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Distributed Transactions Usage

You can investigate test project, because it contains sample examples of this API usage

###How to setup this library in your service:

  1. add migrations for distributed_transaction table and distributed_transaction_operation table.
  2. add library API in Startup.cs using ServiceCollectionExtensions

How to rollback previously failed transactions:

If you need to create a worker-class, that will process failed before transactions, you can use special class SagaRollbackWorker. It retrieves all transactions with NeedsToRollback status, goes in a loop of that transactions and executes RollbackAsync() method of every transaction. You can call SagaRollbackWorker.RollbackHistoryTransactions() method to implement such a logic.

###How to create user-defined operations and executing transaction: Let's assume we have 2 services - manufacturer_service and auto_service. And we need to create A1, A3 and A5 models of Audi manufacturer. We can image auto model has a foreign key connection to manufacturer model.

  1. It is recommended to do it in such a way - firstly, define a separate class that holds all of the API for transaction
public class MyTransactionExecutor
    private readonly SagaExecutor _sagaExecutor;
    private readonly ITransactionContext _transactionContext;

    public MyTransactionExecutor(SagaExecutorBuilder sagaExecutorBuilder)
        _sagaExecutor = sagaExecutorBuilder.ValidateAndBuild();
        _transactionContext = _sagaExecutor.TransactionContext;

    // and other stuff could be defined here
    // so you won't confuse other classes with exposing API
  1. Then let's create an operation CreateManufacturer - it will be the first operation executed in a transaction (view the comments for explanations):
// attribute of an operation - it is required.
// first parameter is a transaction_type, the second one is operation_type.
[DistributedTransactionOperation(nameof(TransactionType.CreateManufacturerWithAuto), nameof(OperationType.CreateManufacturer))]
// T generic parameter of base class is a type of `RollbackData` property, stored in a parent type.
private class CreateManufacturer : SagaOperationBase<long>
    // a model we want to create
    public Manufacturer Manufacturer { get; init; }

    private readonly ITransactionContext _transactionContext;

    // some infrastructure instance we need for performing an operation.
    // it can be an httpClient, if a transaction is performed across several microservices
    private readonly MockDatabase _mockDatabase;

    // it is required to leave a single constructor of type with a single parameter of `ITransactionContext`
    public CreateManufacturer(ITransactionContext transactionContext) : base(transactionContext)
        _transactionContext = transactionContext;
        _mockDatabase = transactionContext.GetRequiredService<MockDatabase>();

    // implement `CommitAsync` in a style
    // i.e. save a manufacturer, then save rollback_data to a property of a base class
    public override Task CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

        // saving as rollback data
        RollbackData = Manufacturer.Id;

        // if u need created Manufacturer id in the next operation.commit method of a transaction
        // then u can save it in a transaction context in such a manner:
        _transactionContext.SaveInterTransactionalData("manufacturerId", Manufacturer.Id);

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    // implement `RollbackAsync` in a style
    // use `RollbackData` saved before and remove created model
    public override Task RollbackAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        _mockDatabase.Manufacturers.Remove(x => x.Id == RollbackData);
        return Task.CompletedTask;
  1. We can now use that type in our workflow
var createManufacturer = new CreateManufacturer(_transactionContext)
    Manufacturer = manufacturer
  1. Create another type - CreateAuto. Example can be found in test project. Also don't forget we can access saved data from previous operation in a transaction using TransactionContext type. In example:
var sellerCodeIdMap = _transactionContext.GetInterTransactionalData<IReadOnlyDictionary<string, long>>("sellerCodeIdMap");
  1. Create an instance of that type also
var createAuto = new CreateAuto(_transactionContext)
    Auto = auto
  1. Create an instance of SagaExecutor using builder (Builder can be resolved using DI):
sagaExecutor = sagaExecutorBuilder.ValidateAndBuild();
  1. Register operations, created before

Make sure to register them in the same order you want them to be committed!

  1. Call execution of transaction
await sagaExecutor.ExecuteTransactionAsync(CancellationToken.None);
  1. Your can use sagaExecutor.TransactionId property to get an id of transaction. sagaExecutor.Status can be used for figuring out in which status saga has finished. sagaExecutor.LastOccuredException can tell you about last exception that has occured and was caught during execution. You can easily throw it back to controller so that user knows the real exception type.
var transactionId = sagaExecutor.TransactionId;
var transactionStatus = sagaExecutor.Status;
var exception = sagaExecutor.LastOccuredException;

Principles to follow

  • For any operation leave base constructor as it is. Don't add any of the parameters - otherwise your operation could not be constructed programmatically using reflection and rollback would not be possible.
  • If you need to access saved in memory inter-transaction data, please, don't do it in constructor. Do it as late as possible - you will ever need it only for CommitAsync method. So do it there:
public override Task CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // getting data
    var data = _transactionContext.GetInterTransactionalData<PersonData>("personData");

    // your code goes here
    return Task.CompletedTask;