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Linux-10 : sed & awk command and crontab

Purpose of the this hands-on training is to teach the students how to use sed & awk command and crontab.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the this hands-on training, students will be able to;

  • use sed & awk command and crontab.


  • Part 1 - sed command

  • Part 2 - awk command

  • Part 3 - crontab

Part 1 - sed command

  • Sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform a lot of function on a file like searching, find and replace, insertion or deletion.

  • Create a folder and name it sed-awk-command.

mkdir sed-awk-command && cd sed-awk-command
  • Create a file named sed.txt.
Linux is an OS. Linux is life. Linux is a concept.
I like linux. You like linux. Everyone likes linux.
Linux is free. Linux is good. Linux is hope.

Replacing or substituting string

The following sed command replaces the word “linux” with “ubuntu” in the file.

sed 's/linux/unutu/' sed.txt
  • s specifies the substitution operation.
  • The / are delimiters.
  • The linux is the search pattern and the ubuntu is the replacement string.


Linux is an OS. Linux is life. Linux is a concept.
I like unutu. You like linux. Everyone likes linux.
Linux is free. Linux is good. Linux is hope.

Pay attention that, by default, the sed command replaces the first occurrence of the pattern in each line.

Replacing the any occurrence of a pattern in a line

Use the /1, /2 etc flags to replace the first, second occurrence of a pattern in a line. The following command replaces the third occurrence of the word “linux” with “ubuntu” in a line.

sed 's/linux/ubuntu/3' sed.txt


Linux is an OS. Linux is life. Linux is a concept.
I like linux. You like linux. Everyone likes ubuntu.
Linux is free. Linux is good. Linux is hope.

Replacing a string by ignoring case distinctions.

By, default sed command do not ignore case distinctions. For this i pattern can be used.

sed 's/linux/ubuntu/i' sed.txt


ubuntu is an OS. Linux is life. Linux is a concept.
I like ubuntu. You like linux. Everyone likes linux.
ubuntu is free. Linux is good. Linux is hope.

Replacing all the occurrence of the pattern in a line

g flag (global replacement) defines the sed command to replace all the occurrences of the string in the line.

sed 's/linux/ubuntu/g' sed.txt


Linux is an OS. Linux is life. Linux is a concept.
I like ubuntu. You like ubuntu. Everyone likes ubuntu.
Linux is free. Linux is good. Linux is hope.
  • We can do the same by ignoring case distinctions. Use the combination of /i and /g.
sed 's/linux/ubuntu/ig' sed.txt


ubuntu is an OS. ubuntu is life. ubuntu is a concept.
I like ubuntu. You like ubuntu. Everyone likes ubuntu.
ubuntu is free. ubuntu is good. ubuntu is hope.

Replacing from any occurrence to all occurrences in a line

We can replace all the patterns from the any occurrence of a pattern in a line by using the combination of /1, /2 etc and /g. The sed command below replaces the second, third, and so on “linux” word with “ubuntu” word in a line.

sed 's/linux/ubuntu/2ig' sed.txt


Linux is an OS. ubuntu is life. ubuntu is a concept.
I like linux. You like ubuntu. Everyone likes ubuntu.
Linux is free. ubuntu is good. ubuntu is hope.

Replacing string on a specific line number

We can limit the sed command to replace the string on a specific line number. The following command only replaces the second line.

sed '2 s/linux/ubuntu/ig' sed.txt


Linux is an OS. Linux is life. Linux is a concept.
I like ubuntu. You like ubuntu. Everyone likes ubuntu.
Linux is free. Linux is good. Linux is hope.

Part 2 - awk command

  • Awk is a text pattern scanning and processing language, created by Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan (hence the name). It searches one or more files to see if they contain lines that matches with the specified patterns and then performs the associated actions.

  • While the sed program works well with character-based processing, the awk program works well with delimited field processing.

  • Create a file named awk.txt.

This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
This is line 4
This is line 5

Syntax of awk command

awk options 'selection _criteria {action }' file

  • By default Awk prints every line of data from the specified file.
awk '{print}' awk.txt


This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
This is line 4
This is line 5

Print the lines which matches with the given pattern

awk '/This/ {print}' awk.txt


This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
This is line 4
This is line 5

Splitting a Line Into Fields

By default, the awk command splits the record delimited by a whitespace character. Awk assigns some variables for each data field as below:

$0 for the whole line. $1 for the first field. $2 for the second field. $n for the nth field.

awk '{print $2}' awk.txt



We can display more field. The example below only display two field.

awk '{print $2,$4}' awk.txt


is 1
is 2
is 3
is 4
is 5
  • We can change delimiter by using –F option. First, update the awk.txt as below.
This is part 1 of line 1 : This is part 2 of line 1
This is part 1 of line 2 : This is part 2 of line 2
This is part 1 of line 3 : This is part 2 of line 3
This is part 1 of line 4 : This is part 2 of line 4
This is part 1 of line 5 : This is part 2 of line 5
  • Let's separate the fields by :.
awk -F: '{print $2}' awk.txt


 This is part 2 of line 1
 This is part 2 of line 2
 This is part 2 of line 3
 This is part 2 of line 4
 This is part 2 of line 5
  • We can use awk command as filter.
ls -l | awk '{print $9}'


  • We can find any string in any specific column.
awk '{ if($7 == "3") print $0;}' awk.txt


This is part 1 of line 3 : This is part 2 of line 3

Part 3 - crontab

  • Crontab, stands for cron table, which is a list of commands scheduled to run at regular time intervals on the system.

  • If we need to schedule any task on Linux, we should basically edit the crontab file. We can do that using the below command.

crontab -e              # edit the crontab file
crontab -l              # list current cron tasks
crontab -u username -e  # edit other users's crontab file
  • Editing the crontab file is not complex, but we should first learn how to set a date and time using 5 * on that file. There are six fields that we use on every cron task line. Those are explained in detail in the below picture.

crontab format

  • Let’s see few examples;
* * * * * <shell command>   # execute cron job every minute
0 1 * * * <shell command>   # execute cron job every day at 1 a.m.
* * 1 * * <shell command>   # execute every minute in January
* * * * 6 <shell command>   # execute every minute on every saturday
0 1/15 * jan,jun mon,fri <command> # execute at every 1 a.m. and 3
                                     p.m. every monday and friday on
                                     january and june
  • We can also use some regular expressions to define the date part.
* = Any/All values           # e.g. *
- = Range of values          # e.g. 1-5 
, = Multiple/List of values  # e.g. 1,2,3
/ = Step values              # e.g. 1/3
  • Finally let’s create some crontab tasks. Create a cron task writes the system date information every day at 1 p.m. to the date.log file.
crontab -e
0 13 * * * echo date >> /home/ec2-user/date.log
  • Create a cron task updates and upgrades our server every Sunday at 3 a.m.
0 3 * * sun sudo yum update -y
  • List the cron tasks.
crontab -l