes listed indefinetly as long as thay have still running children.
  • added functionality to find some types of hidden processes, also usefull to find some already terminated processes
  • added tool bar button to switch between the tree view and a list view more convinient as the last choose list sort column is remembered


  • the handle tab is now present twice once as it was and once providing only an open file list


  • handle types are now sorted properly i.e. "[All]" is first
  • fixed bug where in the unifyed list view switching to tree view was not possible
  • fixed issue with some values not being initialized in CWinMainModule
  • fixed High DPI scaling issues

[1.0.2] - 2019-12-24


  • settign for reverse DNS to disable it when desired
  • when flushing dns cache the dns cache retention is reset as well


  • most "unknown" values now shows teh numeric value encountered
  • updated PHlib to version 3.0.2812
  • handle types are now sorted alphabetically


  • an issue with the DNS cache monitoring
  • fixed issue with etw event tracking for UDP traffic
  • fixed issue with thread service tag not being resolved properly

[1.0.1] - 2019-11-15


  • improved file handle info retrival
  • ewt monitoring button is now disabled when running without admin rights


  • memory leak occuring when updating per process handle list
  • fixed issue with service to process association

[1.0] - 2019-10-18


  • xprocesshacker.sys can not unprotect and re protect protected processes (light)
  • using ETW Events to monitor what domains individual processes querry -- enabled more accurate remote hostname column display


  • cleaned up PH directory
  • improved process display for the case when multiple processes are sellected
  • now using to monitor ETW events
  • reworked socket process association
  • when opening finder the search term ist selected such it can be replaced quickly


  • no longer trying to do reverse dns on adresses that returned no results

[0.9.75] - 2019-09-29


  • priority columns now show text instead of numbers (except base priority)
  • added cert display to process security sub tab
  • ctrl+e now expands all process tree items
  • added driver config window
  • added verbose error's dialog
  • added more status informations
  • ad empty ini file to zip release


  • reduced cpu usage of models
  • reduced cpu usage of rate counters
  • moved firewall status resolution to separate threa
  • reworked thread enumeration to save cpu usage
  • service and socket tabs are not longer updated when thay are not visible
  • gpu per proces stat update is now performed on a as needed basis
  • massivly reduced treeview cpu usage by adaping configuration


  • fixed an issue when on successfuly changing priority still an error was reported
  • when starting using UAC bypass the process ended up with lower priority, -- fixed by now always settign higher priority on startup
  • fixed bug with gpu usage column display
  • fixed issue "bring in front" was always disable din the process tree
  • fixed issue where thread start adresses were resolved multiple times unnececerly
  • fixed crash issue when logging out users
  • fixed service window not closing when ok was pressed
  • fixed issue with service to process association
  • fixed crash bug in reverse dns lookups on win 7

[0.9.50] - 2019-09-24


  • critical status added to processes state string
  • critical processes / threads have an own list color
  • trying to terminate a critical process or thread wil now display an additional confirmation mesage
  • ctrl+c now copys the selected rows
  • formating for copying panels can be set in settings
  • added additional mitigation informations
  • added additional informations to geneal process info -- details sub tab -- security sub tab -- app subtab
  • added job id to job tab
  • added app infos to process general tab


  • resolving symbols for pool limits is only triggered once the kernel objects tab gets opened
  • all priority settings have now an own groupe in the process tree
  • no longer keeping a handle open to all threads when thay were not used recently
  • mitigation informtions are not more verbose


  • all unselected tabs are no longer unnececerly updated at startup
  • issue with private bytes displaying the wrong value
  • fixed crash bug in task menu action handling
  • fixed a minor issue with sid resolving

[0.9.25] - 2019-09-15


  • added remote host names resolution for the socket's tabs
  • added dns cache viever with 60 min persistence -- the dns cache feature correlates the cached data with open sockets and provides a remote host name more reliable than reverse dns lookups
  • better formating when copying panels
  • added column reset option to all lists
  • added f5 full refresh options
  • added security explorer
  • all sub windows now save their geometry
  • addes Working Set Watch fature to count page faults
  • added a few more pool informations
  • added running object table view to kernel objects
  • added Wait Chain Traversal feature to detect deadlocks
  • added option to open thread tokens


  • when a new process is seen in an ETW or FW event it is now created and some masic infos are loaded
  • copy cell now can copy multiple cels
  • when enabling/disablign columns a refresh is triggered right away to fill in the data (in caseuse has set a ver slow refresh rate)
  • improved menu layout


  • fixed on copy cell did not work properly with multiple items selected
  • fixed on cppy panel and row copying empty(hiden) columns
  • fixed process tree horizontal scroll bar position reset on selection in tree
  • fixed NtQueryInformationFile deadlock in windows 7 when querying \Device\VolMgrControl
  • fixed issue where some deltas caused a overflow when the counter reset

[0.9.0b] - 2019-09-10


  • fixed crash isue on windows 7 systems when opening permissions tab

[0.9.0] - 2019-09-09


  • added windows firewall monitor to show blockes connection atempts
  • added network column to processes, showing if a process is or was using network sockets
  • added toolbar button to set persistence to 1h
  • added toolbar menu to quickly change item persistence
  • added kernel object tab to system panel, including the pool table and otehr informations
  • added nt object browser sub tab
  • added atom table view to the kernel objects tab


  • The system info Drivers tab is now moved to a sub tab of the new kernel objects tab
  • the stack trace section of the thread window can now be colapsed


  • fixed issue disabling network adapter graphs did not work
  • fixed driver view module info was not loaded

[0.8.5] - 2019-09-01


  • multi graph widget (optional individual CPU plots and individual GPU Node plots)
  • plot background/text/grid colirs can now be changed
  • added close (WM_CLOSE) and quit command (WM_QUIT)
  • added option for rates/deltas and cpu/gpu usage to show an empty string instead of '0'
  • added option to highlicht the x top resource users per column
  • reduced GUI cpu load by 20% by improved issuing of cell updates in the process tree model
  • added window title and status columns
  • added toolbar option to quickly adjust the refresh rate
  • added options to tray menu


  • system plots now set the proper length
  • all tool bar drop down buttons have now a default action
  • now the xprocesshacker.sys is used by default


  • fixed issues with changing graph length
  • fixed bad color contrast of sellected items
  • fixed a crash (race condition) when closing
  • fixed issues with cycle based cpu usage calculation
  • fixed major issue with process stat display
  • fixed isue with PrivateBytesDelta column
  • fixed issue with asynchroniouse username resolution
  • fixed cpu time columns showing a wrong value
  • fixed broken protection columns DEP and ASLR
  • fixed broken file info columns size and modification time

[0.8.0] - 2019-08-26


  • added listing of unloaded DLLs (shown in gray in modules tab)
  • added "Services referencing" feature to modules tab -> column
  • added optional CPU cycle based CPU usage calculation
  • show merged informations when more than one process is sellected
  • added search (highlight) feature to the stack trace list
  • added Dangerous Flags from process hacker to the token tab
  • added job limits informations tab to the job tab
  • added search functionality to all remaining list/tree views


  • optimized cpu uage all models are now aware of hidden columns and dont query them
  • improved tree and list model performance by mor than an order of magnitude
  • some values, like per process gpu sats, are not longer queried when thair columns are hidden
  • reworked the token handling to optimize performance and properly hanle situations when a Token gets replaced
  • moved Sid Resolving to a dedicated worker thread


  • issue with .NET tab not getting cleared when an other process was selected
  • fixed issue not all open file references being shopwed when a handle value was reused
  • fixed error in global memory search
  • fixed issue in token panel with the integrity combo box

[0.7.5] - 2019-08-19


  • tooltips to process tree
  • added tool-bar
  • bring to front on tray single click
  • added bring in front command to the process tree
  • disks which don't support performance queries now will get an own read/write rates graph called "unsupported" in the disk plot using ETW data
  • added option to simulate UDP pseudo connections using ETW data.
  • added hard fault count and delta
  • added process uptime informations
  • added peak handles and threads columns
  • added computer menu (lock, shutdown, reboot, etc...)
  • added users menu (enum users, status, log off, etc...)
  • added some menu icons


  • ETW is now disabled by default, its really only needed for socket data rates
  • when minimized or hiden no more ui updates to save cpu
  • better number formating, long numbers are now split in groups of 3
  • now using SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION_EXTENSION for process disk rates when possible, this is much more reliable than ETW
  • reduced cpu usage when updating thread info (more data are now loaded only on demand)
  • reduced cpu usage of window enumeration by using NtUserBuildHwndList (on windows 10) instead of FindWindowEx and by caching more data
  • reduced cpu usage by using SystemFullProcessInformation to enum processes when possible (elevation required), instead of using additional calls to get the same data
  • reorganized task menus for better usability


  • fixed issue when attaching a debugger
  • fixed resize issue when collapsing the side panel
  • fixed crash issue with text copy in service and driver views
  • fixed issue in socket listing

[0.7] - 2019-08-09


  • added a custom drivers as some AV software does not like kprocesshacker.sys, just unpack one of the following and it will be used instead -- self-signed xprocesshacker.sys driver in -- signed with a leaked cert in PW: leaked
  • added GDI objects tab
  • added CPU Info tab
  • added Memory/RAM Info tab including page file info
  • added Disk/IO Info tab
  • added Network Info tab also containing RAS infos
  • added GPU Info tab
  • added open path option to process tree
  • added free memory commands to tools menu
  • added crash dump creation


  • improved disk usag graph to show percentage of disk utilization instead of just data rate
  • double click on thray now toggles show/hife of the window
  • moved "Show Kernel Services" from view menu to services sub menu
  • reworked system info tab


  • fixed column issue in process picker and job tab
  • fixed total/kernel/user cpu columns showing the wrong values
  • fixed potential rais condition when initialising LibPH
  • fixed issue with settings dialog
  • fixed race condition when deleting theAPI
  • fixed crash issue on 32 bit platforms
  • fixed issue causing the elevation status not being resolved

[0.6] - 2019-07-31


  • .NET stack tracking support
  • .NET Tab with assemblies and performance infos
  • panel search can now instead of only filtering also just highlight the results
  • when encountering an access denided we now try to start an elevated worker and retry
  • added option to edit service dependencies
  • forked QTabBar and QTabWidget to provide a windows like multiRow operation mode


  • taskexplorer can now be started as elevated worker or 32 bit worker not just as a service
  • improved stack trace display handling
  • improved service info window


  • memory view being unnececerly refreshed
  • fixed dpi scling issue

[0.5] - 2019-07-22


  • added search filter to all panels by pressinf Ctrl+F
  • find open file/handles/dll's
  • find strings in program memory
  • extended QHexEditor with the ability to search for unicode (UTF-16) strings
  • added context menu to qhexeditor
  • terminate tasks and close handles/sockets/windows using the del key
  • added status bar infos
  • add system info window in case one closed the system info panel
  • disable system info tab settings when panel is collapsed


  • reworked tree graph's for better performance


  • fixed an issue where reused handles woule be colored as to be removed permanently
  • fixed column order getting messed up in process tree when adding/removing columns
  • QHexEditor does not longer allow to replace a string with a different length string when its not in insert mode
  • fixed crash bug in CWinToken::InitStaticData
  • fixed a many of small bugs preventing compilation of the UI on Linux

[0.4] - 2019-07-15


  • gpu usage statistics
  • option to reset graph
  • pause refresh + refresh now
  • add option to fully refresh all services
  • added option to inject a dll into any running process
  • use profile directory to save settings
  • option to customize graph bars from the graph bar context menu
  • graph now have tool tips with detailed informations
  • settings dialog with options and the ability to customize list colors


  • made most dialogs resizable
  • select reasonable default columns


  • a 32 bit version can not longer be started on a 64-bit system as it would not work correctly, however it tries to start a 64 bit version if avilable.
  • fixed process service tab not working

[0.3] - 2019-07-09


  • tokens tab with advanced infos
  • improved handle window -- show job info window -- show token info window -- show task info window -- open file lokation -- open registry key -- read/write section memory -- type filter now enumerates all types
  • added size info to section type handle


  • rewoked sid to username resolution now using a worker thread to improve performance
  • CWinProcess does nto longer handle sid_user/token informations all is doem by CWinToken instead


  • fixed issue with the first graph text not being displayed
  • fixed an issue causing the client to wait for 10 sec on shutdown

[0.2] - 2019-07-05


  • memory tab, with options to dump the memory, free it or change access permissions
  • advanced memory editor window -- forked qhexedit2 to ad missing functionality, edit, lock mode, etc... -- added a QHexEditor class to qhexedit implementing a generic hex editor dialog with options and search capability


  • I/O stats does not longer show ETW values when the is not monitoring ETW events


  • fixed Uptime column not being refreshed

[0.1] - 2019-06-30


  • service property window, including all pages form the extended services plugin
  • cpu and memory usage in tray icon
  • option to start elevanted without an UAC prompt
  • auto run using windows registry
  • build x86 binaries
  • add option to create a process dump
  • afility to run a program with the Token of an other program (run as this user)
  • services tab showing services hosted by the selcted process
  • add go to service key
  • type filter to handles
  • added missing handle actions
  • add window properties details area


  • paged memory usage is now extracted form pagefile informtions
  • monitoring of ETW events can be disabled and re enabled in tool menu
  • handle property detail are no a tree widget


  • crash when querying samba datarate and getting null
  • run as feature forks now
  • fixed issue with CoInitialize

[0.0.9] - 2019-06-24


  • general system tab
  • process and system stats
  • job tab
  • add process pid picker dialog
  • add ras/vpn graph
  • process and threads are listed for 5 sec after termination
  • grid to all lists
  • service column to process tree
  • list colloring
  • context menu to services view
  • tools menu
  • scm permissions
  • processor affinity dialog
  • organized columns menu for the process tree in sub menus
  • added option to restart elevated
  • added graphs to process tree, CPU, Memory, IO/DiskIO, Network
  • linux style cpu usage i.e. 1 core = 100% so > 1 core -> > 100%
  • create service dialog
  • taskexplorer can now be started as service and listen for commands
  • option to start programs as TrustedInstaller without using a service
  • run as dialog


  • graphs can now be resized with a splitter
  • improved process tree sorting behavioure to be more like in process hacker
  • samba stats now using NetStatisticsGet instead of speculating on ETW events
  • improved global network traffic logging now using GetIfTable2 instead of ETW events
  • improved MMapIO display now it works as expected and disk IO got its own graph
  • all files list now works for non enevated users
  • driver tab now uses NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation to enumerate drivers


  • memory leak when running without unelevated and vieving all files list

[0.0.8] - 2019-06-17


  • window graph
  • window column in process tree
  • adde dtreee to window tab
  • environment vartiable view
  • context menu to environment vartiable
  • all thread model columns
  • all process model columns
  • context menu to sockets view
  • context menu to handles view
  • context menu to modules view
  • CAbstractTask Class to abstract threads and processes
  • linked split tree selection
  • context menu to threads view
  • context menu to process tree
  • double click on a process opens the Info panel in a new window
  • context menu to windows view
  • permissions dialog to threads processes and handles
  • saving window position spliter positions column selection and more
  • added sys tray icon
  • general task tab



  • failed to remove old modules
  • fixed windows tree not opening

[0.0.7] - 2019-06-10


  • network stats
  • disk stats
  • CPU Usage graph
  • Memory Usage graph
  • FileIO and DIskIO graph
  • Network graph
  • Samba graph
  • GUI/USER Object graph
  • Handles graph


  • reworked the process tree handling for better performance
  • added abstract tree model
  • added abstract list model


  • endpoint swap of incomming udp packets
  • fixed memory leak during all files enumeration

[0.0.6] - 2019-06-08


  • module view

[0.0.5] - 2019-06-04


  • service list
  • driver list

[0.0.4] - 2019-06-02


  • Thread list / Stack trace
  • added All Files view

[0.0.3] - 2019-06-01


  • File / Handle list
  • Disk/Network stat event listener

[0.0.2] - 2019-05-31


  • Global and per process Listing of open sockets/connections


  • Improved Process Tree performance

[0.0.1] - 2019-05-30


  • ProcessHacker Library integration