This is just a store for a couple of input-output differential equation models I can test stuff on.
- Make an input function
t -> input(t)
- In julia, call
od, ic, tspan, ps = ModelName(input)
So eg
od, ic, tspan, ps = NFKBModel(sin)
od, ic, tspan, ps = CircadianOscillator(t -> 0.)
Now you can use the DifferentialEquations.jl ecosystem to solve the equation. e.g.
using OrdinaryDiffEq
prob = ODEProblem(od,ic,tspan,ps)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
Of course, you can alter the parameter values and initial conditions, accessed as
vals = last.(ps)
vals[1] += 1
ps = first.(ps) .=> vals
(same for initial conditions)
Most of the models here are buit using ModelingToolkit.jl.